App Information Circle SideBar
- App NameCircle SideBar
- Package Namecom.zeeshan.circlesidebar
- UpdatedMarch 1, 2018
- File Size6.6M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.2 and up
- Version27.0
- DeveloperZeeshan!
- Installs500,000+
- PriceFree
- CategoryPersonalization
- DeveloperDoddaballapur, Bangalore Rural, Karnataka, India - 561203
- Google Play Link
Circle SideBar Version History
Select Circle SideBar Version :-
Circle SideBar 27.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2018 /3/3Requires Android: Android 4.2+ (Jelly Bean, API: 17)File Size: 6.6 MBTested on: Android 8.1 (Oreo, API: 27)File Sha1: 0a61f40ba75db43499c8aef81afb619ddf3300e4 -
Circle SideBar 17.0.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /2/26Requires Android: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API: 16)File Size: 7.2 MBTested on: Android 7.1 (Nougat, API: 25)File Sha1: d0cdf49d6b34b15e00e9065206b872ea5c8ba590 -
Circle SideBar 16.0.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /2/25Requires Android: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API: 16)File Size: 7.2 MBTested on: Android 7.1 (Nougat, API: 25)File Sha1: a5ac8509f646c34e615bc0bace76796dfb1f26c0 -
Circle SideBar 14.0.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /1/30Requires Android: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API: 16)File Size: 7.4 MBTested on: Android 7.1 (Nougat, API: 25)File Sha1: c647cd140f6aa8ee8428703897ea775ef1119672 -
Circle SideBar 13.0.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /1/14Requires Android: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API: 16)File Size: 7.1 MBTested on: Android 7.1 (Nougat, API: 25)File Sha1: 49e1d199627e863736902ba63fe118d87bf9e5cb
Zeeshan! Show More...
Circle SideBar 27.0 APK
Circle Sidebar - An application to make your android experiencebetter, provides easy multitasking from anywhere and anytime! It'sfast and highly customizable. Users can easily customize the way itworks and the content it holds. It runs in the background and canbe easily accessed from any screen with just a swipe. The user caneven set it to start at boot. Features: 1. Easy controls - All thesettings are provided in the main screen with descriptions of eachfunction for better understandability and to avoid confusions. 2.Completely customizable with the way it is triggered. Options fortriggering width, height and position are given. The user caneasily adjust it to their convenience. 3. Include Favorite apps -Users have full access to the all the apps installed on the phone.At any point, a user can choose what apps to be displayed in thesidebar. 4. Haptic feedback provided to give a response to the useras an acknowledgment to their sidebar calling request. 5. Option toapply custom icon packs is included. Install any icon pack from thestore and choose it from circle sidebar. 6. Option to vary the iconsizes is also provided. 7. After the second update, option to addshortcuts was included based on user request. (Pro Feature) 8. Appicons and list are completely customizable - choose icons from adifferent range of icon packs or use a custom image of your own. 9.Based on user requests, the option to Black Listing Apps isincluded (Pro Feature). Sidebar automatically disappears in theselected apps. 10. Circle Sidebar timeout can be set after thethird update. 11. Enable/Disable infinite scrolling based on userpreference. 12. More features to come :) Last Update: * Fixed themost reported issue: Now touch outside the Sidebar is notregistered by the background. * Fixed the issue with the serviceclosing itself in the background. * Fixed the triggering problem ontouch. (previously it worked only on Tap) * Added option to set thetimeout for the sidebar. * Added option to disable infinitescrolling. * Added option to set BlackList Apps. (Pro feature)(Sidebar will automatically disappear in the selected apps) Morefeatures: * Now supports lock screen enabling. * Added deviceorientation based blacklisting. Added Quick Settings: - Now you canset a second circle for quick settings. You can set it to infinitescroll with all the quick settings or you could limit to thefavorite settings. - The Quick Settings added are: 1. Wifi toggle.2. Bluetooth toggle. 3. Screen Rotation. 4. Flash Light toggle. 5.Airplane toggle. 6. Brightness Mode. 7. Volume Control (Supportsboth media and ringtone volumes depending) 8. Music Control: Play /Pause 9. Music Control: Play Next / Play Previous Track 10. HotspotToggle (toggling could be a little slow on some devices) 11.Location Services Toggle. 12. Ringer Mode (General / Vibrate /Silent) 13. More to come... Drop your suggestions on email.PERMISSIONS REQUIRED: STORAGE - Required for including shortcuts ofa file on the device storage or to create an icon. CALL - Requiredfor direct dial shortcut to any specified number. Please use theReports section in the app to directly interact with the developervia email. Any Feedback, suggestions, and bug reports are muchappreciated. If you like the app please share it with friends andfamily and leave a rating on play store. All the major updatesreleased are based on the user requests and suggestions, pleasefeel free to drop me an email anytime!!
Circle Sidebar Pro 27.0 APK
Circle Sidebar Pro - An application to make your android experiencebetter, provides easy multitasking from anywhere and anytime! It'sfast and highly customizable. Users can easily customize the way itworks and the content it holds. It runs in the background and canbe easily accessed from any screen with just a swipe. The user caneven set it to start at boot. Features: 1. Easy controls - All thesettings are provided in the main screen with descriptions of eachfunction for better understandability and to avoid confusions. 2.Completely customizable with the way it is triggered. Options fortriggering width, height and position are given. The user caneasily adjust it to their convenience. 3. Include Favorite apps -Users have full access to the all the apps installed on the phone.At any point, a user can choose what apps to be displayed in thesidebar. 4. Haptic feedback provided to give a response to the useras an acknowledgment to their sidebar calling request. 5. Option toapply custom icon packs is included. Install any icon pack from thestore and choose it from circle sidebar. 6. Option to vary the iconsizes is also provided. 7. Circle Sidebar timeout can be set afterthe third update. 8. Enable/Disable infinite scrolling based onuser preference. 9. Much more (Not Listed) PRO FEATURES: 10. Afterthe second update, option to add shortcuts was included based onuser request. 11. App icons are completely customizable - chooseicons from a different range of icon packs or use a custom image ofyour own. 12. Based on user requests, the option to Black ListingApps is included. Sidebar automatically disappears in the selectedapps. 13. The list is completely customizable - Use the 'CustomizeList' option to change the order and also delete/edit any icon. 13.More features to come :) Last Update: * Fixed the most reportedissue: Now touch outside the Sidebar is not registered by thebackground. * Fixed the issue with the service closing itself inthe background. * Fixed the problem most users faced withtriggering. * Added option to set the timeout for the sidebar. *Added option to disable infinite scrolling. * Added support forBlackList Apps (Pro feature) (Sidebar will automatically disappearin the selected apps) More features: * Now supports lock screenenabling. * Added device orientation based blacklisting. AddedQuick Settings: - Now you can set a second circle for quicksettings. You can set it to infinite scroll with all the quicksettings or you could limit to the favorite settings. - The QuickSettings added are: 1. Wifi toggle. 2. Bluetooth toggle. 3. ScreenRotation. 4. Flash Light toggle. 5. Airplane toggle. 6. BrightnessMode. 7. Volume Control (Supports both media and ringtone volumesdepending) 8. Music Control: Play / Pause 9. Music Control: PlayNext / Play Previous Track 10. Hotspot Toggle (toggling could be alittle slow on some devices) 11. Location Services Toggle. 12.Ringer Mode (General / Vibrate / Silent) 13. More to come... Dropyour suggestions on email. PERMISSIONS REQUIRED: STORAGE - Requiredfor including shortcuts of a file on the device storage or tocreate an icon. CALL - Required for direct dial shortcut to anyspecified number. Please use the Reports section in the app todirectly interact with the developer via email. Any Feedback,suggestions and bug reports are much appreciated. If you like theapp please share it with friends and family and leave a rating onplay store. All the major updates released are based on the userrequests and suggestions, please feel free to drop me an emailanytime!!
VTU Syllabus 1.1 APK
VTU Syllabus App provides easy access to Syllabus for students ofVisvesvaraya Technological University The app supports Android ICSand above (API 14+) It is completely designed based on Google's newmaterial design (For best experience of the design flow and all theanimations, use it on Android Lollipop and above) App Contains, 1.Syllabus for most branches (ECE, EEE, CS, IS, TC, MECH and Civil)of BE including the first year- Physics and Chemistry cycles.(Please use feedback options provided in the app for featurerequests which are directed to the developer) 2. Syllabus for allbranches of MBA including First year. 3. Syllabus for GATE 4. Linksare provided to popular sites known for hosting VTU results (if youwant more sites to be displayed, write to the developer,bookmarking features coming soon) 5. Links to websites fordownloading question papers have been provided. (In-app integrationfor question papers and books available are to come soon.Interested users can contact the dev to help ease the process) 6.Search feature is provided in the app, use the feature to navigatedirectly to the desired subject. Bug report option is provided inall Syllabus Pages, if errors are found, use this feature to reportthem to the developer directly - Please provide brief info of theerror for better understanding
Control Center 2.0.0 APK
Control Center is a single solution to allyour multitasking problems. It is a smart tool that contains yourfavorite features to be accessed from anywhere anytime. ControlCenter is inspired by iOS and lets you transform your androiddevice into an iPhone. It brings the best features from iOS -Control Center and Assistive Touch to Android in one package withmore customizations than in an iPhone.Control Center :* Contains the most commonly used quick settings - WiFi, Bluetooth,Screen Orientation, Torch and Airplane Mode (for now)* Provides option to adjust brightness.* Has a music panel that looks cool and lets you handle music fromany screen any time. (Please set a default player, if the featureisn't working as expected)* Contains an App panel. Select all the apps that you want quickaccess to, in this panel.* Provides option to set the desired icon pack.* Provides option to set the background of the music panel with thealbum art of the current playing song. (Check out more optionsrelated to this in the app)* Provides option to set the color scale for the icons.* Provides option to resize the icons for the apps.* Provides option to switch between the iOS 10 style control centerand the legacy one (Work in progress! Will be updated verysoon)Assistive Touch:* Contains the most common used quick settings (More options comingsoon).* Supports icon resizing. Set the icon size to your liking.* Provides option to change the icon. Choose a custom icon of yourchoice from gallery or select from a variety of icon packs.* Provides option to customize click action. Check out the variousoptions inside the app.* Provides option to set Hepatic Feedback on Click.* Option to customize the layout is coming soon. (BackgroundTransparency, Color, Changing quick settings, Adding Appsetc.)Up Coming Features :* Adding layout change option for the assistive touch panel.* Adding iOS 10 style for the control center.* Adding more trigger options to control center (Left and RightSides)* You suggest me some features that you wanna see in ControlCenter.Please provide feedback on Play Store after using the app. If anyqueries, please email me through the app, I'll be happy to help.Also, the app contains option to drop issue reports and suggestionsdirectly to the developer via email, please make use of it. And ifyou liked the app please share it with friends and family
Kalanjali-2015 1.1 APK
Susamskruti, the Cultural Forum of SirMVIT,Bengaluru,has been celebratingKalanjali, an annual Intercollegiate Techno-Culturalextravaganzasuccessfully since the year 1996.Kalanjali has been setting the stage for Student Communitytoshowcase their talents, innovation and creativity with zealandzest.Kalanjali '15 is scheduled to be held on 16th and 17th ofOctober2015The Objectives of the Events are :To enhance the inquisitive spirit and knowledge horizon.To bring out the creative talentsTo generate competitive skillsTo nature communication skills and leadership qualitiesamongstudents.
Gesture Sidebar 2.0 APK
Gesture Sidebar provides an easy way to multi-task in yourandroiddevice. The App lets you define gestures for your favoriteapps andyou can access these apps from anywhere, anytime by drawingthesame simple gestures you defined. In addition, the appalsoprovides another list of apps that can be accessed by slidingthebottom panel up. The intent of this list depends on the user,youcan put all the important, but less frequently used apps hereoryou could simply add all your favorite apps in this, completelyupto the end user. The app is completely designed based onthematerial guidelines, so it has a beautiful UI with lotsofanimations, that are easy on your eyes. The app is always opentosuggestions, feel free to email the developer anytime withanykinda feature requests or suggestions. Features : 1. Letsyouselect all your favorite apps with gestures defined by you.Keepthe gestures simple so it is easy for you to access theappfrequently. 2. Provides control over the default musicplayer.Play/Pause, skip tracks from any screen without having tochangeover to the music app. 3. The app is highly customizable. Youcancustomize almost everything. 4. Styles: Comes with a set of3pre-defined styles for the service. More to be added (Feel freetosuggest your ideas). 5. More in the app for you to explore:)Please share the app if you liked it and leave a review. Alsoifyou have any queries, issues or suggestions, you can send me amailright from the app.