1.4 / October 29, 2014
(3.9/5) (2734)


¿Que es una "Creepypasta"? Brevemente, lasCreepypastas son historias cortas que rondan por internet diseñadaspara dejar en shock al lector. Tienes miedo? Eres cobarde? Pruébalocon esta app.
What is a "Creepypasta"?Briefly, Creepypastas are short stories that haunt internet shockdesigned to get the reader. You scared? You're a coward? Try itwith this app.

App Information Creepypastas

Creepypastas Version History

Select Creepypastas Version :
  • 1.4 (5) - Latest Version
  • Creepypastas 1.4 APK File

    Publish Date: 2015 /11/8
    Requires Android: Android 2.2+ (Froyo, API: 8)
    File Size: 358.0 kB
    Tested on: Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean, API: 18)
    File Sha1: 2ab91d6c1a3ed561b5871e41ca70ad26e8bbe140
    APK Signature: 4b93f09da0f847a48bd704b305ac7387ec7d1cf6

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Creepypastas 1.4 APK
¿Que es una "Creepypasta"? Brevemente, lasCreepypastas son historias cortas que rondan por internet diseñadaspara dejar en shock al lector. Tienes miedo? Eres cobarde? Pruébalocon esta app.What is a "Creepypasta"?Briefly, Creepypastas are short stories that haunt internet shockdesigned to get the reader. You scared? You're a coward? Try itwith this app.
Frases para Conquistar 1.1 APK
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