App Information Chinese Dictionary-新华字典商务国际版
- App NameChinese Dictionary-新华字典商务国际版
- Package
- UpdatedDecember 3, 2015
- File Size43M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.2 and up
- Version2.2.0
- DeveloperDictCN
- Installs5,000 - 10,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryEducation
- DeveloperVisit website Email service@dict.cnFlat C, 37/F, Tower 6B, Imperial Cullinan 10 Hoi Fai Road, Tak Kok Tsui
- Google Play Link
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Chinese Dictionary-新华字典商务国际版 2.2.0 APK
Authorization•The first authorized Xinhua dictionary app released officially bythe Commercial Press International Co., Ltd.•Compiled by editorial board of experts and scholars specialized inlinguistics and lexicography•The content of the app is in line with the latest revised editionof the Xinhua Da Zidian•Technically supported by Dict.cnRich in Content•A total number of more than 15,000 Chinese characters•Detailed entries for 10,000 most commonly used Chinesecharacters•More than 500 groups of synonyms supplemented to help understandthe nuance of meanings•Over 1,500 exquisite illustrations displayed to explain themeanings of entries vividly•All entries are collocated with accurate and concise definitionsas well as rich and appropriate phrases•Every entry is followed by strokes, radicals, structures, origin,four styles of calligraphy or stories of the Chinesecharacter•Every entry is collocated with real-voice pronunciationVarious ways to search Chinese characters conveniently• Search by scanning with the camera of your smart phone• Powerful voice search that allows you to search Chinesecharacters by speaking into the microphone• Tapping a Chinese character in notification bar, you will see thedefinitionAdditional learning functions• "Favorites" is designed for you to mark all the Chinesecharacters that you might want to review• "Review" is designed to help you learn Chinese characterseffectively[Dictionary Features](1) Chinese Character Features: Related information of Chinesecharacters such as strokes, radicals and structures(2) Origin: Explanation of structure, pronunciation and differentmeanings of the entry designed to help master the usage ofpolysemic characters(3) Synonyms: Distinguish synonyms from the angle of culturalhistory, which combines linguistic and cultural knowledgetogether(4) Words Story: Historical allusions from classics related to thecharacters are presented to enhance the readability of thedictionary(5) Four Styles of Calligraphy: Every entry is attached with fourstyles of calligraphy for reference(6) Illustrations: Over 1,500 illustrations with contents ofantiquities and famous paintings in history[App Features](1) Authorized: This dictionary app contains the achievements ofphilological researches in Chinese characters in recentyears.(2) Accurate: The number of the entries is large and 11 features ofChinese character are provided such as character structure,pronunciation, definition, origin, synonyms, etc.(3) Convenient: Support multiple searching modes, such as CameraSearch, Voice Search, Handwriting Search and Quick Search viaNotification Bar.(4) Cloud: Collect and review new Chinese characters anytime andanywhere with learning services on the Cloud.(5) Clear Pronunciation: Real-voice pronunciation of Chinesecharacters is available.
新牛津英汉双解大词典-英语学习者首选权威工具书 2.6.0 APK
全球最大、最权威英汉双解词典,初版曾获上海图书奖一等奖、第二届中国出版政府奖图书奖提名奖,英语教师、英语研究人员、翻译工作者及其他中等以上水平的英语学习者之首选权威工具书。《新牛津英汉双解大词典》(第2版)手机版现正式推出。根据《新牛津英语词典》(The New Oxford Dictionary ofEnglish)英语原版2010版,对第1版精研细磨,全面校订,译文更准确自然,体例更统一规范。累计收录自2000年以来的新词新义7000余条,更新用法说明专栏100余处;优化部分词条义项排列,使之更科学合理;人名、地名等百科词条的时间信息与统计数据更新至英语原版2010版;新增“词汇动态”(WordTrends)栏目,勾勒一些词语自本世纪以来在意义或用法上的显著变化;对词目及其变化形式尽可能加注国际音标,以适应中国读者需求。收录单词、短语及释义约360000条,满足教学、阅读、翻译的查考需要,是牛津系列词典中规模最大的英汉双解词典;精选本世纪以来的新词新义7000余条,反映语言的新发展;汇集科技术语52000余项、百科知识条目12000余项,兼具语文词典与百科词典功能;配例证逾70000条,均来自牛津英语语料库(the Oxford English Corpus),语料真实、地道;记录世界各地英语使用情况,堪称真正的国际英语词典;英汉双解,英语释义权威,汉语译文准确规范,兼顾用户的求解与翻译需求;义项分立以原型理论为依据,区分核心义项与次义项,词义关系清晰,方便查阅、理解与记忆;汉语翻译以提供对应词为原则,力图准确、自然、简洁再现原版内容,部分词条属在国内首次翻译;提供读音、词形变化、词法、句法、语用、搭配、词源等信息,并设置“用法说明”、“词汇动态”专栏,实现小型语言教学词典与大型语言查考词典的全新结合。海词词典(中国第一个互联网词典获牛津大学出版社官方授权使用本词典内容以开发本手机软件,软件具有通知栏快捷查词功能,还有清晰发音、生词收藏和复习背诵等辅助学习功能。选择正版词典,学习更有保障!(版权所有,盗版必究)【特色】(1)全球最大、最权威英汉双解词典;(2)教学词典与翻译词典之全新结合;(3)语言知识与百科信息之有机融汇;(4)云生词本:采用云端同步技术,为用户提供生词同步学习服务,可以随时随地收藏和复习生词;(5)通知栏快捷查词,清晰发音。
Dictionary海词词典-查词、翻译、背单词 5.5.3 APK is the first Internet dictionary inChina. It boasts hundreds of millions of users and features thefullest varieties of dictionaries, the largest bank of vocabularyand the most detailed explanations. covers 46 industries,10 languages and 20 million words, with elaborate explanations notonly of etymology, usage, differentiation, example sentences andphrases, but also of various examination levels such as CET-4,CET-6, Middle School, High School, Post-graduate School EntranceExamination, TOFEL and IELTS. also provides some auxiliaryfunctions like Memorizing Words, Translate, and Daily Learning andReading.Since its foundation in 2003, has exerted itself to doresearch on dictionaries – "Providing and creating dictionaries ofthe highest quality" has been the goal that every employee strives for. Over the years, has not only providedprofessional dictionary services for some major Internetcorporations like Youdao Dict, Baidu Dict and Tencent Dict, butalso, with its professional reputation, won trust from many majordomestic dictionary publishing houses and become a core cooperativepartner with Commercial Press, Foreign Language Teaching andResearch Press, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, etc. inthe digital publication of traditional dictionaries. At present, has digitalized and released a large number ofauthoritative dictionaries of various languages and industriesbased on their print is the only dictionary which has received thesefollowing favorable reviews from specialists:"By making deep study as its cause, is to accomplish itsachievement naturally," commented by the chief editor ofEnglish-Chinese Dictionary, Professor Lu Gusun, from FudanUniversity, encouraging to make unremitting efforts toapproach perfection." is just like a boat for learners to explore in theboundless sea of knowledge," said Yu Haijiang, the chief editor ofOxford Dictionary (Simplified Chinese version) at the 9thanniversary of, felicitating on its achievements in thefield of learning dictionaries."Online dictionaries are not only tools for consultation andresolving puzzles, but also close assistants to help us learnexpressions. is what I recommend," said Chen Wenliang, thedirector of Collins Dictionary (China)."Use if you want to be a master of vocabulary," said NiuWenwen, the proprietor of The Founder magazine.A good dictionary would be a mentor for life. is sure to beyour wisest choice of dictionary.[Features]1. The best choice for learners: is a learning dictionarytailored for English learners by its team of dictionaryspecialists. Compared with other translation apps, the contentsprovided by are more accurate and clearer, so that learnerscan understand more easily.2. Specialized dictionaries: Learners can enjoy exclusive featuredservices by choosing their own dictionary preference according totheir learning goals from "Employees", "Businessman", "TOFELlearners", "IELTS learners", "Post-graduate School Entrance Examcandidates", "CET-4 students", "CET-6 students", "Middle schoolstudents" and "Kids".3. Super large word bank: includes 20 million words.4. Learning with Favorites on the Cloud: Memorize and go over newwords anytime and anywhere with learning services on theCloud.5. Daily learning: Learning contents such as reading, listening,practice, and oral English are updated every day.6. Real-voice standard pronunciation: Pure and real-voicepronunciation of international standard by native speakers.7. Whole-passage translation: Your translation consultant at alltimes and places.
广东话3000句 1.0.1 APK
Chinese Idiom Dictionary-成语词典 2.2.0 APK
An authorized Chinese idiom dictionary app isofficially released by The Commercial Press International, based onCHENGYU DA CIDIAN, one of the best-selling Chinese idiomdictionary.The app is technically supported by (the first Internetdictionary in China).Choose an authorized dictionary, and you'll have a reliablelearning experience!(All rights reserved; Pirate editions will be prosecuted!)Rich in content and easy to learn• Detailed entries for 18,000 most commonly used Chineseidioms• Reveal the origin of the idioms and use the ancient and modernclassics to explain the meaning of idioms accurately• Over 900 exquisite illustrations to interpret the connotation ofidioms vividly• Clear pronunciation is available for every entryVarious ways to search idioms conveniently• Search by scanning with the camera of your smart phone• Powerful voice search that allows you to search idioms byspeaking into the microphone• Tapping an idiom in notification bar, you will see thedefinitionAdditional learning functions• "Favorites" is designed for you to mark all the Chinese idiomsthat you might want to review• "Review" is designed to help you learn Chinese idiomseffectively[Dictionary Features](1) Authorized: The dictionary app is compiled by editorial boardof experts and scholars specialized in linguistics andlexicography.(2) Accurate: Entries are collocated with accurate and concisedefinitions as well as exquisite illustrations.(3) Convenient: Support multiple searching modes, such as CameraSearch, Voice Search, Handwriting Search and Quick Search viaNotification Bar.(4) Cloud: Collect and review new idioms anytime and anywherewith learning services on the Cloud.(5) Clear Pronunciation: Clear pronunciation of Chinese idiomsis available.
外研社日语词典 海词出品 1.0.3 APK
外研社官方权威正版发布,其他同名日语词典均为盗版。《外研社现代日汉汉日词典》是外研社经典畅销日语词典,日语学习者的必备词典,是日语单词查询的便捷工具,也是日语阅读、日语写作、翻译查询的得力助手,共收日语词目近四万条,其中日汉部分共收一万八千余词条,包括日语常用词汇、科技词汇、社会科学词汇和外来语,也有一定数量的日语成语、日语谚语及日语对话中的常用句型。汉日部分共收一万八千余词条,以收常用词汇为主,兼收了部分科技、社会科学词语,也收进了一些常用成语、谚语。本日语词典由海词词典(中国第一个在线词典提供专业技术支持,具有语音查词、通知栏快捷查词等便捷查词功能,还有日汉、汉日词条均可真人发音、日语例句发音、生词收藏和复习等辅助学习功能。选择正版日语词典,学习更有保障!(版权所有,盗版必究)词典特色:(1)权威正版:它是由外语教学与研究出版社(全国规模最大的大学出版社、最大的外语出版机构)出版发行的权威日语词典。(2)近四万词条:日汉部分一万八千余词条,汉日部分一万八千余词条,其内容权威、丰富、准确,非常符合日语学习者的需要。(3)快捷查词:支持多种查词方式“摄像头查词、语音查词、手写查词、通知栏快捷查词”等。(4)离线查词:下载安装离线包后,在无网络情况下,一样可以查词,有效节省流量。(5)词汇和例句发音:日/汉词条、日语例句均配优质清晰发音,让你日语脱口而出。(6)云生词本:采用云端同步技术,为用户提供生词同步学习服务,可以随时随地收藏和复习生词。FLTRP official authoritygenuine release, other namesake Japanese dictionaries are pirated."FLTRP modern Japanese-Chinese Chinese-Japanese Dictionary" isFLTRP classic best-selling Japanese dictionary, essentialdictionary Japanese learners are convenient tools Japanese wordqueries, but also Japanese reading, Japanese writing, translatingqueries right-hand man, received a total Japanese headword nearlyforty thousand, of which the Chinese part of the closing date morethan 18,000 entries, including Japanese common vocabulary, sciencevocabulary, social science and foreign language vocabulary, thereare a number of Japanese idioms, proverbs Japanese and Japanesedialogue sentence patterns . Chinese part of the closing date morethan 18,000 entries, to receive common vocabulary based andincorporate some of the science and technology, social scienceswords, but also incorporated into a number of common idioms andproverbs. The Japanese dictionaries provided by the Sea dictionary(China's first online dictionary professional technicalsupport, with voice word search, word search and other notificationbar fast and easy word search function, as well as Japanese andChinese, Chinese and Japanese entries can be human voice, Japanesesentences pronunciation, vocabulary and other auxiliary collectionand review learning. Select Genuine Japanese dictionary, learn moresecure! (Copyright, piracy reserved)Dictionary Features:(1) legitimate authority: it is published by Foreign LanguageTeaching and Research Press (the country's largest universitypress, the largest foreign publishing houses) issued authoritativeJapanese dictionary.(2) nearly 40,000 entries: Japanese and Chinese part of more than18,000 entries, Chinese and Japanese part of more than 18,000entries, the authority of its content, rich, accurate, veryconsistent with the need Japanese learners.(3) quick search word: support for multiple word search mode"camera word search, voice search word, handwritten word search,word search quick notification bar" and so on.(4) off-line search word: Download and install the offline package,in the absence of network conditions, as you can check the word,saving traffic.(5) vocabulary and pronunciation examples: Day / Chinesetranslation, Japanese sentences are equipped with high-qualityclear pronunciation, so you Japanese blurted out.(6) The words cloud: The cloud synchronization technology, toprovide users with services synchronous learning new words, newwords can collect and review anytime, anywhere.
外教社物理学英语词典 海词出品 1.0.0 APK
外教社官方权威正版发布,其他同名物理学词汇手册均为盗版。《外教社英汉汉英物理学词汇手册》是由上海外语教育出版社发行的词汇词典类软件,软件收录了物理学基本词汇(英汉、汉英双向收词16000余条),是物理学专业必备手册。本软件由海词词典(中国第一个在线词典提供产品支持,具备手机上最便捷的查词功能(摄像头查词、语音查词等),还有清晰发音、生词收藏、生词辅助记忆等学习功能。选择高品质词典和词汇手册,学习更有保障!软件特色(1)权威正版:本手册是上海外语教育出版社发行的本行业最权威手册。(2)专业精选:收录物理学基本词汇(英汉、汉英双向收词16000余条)。(3)快捷查词:支持多种查词方式“摄像头查词、语音查词、手写查词”等。(4)英/美发音:与书籍相比,增加了多媒体英式和美式发音,所有单词皆可发音。(5)离线查询:下载安装离线包后,在无网络情况下,一样可以查词、发音,无需GPRS流量。(6)云生词本:采用云端同步技术,为用户提供生词同步学习服务,可以随时随地收藏和复习生词。(7)背单词:软件具有生词复习计划制定功能,以及根据艾宾浩斯记忆曲线自动提醒背诵功能,快速轻松掌握行业词汇。SFLEPofficial authority genuine release, other namesake physicsvocabulary manuals are pirated. "SFLEP Chinese-English glossary ofPhysics Handbook" is issued by the Shanghai Foreign LanguageEducation Press vocabulary dictionary class software, softwarecollection of physics basic vocabulary (English-Chinese,Chinese-English bidirectional word received more than 16,000), is aphysics will equipment manuals. This software is provided by Seadictionary (China's first online dictionary productsupport, with the phone most convenient word search function(camera word search, voice search word, etc.), as well as clearpronunciation, vocabulary collection, words assisted learning andmemory and other functions. Choose high-quality dictionary andvocabulary manuals, learning more secure! Software Features(1) authority genuine: This manual is issued by Shanghai ForeignLanguage Education Press, the industry's most authoritativemanual.(2) Professional Highlights: Index physics basic vocabulary(English-Chinese, Chinese-English bidirectional word received morethan 16,000).(3) quick search word: support for multiple word search mode"camera word search, voice search word, handwritten word search"and so on.(4) British / American pronunciation: Compared with books, anincrease of multimedia British and American pronunciation of allwords can be pronunciation.(5) off-line inquiries: Download and install the offline package,in the absence of network conditions, as you can check the word,pronunciation, no GPRS traffic.(6) The words cloud: The cloud synchronization technology, toprovide users with services synchronous learning new words, newwords can collect and review anytime, anywhere.(7) back word: planning software has a vocabulary review function,and automatic reminders to recite functions according to Ebbinghauscurve, quickly and easily master the industry vocabulary.
外研社英语词典 海词出品 1.1.4 APK
本英语词典由外研社官方权威正版发布,其他同名英语词典均为盗版。《外研社现代英汉汉英词典》曾获得全国高校优秀畅销书一等奖,是英汉、汉英双向英语词典,本英语词典可满足中高级英语学习者的需求,是英语单词查询的便捷工具、也是英语阅读、英语写作、翻译查询的得力助手。其英汉部分共收词目38,000余条,兼顾英式与美式的拼写;包含英语、美语的纯正发音;采用新版国际音标,词目分音节,便于英语教学以及英语口语的学习;每个英语词条例证丰富,英语语法详尽,便于培养学习者运用英语语言的能力。此英语词典,汉英部分共收词目53,000余条,其中新词10,000条;每个英语词条释义都经过了仔细推敲,语言简明精确。本英语词典应用在海词词典(中国第一个在线词典十年开发技术的支持下,具有便捷、稳定的查词功能,包括:摄像头查词、语音查词、通知栏快捷查词,清晰发音,收藏/复习生词等辅助学习功能。选择正版英语词典,英语学习更有保障!(版权所有,盗版必究)词典特色:(1)权威正版:本英语词典曾获得全国高校优秀畅销书一等奖,它是由外语教学与研究出版社(全国规模最大的大学出版社、最大的外语出版机构)出版发行的权威词典。(2)十万级词库:英汉部分共收词目38,000余条,汉英部分收词目53,000余条,其内容权威、丰富、准确,非常符合英语学习者的需要。(3)快捷查词:支持多种查词方式“摄像头查词、语音查词、手写查词、通知栏快捷查词”等。(4)离线查词:下载安装离线包后,在无网络情况下,一样可以查词,有效节省流量。(5)云生词本:采用云端同步技术,为用户提供生词同步学习服务,可以随时随地收藏和复习生词。(6)真人标准发音:英/汉发音,皆为真人标准发音。The English dictionarypublished by the official authority of legitimate FLTRP othernamesake English Dictionary are pirated. "FLTRP English Dictionaryof Modern English" won the first prize of National Excellentbestseller university is English-Chinese, Chinese-Englishbidirectional English Dictionary, the English dictionary to meetthe needs of intermediate to advanced English learners, areconvenient tools English word queries, but also English reading,English writing, translating queries assistant. English-Chinesepart of its more than 38,000 of the Words, both British andAmerican spelling; includes English, American English nativespeaker; using the new version of the IPA, head of syllable word,easy to English teaching and learning of English spoken; eachEnglish word Regulations permit a rich, full English grammar, easyto cultivate learners' ability to use the English language. ThisEnglish Dictionary, Chinese-English part of the Words of more than53,000, of which 10,000 new words; every English terminterpretation have been carefully analyzed, concise languageprecise. The application support English Dictionary sea dictionary(China's first online dictionary years to developtechnologies, with convenient and stable word search capabilities,including: camera word search, voice search word, quick checknotification bar word, clear pronunciation, collection / review oflearning new words and other auxiliary functions. Choose thegenuine English Dictionary, English learning more secure!(Copyright, piracy reserved)Dictionary Features:(1) authority genuine: The English dictionary has won firstprize in the National Excellent bestseller university, which ispublished authoritative dictionary issued by Foreign LanguageTeaching and Research Press (the country's largest universitypress, the largest foreign publishing houses).(2) one hundred thousand Thesaurus: English-section of more than38,000 of the Words, the Words and English portions of more than53,000 of its authoritative content, rich, accurate, veryconsistent with the needs of English learners.(3) quick search word: support for multiple word search mode"camera word search, voice search word, handwritten word search,word search quick notification bar" and so on.(4) off-line search word: Download and install the offline package,in the absence of network conditions, as you can check the word,saving traffic.(5) the words cloud: The cloud synchronization technology, toprovide users with services synchronous learning new words, newwords can collect and review anytime, anywhere.(6) real standard pronunciation: English / Chinese pronunciation,are real standard pronunciation.
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Hello English: Learn English 1158 APK
"Learn spoken English and Grammar from Hindi,Indonesian, Thai, Arabic, Malay, Urdu, Malay, Bangladeshi Bengali,Bengali, Punjabi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Oriya,Assamese, Malayalam, Chinese, Portuguese, Turkish and Nepali. Afree English learning course used by over 24 Million learners forspoken English, grammar, and vocabulary building.Hello English by CultureAlley is the number 1 ranked freeEducational App, and the best free App to learn English.Featured as "GOOGLE'S BEST OF 2016 APPS" and "MOST INNOVATIVE APPOF 2016" By IAMAI.Features:★ 475 Interactive Lessons: 100% free interactive lessons withconversational English, grammar topics, vocabulary and more. Alllessons work offline as well.★ Interactive Games: On reading, translation, spellings, grammar,vocabulary. With immediate results and grammar tips.★ Have discussions with teachers: Ask questions on grammar andtranslations to teachers.★ Practice using daily news: Learn with latest news, articles,audio-video clips, and e-books.★ Conversation practice game: Hold daily-use conversations byspeaking into the App - improve your spoken English skills.★ 10,000 words Dictionary: Learn new words, and hear theirpronunciation.★ Know Your Rank: Know your global and city rank.Download the free App right away to help with your dream jobinterview, or with an exam, or to impress your friends! ImproveEnglish speaking, writing, reading and comprehension, and listeningskills. Speak English with confidence!"
BYJU'S – The Learning App APK
Fall in Love with learning!Stay on top in every subject with classes from India’s bestteachers including Byju Raveendran, using state of the arttechnology for visualization. Understand and master all conceptsright from High School Foundation Class 6-12 Math & Science toCompetitive Exam Prep like JEE, AIPMT, CAT & IAS.Features:- Engaging Video Lessons: Designed by India’s Best Teachers, theseunique video class modules will give you complete understanding ofeven the most complicated concepts in such a simple way that youwill fall in love with learning. Special Modules on ICSE, CBSESample Papers for Class 7-10 students and AIPMT & IITJEEcoaching for Class 11-12 students.- For CAT Aspirants, video lectures directly from Byju and Santoshthemselves and complete test series (over 200 chapterwise tests)and 20 Full Length Mocks.-Complete syllabus coverage: The modules are planned in a way as toprovide complete coverage of all state-level Boards, ICSE and CBSEsyllabus for class 10, 9, 8 and 7. Complete IIT JEE Preparation andAIPMT Preparation for Class 11-12.- Chapter wise Tests for Class 7-12: Large collection of fulllength and topic based tests including IITJEE and AIPMT Mock Tests& ICSE and CBSE sample papers for class 10 to 7. Also practicetest based on Class 10th Question Papers for CBSE, ICSE & StateBoards.- Detailed Analysis: View detailed analysis of your progress andperformance which will help you plan even better and improve yourperformance.- Personal Mentors & Guides: Get your doubts cleared by ourmentors who are from top institutions like IIT/IIM – lay solidfoundation for IIT JEE preparation.- Adaptive Learning: Learn in a way that works best for you throughour adaptive learning modules which are designed to cater to eachstudent’s personal learning needs.With 6.5 Lakh+ likes on Facebook, we are the most liked EducationCompany on Facebook!Proven Results: Thousands of Our students have been using themobile learning and tablet training modules for CAT, IAS &IIT-JEE coaching successfully and have consistently secured topranks in all competitive exams. With a total of 87 Civil Servicesselections, 4 rank-holders in IIT top 100, a success ratio of 1 outof every 7 student getting an IIM Call and thousands of happystudents & parents, all in the launch year of this new mode oflearning itself, we have proven beyond doubt that a love forlearning can and does produce great results!!Awards that came our way- Although we don’t consider this of primeimportance, it makes us feel extremely proud that our work has beenrecognized by almost every major media house. A few notablementions are -1. CNBC TV18 Crisil Emerging India Award for Education2. Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India and Fast 500 Asia Award3. NDTV Profit Business Service Excellence Award4. ET Now Education Excellence AwardOur vision is to make learning such an enjoyable process thatstudents begin to learn not just for exams, but for life!!
CppDroid - C/C++ IDE APK
CppDroid is simple C/C++ IDE focused onlearning programming languages and libraries.Features:* code complete ** real-time diagnostics (warnings and errors) and fixes ** file and tutorial navigator (variables, methods, etc)* static analysis ** smart syntax highlighting* portrait/landscape UI* auto indentation and auto pairing (configurable)* configurable code syntax highlighting (themes) ** compile C/C++ code (no root required)* works offline (built-in compiler, no internet connectionrequired)* great C/C++ code examples included ** detailed C++ tutorial and learn guide included ** add-ons manager and auto updates* Dropbox support ** Google Drive support *On first launch CppDroid extracts SDK (about 150Mb) anddownloads and extracts examples and tutorials, so about 215Mb of internal storage space is required. It can't be moved tosd card because of android security.Start learning C and C++ by examples (menu / Project /Examples) or tutorials (menu / Project /Tutorials).App blog:http://www.cppdroid.infoAdvanced paid features (marked with *) review: also ArduinoDroid app:
Memrise: Learn New Languages, Grammar & Vocabulary 2023.2.6.0 APK
Google Play I/O Award Winner for Best App of2017Learn how to speak like a native and unlock your foreign languagelearning superpowers with Memrise! Speak fluent Spanish, French,Japanese or Chinese and improve your grammar with easy beginner andintermediate language lessons using a fun, innovative approach fromthe free language learning app.Study new words, vocabulary and grammar with easy beginner andintermediate reading and writing lessons alongside over 15 millionpeople worldwide.Reading, writing and speaking fluent Spanish, Japanese, Chinese,Italian, French, German, Korean and other languages is easy withMemrise! Learn languages the fun way with next-generation mobilelearning, a rich variety of vocabulary and memory games, over30,000 easy-to-understand native speaker videos and interactivechatbots.Reading, writing and engaging in fluent, daily conversation is outof this world fun with Memrise!Foreign Language Learning: Top 5 Reasons to Download MemriseBeginner and intermediate Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese,Italian and many other speaking, reading and writing foreignlanguage courses expertly created by a dedicated team oflinguistsStudy French, Spanish, Japanese (full and no script), and othervocabulary with content designed to push the boundaries of learningtechnologyStudy and learn languages with chatbots – hone a natural flow forfluent, daily conversationLearn a foreign language with native speaker videos – no actors,just real people!Vocabulary, memory and other fun language games help you learn andpractice your skills, including Difficult Words, Speed Review,Listening Skills and Classic ReviewStudy new words, beginner, intermediate and advanced vocabulary,pronunciation and practical grammar for daily conversation in yourfavorite languages including Japanese, Chinese, Korean andItalian!Study beginner Italian vocabulary for free before you fly to Romeand eat a pistachio gelato. Is Korean BBQ your favorite meal? Learnhow to order like a native speaker the next time you’re in Seoul.Check out our intermediate reading lessons and learn how to speakfluent German before donning the lederhosen for Oktoberfest.Working your way through an official Memrise course? Record andcompare your pronunciation to that of a native speaker.Memrise, the award-winning free language learning app:Google Play I/O Award Winner for Best App of 2017Editor’s ChoiceTop DeveloperBest of 2016 - Self ImprovementBest AppsFlirt in a foreign language with perfect pronunciation from memory,or impress locals with your advanced Chinese grammar knowledge thenext time you're on vacation. Got a free minute? Why not setyourself a challenge and learn two new words a day - you'll beamazed by how quickly you can pick it up! Whether it's reading inSpanish, challenging your memory skills with German articles orsimply being curious about Japanese, Memrise offers a unique andinteractive approach to the world of language learning.Learn useful, real-life foreign language skills on the go. Withpronunciation guides, beginner and intermediate courses, grammarskills and rich content, Memrise offers everything you need to havea compelling conversation in any foreign language! Download todayand start a conversation with the world around you.
Current Affairs GK - SSC IAS IBPS Exam Prep Tests 16.4.6 APK
OnlineTyari app is India's No.1 TestPreparation App for Hindi, English and Marathi medium. We providedaily updates on current affairs 2017 and GK. It contains latestonline study material for SSC (CGL, CHSL, 10+2), IBPS (Bank PO,Clerk, RRB, SBI & Associates Bank), GATE , UPSC (IAS, IPS,IES), Railways RRB, Insurance LIC AAO and state level governmentexams.Hindi and Marathi Medium SupportContent is available in Hindi (हिंदी), English and Marathi mediums.Get access to daily GK current affairs in Hindi. Improve yourGeneral Knowledge (GK) in Hindi. Get essential topics and studymaterial for GK and Current Affairs 2017, NCERT questions andsolutions, Maths (Reasoning and Aptitude), English Learning andComputer Knowledge.Daily Study and PracticeLatest daily GK current affairs notes for 2017 sent in morning withquiz. Read current affairs Weekly and Month wise. Questions andnotes provided on topics like Banking,Environment, Foreign Policyand International news. Get Job Alerts, Employment News, NewsDigest and Articles about the current happenings around theworld.Mock Tests and E-BooksSection wise and Full Length Online Mock tests are provided forexam preparation. Targeted Test series with guidance are availablefor exams like IAS, SSC, Bank PO. Solve previous years exam paperson app.OnlineTyari AIT (All India Test) allow one to check India levelrank before real exams. Detailed analysis and comparison isprovided in All India Tests.Recommended Books available in E-Book (PDF, E-pub) format. ReadBooks offline after downloading. Competition exam mock papers andE-books are available from best coaching classes of India.SSCOne app for all SSC 2016 Exams preparation. Prepare for SSC CGL,CHSL , GD Constable, Stenographer, CPO exams. Prepare for SSC inHindi Medium here. Topics for SSC like English Learning, Quant,Reasoning in app.Banking Exams (IBPS, Bank PO, SBI PO & Clerk)Single place to clear your bank exams. Daily notes, practice papersand e-books provided for Banking exams. We cover SBI PO, SBI Clerk,RBI, NABARD, SEBI, SIDBI and other bank exams. Bank specific topicslike Economy, English Tests and Banking Awareness covered.IAS (UPSC Civil Services ) 2017Crack your IAS Pre and Mains exam with help from OnlineTyari.Targeted study capsules from leading coaching like Chronicle,Vision IAS etc available. Cover your syllabus with guidance fromexperts. IAS specific topics like Ethics & Governance, Optionalpapers, Case studies available. Chapter wise Notes from NCERT forHistory, Geography, Polity subjects.GATE , IES & PSUStudy material (Mock test & E-Books) available for Engineeringbranches like Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, CivilEngineering and Mechanical. Solved previous year papers availablefor GATE & IES.Other Exams- Railways RRB and Loco pilot , insurance LIC AAO : Mock tests, MCQquestions and E-books available for Railways RRB and LIC AAOExams.- Teacher Exam: CTET, UGC NET, state level like UPTET, MPTET, REETand B.Ed exams.- Defence and police exams like CDS, NDA, IB and CRPF.- State level exams: -i) For north india we cover exams like RAS and REET (Rajasthan),UPPSC and UPTET (Uttar Pradesh), Bihar SSC and BPSC (Bihar),Haryana PSC, MPPSC (Madhya Pradesh), Maharashtra (TET, B.Ed.,Police and MPSC).ii) For south india we cover exams like Tamil Nadu PSC, Kerala PSC,Andhra PSC and Telangana PSC exams.OnlineTyari have largest network of students. Student communityallow students to ask an answer questions, seek test prepguidance.Study Material from publishers like Arihant, Jagran Josh, Chronicleand Pratiyogita Darpan available.Updates related to Application form and dates, exam pattern,syllabus , Admit cards regularly sent. Know about Examnotifications , result dates within app.Visit:
CBSE Class 8, 9, 10, 11 Course 2.56 APK
★★★FREE NCERT Solutions & RevisionQuestions★★★Complete CBSE classes 8th ,9th 10th and 11th study coursepowered by Everonn is available on your mobile & tab. Thisguide will help you ace your schools exams and have fun whilelearning.A very well researched course, this course contains learningcontent, animations, questions & answers, study notes, NCERTsolutions etc to help you with your school curriculum. The courseis based on the NCERT books and closely follows the syllabus forCBSE Class 8 ,9 and10 books.Each NCERT textbook chapter is explained in detail along withpractice questions and important questions that are likely to comein school exams. The course also provides detailed solutions to allthe questions present in NCERT books and has these solutionsavailable for free !The course contains detailed chapters for Class 8th, 9th, 10thand 11th -Class 8 - Science, Maths, Geography, History, Social &Political Life and English.Class 9 - Science, Maths, Geography, History, Economics, DemocraticPolicies and EnglishClass 10 - Science, Maths, Geography, History, DemocraticPolicies, Economics, Disaster Management and EnglishClass 11 - Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology and CommerceFor each class the course contains 2 sample chapters for eachsubject for free and the course (with access available on web also)start from INR 595For each NCERT book, all the chapters are covered in full detailalong with solutions to all NCERT questions.Also these solutions are completely FREE. So you don't need to buyextra guides for NCERT questions and answers.The content is developed by Everonn's research team inconsultation with some of the top CBSE schools in thecountry.It is a cross platform course that works across your Mobile,Tablets and Web.Visit us at to check out thecomplete course on the web.
Marbel Panduan Ramadhan + Suara APK
Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan yang dinantikanoleh semua umat muslim di dunia. Syukur Alhamdulillah kita tinggaldi negara dengan mayoritas muslim sehingga bulan Ramadhan terasabegitu meriah dan menyenangkan. Apakah bulan Ramadhan hanya milikorang dewasa saja. Tentu saja tidak. Anak-anak pun sangat antusiasmenyambut bulan Ramadhan.Nah, bagaimana dengan buah hati anda yang masih balita?Bagaimanakah cara anda menjelaskan apa itu Bulan Ramadhan dankeutamaannya kepada sang buah hati? Mengenalkan bulan Ramadhankepada buah hati dengan cara yang menyenangkan sangatlah penting.Hal ini untuk menanamkan kepada anak-anak bahwa bulan Ramadhan itumenyenangkan.Kini telah hadir MARBEL PANDUAN PUASA RAMADHAN khusus untukanak-anak. Aplikasi ini mengajak anak-anak untuk belajar :1. Apa itu puasa?2. Apa saja keutamaan bulan Ramadhan?3. Apa saja rukun puasa?4. Apa saja amalan yang bisa dilakuakn di bulan Ramadhan?Marbel menggabungkan konsep belajar dan bermain menjadi satusehingga melahirkan cara belajar yang lebih menyenangkan. Materiakan disajikan dalam bentuk yang menarik dilengkapi dengan Gambar +Sound Narasi + Animasi untuk menarik minat anak-anak dalam belajar.Selanjutnya, mereka bisa mengasah kemampuan melalui permainanedukasi yang disediakan.Kelebihan :------------------Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan gambar dan ilustrasi serta animasiyang menarik, sehingga anak-anak akan merasa tertarik untukbelajar. Setiap materi dilengkapi dengan narasi pendukung. Aplikasiini dilengkapi juga dengan doa berbuka puasa, niat berpuasa sertaniat shalat tarawih lengkap dengan voice narasi, tulisan dalamhuruf arab dan latin, serta artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia.TENTANG MARBEL--------------------------------------------------Marbel adalah aplikasi pendidkan khusus untuk anak-anak usia 2 s/d8 tahun. Bersama Marbel, anak-anak bisa belajar banyak hal dengancara yang menyenangkan. Tersedia materi pembelajaran yang akanmembantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenal sesuatu misalnya sajahuruf, angka, buah, sayur, hewat, alat-alat transpotasi, warna, danmasih banyak lainnya. Yang paling menarik dari marbel adalah :Permainan edukasi yang menyenangkan. Ada berbagai macam permainanyang akan menguji kemampuan mereka. Permainan itu terdiri dari :tepat cepat, ketangkasan, daya ingat, kecerdikan, asah otak danmasih banyak lainnya. Marbel dilengkapi dengan gambar dan animasiyang menarik, musik orisinil, serta narasi panduan yang bergunabagi anak-anak yang belum lancar membaca.Kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan ragu untukmengirimkannya ke :support@educastudio.comInformasi lebih lanjut mengenai Marbel:Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: @educastudioBagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain, tak ada salahnyamencoba aplikasi Marbel. Anak-anak tak hanya mendapatkan kesenangandalam bermain, namun juga ilmu yang bermanfaat. Belajar sambilbermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayoo kita temani anak-anak belajar,bersama Marbel tentunya.. :)The month of Ramadan is amonth that is eagerly anticipated by all Muslims in the world.Praise to God we live in a country with a Muslim majority thatRamadan was so festive and fun. Is Ramadan belong only to adultsonly. Of course not. The children were very excited to welcome themonth of Ramadan.Well, what about your baby are still toddlers? How can you explainwhat it was the month of Ramadan and its primacy to the baby?Introduce the month of Ramadan to the baby in a fun way is veryimportant. It is to instill in children that Ramadan was fun.Now has come Marbel RAMADAN FAST GUIDE specifically for children.This application invites children to learn:1. What is fasting?2. What are the virtues of Ramadan?3. What are the pillars of fasting?4. What can dilakuakn deeds in Ramadan?Marbel combines the concept of learning and playing into one thatgave birth to a way of learning more enjoyable. The material willbe presented in an attractive form comes with Image + SoundNarrative + animations to attract children's interest in learning.Furthermore, they can hone skills through educational gamesprovided.Advantages :------------------The application comes with pictures and illustrations andinteresting animation, so the children will feel interested inlearning. Each material is equipped with a supporting narrative.This application is also equipped with a prayer iftar, theintention of fasting and of prayer tarawih complete with voicenarration, written in Arabic and Latin letters, as well as itsmeaning in Indonesian.ABOUT Marbel--------------------------------------------------Marbel is a special education application for children ages 2 s / d8 years. Together Marbel, children can learn a lot of things in afun way. There are learning materials that will help children tolearn about something for example only letters, numbers, fruits,vegetables, Hewat, means of transportation, color, and many more.The most interesting of the marble is: a fun educational game.There is a wide variety of games that will test their skills. Thegame consist of: a fast right, dexterity, memory, ingenuity, brainteasers and many more. Marbel equipped with interesting images andanimations, original music, and narrative useful guide for childrenwho are not yet fluent reading.We expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitate to send it to:support@educastudio.comFurther information about Marbel:Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: mothers who like to accompany the children to play, there's noharm in trying the application Marbel. Children not only have funin the play, but also useful knowledge. Learn while playing .. ??Why not..?? Ayoo we accompany the children to learn, along Marbelcourse .. :)