Top 2 Apps Similar to for the Physical Web

Web Physique 0.0.1
Le web Physique est un servicededécouverted’URLs de proximité alimenté par des dispositifs(desbalises ou «beacons » en anglais) fonctionnant sousBluetoothBasseConsommation (BLE).Les objets alors « intelligents » peuvent diffuserdesURLpertinentes pour tous les appareils à proximité.Cette fonctionnalité pourtant très simple ouvre la voieversdenouvelles et excitantes interactions avec le web.Les utilisateurs peuvent alors interagir avecn’importequeldispositif, objet ou lieu tel qu’un distributeur, uneaffiche,unjouet, un arrêt de bus, un loueur…et obtenirdesinformationspertinentes et utiles délivrés par les URLs.Cette application est la traduction française de celledelaPhysical Web Team.Pour en savoir plus sur ce projet, n’hésitez pas à vous et sur notre site balis.ioNOTE : Une version pour Android 4.4 seradisponiblerapidement(Vous aurez une erreur d'installation sur votredeviceactuellementsi vous êtes en 4.4)The physics isawebservice discovery near URLs powered devices (tags or"beacons"inEnglish) running Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).The objects so "smart" can show relevant URL forallnearbydevices.This yet very simple functionality opens the door tonewandexciting interactions with the web.Users can then interact with any device, object or place,suchasa distributor, a poster, a toy, a bus stop, a renter ...andgetrelevant and useful information issued by the URLs.This application is the French translation of that ofthePhysicalWeb Team.For more information on this project, pleasevisit:physical-web.organd on our website balis.ioNOTE: A version for Android 4.4 will be available soon(Youwillhave an installation error on your device if youarecurrently4.4)
Clovertise Connect 1.0.4
Clovertise Inc
Connects customers and businesses via acontextand proximity aware physical web. When in proximity of aClovertiseBeacon, the app automatically opens publishedinformation allowingbusiness to provide rich information toconsumers.Some examples of places where you can use the ClovertiseConnectApp:- When you arrive at a restaurant that has a ClovertiseBeacon,you can open the app to see the menu, today's specialsetc.- When visiting a mall which has a Clovertise Beacon, you canusethe app to see promotions as you move from store to store.Theinformation you see is specific to the context and proximityaware,i.e you see different information when visiting differentstores oran aisle inside a store.- In a museum see information updated as you move from displaytodisplay.- Use the app anywhere you see a Clovertise Beacon sign.You can favorite what is currently playing. Favoritesareavailable even after you move away from the location that hasaClovertise Beacon. Click on the favorite to access theinformationlater when you are away from your favorite location (orClovertiseBeacon).