Top 2 Apps Similar to 深夜霸宠:调教小娇妻

拜托总裁,温柔点! 3.0.16
  新婚夜,他作为新郎却对她冷声警告:“你我之间的婚姻只是各取所需,永远也别指望自己能够成为这里的女主人。”  随后数夜,推开房门,她看到的都是他与不同女人在欢笑打骂。  人前夫妻恩爱,人后形同陌路,他们的婚姻不过是一场戏。  三个月后,她有孕在身。  他掐紧她颈项:“任蔚然,你竟敢给我戴绿帽,想找死吗?”  她惨白着连,只有冷笑。  那夜,他让她失去了她的至亲,腿间尽染鲜红……  她记得,他却忘了,那个酒醉的夜,他们曾经拥有的幸福……Wedding night,however,her groom him as cold voice warned: "Marriage between youand mejust what they need, and do not ever expect to be able tobecomethe mistress of here."The next few nights, open the door, she saw him with differentwomenare beaten in laughter.Loving husband and wife in front of people, who becameestrangedafter their marriage, but is a drama.Three months later, she was pregnant in the body.He pinched her tight neck: "Any Ran, you dare give me acuckold,prepared to die it?"Her pale of even only sneer.That night, he made her lose her loved ones, make stained brightredlegs ......She remembers, but he forgot that drunken night, they used to haveahappy ......
女总裁的非常保镖 3.0.16
 身份神秘的男主角混迹美女如云的公司,从此福气不断。  上班有清纯实习生帮忙打卡,中午吃饭有美女上司的爱心便当,下班了还有美女总裁转车接送……萝莉,明星,空姐,统统粉墨登场,福气不断,爆笑不断……The identityofthemysterious hero beautiful clouds were removed fromthecompany,from good fortune continued.Teen interns to work there to help punch, noon lunchmeallovingbeauty boss, work the president as well as thebeautytransfershuttle ...... Lolita, stars, flight attendants,allbeautifully,good fortune continued, constantlyhilarious......