1.3.0 / Dec 23, 2013
App Information BasicWall
- App NameBasicWall
- Package Namecom.sika524.android.livewallpaper.basicwall
- UpdatedDec 23, 2013
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.1
- Version1.3.0
- Developersika524
- Installs50K+
- PriceFree
- Categoryflag</i>Flag as inappropriate</a></div></section></div></div><div class="o45e4d"><c-wiz jsrenderer="Grlxwe" jsshadow jsdata="deferred-i18" data-p="%.@.true,true]" data-node-index="5;0" autoupdate jsmodel="hc6Ubd" c-wiz><section class="HcyOxe" jscontroller="NkbkFd"><header class=""><div class="VMq4uf" id="developer-contacts-heading"><div class="EaMWib"><h2 class="XfZNbf">Developer contact</h2></div><div jsaction="JIbuQc:Ptdedd"><button class="VfPpkd-Bz112c-LgbsSe yHy1rc eT1oJ mN1ivc VxpoF" jscontroller="soHxf" jsaction="click:cOuCgd; mousedown:UX7yZ; mouseup:lbsD7e; mouseenter:tfO1Yc; mouseleave:JywGue; touchstart:p6p2H; touchmove:FwuNnf; touchend:yfqBxc; touchcancel:JMtRjd; focus:AHmuwe; blur:O22p3e; contextmenu:mg9Pef;mlnRJb:fLiPzd;" data-disable-idom="true" aria-label="Expand" aria-controls="developer-contacts" aria-expanded="false"><div jsname="s3Eaab" class="VfPpkd-Bz112c-Jh9lGc"></div><div class="VfPpkd-Bz112c-J1Ukfc-LhBDec"></div><i class="google-material-icons VfPpkd-kBDsod W7A5Qb" aria-hidden="true">expand_more</i></button></div></div></header><div class="SfzRHd jqSImf" role="region" id="developer-contacts" aria-labelledby="developer-contacts-heading"><div class="vfQhrf BxIr0d"><div class="VfPpkd-WsjYwc VfPpkd-WsjYwc-OWXEXe-INsAgc KC1dQ Usd1Ac AaN0Dd VVmwY"><div class="VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc" jscontroller="tKHFxf" jsaction="click:cOuCgd; mousedown:UX7yZ; mouseup:lbsD7e; mouseenter:tfO1Yc; mouseleave:JywGue; touchstart:p6p2H; touchmove:FwuNnf; touchend:yfqBxc; touchcancel:JMtRjd; focus:AHmuwe; blur:O22p3e; contextmenu:mg9Pef;"><a class="Si6A0c RrSxVb" target="_blank" href="mailto:sika524@gmail.com"><i class="google-material-icons j25Vu" aria-hidden="true">email</i><div class="pZ8Djf"><div class="xFVDSb">Email</div><div class="pSEeg">sika524@gmail.com</div></div></a><div class="VfPpkd-FJ5hab"></div></div><span class="VfPpkd-BFbNVe-bF1uUb NZp2ef" aria-hidden="true">
- Developer4-6-3-303, Morishita, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0004, Japan
- Google Play Link
BasicWall Version History
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BasicWall 1.3.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2016 /11/2Requires Android: Android 2.1+ (clair, API: 7)File Size: 824.2 kBTested on: Android 4.4 (KitKat, API: 19)File Sha1: 3dbac887cffbcf58b0dc8f68baed896516c7143c
sika524 Show More...
mobiRoom (youRoom client) 0.1.4 APK
The mobiRoom is a youRoom clientapplicationfor Android.(**This is not the official application.**)If you are not joining in the youRoom, please registeratfirst.If you use the mobiRoom, you can view or post entries,launch web browser from the URL in the daily mail oftheyouRoom,and share the content of the entry to the other applications.Once you viewed the entry, it is stored in the mobiRoom asthecache,so you can view the entry if you do not have the access totheInternet.If you have any questions or suggestions aboutthemobiRoom,please contact to sika524@gmail.com.(v0.1.3)Added English localization.
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