Top 50 Apps Similar to Slime Games for Teens
Kawaii Coloring Book Glitter
Beautiful kawaii coloring book for kids and adults withglitter,60+cute kawaii coloring pages for all kawaii lovers!💖 ⭐KawaiiColoringBook Glitter is the best kawaii game for kids andadultswithamazing kawaii coloring pages for glitter color! ⭐ Itisawesomekawaii coloring book for kids, teens and adults! ⭐KawaiiColoringBook Glitter includes 60+ cute kawaii coloring pagesforglittercolor: cartoon coloring book for kids, cute animalcoloringbook,kawaii unicorn coloring book, kawaii mermaid coloringbook,kawaiigirl coloring book, kawaii cats coloring pages, kawaiifoodcoloringpages and others! ⭐ Kawaii Coloring Book Glitter isveryeasy to useand absolutely FREE! ⭐ Our cute coloring bookisperfect kawaii gamefor kids, teens and adults and all, wholovecoloring games, kawaiigames, kawaii coloring book andglittercolor! ⭐ Kawaii ColoringBook Glitter is best way to relax,enjoyand develop creativity withcoloring pages in kawaii style!KawaiiColoring Book Glitter has alarge collection of cutekawaiicoloring pages for glitter color.Colorize beautifulkawaiipictures with fairy characters and animals- kawaii unicorn,cutemermaid, narwhal and llama! Also you willfind here a varietyofbeautiful pictures in kawaii style withhearts kawaiigirls,cactus, kawaii food, stars and much more! Tryall beautifulkawaiicoloring pages in Kawaii Coloring Book Glitterabsolutelyfree: 💖Beautiful, cool and cute kawaii coloring pages inKawaiiColoringBook Glitter! 💖 Cute animal coloring book for kidsinKawaiiColoring Book Glitter! 🦄 Kawaii unicorn coloring bookinKawaiiColoring Book Glitter! 💖 Cute llama coloring book forkidsinKawaii Coloring Book Glitter! 🐱 Kawaii cats coloringpagesinKawaii Coloring Book Glitter! 💖 Kawaii narwhal coloringpagesinKawaii Coloring Book Glitter! 💖 Cute mermaid coloringbookforgirls in Kawaii Coloring Book Glitter! 💖 Kawaii girlcoloringbookin Kawaii Coloring Book Glitter! 💖 Cartoon coloringbook forkidsin Kawaii Coloring Book Glitter! 💖 Kawaii food coloringpagesinKawaii Coloring Book Glitter! 💖 Hearts, stars, cartoonsandotherbeautiful kawaii coloring pages in Kawaii ColoringBookGlitter!Kawaii Coloring Book Glitter is very easy to use:✔Download KawaiiColoring Book Glitter from GooglePlay ✔ Openkawaiigame and selectone kawaii coloring page from Kawaii ColoringBookGlitter ✔ Colorand recolor kawaii color page with originalcolorpallets andGlitter color ✔ Zoom in, zoom out for coloringsmalldetails ofkawaii coloring page ✔ Place cute stickers andkawaiistickers onyour kawaii pictures ✔ Share your kawaii picturesfromKawaiiColoring Book Glitter with your friends and familyinFacebook,Instagram, Twitter, WatsApp and other socialnetworks!Features ofKawaii Coloring Book Glitter: ⭐ 60+ amazingkawaiicoloring pagesfor glitter color! Unicorn coloring book,mermaidcoloring book andmuch more! ⭐ 70+ kawaii stickers and cutestickersfor kawaiipictures! ⭐ Kawaii app is very easy to use andFREE! ⭐KawaiiColoring Book Glitter is awesome kawaii coloring bookforkids,teens and adults! ⭐ Our kawaii game works offline! Nowifineededto enjoy! ⭐ Kawaii app have a beautiful and easy appdesign!⭐Amazing glitter color and beautiful color pallets!Sparklekawaii!⭐ Kawaii Coloring Book Glitter is awesome kawaiicoloringbook forkids, teens and adults! ⭐ Kawaii Coloring BookGlitter isbest wayto enjoy and develop creativity! Also you can useKawaiiColoringBook Glitter for create your own kawaii wallpaper.Savekawaiipicture for your gallery, then use that pictureforkawaiiwallpaper. Kawaii Coloring Book Glitter is perfect kawaiiappforeveryone who loves kawaii games, coloring games forkids,coloringbook for kids, sparkle color, kawaii wallpaper,kawaiistickers andkawaii! 💖Download our game Kawaii Coloring BookGlitterright nowand color cute kawaii coloring pages for FREE!Enjoy!💖
Girls Games Free Coloring 14.6.6
Free girls coloring book anddrawinggame.Download this app for girls now and start drawing and paintingandshare your drawings with family or friends.Free app for little girls which love to color and draw. Greatgamefor toddlers off 2 years, 3 years or 4 years but also forolderkids and adults.-Fun to play-Share your drawing via email, Facebook, etc.-Save and load your coloring pages-Create your own drawing-Many, many different colors-Easy navigation for kids and toddlers.Lots of designs for girls of clothes and fashion, hairandhairdressing salon, princesses and make-up, horsesandmermaids.This is an educational game for stimulating the creativity ofababy, toddler or school student. But it's also lot of fun forateenager or adult. If you or your little girl loves to color,paintor draw, this game is great. This game is great for toddlersof 3year, 4 years or 6 years old, but also for older childrenandadults.And once the coloring page is ready, your kid can easily share itonFacebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or email to family and friends. Formorecoloring pages have a look with our other games.Nice for girls which like clothes or fashion, hair salonandhairdressing, princesses and mermaids or horses.All copyrights are owned by 2 Monkeys. Only use for noncommercialpurposes is allowed. Girls games: free coloring book anddrawinggame.
Happy Kids Timer - Morning
Great way to encourage children tobeindependent *****Happy Kids Timer is simple to use app for children which helpsthemcomplete their morning routine easily and on time. This appistotally operated by your child, whom carries the mobile devicewithhim/her to each area/room where the task needs to becarriedout/completed. It utilizes a smart incentive program withaward andprintable certificate.The free version takes your child through the whole morningroutine.Appealing animations and emotionally uplifting music makesit agreat must have start to every day.* WHAT IT DOES:---------------The app offers a totally new approach to guiding your kidsthroughtheir morning routines (waking up, making their beds,brushingtheir teeth ... until they're ready to go), turning theminto afunny game.Are you really prepared for that?Get a free app that includes all common morning activities andgreatmotivation features.* MORE DETAILS:---------------Do you struggle every morning to have your children get readytoface a long day?Consider a free trial of this motivation app specially builtforhelping children have fun and get through their morning routinesontime.Name the award you want your child to receive.Kids get a printable certificate only after they havesuccessfullyaccomplished all their activities by a certain enteredtime.The in-app purchase lets you actively participate in setting uptheprogram.You choose the order of activities, time spent in each activityandthe stars to be collected to receive a reward, while addingnewactivities and a custom certificate.If the app just helps get you through a few mornings, ourmissionwill have been accomplished, but our experience indicateschildrenlove it and will use it for months.We are adding more functions and graphic variations in order tokeepthe app attractive.* MADE BY:---------------Parents to ParentsTested by our own kids* VISIT US:---------------Visit us on twitter and facebook and tell us your story orsuggestimprovements.We are an open parents' community, making sure our childrenusesmart devices not just to play games.* TWITTER:---------------* FACEBOOK:---------------
Glitter dress coloring and drawing book for Kids 5.0
Beautiful books full of beautiful colors designed asGlitterdressDrawing And Coloring Pages For girls packed with morethan50beautiful pages of beauty coloring ,kidsmakeup,beautygirls,Accessories for girls and more! A guaranteed funof longhours foryour kid. It has Child friendly interface with asoothingmusic andvoices Let you be creative by downloading thisGlitterbeautyDrawing And Coloring Pages For kids with many picturesofbeautyfashion Accessories for girls and beauty fashionAccessories.SoSimple and intuitive, you will have lots of fun forhours!Thiseducational game will help you to improve skillsinproblemsolving, logical and cognitive skills, concentrationandmemory.Glitter dress Drawing And Coloring book For girlshelpsdevelopmemory skills of everyone. Playing this easy coloringbookwillhelp them improve your recognition while having fun.Glitterdresscoloring and drawing for Kids 2 Features: - 42amazingcoloringpages of fruits vegetables - for everyone relaxingandcrativitydevelopment - easy-to-use for all of ages - Adaptedforallsmartphones and tablets, any screen resolution - Allcoloringpagesare for free NOW! Glitter dress coloring and drawingbook forKidshas +50 amazing coloring pages. Everybody will lovethiscoloringfor girls. In this coloring game you can find manytypes ofbeautycoloring ,kids makeup,beauty girls, Accessories forgirls andmore!How to use Glitter dress coloring and drawing forKids: -choose acoloring page for coloring - choose the color youlike -Tap on thearea you like to draw - Save your car coloringpages withcamerabutton - Press zoom for catch the details - Presseraseforremoving any color - Slide the brushes to reach more colors-Shareyour work art enjoy with this Glitter dress coloringanddrawingfor girls! Our new coloring game liste : -GlitterDressColoringand Drawing -Rainbow Flower Coloring and Drawing-ToyDoctor Setcoloring and drawing -Glitter Number and letterscoloring-DiamondColoring and Drawing -Glitter ABC Alphabetcoloring-GlitterChristmas Tree coloring -Glitter Apple cutlery setcoloring
Unicorn Coloring Book & Baby Games for Girls 9.0
Free Baby Unicorn Coloring Book for Preschool Kids is thebestinteractive coloring & drawing book game for preschool&kindergarten kids. It helps kids improve their handeyeco-ordination and explore their creativity. The app containsmorethan 30 bright colors, brushes and crayons, and so manyunicorndrawing pages to choose from. It also contains an auto-filloptionthat makes coloring easy for preschool kids & babies.Childrencan also save & share their artworks. Children can alsocorrecttheir mistakes with the undo button. It also helps themlearn tocolor within the outlines, thus improving their creativity.The appis Absolutely FREE. Contains NO hidden purchases and doesNOT evenask for any other information. It is extremely Kids Safe.Can beplayed offline without Internet. If you have any suggestionsorfeedback, please write to us at We arealwaysglad to receive your feedback and suggestions. If your childlikesour app, please rate & review us.
Lila's World - Create, Play, Learn 0.58.1
Welcome to "Lila's World" Play as Lila while she visitsherGrandma'shouse for the summer. There are a lot of thingstodiscover allthroughout this mystery manor in which Grandmalives.Explore thehouse, read a book in the library or have a teapartyin the livingroom. Play the piano in the Music room or Cookalmostany dish youcan think of in the Kitchen. While you explore,don’tforget to lookfor the many secrets of the house. Now whatcouldGrandma be hiding?Not only can you play in Grandma's housebut youcan draw and createyour own worlds too. Use real paper andcolorsto draw newcharacters, scenes, food, objects and a lotmore.Browse all thedifferent worlds created by all the imaginativekidsout there. Thepossibilities are endless. Maybe you can helpLilasetup her cousinRo's birthday party, or go to the park forapicnic with her friends.Maybe you can sail the oceans on apirateship, or just have fun dayat the beach with your family. Youcanalso play with your own drawncharacters in the real world intheAR mode. Just watch as your owndrawings come to life. It’slikeMagic! Play: In “Lila’s Word” thereare no rules and nogoals.Playing is as easy as tapping and draggingthe characters tomovethem around so that different real worldsituations canberecreated. Most objects can be dragged around andmoved inthescenes. Some items can be tapped to performdifferentspecificactions like turning a light bulb ON and OFF oropeningdoors to goto other rooms. Make sure to check the Kitchen tofindthe hundredsof recipes. Just combining one ingredient withanothercan make newdishes like adding bread and cheese will createacheese sandwich.However, there are a few more complicatedrecipeswhich can becreated by combining multiple ingredients in theovenand turningit ON. Be careful though, if they don’t combinewelltogether, youwill get a burnt dish… Yuck! Exploring is keyinLila’s world somake sure you check all the different areas ofthegame. There aremany secrets hidden all around Grandma’s housesothe more youexplore, the more you will find.
One ofthemost uniqueaspects of our game is the Create section. Here,usersareencouraged to create their own scenes. Use the Createbutton toaddyour own items into the game. If you want your favoritetoy inthegame just make a drawing of it, take a picture from theCreatemenuand you can have it right in the game with you. Yourfavoritemealis not in the game? No problem, make a drawing of itand add itinyourself. Do you want to enter the game yourself? Noproblem,justmake a drawing of yourself and enter the game directly.Maybeyouwant a different scene to play in but you don’t want todrawityourself. We’ve got you covered there too, just browseourOnlineGallery and you can download any one else’s scenes andplayin it.Don’t worry, it’s all perfectly safe with our team ofworldclassmoderators reviewing and approving only the bestscenesforeveryone.
Learn: Along with our Create andPlayexperiences,we’ve also added a completely new section forLearnexperiences. Wewill be adding new scenes every month toenhance andexpand ouruser’s knowledge. Our learning scenes willincludemultipleeclectic sets and cultural experiences such asscenes ondifferentworld festivals and walks down various globalcities tonormal,real world experiences like a trip to thesupermarket or avisit tothe doctor. Each of these scenes will comewith speciallearn iconsscattered throughout the scene and tappingon them willteach ourusers more about what is going on there. Wetruly believethatopen-world, pretend-play games are tools forpromotingcuriosityand a healthy curiosity is the gateway tolifelonglearning. Wehope to provide many more worlds for our userstoexplore. Makeyour own pretend play world!