Top 1 Games Similar to Shoot and Slide

DEMO Smarter Than ... 1.4
THIS IS THE DEMO VERSIONMost features are enabled except for actual playerstatistics,thetop five places on the leader board are hidden andthere is arandom"bomb" added to latter screens.This application will test both your memory and strategy,whilebeingfun.See if you are smarter than a rock. I have heardit'sbeenpracticing...The basic game play involves clicking on the buttons,inthecorrect ascending order, as first shown before thenumbersarehidden from view. You also have to avoid clicking onthebooby-trapbomb that will cause a quick end to all your livesyouhaveearned.You start with zero lives, and as you complete eachscreen,youare awarded an extra life. If you click a tile outofitsdesignated order, you will loose a hard earned life. ieineachscreen you can only gain one life, but couldpossiblyloosemany.Each level must be attempted two times, to ensure thefirsttimewasn't a fluke. And just to add to the interest, thesecond gohasa shorter default time of showing you where everythingis,inaddition to the addition of a bomb as a booby trap. Thisbombwillbe shown as a red button during the display phase.You can wait till the end of the display time OR you canclickonthe first (ie No. 1) tile to start the game off, andearnbonuspoints. The sooner you start the game off beforetheallocatedtime, the greater the bonus points. Also, duringtheplaying phase(ie selecting the tiles in the correct order) youwillloose pointsso dont take any more time than you need if youwish toacheived ahigh score.A lot of game performance statistics are included so astoallowyou to monitor your performance over time orfurthercompareyourself with other players. As a starter, there is aleaderboardof top scores. But not simply the top 3 or 5 or 10. Ittracksthetop 20! It will also display your personel best scores andalsotheWORST scores for all the players, so you can see whohasperformedthe worst, ever.In addition to the memory test side, on the second attemptofeachlevel, a "bomb" is added into the mix, which ifpressed,willactually cancel out ALL your remaining lives ending thegamethenand there. I would highly recommend simplyavoidingpressingit.At first glance it may appear to be based morearoundmemoryabilities, however, strategy will get you far. Forexample,bystarting early in your answer, the bonus pointsarehuge.Additionally, having a strategy on how to "remember"allthelocations in order will also take you much further.Forexample,you may find it easier to remember that the ascendingorderof eachblock just happens to be in an anti-clockwisecircle.Anotherstrategy may to to simply remember all but the lastone,such thatwhen you only have one left, there is only one thingyoucan press.Unless, you are in the second phase where a bomb hasalsobeenadded...With over 30 levels, you ain't going to run outofchallengesbefore you run out of lives.Allows virtually unlimited number of users, trackingthescoresand displays their game statistics / results from theirlastaswell as ALL their games.Hepatic (vibration) visual and audio feedback whileyouareplaying and after you have played.User Specific one line Statistics as well asMultiplelineStatistics across all users.