App Information Battle of God: Warrior Sparta
- App NameBattle of God: Warrior Sparta
- Package Namecom.battleeoffgodd.warriorsghosttoffspartaa
- UpdatedApril 3, 2017
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.0.3 and up
- Version3
- DeveloperAnything For U tm
- Installs5,000 - 10,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryAction
- Developer
- Google Play Link
Battle of God: Warrior Sparta Version History
Select Battle of God: Warrior Sparta Version :Anything For U tm Show More...
Battle of God: Warrior Sparta 3 APK
The story is told mostly in flashback story,after being framed with a scene from the present whereinKratos,standing atop the tallest cliff in Greece, laments how the godshave abandoned him and tosses himself into the waters below.While the player starts the game Battle of God: Warrior Spartathree weeks prior to this event,Heroes background is told by the Narrator during the game (revealedto be the Titan Gaia in God of War).Kratos was a fearsome Spartan warrior, and grew his fifty-man squadinto an army of thousands via strategy, tactics, ferocity andconquest.However, in a battle against a barbarian horde, his army wasmassacred, and, in a desperate measure, Heroes offered his life andservice to Ares, the Battle of God: Warrior Sparta , in exchangefor Ares defeating the Barbarians.Ares, sensing enormous power in Kratos, accepted his offer anddestroyed the Barbarians.He also granted Heroes the Blades of Chaos, curved blades forged inthe pits of Hades that were attached to long chains which werefused to Heroes arms.Kratos then became Ares' servant, leading his Spartan army inconquering much of Greece.In one battle, they came across a village that worshiped Athena andput the residents to the sword, and their homes to the flame.There, Ares put Heroes into a blood lust driven rage and it madehim kill anyone standing in his way.Despite his own foreboding feelings and the warnings of the localoracle, Kratos entered the village's temple and slaughtered allwithin.Unfortunately, after his blood-lust cleared, he realized that histwo last victims had been his own wife and daughter;Ares explained that this village had been a test of Heroes power,severing the last of his humanity.The village Oracle cursed Heroes, binding the ashes of his deadfamily to his skin;this new pale coating gave rise to Heroes new title, "the Ghost ofSparta." and it made everyone in Greece fear him.Kratos renounced his service to Ares and began to wander the Earth,lamenting his deeds, while serving the other gods of Olympus forten years.
Optimus Prime: Great battle 3 APK
As the Autobots speed away from Hoover Damwiththe All Spark in their hands, they are attacked byDecepticondrones.Optimus Prime: Great battle defends Bumblebee, who escapes asheroesfaces off against Bonecrusher.After besting his opponent, Prime looks at the destructionallaround him and is given pause to recall how it allbegan...Hunting for the All Spark, heroes arrives on Earth and followsthetrail to Sam Witwicky,whose grandfather discovered the lost Megatron frozen in theArcticyears beforehand, and had the location of the All Sparkimprintedupon his spectacles by the Decepticon leader.Posing as the boy's car in order to stay close to him,Bumblebeesneaks away to beam a message on his progress toOptimusPrime,but is followed by Sam, who discovers the truth about hissupposedcar.Sam is in turn followed by the Decepticon Barricade and a platoonofdrones, who have pursued heroes to Earth, but Bumblebee is abletodefeat the villains in a battle in a steel processingplant.Soon after, Optimus hero arrives on Earth, accompanied byIronhide,Jazz, Ratchet, Hound, and Trailbreaker.Prime dispatches Hound and Trailbreaker to the Arctic toinvestigatethe site where Megatron was discovered, while he andthe rest of theAutobots stick with Sam.Unfortunately for the Autobots, Barricade is not the only bad guyonEarth.At the same time, in Qatar, Blackout attacks an Americanmilitarybase in search of information on the whereaboutsofMegatrong.As he razes the base, Shockwave and Thundercracker arrive totellhim of Barricade's discoveries.Subsequently, Shockwave and Thundercracker head for theArctic,where they discover that the secret government organizationknownas Sector Seven has moved Megatron's body from itscavern.The trip is not wasted, however: Shockwave scans anabandonedcomputer terminal and discovers that Megatron brought averitablearmy of drones to Earth with him to aid in the search forthe AllSpark, drones which are currently lying dormant alloverEarth.Hound and Trailbreaker's Autobot team get the drop ontheDecepticons and plant charges in the cavern, but the twovillainsare narrowly able to escape the blast and quickly head fora rocketlaunch site.Well, let's go to the game Optimus Prime: Great battle...
Logan : Legends Xmen mutation 4 APK
The game begins with the Logan : LegendsXmenmutation and Brotherhood of Mutants uniting forces tosaveProfessor X and Polaris.Cyclops, Storm, and Wolverine meet up with Magneto, Mystique,andSabretooth at a military prison outpost in Greenland tofreeProfessor X.Upon freeing him, the teams relocate to the fictional mutanthavenof Genosha.They find the island ravaged by Count forces, and work throughthewreckage and find out what he was searching for.They learn that Quicksilver was kidnapped by Apocalypse, whoalsokidnaps Beast from the X-Mansion.Beast manages to point the team in the direction of the SavageLand,a secret prehistoric preserve in Antarctica.The teams work their way through the Savage Land,temporarilyhindering count plans.Count then travels to conquer New York. The teams work atsabotaginghis army and resources, but Emma Frost and Angel arekidnapped aswell.Angel is unwillingly transformed by count and Mister SinisterintoArchangel, a Horsemen of Apocalypse.He is assigned as a sentry to count tower.The teams defeat Archangel and infiltrate the tower where theyfindBeast, now under the control of Mister Sinister;he kidnaps Sabretooth and escapes with count and Mister SinistertoEgypt.They learn that count plan is to use Polaris, Quicksilver,EmmaFrost,and Sabretooth—four mutants with what he refers to asHarmonicDNA—as part of a machine to fuel an experiment to grant himmassiveamounts of power.The teams then follow count to Egypt where they defeatMisterSinister, freeing Beast from Sinister's control.After besting the final guard, the Living Monolith, the teamsbattlecount and defeat him by stealing the powers from hismachine.In the final cutscene, Magneto and Professor X-men part onceagainas adversaries, noting that Apocalypse was defeated butnotdestroyed.Beast ponders why the machine did not work properly, wonderingifsabotage was a factor. As the X-Jet flies away, Sinister is seenontop of the pyramid, laughing, hinting that he sabotagedthemachine.
Street club for FIFA Football 3 APK
In the game mode Rule The Street you havetowin matches to earn Skill Bills with which you can buy newclothesand other things and upgrade your player.When you player gets better you can captain your team andwinplayers for your team.The further you get, the better the players are you can win. Inthelast part you can become an international.The game was released for the GameCube, Nintendo DS, PlayStation2,PSP and Xbox. Football Player is shown on the cover ofthegame.In the game you can play with several national teams from aroundtheworld.You can win matches on various ways in several game modes.For example by scoring a set amount of goals or points withtricksor winning within a time limit or goal difference.Street club for FIFA Football is the sequel to "Fifa Street"whichwas the first game in the series.The game includes a lot of players from top football nationslikeBrazil, England, Italy, Spain, Germany and France....But there are also Legends in the game like BeckenbauerandCantona.Street club for FIFA Football has its own Radio stations in thegamewith several music styles.Legends of football such as Roberto Carlos, RonaldinhoandKarl-Heinz Rummenigge are unlockable during the game.The game has its own in-game radio station, presented by ZaneLoweformerly of BBC Radio 1and featuring music by artists such as Roots Manuva, Sway,Pendulum,The Editors and The Subways.Take part in game modes, such as friendly, rule the street,andskills challenge. Choose from 20 national teams and300-plusreal-life soccer stars.There are 10 playable venues ranging from London's WestwayLeisureCenter to the sandy beaches of Brazil.
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God War: Ghost Of Sparata 1.0.2 APK
The gameplay is similar to that of thepreviousinstallments, and focuses on combo-based combat, achievedthroughthe player's main weapon a secondary weapon acquired laterin thegame. It features quick time events that require the playertocomplete various game controller actions in a timed sequencetodefeat stronger enemies and bosses. Up to three magical attacksanda power-enhancing ability can be used as alternativecombatoptions.Platforming elements require the player to climb walls, jumpacrosschasms, swing on ropes, and balance across beams to proceedthroughsections of the game. Some puzzles are simple, such asmoving a boxso that the player can use it to access a pathwayunreachable withnormal jumping, but others are more complex, suchas findingseveral items across different areas of the game tounlock onedoorIn gameplay, the blades can be swung offensively invariousmaneuvers. Later in the game, Krat acquires a new weapon.Kratlearns to use up to three magical abilities and the Horn,givinghim a variety of ways to attack and kill enemies.
Kratos the Ghost of Sparta 1.0.2 APK
Platforming elements require the playertoclimb walls, jump across chasms, swing on ropes, and balanceacrossbeams to proceed through sections of the game. Some puzzlesaresimple, such as moving a box so that the player can use ittoaccess a pathway unreachable with normal jumping, but othersaremore complex, such as finding several items across differentareasof the game to unlock one doorIn this game you will play with Kratos the god of war ,thegameplayis similar to that of the previous installments, andfocuses oncombo-based combat, achieved through the player's mainweapon asecondary weapon acquired later in the game. It featuresquick timeevents that require the player to complete various gamecontrolleractions in a timed sequence to defeat stronger enemiesand bosses.Up to three magical attacks and a power-enhancingability can beused as alternative combat options.In gameplay, the blades can be swung offensively invariousmaneuvers. Later in the game, Krat acquires a new weapon.Kratlearns to use up to three magical abilities and the Horn,givinghim a variety of ways to attack and kill enemies.
God of Warriors 2016 1.0 APK
God of Warrior 2016 vive estedivertidovideojuego de peleas magicas contra diferentes golems ycriaturaselementales pelea con poderosas armas cuerpo a cuerpoinvocapoderosos escudos para protegerte de los ataque enemigos ylanzapoderosos proyectiles magicos cuentas con una barra de poderquedecrementa cada vez que utilizas un poder magico y seincrementadespues de un tiempo con los botones morados permitelazar ataquessimples los botones azules permiten lanzar diferentescombos depelea asi como invocar poderos conjuros magicos y causanmas dañoal enemigo, el boton verde permite invocar un escudo deplasma paraesquivar los golpes enemigos, disfruta de estemaravillosvideojuego y conviertete en el dios de losguerrerosGod of Warrior 2016livesthis fun game of magical fights against different golemsandelemental creatures fight with powerful melee weaponsinvokespowerful shields to protect from enemy attack and launchpowerfulmagic projectiles accounts with a power bar that decrementseachtime you use a magic power and increases after a while withbuttonspurple allows roping simple attacks blue buttons allow youtolaunch different combos fighting also invoke poderos magicalspellsand cause more damage to the enemy, the green button allowsyou toinvoke a plasma shield for dodge enemy blows, enjoy thismarvelousgame and become the god of warriors
Goku Tenkaichi: Saiyan Fight 1.0.2 APK
The game features 58 playable characters withatotal of 90 playable forms.The games are quite different from the often-comparedBudokaiseries; they use a "behind-the-back" third-personcameraperspective. Also different from the Budokai series, eachform istreated as its own character, with varying stats, movesetsandfighting stylesThe Ki gauge can also be used to use moves referred to as Blast2skills. Every character has a unique set of Blast 2 skillsthatallow the character to use special moves such as Ki blastsandphysical attacks. Characters also have a self-rechargingnumericgauge called Blast Stock that allows players to usetechniquescalled Blast 1 skills. Blast 1 skills usually have asupportiveeffect such as allowing characters to regain health orimmobilizethe enemy. Players can also power up into a mode calledMax PowerMode normally by building up their Ki beyond full at thecost ofBlast Stock bars.[Game Mode]The story mode of the series progresses similarly to the storymodesin previous games. Players can select battles from differentsagasand proceed through the story.Similar to the same mode in the Budokai series, the playercanenter a World Tournament and try to win their way to the top.Thereare three levels of the basic tournament and a Cell mode.Sincecharacters can fly, characters can leave the perimeter ofthearena, but will be called for ringout if they touch theground.- Z Battle Gate: progresses similar to the story modesinprevious games.- Ultimate Battle: This new mode pits whichever fighter theplayerchooses against 100 characters.- World Tournament: the player can enter a world tournament andtryto win their way to the top.
Spartan Combat 9.0.0 APK
Spartan combat TD is the best castle defensegame ever ! The war has just begun. Shooting arrows was never somuch fun.★★★★★ ARCHER WARRIOR VS. ARMIES OF THRACKUS ★★★★★The saga of this god of war is well known in greek history. Somesay he is son of Zeus. Another legend is that he was sent on earthby Hades, while another tale has it that he is Apollo himself indisguise. With his Hercules strength he stands like a tower betweenthe mighty force of the demon Thrackus and wall of justice.Equipped with god's armor and blessed with super attack speed, heawaits his share of action. He is leader of clan and the mightiestsoldier ever seen.★★★★★ WEAPONS AND MAGIC ★★★★★Variety potions and spells make killing of evil easier and evenmore fun. Dragon fire, ice effect or missile - you have it all.Equip your mighty sparta hero with the godly weapons and marchtowards victory. The clash at gate becomes intense and to saveyourself from extra pressure, plant some mines close by. Shoot atthe smaller units while you freeze big ones like giants. Beware ofcannons and tanks that can launch from a distance.★★★★★ COMBAT OF HEORES WITH CLAN LORDS ★★★★★Each boss have special powers and you will need some devine helpto defeat them. When facing a large crush of armies, to counterthem, its lethal strategy to unleash heroes in the middle ofbattle. They are your friends and alliance in thickest of war. Theydont fight with bomb and bullet, but prefer sword and hammer. Usethem wisely because they can be hired only on a time basis asmercenaries.★★★★★ STRIKE AND DEFEND ★★★★★Attack is the best form of defence. In combat never loose touchof pressurizing your opponent. Shooting like a sniper is good butsome times random fire is a good way to fend of enemies. Angrysparta looks down on the enemy at gate and waits for them to make amove.★★★★★ FREE, ADDICTIVE AND ENGAGING ★★★★★At the moment the game doesnt have mutliplayer option but we areworking on it. If you like our game please rate us and share us onfacebook. And make sure you do a google plus for us. We would loveto hear from you so please do write with suggestions and sendemails.
Super Warrior: Tekken Fight 1.0.2 APK
Tekken Fight one of the first fighting gamesatthe time to use 3D animation.As with many fighting games, players choose a character fromalineup and engage in hand-to-hand combat with anopponent.Traditional fighting games are usually played with buttonswhichcorrespond to the strength of the attack, such as strong punchorweak kick. Tekken, however, dedicates a button to each of thefourlimbs of the fighter.The game with each character, an ending cutscene is unlockedandusually one of the endings from each game becomes thecontinuationof the story into the following installment.The game featured eight playable characters, each with itsownsub-boss and stage and theme. The PS version featured remixesofthe characters' themes, and also made the sub-bosses playable foratotal of eighteen characters.There were ten playable characters as well as fifteen tounlock,for a total of twenty-five characters. The home versionfeaturedfour new modes that would become staples to the series,which wereSurvival, Team Battle, Time Attack, and Practice. Thegame onceagain featured remixes of the arcade versions' characters'themes,and a cutscene unlocked once the player completes thearcademode.
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Modern Combat 5: eSports FPS APK
War has evolved, and so has the best onlineFPS on mobile!Step onto the battlefield and answer the call with the title thatraised the bar for first person shooter games with its greatgraphics, high-powered guns and intense online multiplayer action.Create a squad from 8 classes, add your friends for team play andtest your skills in dynamic warfare against online rivals fromaround the world!Prefer to work alone? Then feel free to step into the thrillingsolo play campaign as you shoot your way through one dire situationafter another to save the world as you launch an attack against alunatic’s apocalyptic plans.You won’t find more first person shooter fun in a free gameanywhere!8 CLASSES WITH UNIQUE SKILLS> Customize and level up any of the 8 classes across solo playand team play modes.> Find the playstyle that suits you: Assault, Heavy, Recon,Sniper, Support, Bounty Hunter, Sapper, or X1-Morph.> Activate class-specific skills by earning and spending SkillPoints.HIGH-POWERED ONLINE MULTIPLAYER> Watch players engaged in live online FPS battles and eSportscompetitions with all the great graphics you expect in the newSpectator mode.> Epic guns-a-blazing team play in Squad vs. Squadmatches.> Talk to other players to plan your online multiplayerstrategies and coordinate an attack in the Global and SquadChats.> Top the individual and Squads leaderboards as you master youreSports skills.> Win free rewards and cool prizes in limited-time events.UNIFIED GAME PROGRESSION> Accumulate XP and level up by playing both solo play missionsand team play matches.> Unlock higher-tier guns and other weapons by masteringlower-tier guns.> Customize the perfect weapon using a host of attachments andjump straight into the free game action.INTENSE SOLO PLAY CAMPAIGN> Engage in fast-paced story missions where the call will takeyou from Tokyo to Venice for a variety of first person shooterchallenges.> Play the new Spec Ops missions for a real online FPSadrenaline rush.> Great graphics, music and voice performances perfectly adaptedfor a first person shooter game.HIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLE CONTROLS> Intuitive, highly customizable controls so you can play thegame just the way you want.> Modern Combat 5 supports HID game controllers. MOGA Pro isalso supported, in mode B (HID Mode).Modern Combat 5 requires an Internet connection.So if you’re ready for the online FPS of your dreams, dive intothis unparalleled free game that takes online multiplayer to newheights. Perfect for anyone hungry for solo play first personshooter fun, or team play eSports competition._____________________________________________Visit our official site at out the new blog at't forget to follow us on social media:Facebook: app allows you to purchase virtual items within the app andmay contain third-party advertisements that may redirect you to athird-party site.Terms of Use: Policy: License Agreement:
Experience the over-the-top, visceral fightingof MORTAL KOMBAT X!Bring the power of next-gen gaming to your mobile and tablet devicewith this visually groundbreaking fighting and card collectiongame.Assemble an elite team of Mortal Kombat warriors and prove yourselfin the greatest fighting tournament on Earth.BRUTAL 3 v 3 KOMBATCreate your own team of Mortal Kombat fighters and lead them intobattle to earn experience, new special attacks, and powerfulartifacts.MASSIVE ROSTER OF FIGHTERSCollect Mortal Kombat veterans like Scorpion, Johnny Cage,Sub-Zero, Sonya, Kitana, Ermac, and many others. Discover thenewest additions to Mortal Kombat such as the insect-like D’Vorah,fiery Cassie Cage, bloodthirsty Kotal Khan, and the mysterious KungJin.JAW DROPPING X-RAYS AND FATALITIESMortal Kombat X brings its trademark Fatalities and X-Rays tomobile, with stunning graphics, these over the top moves punch youright in the guts.CHALLENGE OTHER PLAYERSCompete with other players in Faction Wars, an online competitivemode where players engage other player teams. Rank up in yourown Faction’s leaderboard to earn weekly prizes.SUMMON ALLIES INTO BATTLEFind other players to be your Ally. Borrow a kombatant and strike adecisive blow against your enemies.UNLOCK REWARDS IN BOTH THE CONSOLE AND MOBILE GAMEPlay the game and unlock exclusive rewards for the console versionof Mortal Kombat X, including ultra rare characters like KlassicKitana and Injustice Scorpion. Playing the console version unlocksrewards in mobile as well.NOTICE:* Mortal Kombat X features high quality visuals. Performance is notoptimized on devices with less than 1GB RAM.** A minimum of 1.5 GB of free space is required on yourdevice.Content is generally suitable for ages 17 and up. Contains intenseviolence, blood, and gore.
WWE Immortals APK
Take your favorite WWE Superstars out of thering and into the supernatural world of WWE IMMORTALS. WieldDEVASTATING POWERS to demolish opponents with innovativetouch-based combat from the makers of Injustice and Mortal Kombat.SUPERCHARGE YOUR ROSTER with spectacular signature moves, gear andsupport cards. Bring the pain during live BONE-CRUNCHING BATTLEStied to WWE events.FIGHTUse the touch screen mechanics of your mobile device to do epicbattle with your enemies in 3-on-3 combat. Swipe and tap to performcombos and build your power to pull off special attacks and useeach Superstars’s customized superpower.MASSIVE ROSTERCollect and play as fantastical versions of your favorite WWESuperstars: Triple H, John Cena, The Undertaker, The Bella Twins,The Rock, Stone Cold, and many more. Each iconic Superstar comeswith unique variations, featuring special powers and moves.LEVEL UPBuild your move set, increase your powers, upgrade your characters,and conquer your competition. Constantly evolve your roster to fityour style of play and put your best Immortals forward as you takeon a series of combatants.ONLINE MULTIPLAYERTake on real opponents in Online Battles and compete againstplayers around the world in live, in-game events tied to the WWEand earn awesome rewards.AMAZING GRAPHICSDelivers best-in-class graphics on your phone or tablet, withcustom animations for every single WWE Superstar. Engage in battleacross multiple worlds, all tailored for each Superstar’salter-ego, fully rendered in 3D.
Iron Man 3 - The Official Game 1.6.9 APK
Become billionaire Tony Stark as Iron Man inthis free, fast-paced, endless runner, the official game of theupcoming movie!After the events of Iron Man 3, Tony has become a peacekeeper, butnew threats emerge regularly all around the globe and Iron Man isthe only one who can take care of them.Get ready for intense action in this free, addictive, endless 3Drunner!THE OFFICIAL GAME OF THE MOST AWAITED SUPERHERO MOVIE, FORFREE!✔Fight against rising A.I.M. forces around the world during amazingruns✔Discover 3 different locations offering endless, self-generatinglevels: Malibu Shores, New York City and China✔Confront 4 epic villains from the Iron Man comics: Crimson Dynamo,Ezekiel Stane, Living Laser and the mighty M.O.D.O.K.BECOME IRON MAN AS NEVER BEFORE!✔Complete various missions in fast-paced flying battles and epicone-on-one confrontations✔Unleash Iron Man's superpowers with amazingly responsive swipecontrols✔Enjoy an outstanding 3D world with cutting-edge graphics andanimationsCOMMAND STARK INDUSTRIES✔Research and develop up to 18 suits from the different movies(MARK II, MARK 42, Silver Centurion, etc.)✔Upgrade your armours and powers in the research Lab to wipe outyour enemiesFor all fans of superhero games, runner games, action games, arcadegames, Marvel games, and for all of those who want to fight as IronMan during amazing and intense free runs.Iron Man 3 – The Official Game from the upcoming Marvel movie is afree-to-play game, but if you wish, you can enrich your experienceby purchasing game items to boost your progress!Enjoy Gameloft's other arcade and action game from MarvelComics:The Amazing Spider-Man: and power up Iron Man's suits in a great game for your chance to win awesome prizes includinga tablet, an iPod touch and in-game credit for the Iron Man 3 game.Have you found MK17 - HEARTBREAKER (Artillery Level RT Suit) yet?Need another clue? ‘The southernmost tip of the Australianmainland’. Go to, solve the riddle and find thesuit! This promotion is available only in Australia and NewZealand!Iron Man 3 delivers the best experience on powerful devices. Youcan also enjoy a good experience on a lot of other devices.However, we invite you to first check your hardwarecapabilities.The minimum recommended hardware to play Iron Man 3:- 1 GHz CPU.- PowerVR SGX540 GPU or equivalent- 500 MB RAM.- 860 MB free space----Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at or like us onFacebook at to get more infoabout all our upcoming titles.Check out our videos and game trailers on our blog at for theinside scoop on everything Gameloft.Certain apps allow you to purchase virtual items within the appand may contain third party advertisements that may redirect you toa third party site.Privacy Policy : of Use : User License Agreement :
Shinobi War 0.0.13 APK
Play with your favorite heroes in Shinobi War.Shinobi War is new 2D anime ninja battle game.*HOW TO PLAY:- Use horizontal cross buttons for movement .- Use UP button for JUMP.- Use DOWN button for BLOCK.- Use B button for chakra charging.- Use A button for attack.*HOW TO USE SPECIAL MOVES:- Go to the "Pause Menu" then select "Move List".
Dead Trigger 2: First Person Zombie Shooter Game 1.8.8 APK
Fight for survival in a zombie apocalypsewith this heart-stopping first person shooter. Choose from aninsane arsenal of combat weapons and battle against the walkingdead in terrifying environments around the globe.60+ million players are now battling for the future of mankind -can YOU make a difference?“Hours of fun in marathon sessions or short bursts.”“The game is improving upon everything that made the first titlegreat.” - ArcadeSushi.comMASSIVE, CONTINUOUSLY UPDATED CONTENT. EVOLVINGSTORYLINES.The Dead Trigger 2 universe is constantly expanding its frontiers.Every update features brand new content to make your gameexperience even more enjoyable.• Battle your way through ten regions and explore 33 uniqueenvironments.• Grab your favourite zombie annihilator from 50 types ofweapon. Sharpen your shooting skills and take zombies out witha bullet to the head!• Dive into the action with more than 600 gameplayscenarios, including Solo Campaign, Global Mission and SideQuests. Complete achievements, smash challenges and receiveexclusive in-game currency.MOUTH-WATERING GRAPHICSYou’ll be blown away by our frontier-pushing graphics,including real-time water reflections, dynamic vegetation, andenhanced ragdolls. Explore varied locations and kill the undeadin diverse environments ranging from the deserted mines of Africato the alleyways of Shanghai. The apocalypse never looked sogood!TEETH-RATTLING GAMEPLAY• Brutal enemies - Some of the easier to kill zombies mightbe a soft target for a sharpshooter, but you’ll need more than oneshot for a formidable array of bosses. Get ready for Kamikaze,Vomitron and more - powerful walking dead with an inventiveapproach to your extinction.• Awesome weapons - Get to grips with melee weapons like theBig Hammer, Boat Motor and Machete. What’s our favourite? Check outthe Grenade Chickens, Rocket Chickens and special Machine Gunmounted to Chickens. You’re gonna love ‘em…• Real time story development - Join the Global Resistanceand tune in to stay informed as the global gameplay develops, wherethe actions of every single player can directly influence the tideof war. Immerse yourself in different types of operation includingStory, Global Mission and Side Quests.TONS OF FEATURES• Tournaments for Real Prizes - Get ready for some seriousshooting! Go to war with players from all over the world in theArena, featuring custom combat gladiator rules every week. Become alegend in the new Purgatory arena…• The Finger is Mightier Than the Gun - Choose between a touchcontrol target system designed especially for casual players or anenhanced virtual joystick for FPS veterans. If you prefer consolegaming, then go ahead - Dead Trigger 2 supports MOGA.• Explore your personal hideout and meet the Gunsmith, Scientist,Smuggler and Engineer. These NPCs will help on your quest forsurvival as you unlock incredible new weapons and gadgets.__________________________________________Don’t forget to follow us on social media:Facebook: a question? Check