Top 4 Apps Similar to Novel Moby Dick

Libro para dispositivos Android -LibroCompleto - Aplicación independiente - No requiere lector niappadicional - Efecto pasar página - Tamaño de Fuente configurable.El marinero Ismael se halla en el puerto de NewBedford,Massachussets, buscando un empleo en un barcoballenero.Se detiene en la posada del “surtidor” y conoce a unnegroarponero de las islas del mar del sur llamado Queequeg, aquientoma por compañero y sirviente.Ambos se juran amistad y se preparan para ir a al isladeNantucket, en busca de empleo, en un barco que esta a puntodezarpar. En el puerto se halla el “Pequod”, contratandotripulantespara un viaje dedicado a la caza de ballenas.Su capitán se llama Ahab. Cuando Ismael lo ve, siente queestaposeído. Ahab a recorrido los mares, durante muchos años,cazandoballenas. En una ocasión, en el pacifico había encontradounaballena blanca, monstruosa, que destrozó su barco y le arrancounapierna, la mastico y la devoro; dejándolo mutilado, con unapiernade palo, lleno de odio, para vengarse de la ballena, a quienllaman“Moy Dick”. Así comienza el viaje.A través de momentos de bonanza, tormentas y huracanes,el“Pequod” navega por el atlántico, rodea América del sur y elcabode hornos, y se adentra en el pacifico. Pasan junto abarcosnáufragos, a barcos balleneros rivales y a otrasembarcaciones queles traen noticias de Moby Dick.Book for Android devices-Complete Book - Standalone application - Requires noadditionalreader or app - Effect move on - Configurable Font Size.Ismael is the sailor in the port of New Bedford,Massachusetts,looking for a job on a whaling ship.It stops at the inn "supplier" and meets a black harpoontheSouth Sea islands named Queequeg, who takes companionandservant.Both swear friendship and prepare to go to the islandofNantucket, looking for employment in a ship about to sail. Intheharbor is the "Pequod", hiring crew for a trip dedicatedtowhaling.Its captain is called Ahab. When Ishmael sees it, he feels itispossessed. Ahab to travel the seas, over many years, towhale.Once, in the Pacific he had found a white, monstrous whalethatdestroyed his boat and tore a leg, chew and devour; leavinghimcrippled with a wooden leg, full of hatred, revenge of thewhale,who is called "Moy Dick". So the journey begins.Through good times, storms and hurricanes, the "Pequod"sailingthe Atlantic, South America and around Cape Horn, and entersthePacific. Shipwrecked boats pass by, rival whaling ships andothervessels that bring news of Moby Dick.
Moby Dick audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Moby Dick audiobook is a novel byHermanMelville. The story tells the adventures of wanderingsailorIshmael, and his voyage on the whaleship Pequod, commandedbyCaptain Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab has one purpose onthisvoyage: to seek out Moby Dick, a ferocious, enigmatic whitespermwhale. In a previous encounter, the whale destroyed Ahab’sboat andbit off his leg, which now drives Ahab to take revenge.This app is a basically a convenient bookmark that opensyourbrowser and allows you to listen to Moby Dick audiobookwithouthaving to download the file to your device. Includes abilitytocontrol volume, pause, rewind and forward.
Moby-Dick 8.0
Virtual Entertainment
This novel describes the oyage of the whaling ship to destroythewhite whale
Moby Dick 1.1
Classic eBooks
Moby Dick is a novel by HermanMelvilleconsidered an outstanding work of Romanticism and theAmericanRenaissance. Ishmael narrates the monomaniacal quest ofAhab,captain of the whaler Pequod, for revenge on Moby Dick, awhitewhale which on a previous voyage destroyed Ahab's ship andseveredhis leg at the knee. Although the novel was a commercialfailureand out of print at the time of the author's death in 1891,itsreputation as a Great American Novel grew during the 20thcentury.William Faulkner confessed he wished he had written ithimself, andD. H. Lawrence called it "one of the strangest and mostwonderfulbooks in the world", and "the greatest book of the seaeverwritten". "Call me Ishmael" is one of world literature'smostfamous opening sentences.This work is in the public domain, and therefore has beenidentifiedas being free of known restrictions under copyright law,includingall related and neighboring rights.