App Information Belajar Gitar
- App NameBelajar Gitar
- Package
- UpdatedOctober 3, 2013
- File Size3.1M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.1 and up
- Version1.0
- DeveloperKandang Software
- Installs50,000 - 100,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryBooks & Reference
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Belajar Gitar 1.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /10/30Requires Android: Android 2.1+ (clair, API: 7)File Size: 3.1 MBTested on: Android 2.1 (clair, API: 7)File Sha1: 028c1d1b9586797e9e949769f3b1dc5117d2ed66
Kandang Software Show More...
Belajar Gitar 1.0 APK
Indonesia :Mungkin bagi anda yang sudah mahir bermain gitar bukanlah sesuatuyang sulit, namun bagi pemula seperti alangkah sulitnya walau hanyamenghafal satu lagu yang hanya terdiri dari beberapa chord saja.Buku ini akan memberikan bimbingan dan pengenalan atas Chorddasar, sehingga untuk orang yang sama sekalli belum mengenal gitarakan mudah belajar dan memahaminya, karena buku ini di susun denganbahasa yang sederhana dan dengan gambar-gambar ilustrasi yang akanmemudahkan dalam belajar.English :Perhaps for those of you who are already proficient guitar playingis not something that is difficult, but for a beginner like itwould be difficult if only memorize one song that only consists ofa few chord alone.This book will provide guidance and introduction to the basicChord, so for those who are not familiar with the same sekalliguitar will be easy to learn and understand it, because the book isin the bunk with simple language and illustrated with pictures thatwill make it easier to learn.Indonesia:Perhaps for those of you who are already proficient guitar playingis not something that is difficult, but for a beginner like itwould be difficult if only memorize one song that only consists ofa few chord alone.This book will provide guidance and introduction to the basicChord, so for those who are not familiar with the same sekalliguitar will be easy to learn and understand it, because the book isin the bunk with simple language and illustrated with pictures thatwill make it easier to learn.English:Perhaps for those of you who are already proficient guitar playingis not something that is difficult, but for a beginner like itwould be difficult if only memorize one song that only consists ofa few chords alone.This book will provide guidance and introduction to the basicChord, so for those who are not familiar with the same guitarsekalli will be easy to learn and understand it, Because The bookis in the bunk with simple language and illustrated with picturesthat will make- it Easier to learn.
Dongeng Anak Si Kancil 1.0 APK
Jika mendengar dongeng tentang si kancil, pasti kita sudah sangatfamiliar. Cerita mengenai binatang yang cerdik dan banyak akalnyaitu, lazim menjadi kisah pengantar tidur bagi anak-anak. Banyakversi dan selalu menarik untuk diceritakan. Begitu populernyacerita si kancil ini membuatnya menjadi salah satu dongeng fabelIndonesia yang terkenal.Tidak hanya anak kecil, banyak orang dewasa juga hafal mengenaikisah petualangan dari si kancil. Ini menunjukkan bahwa fabel sikancil popularitasnya menembus berbagai kalangan dan usia. Tokohutama fabel ini adalah binatang yang bertingkah polah sepertimanusia.If thestory about the deer, certainly we are very familiar. Stories aboutanimals that clever and ingenious, commonly becomes a bedtime storyfor children. Many versions and always interesting to tell. Oncethe popularity of the story is the deer making it one of the famousfables Indonesia.Not only children, many adults also memorized the adventurestory of the deer. This suggests that the hare fable popularitypenetrate a variety of backgrounds and ages. The main character ofthis fable are animals that behave like human doings.
Lagu Anak Sepanjang Masa 1.0 APK
Aplikasi yang menyenangkan untuk anak-anak, berisi lagu-lagu anaknusantara sepanjang masa.Saat ini sangat susah ditemukan lagu-lagu anak, aplikasi iniakan membawa kenangan pada masa lalu ketika lagu-lagu anak inibegitu populer.Aplikasi Berisi 15 Lagu disertai Syairnya01 Aku Anak Gembala02 Aku Seorang Kapiten03 Burung Hantu04 Burung Kutilang05 Cicak Didinding06 Dondong Apa Salak07 Gundul Gundul Pacul08 Jagung Bakar09 Kring Kring Ada Sepeda10 Kucingku Belang Tiga11 Layang Layang12 Menanam Jagung13 Pamanku Datang14 tik-tik bunyi hujan15 Tukang KayuDISCLAIMERTeks lagu atau syair yang ada dalam Aplikasi ini adalah hakcipta/hak milik dari pengarang, artis, dan label musik ygbersangkutan.Seluruh media termasuk syair serta lagu tersedia pada domainpublik.Aplikasi ini tidak menyediakan file MP3 atau bentuk file lainnyadan atau tautan atau link yang bisa di download.Konten yang disediakan dalam aplikasi ini tersedia di Internetdalam domain publik. Kami tidak berafiliasi dan tidak memilikiperjanjian dalam bentuk apapun dengan individu/orang atau badanatau lembaga yang mengunggah konten yang tampil di aplikasi iniAplikasi ini hanya sebuah cara terorganisir untuk menelusurikontentertentu di Internet.Jika Anda suka dengan single ini, belilah kaset/CD atau nadasambung pribadi (NSP/RBT)-nya untuk mendukung artis/penyanyi/grupbandyang bersangkutan agar terus berkarya.Apabila Anda tidak setuju dengan ketentuan ini, harapsegeramembuang/Uninstall Aplikasi iniApplications that are fun for kids, children's songs archipelago ofall time.While this is very hard to find children's songs, this app willbring memories of the past when the songs are so popular thesechildren.Application Contains 15 tracks with The poetry01 I Shepherd Boy02 I'm A Captain03 Owl04 Bird Kutilang05 Lizard on the wall06 Dondong What Salak07 Bald Bald Pacul08 Corn Fuel09 Kring Kring There Bikes10 cat Striped Three11 Layang Layang12 Planting Corn13 My uncle Coming14 tick-tick sound of rain15 CarpenterDISCLAIMERText of a song or poem that exist in this application iscopyright / property of the authors, artists and music labelshorse's mouth.All media including the lyric and the song is available in thepublic domain.This application does not provide MP3 files or other files andforms or links, or links that can be downloaded.The content provided in this application is available on theInternet in the public domain. We are not affiliated and does nothave any form of agreement with individuals / persons orinstitutions who upload content that appears on thisapplicationThis application is just an organized way to discovercontentin particular the Internet.If you like this single, buy a cassette / CD or a personal dialtone (NSP / RBT) to support the artist / singer / bandin question to continue working.If you do not agree with these terms, please immediatelydiscard / Uninstall This Application
Anatomi Tubuh Manusia 1.1 APK
English:Anatomy is the study of human body structure, derived from theGreek "ana" which means out or up and "Tomos" meaning cutting orslicing. That is the anatomy is the study of the body structures(human) body nenguraikan by (human) into smaller parts assigned tothe smallest, by cutting or megiris body (human) then raised,studied, and examined using a microscope.Anatomy is divided into two parts:Macroscopia anatomy, andAnatomy Microscopia.Anatomy will be taught to deepen or to understand the science ofanatomy macroscopia motion is classified in systematica coveringanatomy osteology, arthrologi and mmyologi, and anatomy regionalecovering Regio membri superioris (upper limbs), Regio membriinferioris (lower limbs), thoracalis region (chest) and Regioabdominal (stomach)Indonesia:Anatomi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang struktur tubuhmanusia,berasal dari bahasa yunani “ana”yang berarti habis ataukeatas dan “tomos” yang berarti memotong atau mengiris. Maksudnyaanatomi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari struktur tubuh (manusia)dengan cara nenguraikan tubuh (manusia) menjadi bagian yang lebihkecil kebagian yang paling kecil, dengan cara memotong atau megiristubuh (manusia) kemudian diangkat, dipelajari, dan diperiksamenggunakan mikroskop.Anatomi dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaituAnatomi Macroscopia,danAnatomi Microscopia.Anatomi yang akan diajarkan untuk memperdalam atau untukmemahami ilmu gerak adalah anatomi macroscopia yang tergolong dalamanatomi systematica yang meliputi Osteologi, arthrologi danmmyologi, dan anatomi regionale yang meliputi Regio membrisuperioris (anggota gerak atas), Regio membri inferioris (anggotagerak bawah), Regio thoracalis (dada) dan Regio abdominalis(perut)English:Anatomy is the study of human body structure, derived from theGreek "ana" which means out or up and "Tomos" meaning cutting orslicing. That is the anatomy is the study of the body structures(human) body nenguraikan by (human) into smaller parts assigned tothe smallest, by cutting or megiris body (human) then raised,Studied, and Examined using a microscope.Anatomy is divided into two parts:Macroscopia anatomy, andAnatomy Microscopia.Anatomy will be taught to deepen or to understand the science ofanatomy macroscopia motion is classified in systematica coveringanatomy Osteology, arthrologi and mmyologi, and anatomy regionalecovering Regio membri superioris (upper limbs), Regio membriinferioris (lower limbs), thoracalis region ( chest) and Regioabdominal (stomach)Indonesia:Anatomy is the study of human body structure, derived from theGreek "ana" which means out or up and "Tomos" meaning cutting orslicing. That is the anatomy is the study of the body structures(human) body nenguraikan by (human) into smaller parts assigned tothe smallest, by cutting or megiris body (human) then raised,studied, and examined using a microscope.Anatomy is divided into two parts:Macroscopia anatomy, andAnatomy Microscopia.Anatomy will be taught to deepen or to understand the science ofanatomy macroscopia motion is classified in systematica coveringanatomy osteology, arthrologi and mmyologi, and anatomy regionalecovering Regio membri superioris (upper limbs), Regio membriinferioris (lower limbs), thoracalis region (chest) and Regioabdominal (stomach)
Lagu Perjuangan Indonesia 1.0 APK
Berbagai macam makna dan pesan yang terkandungpada lagu wajib nasional. Pertama, nasionalisme yang meliputi sifatkebanggaan terhadap Negara, cinta tanah air, mengutamakan rasapersatuan dan kesatuan. Kedua, patriotisme yang meliputi sifat,rela berkorban, berani berjuang, pantang menyerah, berjiwapembaharu. Pesan ini akan memberi nilai positif jikadiimplementasikan dalam pendidikan berkarakter.Tetapi kenyataannya lagu bersejarah ini semakin terlupakan olehgenerasi sekarang. Sebab umumnya lagu hanya dipahami sebatashafalan baik melodi maupun syairnya saja, yang kurang dipahamiadalah latar belakang sejarah dan pengarangnya, serta tujuanlagu-lagu itu diciptakan, dan yang lebih penting lagi makna sertapesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh pengarang melalui lirik lagutersebut.Setidaknya Aplikasi ini mencoba untuk semakin medekatkanlagu-lagu perjuangan itu ke dalam gaget, sehingga bisa di dengarkanatau bahkan dipelajari dimana saja.Semoga bermanfaat.A wide variety ofmeanings and messages contained in the national anthem. First,nationalism which include the nature of the State pride,patriotism, promoting a sense of unity and oneness. The second,which includes the nature of patriotism, self-sacrificing,courageous fight, never give up, high-minded reformer. This messagewill give a positive value if implemented in character education.But the reality of this historic song is getting forgotten bythe present generation. Because generally track only understood asboth melody and poem recitation only, which is less understood isthe author's background and history, as well as the purpose of thesongs were created, and more importantly, the meaning and themessage to be conveyed by the author through the lyrics of thesong.At least this application tries to further medekatkan patrioticsongs into gaget, so that it can be listened to or even studiedanywhere.May be useful.
Kelahiran Yesus 1.0 APK
English:Christmas story of Jesus' birth is packaged in a simple languageand easy to understand, with interesting illustrations, so childrenlove to read.This book is suitable for reading during National Bible Month(BKSN). Also suitable for the community as a Sunday schoolliterature and storiesIndonesia:Cerita natal kelahiran Yesus dikemas dalam bahasa yang sederhanadan mudah dimengerti, dengan ilustrasi gambar yang menarik,sehingga anak senang membaca.Buku ini cocok untuk bacaan selama Bulan Kitab Suci Nasional(BKSN). Juga cocok untuk komunitas sekolah minggu sebagai bahanbacaan dan cerita
Teknik Pijat Refleksi 1.0 APK
Pijat refleksi merupakan ilmu yang mempelajariilmu tentang pijat di titik-titik tubuh tertentu. Pijat inidilakukan dengan alat tangan dan benda-benda lain berupa kayu,plastik, atau karet. Praktisi pijat ini mempunyai pengetahuantentang saraf-saraf manusia, dan masih berhubungan denganpengobatan tusuk jarum.Pengobatan ini banyak dijumpai di tempat-tempat pijat relaksasidan toko-toko sinshe. Umumnya pengobatan yang dilakukan adalahuntuk penyakit-penyakit yang sering dijumpai di kehidupansehari-hari, seperti sakit jantung, sakit lambung (maag), penyakitkulit, patah tulang, batu ginjal, batu empedu, kencing batu,diabetes melitus, hipertensi, dan sakit pinggang.Reflexology is a sciencethat studies the science of massage on specific points of the body.This massage is done with hand tools and other objects such aswood, plastic, or rubber. This massage practitioners have knowledgeof human nerves, and is still associated with acupuncture.This treatment is often found in places of relaxation andmassage shops sinshes. Generally, treatment is done for diseasesthat are common in everyday life, such as heart disease, stomachpain (gastritis), skin diseases, fractures, kidney stones, gallstones, bladder stones, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and painwaist.
Wayang Purwo 2 1.1 APK
ENGLISHThis book contains 48 figures including Wayang Puwo the Pandavas,presented in a picture and a brief description of the character.Still there are some figures that are included in the Pandavasbut not in this electronic book, it is because of the limitationsof Authors, and limitations of reference only. The hope with the 48figure is sufficient to represent as a beginning to recognize theWorld Puppet further.Puppet prototype itself is usually used stories of Ramayana andMahabharata. Shadow puppets prototype itself consists of some styleor genre as genre Kasunanan, Mangkunegaran, Ngayogjakarta,Banyumasan, Jawatimuran, Kedu, Cirebon, and so on.This book is dedicated to the preservation of the culture ofIndonesiaINDONESIA:Buku ini berisi 48 Tokoh Wayang Puwo yang termasuk keluargaPandawa, disajikan dalam gambar dan uraian singkat tokohtersebut.Masih ada beberapa tokoh yang termasuk dalam keluarga Pandawatetapi tidak ada dalam buku elektronik ini, hal tersebut karenaketerbatasan Penyusun, dan keterbatasan referensi saja. Harapannyadengan 48 Tokoh tersebut sudah cukup mewakili sebagai sebuahpermulaan untuk mengenal Dunia Wayang lebih lanjut.Wayang purwa sendiri biasanya menggunakan ceritera Ramayana danMahabarata. Wayang kulit purwa sendiri terdiri dari beberapa gayaatau gagrak seperti gagrak Kasunanan, Mangkunegaran, Ngayogjakarta,Banyumasan, Jawatimuran, Kedu, Cirebon, dan sebagainya.Buku ini di dedikasikan untuk kelestarian budaya Indonesia
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Learn Guitar Chords 2.0 APK
This app teaches you commonly used guitarchords, suited towards beginner and intermediate levels. Eachlesson shows you how to play a chord and lets you play each stringon screen to make sure you are getting your chord right on yourguitar. Acoustic and Electric sounds are available for every lessonand you can learn at your own pace.Even if you are a beginner and have just started playing guitar,this app will teach you how to play chords easy. There are 23chords to learn and if that's not enough, then you can download ourAdvanced app too. Learning guitar isn't easy, but with this lessonsapp you will be learning quickly and just as well as a tutor.This app features a 3rd party system that supports the developmentand maintenance of the app. See the links for fullinformation.
Belajar Gitar 1.0 APK
Aplikasi Belajar Gitar berisi panduan bermaingitar bagi pemula. Selain itu Aplikasi ini membantu anda untukbelajar mengetahui kunci-kunci dasar gitar dan sangat mudah untukdigunaan dari mulai tingkat pemula hingga tingkat mahir. Aplikasiini akan memberikan bimbingan dan pengenalan atas Chord dasar,sehingga untuk orang yang sama sekali belum mengenalnya akan mudahbelajar dan memahaminya, karena didalam aplikasi ini di susundengan bahasa yang sederhana dan dengan gambar-gambar ilustrasiyang akan memudahkan dalam belajar.Semoga dengan Aplikasi ini kita dapat belajar dengan mudah dancepat sehingga dapat menjadi gitaris yang handal dan berkualitas.Kami akan terus menambah informasi mengenai aplikasi ini. Jaditerus install aplikasinya yah. Terima kasihDISCLAIMER :Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in this application werecollected from all over the web, so if I have violated yourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed as soon aspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned by their respectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliated with NetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.Guitar Learningapplication contains a guide to play guitar for beginners. MoreoverThis application helps you to learn to know the keys of the baseguitar and is very easy to digunaan ranging from beginner toadvanced levels. This application will provide guidance andrecognition of Chord basis, so for people who did not know him willbe easy to learn and understand it, because in this applicationstacking with simple language and with images of illustrations thatwill facilitate learning.Hopefully, with this application we can learn easily and quicklyso that it can be a reliable and qualified guitarist. We willcontinue to add information about this application. So continue toinstall the application well. Thank youDISCLAIMER:Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in this application werecollected from all over the web, so if I have violated yourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed as soon aspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned by Reviews theirrespective owners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliated withNetwork Studios or any other affiliated entities.
Books & Reference Top Show More...
Malayalam bible ( ബൈബിൾ ) 2.6 APK
Malayalam Bible is the First everMaterialdesign Malayalam Bible in Android. Free Malayalam bible hasgot allchapter of old testament and New testament in Malayalamstandard,with a legitimate reading . UI is designed for easynavigationcapabilities. It provides daily Malayalam biblereadingnotification and tracks all the read chapters. As a part ofBibleorg we are glad to release android Malayalam Bible app as afreeservice, to spread Jesus words. We welcome any suggestionstoimprove yourself. Start your day with Malayalam of thebible.Malayalam bible download app is not just another MalayalambibleStudy app. Its for Malayalam people from Kerala. Our aim is tokeepyou inspired and nourished everyday with god words .You willgetautomatic daily notification. Mark the Inspiring MalayalamBibleverse! As a christian, we have verified the chapters of holybiblereading with international standard. Malayalam bible onlineLiteapp, always tracks the unread chapter for daily biblereading.Clean font, helps to read letters easily. Our chosen dailybiblereading in Malayalam helps you to start your day thinkingabout andthanking God for this wonderful life with prayers. FreeMalayalambible download study bible helps to enlighten beforeconfession andalso a as bible study app or even liturgy. The HolyBible inMalayalam will be very helpful during daily MalayalamChristianprayer. Bible in Malayalam is for kids, Download MalayalamBibleapp is for couples, and Holy Malayalam Bible is for allChristianssuch as Syro malabar christian, RC Christian, KananaChristian,Orthodox Christian , syro malankara christians, Syrianchristiansacross globe. Malayalam Bible study follows the popularbibleversions like the POC bible, Malayalam bible offline -kjv,Complete BibleYouth Bible, Acts of the Apostles, letters,andApocalypse, (New India Bible Version) in Malayalam , ewestCompleteMalayalam version Vishudha Sathyavedapusthakam, and otherpopularversion of bible in Malayalam including catholic Malayalambible.So this daily Malayalam Bible study devotion app will be thebestbible app free that you will get for your Android mobilephones.Bible translations into Malayalam- Malayalam bible App ,understandits right meaning and act wisely upon so as to bringhappiness uponon yourself and your fellow beings to enlightenfaith. This iscomplete Malayalam bible. Malayalam bible downloadapp can also beused during Malayalam audio bible reading. Mark thefavoriteMalayalam bible quotes and chapter for future reference,set it asFavorites by click. Malayalam Divine app is also used asthe bestMalayalam devotionals for women. Our india Malayalam bible- TheDaily devotional Malayalam Bible app can be used foryouthfulpraise or as youth ministry resources, because we gave thebestMalayalam bible gateway for Youth. Our future effort will betoinclude sandhya prarthana malayalam, Kurushe vara prayers,saintsprayers in Malayalam, along with different christiancommunitymalayalam kurbana.FEATURE OF Malayalam BIBLE ( Material design )- Material design UI- Ability to save favorite chapters or verses.- Enable/Disable Notification settings- Daily Malayalam Bible Reading :Get on daily basis biblereading(- Holy Bible Malayalam with old testament and New testament- Compatible with all screen sizes- Get daily bible reading and track the read chapters.- Ease and simple to use.- Download latest design bible compatible with tablet- Always provide unread chapters for notification- Bible offline - Read bible even without network access.- Works well in android phone and tablet- Explore specific words in bible- Easily locate Book/Chapter/Verse- This is a free Lite app Malayalam Bible .- Read, Remove, Share with ease.This app is successfully tested in samsung galaxy series,LGnexus, HTC, Lenova smart phones. Its works well in tablets tooandall mobile phone which support android.
Auradu wal Manaqib (OLD) 2 APK
This App help you to Read most ofMaulid,Dikr,Dua, Swalath, Baith, Malappattu ect..This app ContainsSharaful Anam MaulidManqoos MaulidHaddadDua-al-KabarDuaAshrakal BaithMajlisunnoor Baith and DuaYaseenBadar BaithThwala'al Badaru BaithSalam BaithYaa akramal BaithAizamu SwalathAuradu Majlisu SwalathThaju SwalathNariyath SwalathHaddadAsmaul HusnaMayyith niskaramect..its a Complete Adkar Kitab.App created By SKSSF Cyber wing State Committee(an SKSSF Silver Jubilee Grand Finale Gift)
Punjabi Bible ( ਬਾਇਬਲ ) 2.2 APK
Punjabi Bible is the First everMaterialdesignPunjabi Bible in Android. Free Punjabi bible has gotallchapter ofold testament and New testament in Punjabistandard,with alegitimate reading. UI is designed for easynavigationcapabilities.It provides daily Punjabi bible readingnotificationand tracks allthe read chapters. As a part of Bible orgwe areglad to releaseandroid Punjabi Bible app as a free service,tospread Jesus words.We welcome any suggestions to improveyourself.Start your day withPunjabi of the bible. Punjabi bibledownloadapp is not just anotherPunjabi bible Study app (PunjabiLanguage).Its for Punjabi peopleof India and for the entire PunjabispeakingPeople community inPunjab or any part of India. Our aim isto keepyou inspired andnourished everyday with god words .You willgetautomatic dailynotification using christian Punjabi bible.Markthe InspiringPunjabi Bible verses ! Punjabi bible online Liteapp,always tracksthe unread chapter for daily bible reading.Cleanfont, helps toread letters easily. Pavitra Bible, mobilephonePunjabi bible.Punjabi Bible Online helps you to start yourdaythinking about andthanking God for this wonderful lifewithprayers. Free Punjabibible download study bible helps toenlightenbefore confession andalso a as bible study app or evenliturgy.The Bible in Punjabi willbe very helpful during dailyPunjabiChristian prayer. Bible inPunjabi is for kids, Holy BibleinPunjabi is for couples and HolyPunjabi Bible for allChristiansacross globe including Punjabispeaking community. PunjabiBiblefollows the popular bible versionslike the Catholic Punjabibible,very similar to Hindi Bible. Sothis daily Punjabi Biblestudydevotion app ( Punjabi Book) will bethe best bible app freethatyou will get for your Android mobilephones. This Punjabi bible,understand its right meaning and actwisely upon so as tobringhappiness upon on yourself and yourfellow beings toenlightenfaith.Punjabi language bible stories foryouth in Punjabi -Punjabibible download app can also be usedduring Punjabi audiobiblereading. - Punjabi Holy Bible, Mark thefavorite Punjabibiblequotes and chapter for future reference, setit as Favoritesbyclick. Punjabi Divine app is also used as thebestPunjabidevotionals for women.The Daily devotional PunjabiBible appcan beused for youthful praise or as youth ministryresources,because wegave the best Punjabi bible gateway for Youth.FEATURE OF Punjabi BIBLE ( Material design )- Material design UI- Ability to save favorite chapters or verses.- Enable/Disable Notification settings- Daily Punjabi Bible Reading :Get on daily basisbiblereading- Holy Bible Punjabi with old testament and New testament- Compatible with all screen sizes- Get daily bible reading and track the read chapters.- Ease and simple to use.- Download latest design bible compatible with tablet- Always provide unread chapters for notification- Punjabi Bible offline - Read bible evenwithoutnetworkaccess.- Works well in android phone and tablet- Explore specific words in bible- Easily locate Book/Chapter/Verse- This is a free Lite app Punjabi Bible .- Read, Remove, Share with ease.This app is successfully tested in tablets and smartphone.Itsworks well in tablets too and all mobile phonewhichsupportandroid.
Kabir Dasji Ke Dohe in Hindi 2.0 APK
Kabir Dasji Ke Dohe in HindiKabir was a poet and a saint, whose coupletsstillresonatewithpeople from all walks of life.Born in the early 15th century to a Brahman widow, hewasbroughtupin a family of Muslim weavers.While his date of birth and death arenotfirmlyestablished,legend has it that he lived for a 120years.Never formally educated, and almostcompletelyilliterate,hiscompositions are nevertheless aphilosophicalgoldmine.This App is a compilation of 200+ 'Kabir ke Done'twolinecoupletswith that meaning.A very user friendly interface and supportsallmajorAndroidOperating systems(GingerBread to Lollipop vers)This App also has a feature to share the Dohe onSocialmediaLikeWhtsapp.
বাণী চিরন্তনী Bani Chirontoni 1.2 APK
বিখ্যাত মনীষীদের জনপ্রিয় উক্তিনিয়েঅ্যাপটিতৈরিকরা হয়েছে।যাদের উক্তি নিয়ে অ্যাপটি তৈরি করা হয়েছে -আল হাদিস, হযরত আলী (রাঃ) ,বিল গেটস ,আব্রাহামলিংকন,অ্যালবার্টআইনস্টাইন, সক্রেটিস , এরিস্টটল, শেখ সাদি ,স্টিভজবস,উইলিয়ামশেক্সপিয়র ,স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ , শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান,হুমায়ূনআহমেদ,রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর ,কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম, গৌতমবুদ্ধ,মহাত্মা গান্ধী , এ পি জে আব্দুল কালাম , লালন ।The app hasbeencreatedbythe great scholars of the popular saying.Quote of the app has been created -Al-hadith, Hazrat Ali (RA), Bill Gates,AbrahamLincoln,AlbertEinstein, Socrates, Aristotle, Sheikh Saadi,SteveJobs,WilliamShakespeare, Swami Vivekananda, SheikhMujiburRahman,HumayunAhmed, Rabindranath Tagore, Kazi NazrulIslam,GautamaBuddha,Mahatma Gandhi, APJ Abdul Kalam, cherish.
Tamil Bible (வேதாகமம்) 3.9 APK
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