App Information ServiceTech
- App NameServiceTech
- Package Namecom.uxmstudio.servicetech
- UpdatedDec 29, 2022
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.0.3
- Version1.4.5
- DeveloperCulligan International
- Installs-
- PriceFree
- Category
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Wireless Barcode Scanner, Full 3.11.2 APK
Use your smartphone or tablet as a wireless barcode scanner foryourPC, Mac or Linux box. The scanned bar-codes areimmediatelyavailable for further processing via a Bluetooth, TCP/IPorWebSocket connection. This app is a cost-saving alternativetohandheld wireless/cordless/radio barcode scanners; it quicklyandreliably scans all common linear and 2D bar-codes. Installationanduse is very simple. Just start the app, establish a connectionwithyour computer and scan barcodes remotely with a single tap.EASY TOUSE Bar-codes are detected and decoded quickly. Thescannedbarcodes are stored in the history on the device. Batch modeforbulk scanning is supported. Wireless Barcode Scannerprovidesprefix and suffix configuration and an adjustable characterset fordecoding barcodes. The app notifies you about thecurrentconnection status to the target system and showsfailedbarcode-scans immediately. FREE DEMO This is a free demoversion.It replaces barcode data with a demo text on an irregularbasis.All other features are identical to the fullversion(market://details? for volume or enterpriselicensing(installation without Google Play). INTERFACES WirelessBarcodeScanner communicates via Bluetooth, TCP (server and clientmode) orWebSockets with remote systems: Bluetooth: The app can beoperatedas Bluetooth Master supporting the serial port profile(BluetoothSPP). Once connected to the computer, the barcode datacan bereceived via a virtual serial port (RS232 or COM-port).TCP/IP: Youcan also configure Wireless Barcode Scanner to useTCP/IP forcommunicating with a remote system. TCP server and TCPclient modeare supported. Websocket: Finally, Wireless BarcodeScanner canoperate as a WebSocket server. A suitably created HTML5page isable to communicate with the app easily. VOLUME LICENSE Forvolumeor enterprise licensing (without the need for a GooglePlayaccount) contact A free demo version isavailablein the Google Play store(see SUPPORT We highly appreciate your feedback! Forquestions orsuggestions please contact
Service Pro Mobile 3 3.26.9 APK
Mobile Field Service Software Improve Customer Satisfaction,Increase Technician Utilization and Boost Service Performance withService Pro® Mobile Your customers have high expectations. Helpyour field service technicians exceed them. Field serviceorganizations that empower their service technicians with real timecustomer, asset, inventory, warranty and other call resolutioninformation consistently outperform their peers because theirtechnicians can complete their work more quickly, and at a higherfirst time response success rate. Why Service Pro Mobile? A moreinformed technician is more productive! Empower your field servicetechs with immediate information to get the job done right, on thefirst call. • Service Pro Mobile works anywhere - Technicians canrecord work in areas with or without wireless network connectivity.• Service Pro Mobile is easy to use – Features are intuitively laidout and use the device's native navigation. It’s cross platform andconsistent between iOS and Android menu options. • Service ProMobile is a seamless extension of Service Pro - Stop wastingeffort! Integration with Service Pro® extends world class fieldservice productivity to the field. • Service Pro Mobile deploymentoptions - On-premise or cloud • Service Pro Mobile does work ordersand inspections – Data is saved to permanent tables matching thestructure of the Service Pro back-end feature. • Service Pro Mobilecan integrate to your ‘home office’ system – Enjoy company-widefield service automation by using Service Pro Mobile with your homeoffice system. What can Service Pro Mobile do? Service Pro Mobileincludes many paperless service management capabilities for fieldservice technicians: • Service Technician Status • Work OrderManagement: • Technician Time Tracking • Inventory Tracking • AssetInspections • Photo Capture • Signature Capture
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simPRO eForms digitises your forms workflow, ending yourdependencyon paper forms. Field employees complete and submit PDFforms tothe eForms Portal, where they can be viewed, downloaded,orautomatically actioned. Using simPRO eForms you can: -collectsignatures and drawings - process form submissions in realtime -capture photos and add attachments to each form To beginusingeForms you’ll need an active user licence. Contact simPROtopurchase licences.
LoMag Warehouse Management PRO 1.25 APK
This is the full version of “LoMag Inventory ManagementFREE"without limitations on amounts of items and documents,additionallyenabling you to: - Import data from Excel - Clean alldata - Createbackup copy - Restore backup copy - the purchase ofthe fullversion automatically transfers the data from the FREEversion Themost important characteristics of the program: - inbuiltbarcodescanner employing the camera of a mobile device - stocklevel as ata given date and hour exportable to Excel - warehousedocuments:Goods Received Note, Goods Issued Note, Inventory -adding items todocuments by scanning codes or browsing the itemlist - history ofwarehouse transfers for a chosen item - browsingthrough warehousehistory of documents and their content - editingor removing thelast warehouse document - quick search of items bynames or codes -editing the item list, ascribing codes with ascanner - adding ownunits of measurement and removing unused units- changing the dateof the documents (introduction of historicaldata) - export ofdocuments’ content to Excel (including inventory)- expandedinventory-creating options, automatically supporting thefollowingfunctions: + displaying a list of items, which are not intheinventory, with a quick addition option + automatic addingofoutstanding items to the inventory together with theircurrentstock levels + automatic adding of items outstanding fromtheinventory with zero stock level + saving incompleteinventorieswith a possibility of finishing them at a later date +theprocedure of approving the inventory with an automaticcorrectionof stock levels + report on differences before and aftertheinventory, with the items with different stock levels markedincolour and a recap of differences and values + the deletion oftheinventory is possible during as well as after conclusionandapproval of the inventory The support of prices is optional.Youcan keep only a quantitative register of items withoutenteringprices onto the documents. If you work with prices, you canenterdifferent purchase prices for the same item. When an itemwithseveral purchase prices is issued, the programautomaticallyaverages the prices, in keeping with the FIFO rule.This means thatthe proposed price upon issue is a weighted averageof purchaseprices for the items available in stock. There is alsoan option ofchanging the price manually when issuing items, orentering yourown selling price not related to the purchase price.Whenconducting an inventory the program also proposes aweightedaverage purchase price, so that the value of the item wouldnotchange, if the stock did not change. The inventory also allowsyouto change the values of the items manually. The inventory isadocument which defines amounts and values of items anew – sowhenissuing items the program analyses the item history since thelastinventory. The incorporated barcode reader recognizes thefollowingcode formats: codes on products: EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN,UPC-A, UPC-Eindustrial codes: Codabar, Code 128, Code 93, Code 39,ITF, RSStwo-dimensional codes: QR Code, Data Matrix For the readerto workcorrectly, the camera should be equipped with autofocus andflashfor illuminating the codes in dark rooms. Without thesefunctionsthe recognition of codes may be impossible, or it mayrequireplacing the code at an appropriate distance from the camera,sothat it captures focus. You can also use an external reader,e.g.Bluetooth operating as a keyboard entering the codes. Thebarcodemay be any string of signs, not necessarily a concrete typeofcode. The field may also be used for another purpose, e.g. asaunique index, which will facilitate finding the item. Thebarcodesin the database must be unique. The program featuresanincorporated user manual and the possibility of contactingitscreators. Privacy: