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濟公活佛正傳 1.0
(原安裝舊版本的大德,歡迎移除並改裝此具記憶功能之版本)閱讀說明1、本程式並無任何廣告,讓您可以靜心閱讀,祝您法喜充滿。2、更多資訊與版本,歡迎至「智慧寶庫」 網站善書區下載。(PDF繁簡、EPUB繁簡、APK等)3、【本書乃網友分享重編製作如有侵犯,敬請來信告知改善,感謝慈悲造福人群】4、「紅紫邊框」程式具記憶位置功能,「紅綠邊框」者具朗讀、彩字或重點整理或影音連網功能。(本書所造功德迴向原作及十方大德,功德無量)第一回 靜中動羅漢投胎 來處去高僧辭世詩曰:愛網無關愛不纏,金田有種種金丹,   禪心要在塵中淨,功行終須世上全。   煩惱脫於煩惱際,死生超出死生中,   不能火裏生枝葉,安得花開火裏蓮。  這八句詩,是說那釋教門中的羅漢,雖然上登極樂,無滅無生,但不在人世翻筋斗,弄把戲,則佛法何以闡明?神通難以顯示,那能點醒這塵世一般的愚庸?如今且說一位羅漢,因一念慈悲,在那西湖上留下五十年聖跡,後來萬代瞻仰,莫不稱奇道異,你道是誰?  話說大宋高宗南遷建都在浙江臨安府(即今杭州),這浙中有一座天臺山最為靈秀,乃是個活佛住的處所。這高宗建都在旁,遂改為台州府。這府中有座國清寺,寺中的長老法名一本,道號性空,僧臘已是六十八歲,也是累劫中修來的一尊羅漢,他往往默示禪機,絕不輕易露出本相。這年,正值殘冬,北風凜洌,彤雲密布,雨雪飛揚。晚齋後,長老在方丈室中禪椅上,端然獨坐。眾弟子群侍兩旁,佛前香煙靄靄,玻璃燈影幢幢。師弟們相對多時,有一弟子會悟於心,跪在長老面前道:「弟子蒙師慈悲點示靜理,今弟子細細參悟,已知靜中滋味,有如此之美矣。」長老微笑道:「你雖會得靜中滋味,固妙。然有靜必有動,亦不可因靜中有滋味,而遂謂動中全無滋味也。」弟子驚訝道:「蒙師慈悲點示靜理,今復云動,豈動中又別有滋味耶?」長老道:「動中若無滋味,則處靜者不思動矣。」正說著,只聽得豁喇喇一聲響亮,猶如霹靂,眾弟子盡吃一驚。長老道:「你等不必吃驚,此正所謂靜中之動也。可細細看來,聲從何起?」眾弟子領了法旨,遂一同移燈出了方丈室,行至法堂轉上大殿,並無聲影,再走入羅漢堂去,只見一尊紫磨金色的羅漢,連一張彩畫的木椅,都跌倒在地,眾僧才明白,原來聲出於此,遂回方丈室報知長老。長老也不做聲,閉目垂眉竟入殿去了。去不多時,忽回來說道:「適來一聲震動,跌倒在地上者,乃紫腳羅漢靜極而動,已投胎人世矣!幸去不遠,異日爾等自有知者。待彌月時,老僧當親往一看,並與之訣別也。」眾僧聽了,俱各驚異不提。正是:已知來定來,早辨去時去;來去兩分明,方是菩提路。(Original installanolderversion of Dade, welcome removed and modified with amemoryfunctionof this version)Read the instructions1, the program does not have any advertising, so you canpausetoread, I wish you joy filled law.2, for more information and version, welcome to the"treasuretroveof wisdom" site area of​​good bookstodownload.(PDF of complexity, EPUB Traditional and Simplified, APK,etc)3, [the book is re-compiled for users to share, ifviolated,pleasewrite and tell improve, thanks compassionZaofurenqun]4, "purple border" program with a memory location feature,"redandgreen borders" shall have read, color or focus onfinishingtheword or audio networking capabilities.(The book had made merit back to the original and tenFangDade,boundless beneficence)Static in the first round to move Lohan reborn go monkdiedatPoem reads: Love is not love wrapped unrelated network,therearevarious saver Kaneda,Zen to the net in the dust, the power lines will havetobeworld-wide.Trouble in trouble off the occasion, and death beyond lifeanddeath,theCan not fire a foliage Andhra fire lotus flowers.This eight poems, saying that Buddhism door Lohan,thoughtheheavens, no off non-students, but not dead somersaults,getthetrick, then why Dharma clarify? Mitac difficult to show,thatcanawoke this earthly general stupidity Yong? Today, MillersaysaLohan, because an idea of ​​compassion, leaving fiveyearsshrineson the West, and later generations to pay tribute,everyoneamazingway different, who you said that?Saying big SongGaoZong south capital of Zhejiang Lin'anHouse(nowHangzhou), which has a Zhejiang Tiantai most scenery, butaBuddhalived in the premises. This Emperor capital in the next,thenthestate capital to Taiwan. This is a seat KokuseijiFuchu,templeelders Farmington one, Road of empty, Monk December is68,alsoLeijie in to repair a Rohan, he often implied Zen,noteasilyreveal this phase. This year, a time when tillwinter,coldnortherly Lie, Clouds clouds, rain and snow flying. LateLent,thePresbyterian Zen abbot chair in the room, then sitting intheend.Disciples group paternity both sides, before the BuddhaAiAicigarettes, glass, lights flickering. Shi Dimenrelativelylongtime, there will be a disciple of Wu in the heart,kneelingbeforethe elders: "The disciples kept quiet divisionshowcompassionpoint management, careful study and understanding ofthisdisciple,known static in taste, there's such a beauty ofmen."Elders smilesaid: "Although you'll have to quiet thetaste,wonderful thoughthere is quiet there must be a solid move,nor dueto static inenjoyably, and then move in that no tastealso.."disciplesexclaimed: "Mongolian division point showcompassion JingLi, thiscomplex clouds move, did not move, he alsoenjoyably yeah,"Eldersaid:?" action in the absence of taste, thenat the quiet menwhodo not think of moving, "As we speak, only tohear excludedLalasoon. loud, like a thunderbolt, make disciplessurprise.Eldersaid: "You do not have to surprise such as this aretheso-calledstatic in the move also seems thin, the soundcomefrom.?"Disciples picking up Fazhi, then move along the lamp outoftheabbot room, turn on the line to Hodo hall and a silentshadow,andthen go into the Ocean Hall, I saw a golden Lohan wearpurple,andeven a painting of wooden chairs, all fell to theground,monkscame to understand, the original sound out of this,then backtothe abbot room reported to the elders. Elders alsosilent,eyesclosed Chuimei actually Rudian go. When to go much,suddenlycameback and said:!. "Appropriate to cry vibration, whofell totheground, is a very moving purple feet 罗汉静 been fortunateto bebornalive to carry on far different day Haier own knower beWhenMimonths, the monk when personally look, and with afarewellalso."monks listened, went every amazing not to mention.Itis:Known to set to, when early resolution to go;Come two distinct parties is Bodhi road.
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本書已升級至最新繁、簡體圖書版本,敬請改至下列網址免費下載~~繁體版簡體版摘錄部份資訊,更多的資訊與版本(如簡體),歡迎至「智慧寶庫」www. 網站下載~~師尊慈語濟公活佛 勸世文*****修道修心篇(一)修道人辛苦一點也要認命,做的多,了愿的多。所以修道、辦道的人都要無怨無悔。修道要把握時機,現在不修,過了就沒了。該做的時候,要又快又準,把它抓起來,這就是道,因為這個時候,你心無旁騖。自己的發心跟體悟,才是最重要的。想要有智慧,就必須去經歷、去改善。好比一件事來了,怎麼樣去處理才會圓滿,才會順暢,這都是在運用智慧。學道也是一樣,學了道,就要知行合一,才會發揮最大的力量。希望徒兒們都是見道成道,今天有覺得不圓滿的地方,盡心去做,從小圓滿成就大圓滿,從小地方做起,從推功攬過中去圓滿,而不是只看一個小地方就去批評毀謗,這只會把事情越弄越亂。老天降道不是教你們畫符念咒,也不是教你們一些奇奇怪怪的事情,而是直接了當就跟你們說每個人都是佛祖。自性就是本身,肉眼看不到,但是徒兒們不妨仔細考核歷代古聖先賢及五大教主,哪一個不是從日常生活當中修成的呢?所以不要架空自己,知道嗎?什麼叫做不要架空自己?修道要任勞任怨,不要跟別人多做比較,自己能做就做,老天不會虧待你的,等到水到渠成,自然就會有人肯定你。什麼都沒做,空說了一大堆,把自己架空了,沒有腳踏實地,沒有真實的付出,就沒有辦法得到肯定。情緒是會變動的,如何能讓初發心能夠常保不變呢?如果要使我們的信念常住,就必須透過不斷的實踐,不斷的去做、去實行,在不斷的實行中,或許會遇到挫折,會遇到失敗,也或許會得到成就感。但是如果你一旦跌倒了,沒有一蹶不振的話,你的信念將會因此而更加堅定,這就是「常住無間」,知道嗎?所以為什麼聖賢要說知行合一?只知不做終歸虛談,而只做不想則太過魯莽。當你有一個信念、有一個善念,要如何去達到它呢?那不是三天兩頭的事,必須透過不斷的實行,終其一生,直到蓋棺論定,方能夠論成就。人間、地獄都不是你們的歸屬,我們是有使命而來的,不要妄自菲薄。替老天擔當,代天宣化是我們的本份,為什麼?天生地養的嘛!天地恩、父母恩最大。修道就是要改正不好的念頭,回復本來就有的良知良能、本來就知道的道德觀。本來就知道孝順父母、友愛兄弟姊妹,本來就知道要報恩了愿。孝順父母要在平常無所求的時候去做,那才是真孝順。人的本份就是要對自己負責,你做的每一件事情都會攸觀眾生、攸關自己以及週遭的人。今天你進入了佛門,學習的是道,道在哪裡?道在日常生活當中,那麼自己就要以身示道,自己去實行,那才有價值。了解自己,就應該誠於中,行於外,別人看你是一尊佛,那現在這個世界就是天堂了。也因為你的心境,環境才會營造未來的天堂,不用去西方找佛陀,也不用去西方找琉璃光世界。既然做一個人就要好好地把本份做好,不要好高騖遠去強求成佛,到處去跟人家學參禪、打坐、通靈,這些都是不需要的。在心裡用最合乎自然修行的方式就可以成佛了,因為那是慈悲心的顯現。學佛要用最自然、最誠敬的心,所以用最簡單的方式辦最不平凡的事情,即是白陽的殊勝。修得好也要講的好,口、心、行要合一,這樣才像修道人。修道最重要是要明理。遇到每一個瓶頸,都是成長的時候。不要每天都只看到表面的自己而已,修道要深入,做人也要深入,做人不能只做表面,這樣別人也會以表面來對你們。修道可別只重視好看、好吃、舒服,要吃得苦中苦,方為人上人。行道在於公心一片,在安於自己的本份。行此道要無怨無悔、有始有終,休息後再出發,要保證自己真正下功夫,讓世界多一份安詳和。希望在這麼緊急,這麼動亂的時勢中,徒兒們能個個定下心來,真正的靜下來,誠下來,誠於自己,誠於人,誠於物,誠於你自己的本份,面對自己的心,誠於中,然後行於外。做什麼事情都一樣,不要一直等明天,要把握今天、把握現在、把握當下、這才是真的,才是永恆。把它當作自己該做的,就不會做的心不甘情不願。就像吃飯吃得那麼高興,把修道當吃飯,當作在享受一頓美食,那便巴不得天天享受到。所以一念之差,天淵之別啊!在最恰當的時候做最恰當的事,就是修道。因為我們不可能沒事找事做,總是遇事、見事、辦事。人間的事情辦好、就是天上事情辦好。修道沒有止境的時候,休息是內心的休息,不是腳步的休息、腳步的淡然,腳步要積極,可是心境要淡泊。辦事需要眾志成城,可是,不要為自己來爭功奪名,辦事的時候要無所為而為,上天自然給你力量無窮,有所為而為就總是力不從心。所以要傳燈,傳這個慧命,傳這個千年的燈塔,指引著眾生一直走下去。修道不是在佛堂修道,不是在人前辦道,而是在你獨處的時候,在你面對每一件事情的時候,那才是修道。天上果位人間定,但若是為果位而有所打算,就不是果位了。因為心有所動就不是道了。選擇適合自己的路。每個人皆有本身具足的能力,既是本身所有,就不用再去找,更不要掉進漩渦。因為本來就沒有漩渦,又何須跳出。好道的人就要厚道,厚道的人,就要常常去廚房學道,不要常常坐在裡面學舒服的道,而要去做那些打雜的道。修道是時時刻刻,是沒有中斷的。休息了,就浪費了光陰。The book has beenupgradedto the latest traditional and simplified versions ofbooks, pleasechange to the following URL for free download ~ ~Traditional Chinese E6% B4% BB% E4% BD% 9B% E5% B8% AB% E5% B0% 8A% E6% 85% 88%E8%AA% 9E? id = 8R93BAAAQBAJSimplified E6% B4% BB% E4% BD% 9B% E5% B8% 88% E5% B0% 8A% E6% 85% 88%E8%AF% AD? id = URt3BAAAQBAJExcerpt part information, more information and version(egSimplified), welcome to the "treasure trove of wisdom" website to download ~ ~Master Tzu languageLiving Buddha Ji Gong Shi Wen urged***** Monastic heart repair articles (a)Cultivator should accept their fate a little hard to do more,thewish of many. So monasticism, do people have no regretsRoad.Monasticism should seize the opportunity, and now do notrepair,after gone. The doing, to quickly and accurately, it caughtup,this is the way, because this time, you concentrate.His heart and with sort of understanding, is the mostimportant.Want wisdom, we must go through, to improve. One thingcame like,how to deal with only perfection, only smooth, this is inthe useof wisdom. School Road, too, learned the road, we must applywhatthey learn, will play the greatest strength.I hope to see Tao disciples who are enlightened, today thereareplaces that are not satisfactory, dedication to do it,thesuccessful achievement of the Great Perfection small, smallplaceto start, push the power Languo go from complete, and not justlookat a small place on the to criticize slander, the more thingswillonly get more chaotic.Road is not to teach you the old heaven draw charactersmantra,nor is it to teach you some weird things, but directly justlikeyou say when everyone is Buddha. Self is itself invisible,butdisciples who wish to ancient sages and careful assessment ofthefive leaders, which is not from the daily life and finished it?Sodo not overhead yourself, you know? What is not overheadyourself?Monasticism to hard working, do not compare with others,he can doit, God will not ill-treat you, wait until conditions areripe,they will naturally someone definitely for you. Did notdoanything, said a lot of space, his own overhead, no earth, norealpay, there is no way to be sure.Mood will change, and how to make the beginning of the heartandcan often guarantee constant it? If you want our beliefresident,we must, through constant practice, continue to do, toimplement,in the constant practice, and probably will be setbacks,willencounter failure, or maybe get a sense of accomplishment. Butifyou fall once, and not depressed, your faith will thus bemorefirm, which is "Usual Departed", you know? So why sages sayapplywhat they learn? After all, not only knew about the imaginary,andonly then did not want to be too reckless. When you have abeliefthat there is a good side, how to achieve it then? That isnotsomething every few days, we must continue to implementthrough,his life, until the coffin, on the side to success.Earth, hell is not your ownership, we have the mission comes,donot sell ourselves short. Play for God, on behalf of the daysofXuanhua is our part, and why? Born to keep it! World Well,filialmaximum.Monasticism is to correct a bad idea, reply alreadyhasLiangzhiliangneng, already know morality. Already knowfilialpiety, fraternity brothers and sisters already know to repaythewilling. To obey their parents usually want nothing to do whenitis really filial piety.People's duty is to be responsible for yourself, everythingyoudo will be born Yau audience, and death themselves and thepeoplearound them. Today you enter the Buddhist learning is way,waywhere? Road in daily life, then you are going to put theirroadshow themselves to implement, that have value.Know yourself, you should Cheng Yu, the line on theoutside,people see that you are a Buddha, now the world is heaven.Becauseof your mind, the environment will create a future paradise,do notgo to the West to find the Buddha, do not take the Westlookingglass light of the world. Now that would make a person theduty todo a good, not too ambitious to insist Buddha, talk topeopleeverywhere to learn Zen, meditation, psychic, these are notneeded.In the heart of the most desirable way of natural practicecanbecome a Buddha, because it is apparent compassion. Buddhistsusethe most natural, the most Sincerity of heart, so the easiestwayto do the most extraordinary thing, that is the white male'sMostExcellent.Xiude Hao also talk about the good, the mouth, the heart,theline to one, so that was like cultivator. Monasticismmostimportant thing is to be sensible.Every encounter bottlenecks are growing up. Do not only seethesurface of it every day myself, monasticism depth, a man shouldbein-depth, not only the surface of life, so that others will cometothe surface for you.Monasticism can not only pay attention to good-looking,good,comfortable to eat, adversity tries.One-way street that the public mind, the content with theirpart.OK this road to no regrets, beginnings and ends, rest andthenproceed to ensure that they really work hard to make the worldmoreof a serene and. I hope in such an emergency, so the timesofunrest, the disciples were able to all settled down, reallycalmdown, Cheng down, honest to myself, honest to others, honestyinthe matter, honesty on your own part to surface for hisheart,sincere in, and then OK on the outside.Doing everything the same, do not always wait for tomorrow,tograsp today, grasp now, seize the moment, this is true,iseternal.Treat it as their own to do, would not do reluctantly. Likesohappy to eat a meal, the convent when eating, as in theenjoymentof a meal, it would be anxious to enjoy every day. So theages, aworld of difference ah!At the most appropriate time to do the most appropriate thingismonasticism. Because we can not do nothing good, always failingtosee things work. World affairs well, heavenly things done.Monasticism never enough time, rest is the rest of the heart,notthe pace of the rest, the pace of the indifferent, the pacemust beactive, but the mood to be indifferent. Work needs tosurmount,however, do not fight for themselves the power to seizename, worktime to doing for nothing, God give you strengthinfinite nature,but as is always something to be inadequate. So toChuandeng, passthis wisdom is, pass this millennium beacon,guiding beings to keepgoing.Not in the temple monastic monasticism, not in the waybeforepeople do, but when you are alone in your face every thing,that ismonasticism.If a given bit of heaven on earth, but if it is intendedforfruit bits vary, it is not a bit of fruit. Because the hearthasnot enlightened move.Choose their own path. Everyone has their own endowed abilityofboth itself at all, will not have to look, not to fall intothewhirlpool. Because there never was a whirlpool, then whyjump.Good way people would kind, generous man, often going tothekitchen to learn in school do not always sit comfortably insidethechannel, and to do those odd jobs Road.Monasticism is always, there is no interruption. Rest,Timewasted.
續濟公傳 1.0
閱讀說明1、本程式並無任何廣告,讓您可以靜心閱讀,祝您法喜充滿。2、摘錄部份資訊,更多的資訊與版本(PDF繁簡、EPUB繁簡、APK等),歡迎至「智慧寶庫」http://peace2.twbbs.org網站善書區下載~~3、【本書乃網友分享重編製作如有侵犯,敬請來信告知改善,感謝慈悲造福人群】4、「紅紫邊框」程式具記憶位置功能,「紅綠邊框」程式為彩字或影音版本。(本書所造功德迴向原作及十方大德,功德無量)《續濟公傳》/坑餘生著續濟公傳 出版說明顛僧濟公的故事,肇源深遠,宋代已露端倪。明代即有演說濟公故事的小說行世。至清代,署稱“濟公全傳”的小說已非一種,濟公的故事流傳極廣。於是,濟公傳的續集也相繼出現,有多至一百二十卷、一千二百回的(見張穎、陳速《通俗小說書目補遺及其他》)。我社“古典通俗小說文庫”中已出版有《濟公全傳》一種,現在推出其續集(續至八集),以滿足喜愛濟公故事的讀者的願望。濟公的故事,雖為長篇巨制,實際上是由許多獨立的故事聯綴而成,用今天的話來說,是系列劇而非連續劇。因此,《續濟公傳》雖名為續集,情節卻完全可以獨立於《濟公全傳》之外而存在。而且故事內容與人物形象,與《全傳》比也有較大的變化。續集敘述了濟公率領弟子,勸導一批忠臣後裔和江湖義士,嚴懲賣國投降的奸臣和皇親國戚,平定“大狄國”的內患,以保南宋江山“國泰民安”的種種故事。在這些故事中,濟公的活動範圍從市井社會拓展到整個朝野江湖,其所作為也從撮合男女美滿姻緣、扶危濟困、除怪降妖擴展到關係國家安危的軍機大事,社會場景更為廣闊,情節也特別豐富、曲折,引人入勝。濟公的形象也從一個遊戲人間行俠仗義的“顛憎”,逐漸演化成一個忠肝義膽、神機妙算、佛法無邊的濟世活佛。作者實在是將舊時群眾心目中理想人物的美德、本領,集於濟公一身了。作為流傳於民間的通俗小說,《續濟公傳》的語言明白流暢,極近口語。濟公的滑稽詼諧,自不待說,其他人物的語言也都盡肖口吻,貼近生活,十分生動有趣。《續濟公傳》自續六開始,署名“坑餘生初稿”,續七序末署“坑餘生寫于申江心出家之龕中”。據此,作者似為一飽經磨難的出家人,但“出家”云云,或許不過是執筆文人的偽託。成書年代約在清光緒年間。此次整理出版,即以光緒三十四年上海普新書局石印本為底本。原書中個別文字錯訛之處,徑予改正。整理中有不當之處,敬希讀者指正。Readtheinstructions1, the program does not have any advertising, so you canpausetoread, I wish you joy filled law.2, extract some information, more information andversion(PDFsimplified, EPUB simplified, APK, etc.), welcome tothe"treasurehouse of wisdom" site goodbookDownload ~~3, [the book has been prepared for heavy users to share,ifviolated,please write and tell us improve, thanks toMercyZaofurenqun]4, "purple border" program with a memory location feature,"RedandGreen Border" program for the color word or audio version.(Back to the original book had made merit and 10FangDade,boundless)"Continued Monk Biography" / rest of the pitContinued Chi Kung Chuan ImprintBritain Monk Ji Gong story, Zhaoyuan reaching Songhorizon.ChiKung Ming Dynasty speech that is the story of the novelworldbank.To the Qing Dynasty, the Department said,"MonkBiography"non-fiction has been one kind, Chi Kung story spreadverywide. So,Chi Kung Chuan sequel have also appeared, as many asonehundredand twenty volumes, twelve hundred back (see ZhangYing,Chen speed"and other popular fiction titles Addendum"). Iclubs"classicalpopular fiction library" has been published in"MonkBiography,"that it is now launching its sequel (Continuedeightsets), to meetthe aspirations of Chi Kung favoritestoryreaders.    Monk's story, although the longgiantsystem,is actually composed of many separate storieslinkedtogetherdecorated with today's words, is the drama seriesratherthan drama.Thus, "continued Monk Biography" Although theyarecalled sequel, theplot was completely independent of"MonkBiography" exists. And thestory and characters, andthe"Biography" than there are majorchanges. The sequel describesMonkled his disciples, to persuade agroup of loyal and lakesrighteousdescendants, punish the traitorand traitorous surrenderroyal, thepacification of the "big Dicountry" suffering, toprotect theSouthern Song Dynasty landscape"peace and prosperity"in thestories. In these stories, Chi Kungrange of activities fromthemarketplace to expand to the entiregovernment and socialarena,they bring together men and women from ahappy marriage,lives ofthe poor, in addition to subdue the strangerelationshipbetweenthe national security is extended to militaryaffairs, thebroadersocial scene, plot also particularly rich intwists andturns,fascinating. Monk's image from a game worldchivalric"Britainhate", and gradually evolved into a loyalty andcourage,GodMachine Miaosuan, Buddha Dharma boundless save theworld. Ontheminds of the masses it is the ideal figure of theoldvirtues,skills, set in one of Chi Kung.    Spread in the community as apopularnovel,"continued Monk Biography" understand languagefluency, verycloseto spoken language. Chi Kung funny witty,self-needless tosay, thelanguage of the other characters also makeShaw tone, lifeis veryinteresting.    "Continued MonkBiography"self-sustainingsix starts signature "pit rest draft",continuedseven sequence enddepartment "pit rest of his life writteninShenjiang niche in theheart of a monk." Accordingly, theauthorseems to be suffering astricken monks, but the "monk" and soon,but perhaps penned WeiTuo literati. S book about the Qingdynasty.The editing andpublishing, that Guangxu 30 years on newbookstoresPu Shi printedas a libretto. Individual text Cuoeoriginal book oftheDepartment, to correct the path. Finishingimpropriety, thereaderis drawn to correct me.
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達摩祖師破相論 1.3
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Nghìn Lẻ Một Đêm 1.0
Luu Tien Dung
Nghìn lẽ một đêm, tác phẩm vĩ đại nhất củanềnvăn học Ả Rập từ cổ chí kim, là một trong những công trình sángtạođồ độ và tuyệt diệu của nền văn học thế giới.Đề tựa bản dịch tiếng Nga xuất bản năm 1929 ở Lêningrat,MacximGorki viết: "Trong số các di sản tuyệt diệu của sáng táctruyềnkhẩu dân gian, các câu chuyện cổ tích của nàng Sêhêrazat làdi sảnđồ sộ nhất. Những câu chuyện này thể hiện, ở mức hoàn hảodiệu kỳ,xu hướng của nguời dân lao động muốn buông mình theo "phépnhiệmmàu của những ảo giác êm đẹp", trong sự kết hợp phóng khoángcủanhững ngôn từ mang sức mạnh tưởng tượng huyền ảo của các dântộcphương Đông - Ả Rập, Ba Tư, Ấn Độ. Công trình thêu dệt gấm bằngtừngữ này đã xuất hiện từ rất xa xưa, nhưng đến nay những sợi tơmuônmàu của nó vẫn lan khắp bốn phương, phủ lên trái đất một tấmthảmngôn từ đẹp đẽ lạ lùng".Truyện mở đầu tất cả các truyện, giải thích lý do ra đời của tấtcảcác truyện, cái khâu đầu tiên của sợi dây chuyền vàng xuyên quamọitình tiết, liên kết chúng lại thành một chuỗi ngọc tuyệt tácmuônvẻ muôn màu rồi vòng trở lại để làm thành đoạn kết thúc, làtruyệncủa một người con gái tài sắc vẹn toàn, thông minh rất mực,đãkhông quản hiểm nguy dám hy sinh tấm thân ngà ngọc của mình đểcứucác bạn gái khỏi cảnh ô nhục và cái chết bi thương.
道德經(註釋/注音/朗讀) 1.0.9
流傳千年的道家經典,道法自然。1.全文注音:每一個漢字上都有注音,閱讀起來相當方便2.全文註釋:每一章都有詳細注解,展示道德經的精髓3.有聲朗讀:可以設定朗讀方式單章朗讀、單章迴圈、全文朗讀、全文迴圈4.全文檢索:可通過標題、內容搜索。《道德經》,又稱《道德真經》、《老子》、《五千言》、《老子五千文》,是中國古代先秦諸子分家前的一部著作,為其時諸子所共仰,傳說是春秋時期的老子(即李耳,河南鹿邑人)所撰寫,是道家哲學思想的重要來源。道德經分上下兩篇,原文上篇《德經》、下篇《道經》,不分章,後改為《道經》37章在前,第38章之後為《德經》,並分為81章。是中國歷史上首部完整的哲學著作。《道德經》作為一部文約,義豐,歷來被學人們稱為“哲理詩”,從深層次對社會、人生等問題深入思考,而且無論古代還是當代,不論中國還是國外,都是影響巨大的哲學著作。國學經典巨著,兒童早教的少兒教材,寶寶啟蒙的優質電子書Millenniumspread Taoist classics, Nature.1 full text phonetic: each character has a phonetic, it isquiteeasy to read(2) the full text Note: Each chapter has detailed notes, showingtheessence of the Tao Te Ching3 audio reading: reading mode can be set to read a single chapter,asingle chapter loop, the text read aloud the text of theloop4 Full text search: by title, content search."Moral", also known as "moral Scriptures", "I", "thousandwords","Laozi text", is an ancient Chinese writings before theseparationof the pre-Qin philosophers, thinkers of belief when its, thelegend is Laozi Spring and Autumn Period (ie Lier, HenanLuyiperson) written, is an important source of Taoist philosophy.Moraland down two points, on the original article "De Jing", next"Dao",regardless of chapter, later renamed the "Dao" the formerChapter37, Chapter 38 after the "De Jing", and points Chapter 81.IsChina's first full-length history of philosophy."Moral" as a covenant, Yi Feng, science has always been knownasthe "philosophical poem" deeper social life and other issuestothink deeply, and whether ancient or contemporary, whetherChineseor foreign, are tremendous impact on philosophy.Chinese classics masterpiece, children's earlychildhoodteaching, enlightenment quality baby books
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