Weather Apps - Page 1

bergfex/Ski Lite
bergfex GmbH
bergfex brings the best ski resorts from thealps region to your android smartphone.*** NEW: Added French ski resorts ****** NEW: Double tap to zoom on panorama or snow forecast maps***Up-to-date weather and snow reports for the most ski resorts inAustria, Switzerland, Germany, North Italy, France andSlovenia.bergfex bringt die beliebtesten Skigebiete der Alpenregion auf ihrAndroid Smartphone.Aktuelle Wetter- und Schneedaten zu den meisten Skigebieten inÖsterreich, Schweiz, Deutschland, Norditalien und Slowenien.The bergfex/Ski App has been released for the new winter seasonwith a brand new look and user experience with a better overview.All the snow and resort info for the ski resorts in Austria,Switzerland, Germany, Italy, France and Slovenia on your fingertip.**** ATTENTION****This is the lite version of the popular bergfex/Ski App - thefunctionality is given in a limited extent. In the bergfex/Ski Proversion you get access to all detailed snow forecast maps, hourlyday weather, weather stations, ski videos and there is noadvertising inside the app. There is no more limitation for theamount of favourites, webcams and days of weather forecast. If youlike our bergfex/Ski Lite app, grab the paid "bergfex/Ski Pro"version and support the development of our mobile apps.Dies ist die kostenlose bergfex/Ski App. In der kostenpflichtigen"bergfex/Ski Pro" Version erhalten Sie erweiterte Funktionalitätenwie detailliertere Schneevorhersagekarten und ein stündlichesTageswetter, Messstationen, einen Videobereich mit Skilehrfilmen -die Pro App ist auch werbefrei. Falls Ihnen die kostenfreiebergfex/Ski App gefällt, kaufen Sie bitte unsere "bergfex/Ski Pro"Version und unterstützen Sie uns bei der Weiterentwicklung.Features:- Daily up-to-date snow heights- Weather forecasts including snow forecasts- Webcams- High resolution maps of snow resorts- Detailed information of the ski resorts- Snow forecasts for the alps region- Show ski resort on map- Navigation to the ski resort (Google Maps navigation has to beinstalled on your Smartphone)- App translated in 18 languagesYou can organize your favorite ski resorts in a nice favoritelist.If any ski resort should not be available in our app or any snowreport data may be missing, please contact us directly We are trying hard to keep the info inside ourapp as up to date as possible. We appreciate your help verymuch!bergfex/Ski Pro is now available for the following languages:ČeskýDeutschDanskEnglishEspañolSuomiFrançaisHrvatskiMagyarItalianoNederlandsNorskPolskiRomânaPусскийSvenskaSlovenščinaSlovensky
Weather - The Weather Channel
The Weather Channel
Plan and prepare with confidence with theworld’s most downloaded Weather App.GET ACCURATE FORECASTS FOR ANY LOCATION• Cognitive Home Screen: Changes based on your currentlocation, weather, and time of day, so you get your currentconditions plus the weather info you need most.• Local & National Forecasts: Hourly, 15-day and weekendforecasts available in Celsius or Fahrenheit for the US, Canada,and locations around the world.• Current Weather Conditions: Beyond accurate temperatures,you’ll get “feels like” weather, humidity, dew point, sunrise,sunset, wind speed, UV index, visibility and barometricpressure.• Weather Maps: Fast-loading doppler radar maps show pastand 6-hour future radar. Map layers show road or satellite views,water temperature, wind speeds, snow cover, and more.• Plan for Trips: Get access to seasonal weather trends,road conditions, the tides, and 15-day forecasts for your favoritedestinations like Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto andVancouver.PERSONALIZED REAL-TIME WEATHER ALERTS• Severe Weather Alerts: Stay safe with National WeatherService government issued notifications of extreme weather. Knowthe moment tornado, hurricane or severe storm watches and warningsare issued.• Breaking News Alerts: Stay informed with national andlocal weather news updates. Track tropical storms and hurricanes asthey develop while receiving storm safety and preparednesstips.• Lightning Alerts: Get real-time alerts for your GPSlocation, and know where lightning is striking near you.• Daily Rain Alerts: Never get caught in the rain again withreal-time alerts for your GPS location and morning precipitationreports for your favorite locations.• Pollen Alerts: Know the pollen counts near you.It’s easy and free! Activate these alerts by going to your in-appsettings.DIVE DEEP INTO YOUR WEATHER• GoRun Forecast: Like to run? Now you can create apersonalized GoRun Forecast to help you answer questions like “Whenshould I run?” “What should I wear?” “How far should I go?”• 24/7 Remote Temps: Populate your notification bar with thecurrent temperatures of your favorite locations worldwide.• Weather Widgets: We have widgets available in 1x1, 2x2,1x4 and 4x4.• Weather News: From severe storms and tornadoes tostraight-up bizarre weather occurrences, we’ll keep you up todate.• Weather Videos: Local forecasts, climate change news, andeverything in between, all streamed in HD.• Sleek Interface: Easy to use and beautiful in itssimplicity.• Stunning Imagery: Amazing background photos match yourcurrent weather conditions.• Love For Android Tablets: The best weather app and widgetsare optimized for Android Tablets.THE WEATHER CHANNEL ON THE WEB AND SOCIAL MEDIA:Find us at, like us on,and follow us on Twitter and Instagram @weatherchannel.FEEDBACK:We’re always looking to improve our app and appreciate yourfeedback. Please rate and review us in the Google Play Store.Submit your suggestions to may be interested in our Privacy Policy, which can be foundhere: and our Termsof Use, which can be found here:
防災速報 - 地震、津波、豪雨など、災害情報をいち早くお届け
Yahoo Japan Corp.
★利用数1000万人突破★☆Google Play無料1位獲得☆地震、台風の雨、警報、避難勧告などを、現在地と設定3地域まとめてニュース速報する無料天気予報アプリ。タイムライン表示が人気のヤフーの防災速報アプリです。--------------------【防災速報はさまざまな災害に対応】■地震情報(緊急地震速報を含む)緊急地震速報:各地の震度や到達予想時刻を予測し、震度等の予報・警報を伝えます。※震源に近いところでは地震速報が間に合わないことがあります。※緊急地震速報は地震の発生直後に震度計がとらえた観測データを素早く解析して発信するものですが、1地点のみの観測の場合は、誤報や推定震度の精度が低い可能性があるため、防災速報では2地点以上で観測された場合に緊急地震速報を発信しています。これにより精度の高い緊急地震速報をお伝えすることが可能となります。地震情報:地震の後に、観測結果を速報。地図で地震を確認できます。■豪雨予報(台風による大雨など)台風や大雨・集中豪雨の備えに。直近1時間以内に、設定した降水量を超える大雨が予報される場合にニュース速報。天気予報をチェックし忘れても大雨に備えられます。■気象警報大雨警報、大雪警報、洪水警報など、気象庁発表の気象警報をニュース速報。台風接近時などに役に立ちます。■津波予報全国の津波警報・注意報を速報し、地図で発表地域をニュース速報します。■避難情報集中豪雨や台風などによる避難勧告等、天気予報の重大ニュースを速報します。■土砂災害情報大雨により土砂災害の危険性が高まったときに、気象庁と都道府県から共同で発表される土砂災害警戒情報を速報します。■河川洪水情報河川氾濫の危険が高まったときに発表される指定河川洪水予報を速報します。■熱中症情報真夏などの、高温の天気予報時、熱中症の危険が予測される場合に速報します。■火山情報気象庁が定める火山で、噴火速報や噴火警報が発表された場合に速報します。■国民保護情報(Jアラート:全国瞬時警報システム)弾道ミサイル攻撃、航空攻撃、ゲリラ・特殊部隊による攻撃、大規模テロ情報などが政府から発表された場合、ニュース速報します。■防犯情報各都道府県の警察本部が発表する犯罪発生情報や、防犯に関する注意情報などを、関係する地域の方にお知らせします。対応エリアを順次拡大して提供しております。■自治体からの緊急情報自治体が発表する防災情報をお知らせします。対応エリアを順次拡大して提供しております。■訓練通知災害に備えて防災訓練ができます。天気予報を見逃しても、災害時にはプッシュ通知でいち早く情報をキャッチできるのが、防災速報です。【プッシュ通知ですばやく速報】スマートフォンのプッシュ通知で、すばやく天気予報のニュース速報が得られます。もちろん緊急地震速報にも対応!【マナーモード時にプッシュ通知の音を鳴らせます】音の種類、音量、通知を受け取る時間帯などを災害の種類ごと個別に設定できます。マナーモード時の通知音の初期設定は、緊急地震速報は「鳴らす設定」に、豪雨予報や地震情報など、その他の災害は「鳴らさない設定」になっています。設定ページから確認・変更できます。【最大3地域の速報の通知を設定できます】自宅、実家、勤め先など国内最大3地域の災害速報を受け取れます。・旅行先の緊急地震速報にも対応知らない場所での地震は怖いもの。防災速報アプリがあれば、旅行先でも揺れる数秒前から緊急地震速報をプッシュ通知できます。※緊急地震速報が発表された場合のみ・台風が近づいてきて、これから自宅に帰ろうか迷うとき自宅付近で、30分後に大雨が降る天気予報が出ていることをいち早く知れるので、すぐに帰宅して雨戸を閉めるなど、集中豪雨の準備ができます。雨雲レーダーで大雨の動きも確認できます。・実家付近に津波警報・注意報が発令されたとき。津波警報・注意報が発表されたことをいち早く知れるので、すぐに実家に連絡をとることで、津波の危険から家族を守ることができます。【無料で信頼できる情報を得られます】気象庁、環境省などが発表する情報をもとに、ヤフー株式会社が無料でまとめて速報しています。※通知される災害は日本国内の情報のみです。※地域の設定で設定できる地域は、日本国内のみです。【権限について】本アプリケーションで必要となる権限は、それぞれ下記のために利用しています。「位置情報」現在地の災害情報をプッシュでお知らせする機能「現在地連動通知」に利用しています。「端末 ID と通話情報」および「Wi-Fi 接続情報」ネットワークが圏外からモバイル回線(3G,4G,LTEなど)に復帰した場合や、wifi回線とモバイル回線が切り替わった場合などにそれらを検知し、素早くプッシュ通知が届けられるようにするために利用しています。「画像/メディア/ファイル」プッシュ通知時に鳴らす音として、端末内の音源が利用できるようにするために利用しています。音はアプリ内の設定で変更できます。■本アプリケーションはYahoo! JAPAN利用規約、ガイドラインをご確認のうえ、ご利用ください。・Yahoo! JAPAN利用規約・プライバシーポリシー・ソフトウエアに関する規則(ガイドライン)
1Weather:Widget Forecast Radar
OneLouder Apps
1Weather meets all your weather needs in asimple, beautiful package.Track and view weather forecasts and current conditions for “MyLocation” to get real-time updates wherever you go, or add anylocation you choose.Whether you want to check the temperature, precipitation forecast,Doppler radar, or simply keep up with the current phases of the sunand moon, 1Weather has you covered. Plus, it’s outstanding design,makes getting your weather info both easy and fun. Why wait? Make1Weather your weather today.REVIEWS SPOTLIGHT:"#1 Best Weather App for Android” – Phandroid
“Top 25 apps you should download right now” – CNN Tech
"The Most Attractive, Feature-Packed Android Weather App We’ve EverSeen" – Lifehacker
“The most beautiful weather app we’ve ever seen” – AndroidPoliceFeatures include:Track current conditions and forecasts for your location and up to12 locations of your choosing. Access graphs, precipitationforecast, maps, weather facts and videos, and Severe Weather Alerts(U.S. only) from the National Weather Service (NWS). Easily shareweather conditions with your friends via email and social media.See below for more detailed info:Current Conditions:Feels like Temperature, Wind Speed, Visibility, Humidity, UV Index,Barometric Pressure, Dew Point, Percentage Chance of Precipitationfor the Next Hour (POP)Forecasts:Hourly – 2 day / 48 HourDetailed – 1.5 days, detailedExtended – 10 days12 Week – a 1Weather app exclusive, the 12 Week PRECISONCAST fromrenowned meteorologist Gary Lezak. A must for planning weddings,vacations, reunions, parties, and other outdoor events! Featuresvideo and text forecasts.Graphs:7 hours of temperature highs and percent chance ofprecipitation1 week of temperatures highs and lows percent chance ofprecipitationPrecipitation Forecast:7-day percentage chanceMaps:Fullscreen mode with ZoomTerrain, and Satellite map viewsWeather Layers:Radar, Clouds, Severe WeatherSun & Moon:Track Sunrise and Sunset TimeLunar (Moon) PhasesTool Tips - by long pressing icons receive tool tips for moreinfoNotifications:Current conditions, rich notification and sever weather alerts withoptional sound/flashAppearance:Live weather background, dynamic photo backgrounds (Dogs, cats,cars, sports and more), or create your own custom backgroundLanguages:Catala, Cestina, Dansk, Deutsch, English (US), Espanol, Esperanto,Francais, Hrvatski, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski,Portugues (Portugal), Romana, Slovencina, Slovenscina, Suomi,Svenska, Turkce, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, TraditionalChinese, and moreTemperature Units:Fahrenheit (*F), Celsius (*C)Wind Units:Miles per hour (mph), Kilometers per hour (km/h), Meters per second(m/s), Knots (kn), Beaufort scalePressure Units: Inches of Mercury (“), Millibars (mb), Millimetersof Mercury (mm), Atmosphere (atm), Kilopascal (kPa)Distance Units: Miles, KilometersDon’t wait any longer. Make 1Weather your weather today. - прогноза за времето, навсякъде и по всяко време е най-големият сайт за прогноза за времето вбългарското интернет пространство.Сайтът предоставя детайлна десетдневна прогноза за 80 000 локации вцял свят.На можете да се информирате и за условията за ски внай-големите български зимни курорти, както и да видите картина откамерите на пистите.Сега цялата информация от е достъпна за васнавсякъде, където и да сте и по всяко време, чрез мобилното ниприложение за Android.Някои от любимите ни функционалности:- „Усеща се като“ температурна стойност;- Синхрон между фоново изображение и състояние на времето вмомента;- Почасова прогноза за следващите 24 ч., с конкретни детайли завсеки час;- Детайлна 10-дневна прогноза;- Бърз достъп до любими локации;- Ски условия в големите български зимни курорти;- Картина от камери на пистите;- Състояние на пистите и съоръженията;- Карти на пистите;- Widget;Как да използвате приложението:- Плъзнете екрана нагоре, за да видите детайли за времето вмомента;- Плъзнете екрана наляво, за да преминете на 24-часова или10-дневна прогноза;- Добавете любима локация чрез символа + в горния десен ъгъл;- Натиснете името на града за бързо превключване между любимилокации;- За детайли за конкретен ден или час - натиснете върху конкретнияред;- За да пуснете камера от конкретна местност, натиснете върху редаили малката камера вдясно;- Изкарайте пълното меню от символа в горния ляв ъгъл; - weather, anywhere and largest website weather forecast for BulgarianInternet space.The site provides a detailed ten-day forecast for 80,000 locationsworldwide.On you can inform and ski conditions in the biggestBulgarian ski resorts, and view pictures from cameras on theslopes.Now all the information from is available to youwherever you are and at any time through our mobile app forAndroid.Some of our favorite features:- "Feels Like" temperature value;- Synchronization between the background image and weatherconditions at the time;- Hourly forecast for the next 24 hours, with specific details foreach hour;- Detailed 10 day forecast;- Quick access to favorite locations;- Ski conditions in major Bulgarian ski resorts;- Picture of cameras on the slopes;- State of slopes and facilities;- Maps of slopes;- Widget;How to use the application:- Slide the screen upwards to view the details of the currentweather;- Slide the screen left to go on 24-hour or 10-day forecast;- Add your favorite location by the + symbol in the upper rightcorner;- Click on the city name to quickly switch between your favoritelocations;- For details on a particular day or hour - click on thisline;- To start the camera from a particular place, click on the row orsmall camera right;- Get the full menu of the symbol in the upper left corner;
Dež - Slovenian rain radar
Veluscek Ales
Rain application for Slovenian Rain radar ofARSO ( in podatki/radar.html)overlayed over Google maps. Need internet access.Here are the app features:-ARSO weather forecast-ARSO current weather data-ARSO Bio weather-ARSO Snow report-ARSO Vertical report-ARSO Warnings-ARSO Cameras-Widget for forecast (4x1)-Widget for temperature (2x1)-Widget for sun (sunris and sunset) and moon (moonrise, moonset andphases) (2x1)
Weather 14 days
Meteo Network
Weather 14 days is completely FREE with thelatest information for United States and the rest of the world.Featuring detailed 14 day forecasts, maps, satellites and radar.Compatible with any Android smartphone or tablet. Hailed by fansmeteorology, the app features a modern layout based around Google’sMaterial Design making it very quick and easy to use.★CUSTOMIZATION★- Customize the app with your favorite locations like New York,Washington, San Francisco... or foreign cities such as Barcelona,Paris, London... We have over 450,000 locations all around theworld for you to choose from.- Follow Me! Use WIFI or GPS to find forecasts relevant to yourcurrent location.- Customize your smartphone with our widgets, display temperaturein your notification bar and select your preferred units such asCelsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin.★FORECAST★- Check the daily forecast screen to see current weather conditionsalong with the main information for the next 14 days. Browsebetween your favorite locations with a simple swipe of your fingerand remember...the background color of the app changes depending ontemperature conditions.- Select a day to view detailed hourly information includingtemperature, rainfall, humidity, pressure, wind speed and directionas well as sunrise and sunset times and even the phase of themoon.- Don’t forget to try turning your smartphone sideways for the bestview of our informative graphics, probably the best channel tocheck the weather variations.★WARNINGS AND NOTIFICATIONS★- Check the latest official warnings for USA, Canada, England,Etc... Alerts provided by National Weather Service.- Receive optional notifications relating to warnings in theregions of your favorite locations without the need to open theapp.- Rain Alarm or other weather conditions you want (Storms, hail,etc ...).- Our Assistant will indicate significant changes for the comingdays.★MAPS, RADARS AND SATELLITES★- Check our animated maps detailing temperature, rainfall,cloudiness and pressure for USA along with the rest of theworld.- Watch animated Radar maps detailing recent and current rainfallwith information provided by the NWS. These maps feature standardpinch/zoom capability allowing you to zoom in and outsmoothly.- View the latest satellite images provided by NOAA★WIDGETS★- Customize your Mobile Desktop with our great looking widgets. Getthe current conditions updated hourly along with the forecast forthe following days.- Choose between four different widgets: 4x1, 4x2 and 2x2 (AnalogClock Widget) and our new 4x2 widget with Digital clock and currentforecast.★SHARE★- Share weather information with your friends and family anytimeusing social networks sites like WhatsApp, Facebook andTwitter.★AVAILABILITY★- Available for more than 50 countries: USA, United Kingdom, Mexicoand many more.- Available in more than 20 languages: English, Spanish, French,etc.
DĖMESIO!!! Dėl skaičiavimo klasteriosutrikimo, programėlė neteiks prognozės iki Spalio 1d.DĖMESIO!!!Daugiau informacijos: skaitmeninė orų prognozė Lietuvoje, tiesiai iš detalūs orai - temperatūra, debesuotumas, krituliai,vėjas - artimiausioms 48 valandoms kas valandą. Daugiau nei 135Lietuvos vietos.Dabartinė prognozė pateikiama iš arčiausios oro matavimoautomatinės stoties su 40 minučių vėlavimu. Visoje Lietuvoje visoveikia 18 stočių.Taip pat yra iOS ir Windows Phone programėlės versijos.P.S. Pateikiami duomenys ateina iš automatinių prietaisų arbageneruojami skaitmeniniu budu. Dėl vietinių sąlygų įtakos modelioprognozėje gali būti netikslumų.ATTENTION! For computingthe cluster disorder, the gadget will not make predictions beforeOctober 1st. ATTENTION!More information: numerical weather forecast for Lithuania, right detailed weather - temperature, cloud cover, precipitation,wind - the closest 48 hours, every hour. More than 135 localLithuanian.The current forecast for the nearest airport from the automaticmeasuring station with a 40 minute delay. Lithuania operates acrossall 18 stations.There is also an iOS and Windows Phone versions of thegadget.P.S. When The data comes from automatic devices or generateddigitally. Due to local conditions affect the model forecast maycontain inaccuracies.
Trentino Meteo Widget
Gianni Costanzi
This app provides you with the forecasts for Trentino downloadedfrom presented in theform of a widget. Forecasts and images shown in the widget belongto the respective owners and not to the author of this application.Images shown are downloaded from the Meteo Trentino site and theyare not distributed along with the application. Forecasts areautomatically updated or their update can be forced by the userwith the update icon on the widget. By clicking on the forecast'simages or day's names you can quickly open the Meteo Trentino site.DISCLAIMER ABOUT FORECASTS: the synthetic forecasts downloadedby the widget are usually updated late in the morning by MeteoTrentino, so it is common to see not-updated forecasts until10am/11am in the morning. Today forecast downloaded by app providesonly max temperature for the current day.WIDGET UPDATE POLICY: widget updates the weather forecasts in anintelligent way, increasing checks only in the hours in which theforecasts are usually updated, i.e. between 9am and 1pm. During therest of the day the widget looks for updates only if it could notdownload the forecasts before. The widget update procedure does notwake-up the device if it is in stand-by, so power consumption isvery low.Information about REQUIRED PERMISSIONS for theapplication:- android.permission.INTERNET: required to download updates- android.permission.WAKE_LOCK: used to avoid the stand-by duringthe widget update- android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: used to establish thefirst widget update after the phone boot- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: used to check fornetwork availability for updates' download
Pedro V. Coelho
This app shows real-time meteorologicalsatellite images, from available internet sources, coveringvirtually all regions of the world.By looking at the animated meteo satellite images its easy to checkthe weather predictions very intuitively.This app is complementary to other weather programs that don't havesatellite images.You can Zoom-in, Zoom-out, or move images around the screen just bysliding your fingers.Rotate the device and the image will adapt to the screenautomatically.Share the images with your friends using other apps installed onyour Android device (example: Facebook, Google+, WhatsApp, Viber,E-mail, etc). Enjoy!Any suggestions you would like to see implemented in this app? Feelfree to e-mail us with your comments. We are continuously trying toimprove it.Try also MeteoSatsPRO:-Ads-free!-Extra satellite pictures!-North Pole and South Pole regions!-Multilingual (English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian,German...)The images and data provided on by this app are provided as apublic service and are not intended for operational or missioncritical purposes. Every attempt has been made to provide theseproducts in as near to real time as possible. However, there is noexpressed or implied guarantee that the information will be eitheraccurate or timely or fit for any particular purpose.
3B Meteo - Weather Forecasts
3BMeteo, the official Android app The best and most accurate weather forecasts!Download the brand new app for FREE, and find out lots of newstuff! Renewed and modern interface, charts that will help you readclearly the forecasts in your city. The brand new photo-reportsfeature: you can now report the weather in your city through aphoto!And then the unchanged strength of 3bmeteo: reliable and accurateweather forecasts, updated constantly during the first 24 hours:thanks to the Nowcasting technique, using real weather data,satellite images, radar and lightning strikes. This allows a veryreliable forecasts even on very small areas.No automatic forecasts, but maintained by a staff of more than 15meteorologists who work 365 days a year to give the best possibleservice.But it's not over! Live weather news are available in Italianlanguage, scientific and environmental curiosity, videos made bymeteorologists and a large community of users!Unmissable automatic GPS tracking feature; you will receiveforecasts automatically in your favourite cities. No need to selectthem every time, your Smartphone will know where you are, butespecially the exact weather in that place! There is no limit inthe number of favorite cities, you have a great chance ofselection.What you get, in detail? The representation of the average dayweather, synthetic forecasts for night, morning, afternoon andevening. Forecasts with detailed timetable, monitoring of seas andwinds, atmospheric agents analysis, and every other possibileparameter. All with new graphic interface, clear symbolism, fullin-climate weather details.We also present the opportunity to watch real-time images fromwebcams. You can also join the big community, and share with yourphotos and videos or just report the weather conditions in yourarea.If this is not enough, here is the 3BMeteo widget that will makethe relationship with the weather information even easier, fast andfunctional. Choose the desired width and height, the widget willresize automatically and fill the space with a lot ofinformation.Reliable predictions require confirmations and explanations: withthis app you can not only constantly check for any major changes inreal time, but you can also choose to receive climate alerts andinsights through push notifications. The weather journal is full ofnecessary information to understand the weather, written in simplelanguage, clear and appealing as the graphical interface, veryintuitive as well as easy to use.And if Italy is too small for you, don't fear: 3bmeteo will alsoprovide the forecasts for the entire world! In fact you can getweather forecasts all over the world, with an automatic control andup to 7 days.3BMeteo is perfectly optimized with the latest Android operatingsystem, and features are available both in Italian as inEnglish!WHAT'S NEW-New and improved interface-Photo-report: now you can report the weather in your city bytaking and sharing a photo directly from your smartphone, becomeWeather reporter!-Charts for an easy and fast reading of weather forecasts-Double set of weather icons, realistic and the stylized.-Don't you like advertising? Now you can remove it from both theapp and website with a single pass!-New forecast reliability info: you can plan your trips inpeace
NB! Radari vaatamine kulutab palju andmesidet!Vihmaradar -* Komposiit pilt (Harku ja Sürgavere kokkuliidetud)* Sürgavere PseudoCAPPI* Harku PseudoCAPPI* Zuumitav Soome radar, näitab ka Eestit, ning 3h vihmaennustust* ÄikesekaartÄikeseinfo pärineb lehelt._________________________________________________________Rakendus on arendatud isiklikuks otstarbeks ja on kõigiletasuta.Rakendus on loodud põhimõttel "As is" ( )NB! Watch the radarspends a lot of data!Rain Radar -* Composite image (Harku and Sürgavere joined together)* Sürgavere PseudoCAPPI* Harku PseudoCAPPI* Zuumitav radar Finland, Estonia also indicates, 3H, and the rainforecast* Chance MapChance of information comes from http://blitzortung.orgpage._________________________________________________________The application is developed for personal use and is free ofcharge.The application is designed on the principle of "as is"(
Weather Live
Apalon Apps
Meet Weather Live. The most beautiful weatherapp. Ever.Don't let bad weather take you by surprise! Set the gorgeousanimated wallpapers with live weather conditions on your homescreen and be aware of any weather that is coming your way. Whetherit is cloudy, rainy, snowy or even stormy outside, Weather Livewill provide you with current weather conditions and forecast inyour city and multiple locations all around the world.Cold or warm weather, it will magically come alive on the crispscreen of your device. You won’t even have to look out the windowas Weather Live will make you feel like you are already outside!With an innovative technology Weather Live™ implemented into theapp, we made it possible!• Weather forecasts for multiple locations all around theworld• Live weather scenes reflecting real-time weather conditions• Beautiful weather widgets• Fabulous animated wallpaper with live weather conditions right onyour home screen• Cloud, satellite, rain maps• Animated weather radar for any location in the USA• Bad weather warnings and alerts to warn you about severe weatherin your area. Data provided by National Weather Service• Customizable layout. Choose weather parameters you want to bedisplayed in the layout settings• Local time in 12 or 24-hour format• 7-day and 24-hour weather forecast• "Feels Like" temperature. Today’s Min and Max• Wind direction and speed. Visibility details• Humidity and precipitation information. Pressure in inches, mm ormbar• Fahrenheit or Celsius and Miles or Kilometers• Easy navigation between cities: swipe either to the left or tothe right to switch between locations• New York, Los Angeles, Chicago or any other location worldwide –get accurate weather forecasts wherever you are!Compatible with Android Wear: tested on Moto 360, Sony Smartwatch3, Samsung Gear Live, LG G Watch.Get Weather Live and be prepared for any weather!AdChoices:
Weather Timeline - Forecast
Sam Ruston
Weather Timeline is a simple weather app thatfocuses on summarising the next hour, the next 48 hours and thenext week so you don't have to. It presents the forecast in atimeline to help you quickly glance and digest the information andhas a strong focus on color to outline the weather conditions. Theapp includes current weather alerts/warnings for your chosenlocations and includes a time machine weather forecast so you canlook at the forecast months, even years in advance or check whatthe weather was like several decades ago.---- WATCH FACE ----This app includes an interactive watch face, tap on the watch faceto view different weather data.------------------------------Features:. Simple, elegant design. Bold use of color to increase legibility. Watch Face. Timeline forecast so you can easily glance at theinformation. Time machine forecasting to check the weather months/years inadvance. Local weather alerts front and centre. Multiple weather provider options. Great theme customisation options (choose colours). Easy to understand graphs and charts of temperature, rainetc.... Android wear support. Table layout. Multi language support. Powered by the hyperlocal weather service, Forecast (andothers)
WeatherRadar - Live weather
WetterOnline GmbH
Real-time weather at a glance forEurope.Clouds, rain, lightning, temperatures.Current weather and forecasts.Free for all.What will the weather be like? Cloudy or sunny? Rain or snow?How warm is it? Will it get stormy?WeatherMaps provides an easy answer to all these questions with arain radar, satellite image and storm info on one map.WeatherMaps offers you these advantages:- Data updates every 15 minutes- Loop 1 hour back and 1 hour forward- 24 hour forecast- Various zoom levels- Location detection- Automatic updatesWeatherMaps Premium is available if you want to zoom in evencloser. WeatherMaps Premium lets you track clouds, rain and stormseven more precisely.WeatherMaps Premium offers you these advantages:- Zoom in even closer- 1.25 miles resolution- Data updates every 5 mins instead of every 15 mins- No ads- Can be used on up to 5 devicesWeatherMaps Premium can be activated in the app.No automatic extension. No subscription.WeatherMaps Premium is free for WetterOnline Premiummembers. created the app for you!That's why we'd love to hear your comments and suggestions.Please email us at:support@wetteronline.deWe look forward to hearing from you.Your WetterOnline Team.
ASUS Weather
ASUS Weather is more than just another weatherapp – it’s the weather app with RealFeel® outlook!In addition to accurate real-time prediction relating to the chanceof rain, expected precipitation depth, humidity levels and windstrength, ASUS Weather’s powerful RealFeel feature tells you whatall the information means with a simple figure that shows you whatthe temperature actually feels like.ASUS Weather also integrates seamlessly with ZenUI What’s Next, soyou’ll be informed via the lock screen both about your day aheadand how best to prepare for the weather you’ll encounter.You can even add the ASUS Weather widget to your home screen andeasily customize its view to show the weather where you are, whereyou’re going, or where you dream about going — anywhere on theplanet!Key features- RealFeel temperature guidance with daily charts- Daily temperature predictions, with daily highs and lows- Precipitation depth- Humidity levels- Sunrise and sunset times- Ultraviolet (UV) index- Wind speed and wind direction- Current weather condition and 7-day forecast- Search and add cities worldwide, quickly and easily- Choose your preferred temperature unit — Celsius orFahrenheit- Automatic location detection means accurate weather wherever youare- View hourly forecast of the day- View more details of the day or night weather forecast andtemperature- Taiwan/China regions: Includes Air Pollutant Standards Index(PSI) with real-time data on PM2.5 and other pollutants- Severe weather alert which includes notifications and alerts forhigh winds, heavy rain, heavy snow, sandstorm, haze, amongothersTips1. To add the Weather widget on the Home screen, tap and hold thewidget then drag and drop it to the Home screen.2. To show the 7-day forecast or PSI (Pollutant Standards Index)information, simply follow tip 1 then select the 4x2 weatherwidget.3. To edit or remove locations, tap the menu button (three dots atthe top right) and tap Edit.4. Change the update frequency and temperature and wind-speed unitsby tapping the menu button then tap Settings.5. Fit an ASUS Cover to your device to see the latest weatherthrough the viewing window.6. Select a city or adjust background opacity by pressing thewidget for 2 seconds and drag it to Edit on the top of thescreen.NotesFor accurate and up-to-date weather information, ensure that youare connected to Wi-Fi or a mobile data network when using ASUSWeather. Also, enable your device’s location-detection feature toreceive the local weather information.More informationFor more product information and videos, check out and suggestionsWe’d love to hear from you!Send us your feedbacks via:
Weather - Clima
Meer Developers
It is a simple application, with which you can quickly get theweather of the city you want.Include the following information:* Temperature (Celsius or Fahrenheit).* Current Condition.* Humidity.* Wind (KHPM or MPH).* Extended forecast.
From the creators of WindAlert, the highly rated wind findingapplication, Radar by WeatherFlow supports the theme of BetterData, Better Decisions by simply providing High definition weatherradar around you.Easily animate or pause the radar to see what precipitation isheading your way. Pan and zoom to your exact area and the app willremember where you are.Whatever your activity, Radar by WeatherFlow is a critical toolfor seeing where the Precipitation is and where it is going.While the application is in beta mode it is free to download anduse. Enjoy and let us know how we can improve the application tosuit your needs.Radar covers the Continental United States, Hawaii, Alaska,Guam, Puerto Rico, and USVI.
Weather Temperature
Simple weather app that displays temperature in Fahrenheit andCelsius of any city. It includes weather forecast for the next fewdays, and requires only internet access permission - no access toyour personal calls, or private info! It is very easy to use andtakes tiny bit of space on your device.Enjoy :)
Geen zin om zelf steeds de buienradar techecken? Buienalarm waarschuwt je voor naderende buien, gebaseerdop jouw eigen locatie of ingestelde locaties! Zo kun jebijvoorbeeld je was zorgeloos buiten laten hangen of op tijdschuilen in een tent op een festival voordat er geen plek meeris.Buienalarm is verkozen tot de Nederlandse Android-app van 2011!Versie 3.0 is een volledig vernieuwde versie van Buienalarm.Daarnaast vind je nu op nu ook een versie vanBuienalarm voor je browser met dezelfde bekende grafiek!Werkt in Nederland, België en delen van Duitsland.Do not feel like myselfalways check the rainfall radar? Showers Alarm warns you ofapproaching storms, based on your particular location or locationsyou set! For example you can hang out you were careless or takeshelter in time in a tent at a festival before, there is noplace.Rainfall Alert has been voted the Dutch Android app of 2011!Version 3.0 is a completely revamped version of Rain Alarm.You can also find now now also a version of RainAlarm your browser with the same familiar graphics!Works in the Netherlands, Belgium and parts of Germany.
Earthquake Alerter Free
Josh Clemm
Get push notifications and alerts ofearthquakes worldwide! Free version alerts quakes only above a 3.5in magnitude.* This is a companion application to Earthquake Alert! *It uses push notifications to alert you when an earthquake occursthat match any predefined filters.Create as many filters as you want to monitor earthquakes all overthe world. Create a filter for smaller earthquakes near yourlocation, or one to filter very large quakes worldwide, or create acustom location and radius - it's up to you!Push notifications use Google's GCM technology and thereforerequire Android 2.2.Again, this is a companion app for Earthquake Alert!. Once you haveboth installed they work together seamlessly.
In-počasí je oblíbená česká aplikace, kterázobrazí aktuální teplotu venku a předpověď počasí. V aplikacinaleznete bohatou nabídku widgetů zobrazující informace o počasípřímo na ploše vašeho mobilního telefonu. Ve widgetech si můžetezobrazit také aktuální čas nebo svátky a je tedy praktickýmrozšířením plochy. Údaje jsou aktualizovány každých 30 minut zhusté sítě meteorologických stanic po celé České republice aodpovídají tak vždy skutečným naměřeným hodnotám v daném místě.Widgety na plochuAplikace nabízí celou řadu widgetů na plochu vašeho telefonu (vevelikostech 4x2, 4x1 a 2x1 a také widgety na zamykací obrazovku).Díky widgetům se dozvíte nejen aktuální teplotu venku a předpověďna další dny, ale i aktuální datum, svátek a čas. Největší formátwidgetu zobrazuje hodiny, aktuální teplotu, svátek, datum, počasína dnešní den a aktualitu. Malé widgety zobrazují předpověď na dvadny nebo aktuální teplotu ve vámi zvolené lokalitě. Informace opočasí budete mít vždy po ruce.Předpovědi tvořené českými meteorologyPředpovědi jsou pravidelně aktualizovány (každých 30 minut) apřipravovány meteorology z portálu In-počasí. Data pro aplikaci takvznikají přímo v České republice a jsou pravidelně kontrolovány.Aplikace využívá hustou síť meteorologických stanic po celém našemúzemí. V jejich blízkém okolí se v aplikaci zobrazuje aktuálníteplota venku na desetinu stupně přesně.Podrobné předpovědiNa 48 hodin dopředu v aplikaci naleznete podrobné předpovědi potřech hodinách, které nabídnou ucelený pohled na očekávané počasí vnejbližší době (zahrnují předpověď stavu počasí, teploty, úhrnusrážek a větru). Nechybí samozřejmě ani předpověď na další dny, alejiž jen v souhrnném stavu pro celý den.Numerický modelV aplikaci naleznete předpověď srážek, teplot a oblačnosti přímo nasnímcích z numerického modelu, a to až na následujících 6 dní.Nabízí se tak pohled nejen na počasí ve zvoleném městě, ale v celénaší republice a blízkém okolí. Snadno tak poznáte, odkud přijdousrážky a kam se případně vydat na výlet.Meteorologické centrum ve vašem telefonuAplikace se může pochlubit kompletním meteorologickým servisem.Vedle předpovědí nechybí v aplikaci klimatické údaje pro vybranéstanice, přehled rekordů, časy východu a západu Slunce a Měsíce,webové kamery nebo textové předpovědi.In-weather favorite Czechapplication that displays the current temperature outside and theweather forecast. In the application, you will find a richselection of widgets displaying weather information right on yourdesktop to your mobile phone. The widget can also display thecurrent time or holidays and is therefore a practical expansion ofthe area. Data are updated every 30 minutes of a dense network ofmeteorological stations throughout the Czech Republic and alwayscorrespond to actual measured values ​​locally.Widgets on the desktopThe application offers a wide range of widgets on the desktop ofyour phone (in sizes 4x2, 4x1 and 2x1, as well as widgets on thelock screen). Thanks widgets will learn not only the currenttemperature outside and the forecast for the next few days, butalso the current date and time to feast. The largest widget formatdisplays hours, current temperature, the feast, the date, theweather for the day and news. Small widgets display weather for twodays or the current temperature in your chosen location. Weatherinformation you'll always have on hand.Forecasts formed Czech meteorologistsForecasts are updated periodically (every 30 minutes) and trainedmeteorologists from the website In-weather. Data for applicationand originate in the Czech Republic and are regularly inspected.The app uses a dense network of weather stations throughout ourterritory. In the vicinity in the application displays the currenttemperature outside tenth of a degree accuracy.Detailed forecast48 hours in advance for detailed predictions after three hours,which offer a comprehensive view of the weather expected in thenear future (forecast includes the weather conditions, temperature,rainfall and wind). There is of course no forecast for the nextdays, but only in the general condition of the day.Numerical modelIn refer to forecast precipitation, temperature and cloud directlyon the pictures of the numerical model, not only for the next 6days. This offers a view of not only the weather for the selectedcity, but throughout our country and the surrounding area. Youeasily recognize where they come rainfall and where possibly go ona trip.Meteorological Center on your phoneApplication boasts a complete meteorological service. Besidesmissing in predictions of climate data for selected stations,summary records, the times of sunrise and sunset and the moon, webcam or text prediction.
Most weather apps available today just give you the forecast for aselect city or cities. The ALERT FM App can possibly help save yourlife. The ALERT FM App integrates the critically acclaimed iMapWeather Radio with the reliability of ALERT FM’s state and localcitizen notification. Before, during, and after a critical eventreceive timely localized emergency information- everything fromweather alerts to available shelter locations- delivered right toyour mobile device. ALERT FM is used by a rapidly growing number ofstate and local officials to notify their citizens about emergencysituations. The ALERT FM App provides users with weather forecasts,current conditions, radar updated every 5 minutes, and advisories/watches/ warnings for both your preset and current locations acrossthe United States. Additionally, you can receive information fromfederal, state and local emergency officials such as stormprecautions and evacuations, hazardous chemical spills, majoraccidents, Amber Alerts, and more. The ALERT FM App is free todownload. The emergency alerting and basic weather functionality isavailable for free and there is an In-App Purchase option forupgraded weather functionality. What you get for Free? *Emergencyinformation sent from federal and state sources for thejurisdiction that you registered for when you downloaded the app-are received on your phone through push notifications (alerts sentto your phone even when the app is closed) and appear under “TextAlerts” in the app. *Over 100 types of weather advisories, watches,and warnings plus forecasts and radar updated every 5 minutes areavailable for up to 5 saved locations and your current locationusing your phone’s GPS. *Weather advisories, watches, and warningsare available by opening the app and clicking on the badge next tothe selected location (push notifications for weather are availablefor $9.99 - see below). *A badge indicates you have an activealert. The number next to the badge indicates how many alerts arein effect. NOTE: Custom Alerts, found under SETTINGS, can only beselected for Push Notifications. This setting allows you to selectwhat advisories, watches, or warnings that you want pushed to yourphone. Although the alerts read "disabled" with the free features,you will receive all advisories, watches, and warnings for yoursaved and current locations as stated above. Upgrade to a WeatherRadio for $9.99 and receive…. *Push Notifications (alerts sent toyour phone even when the app is closed) for weather advisories,watches, and warnings. *Voice Audio- spoken weather forecasts,watches and warnings. *Map Overlay- additional display layers onthe radar map, including warnings/watches, hurricane tracks, andmore. * The $9.99 is a one time purchase *National Weather Servicedata and alerting available for the United States only *Continueduse of the GPS running in the background can dramatically decreasebattery life ******International Users******* The weather RADAR andweather alerts are US-based. ALERT FM does not yet include mostinternational locations RADAR data or internationally issuedweather alerts.
Ramalan Cuaca Indonesia
Aplikasi ini sebagai perkiraan informasi cuacadi kota kota besar di Indonesia ( Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, dll )Dengan tidak menentunya cuaca di Indonesia, aplikasi inidirasakan cukup membantu sebagai panduan cuaca ke depan.Terdapat informasi Cuaca, Suhu maksimal dan minimal, kelembaban,kemungkinan hujan, serta kecepatan anginThis application asforecast weather information in big cities in Indonesia (Jakarta,Bandung, Surabaya, etc.)With the uncertain weather in Indonesia, the application isperceived quite helpful as a guide to future weather.The weather information is available, the maximum and minimumtemperature, humidity, chance of rain, and wind speed
地震 津波の会- ウェザーニュースの地震速報、防災速報アプリ
Weathernews Inc.
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー地震津波の会内のWebコンテンツで一部が表示されない問題が発生する場合は「AndroidシステムのWebView」と「Chromeブラウザ」のアップデートをお願いします。ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー本アプリケーションは、月額300円、年額3110円の有料会員向けで、以下の情報をいつでも確認することができます。【地震津波の会メニュー】◆地震を検知次第、あなたがいる場所にいち早く通知 緊急地震速報サービス『The Last 10 Seconds』地震の発生直後、震源に近い地震計でとらえた観測データを解析。GPSによる位置情報をもとに、その時あなたがいる場所の地震の震度や到達時刻を推定し、可能な限り素早くお伝えします。また、もしもの時にお手持ちの端末がマナーモードでも、緊急地震速報が鳴るよう、設定も可能です。アプリ起動時は、音声によるカウントダウンにて、地震の到達をお知らせします。(なお、バックグラウンドで位置情報(GPS)の利用は、バッテリーの消費量が大きくなる場合がありますのでご注意ください。)◆迅速につながる『地震情報』『津波情報』 最新の地震情報(震源・マグニチュード・各地の震度など)、津波情報(津波の高さ予想・到達予想時刻・満潮時刻・観測値)をどこよりも早く詳しくお伝えしますまた、現地からの地震の揺れに関する情報をリアルタイムに確認、報告することができます。◆2秒毎に津波を観測、捕捉することができる世界初の『津波レーダー』情報 ウェザーニューズでは、津波による被害軽減を目的として、津波を観測・捕捉する「津波レーダー」を独自で開発。その津波の観測データを元に、大きな津波が発生した場合、その接近や到達を視覚化し、防災・減災にお役立ていただけます。◆地震・津波発生時に最新情報を配信『地象センターからのお知らせ』 津波レーダーやその他インフラを活用し、24時間世界中の地象現象を監視している、ウェザーニューズ地象センターから有事の際には随時地震・津波に関する防災・災害情報をお伝えしていきます。◆地震予測の情報を共有し減災へ『地震予測に関する情報』 地震予測に関連した情報を発信、研究している個人の方や複数の企業や団体を紹介していくコンテンツです。地震予測の認知を通し、複数の選択肢を紹介することによって、防災・減災にお役立て頂ければと思います。※なおウェザーニューズでは独自の地震予測は行っておりません◆会員の皆様と定期的に接続テストや動作確認をする『減災訓練』 地震・津波発生時でも“必ず迅速につながる”インフラであるため、会員の皆様と定期的な接続試験を行っています。その結果を受けて、アプリの改善やサーバーの増強などを進めて行きます。◆減災に関する最新の取り組みや、減災の知識を深めることができる『減災コラム』◆会員の皆様と、減災訓練の予定や不具合の進捗状況など大切なお知らせを共有する『お知らせ&開発者ブログ』 この「地震津波の会」は、地震・津波発生時でも“必ず迅速につながる”インフラを会員の皆様へ提供するため、会員の皆様と定期的な接続試験をおこない、適切な専用サーバーの増強を適宜おこなっていくほか、会員の増加と共に新しいインフラやサービスを構築していく特徴があります。「地震津波の会」とあなたを常にネットワークでつなげておくことによって、突発的な地震・津波においても詳しい状況をリアルタイムに把握することができ、迅速な個人の防災・減災活動が取れるよう、被害軽減に役立てていきます。注)地震速報、津波警報、津波注意報の発表時は、携帯キャリアの制限により輻湊が起きる可能性がありますので、「地震津波の会」をスムーズにお使いいただくためにWi-Fiでの接続を推奨いたします。【更新情報】◆Ver2.0.8での対応内容・緊急地震速報キャンセル報のプッシュ通知に対応しましたこれまで「音声のみの通知」だった緊急地震速報のキャンセル報が「プッシュ通知」に対応しました。(緊急地震速報は、地震の発生直後に各地での強い揺れの到達時刻や震度を予想して、可能な限り素早く知らせる情報であり、迅速性に重きをおいています。このため発表後にまれに地震では無いと判定されることがあり、その場合キャンセル報が発表されます。)・プッシュ通知の全文表示、複数表示に対応しました・その他、細かな修正を致しました◆Ver.2.0.5バージョン 2.0.5 での改善点は以下のとおりです。・減災訓練時に配信される、緊急地震速報の画面上に「訓練」の表示がでない問題を修正しました。・設定ページにて、緊急地震速報のデモンストレーション実行時に、カウントダウンがされない問題を修正しました。・設定ページにて、位置情報に連動して通知を受け取る設定を OFFにしている場合には、地震情報を表示する際に、位置情報が未取得であっても「位置情報取得中」という表示をおこなわないように修正しました。◆Ver.2.0.4バージョン 2.0.4 での改善点は以下のとおりです。・マナーモードでの音声通知の際の通信の処理方法を改善し、緊急地震速報の通知速度を向上しました。・端末によって、震源地のマークがずれて表示される不具合を修正しました。・設定ページの音声設定にて音量チェックを実行すると、端末のボリューム設定も同時に変更してしまう不具合を修正しました。・地震情報の通知を受け取った際、位置情報を正しく取得できない場合がある問題を修正しました。・地震情報の通知を受け取った際、意図したページが開かない不具合を修正しました。・緊急地震速報の画面を開いた際に、前回の地震の情報が表示されないことがある問題を修正しました。・端末を初期化後にアプリを再インストールすると、新たな ID を自動で付与する問題を修正しました。その他、細かな不具合を修正しています。◆Ver.2.0.3Android6.0に対応しました◆Ver.2.0.2Ver2.0.0をリリース後に「緊急地震速報が届かない」という声があがり、調査を行ったところAndroid端末では調査に参加していただいた会員の45%から「時々つながらない」、13%から「頻繁につながらない」との回答が届き、アプリを改修しVer2.0.1としてリリースしました。その後に端末の環境によっては正しく表示がされないという不具合が発生しましたので、改修を行いVer2.0.2としてリリースしました。◆Ver.2.0.1・接続の安定性を向上しました。・いくつかの不具合に対応しました。◆Ver.2.0.0・マナーモードでも音でお知らせたくさんのご要望に応え、「マナーモード時でも音声で地震を伝える」という機能を実現しました。設定ページで「マナーモード時の音声通知」をONにすると、もしもの時にお手持ちの端末がマナーモードでも、緊急地震速報が鳴ります。機能説明をよくお読みの上ご利用ください。・緊急地震速報の通知速度向上上記「マナーモード時の音声通知機能」を実現したことで、地震津波の会のサーバーとの常時接続が可能になり、地震情報をこれまでよりも1、2秒程度早くお届けすることができるようになりました。※[マナーモード時の音声通知]、あるいは[揺れ測定機能]をONにした場合に限ります・地象センターからのお知らせ通知世界中の地象現象をモニタリングしているウェザーニュース地象センターから、最新の情報が発表された際、通知されるようになりました。・地震情報で現地の揺れを確認、報告[体感情報]全国のウェザーニュース会員が感じた揺れの情報を地震情報に追加しました。地震情報のマップ下にある「体感」タブをタップしてみてください。また、マップ下からあなたが感じた揺れの体感も報告できます。[観測情報]設定ページで「揺れの測定機能」をONにすると、スマホが感知した揺れデータを自動測定・送信する機能を追加しました。機能説明をよくお読みの上ご利用ください。送信された揺れのグラフは地震情報のマップ下にある「観測」タブをタップすると確認できます。
WeWa Wetterwarner [Widget]
Die Wetterwarner - App bietet einen leichten Zugriff aufUnwetterwarnungen des Deutschen Wetterdienstes.Ein Hintergrundservice ruft in frei wählbarem Abstand (10-60Minuten) alle wichtigen Wetterwarnungen ab und zeigt diese optischauf einem Widget (3x1, 2x1 oder 1x1) an.Der Landkreis bzw. die Art der Benachrichtigung (Ton, Vibration,Statuszeile, ToastMessage) kann von Ihnen frei gewählt werden.Wichtig: Um den Hintergrundservice zu aktivieren muss ein Widgetauf dem Homescreen abgelegt werden!Umfang:* Komplett Werbefrei* Dauerhaft Kostenlos* Widget (3x1, 2x1 oder 1x1) mit Warnstufe, Anzahl der Warnungen,Kreis und Warnfarbe* Hintergrundservice (Intervall variabel zwischen 10 und 60Minuten)* Zweiter Warnkreis im Widget 2x1* Einfacher Zugriff auf die mobile Seite des DWD* Alarmwiederholung* Teilen-Funktion für Wetterwarnungen* Bildschirmorientierung per Lagesensor* Umfangreiche Warnung (Ton, Vibration, Toastmessage, etc.)* Deutschlandkarte* Niederschlagsradar (-film)* Warnung bei Vorabinformation "Unwetter"* Hitzewarnung* Viele Einstellmöglichkeiten (Kreis, Benachrichtigung, Töne,etc)* "Immer laut alarmieren"-Modus* Variable Benachrichtigung nach Warnstufe* Übersichtskarte "Waldbrandindex"* Akku- und Speicherfreundlich* TestalarmFür Geräte bis Android 2.3.7 (API 10) bitte folgende Versionnutzen, da einige Funktionen in den WeWa-Versionen ab 2.1.4 aufdiesen Geräten nicht funktionieren:!Dies ist keine offizielle App des Deutschen Wetterdienstes! Sieliest, ähnlich wie ein normaler Browser, nur den Inhalt derenWebseite aus und zeigt diesen unverändert in der App an!Der Autor entwickelt nach bestem Gewissen an einer korrektlaufenden App. Dennoch sind Fehler oder gar Abstürze möglich. DerAutor übernimmt keine Haftung dafür und bittet um Rückmeldung überFehler.Schlechte Bewertungen verbessern die App nicht! Bitte nutzen Siedie Supportfunktion um Fehlerberichte und eine Beschreibungeinzureichen. Vielen Dank für die bisher eingereichtenBerichte!TheWeather Warner - app provides easy access to weather warnings ofthe German Weather Service.A background service calls in a freely selectable distance (10-60minutes) from all major weather alerts and displays it visually ona widget (3x1, 2x1 or 1x1).The county or the type of notification (sound, vibration, statusbar, toast message) can be freely chosen by you.Important: To activate the background service a widget to be placedon the home screen!Scope:* Completely Ad-Free* Permanently free* Widget (3x1, 2x1 or 1x1) with warning level, number of warnings,county and warning color* Background Service (interval variable between 10 and 60minutes)* Second warning circle in Widget 2x1* Easy access to the mobile side of the DWD* Repeat alarm* Share function for weather warnings* Screen orientation via position sensor* Extensive warning (sound, vibration, Toast Message, etc.)* Germany Map* Precipitation Radar (movie)* Warning for preliminary information "storm"* Heat Warning* Many settings (circle, alert tones, etc)* "Always loud alarm" mode* Variable notification to alert level* Overview map "Forest Fire Index"* Battery and Memory Card Friendly* Test AlarmFor devices to Android 2.3.7 (API 10) Please use the followingversion, as some functions in the Wewa versions from 2.1.4 on thesedevices are not working: =!This is not an official app of the German Meteorological Service!It reads, similar to a normal browser, only the content of theirwebsite and displays it unchanged in the app!The author developed in good faith to a correct running app.Nevertheless, errors or crashes are possible. The author assumes noliability for this and asks for feedback on errors.Bad reviews do not improve the app! Please use the supportfunction to bug reports and submitted a description. Thanks for thereports submitted to date!
HK District Weather
HK Man
香港地區天氣- Shows Hong Kong district weather information according to yourcurrent location.- All weather information is provided by Hong Kong Observatory withauthorization- Most of the improvements are based on your comments, so feel freeto rate and leave some comment for me ^_^- If you have questions and want me to answer, please feel free toemail / facebook me, as there is no way for me to answer if you putyour questions in market's comment[FAQ]- App2SD?Will not have app2SD as if enabled, widgets and notification willfail. This is Android's design.- Background color?can be set in settings, you can see the samples in the screenshotsession- different screen size?I will try my best to add different screen size support, as thereare too many.- Widgets fail to auto update?Try to go into that widget's setting and press backORre-add the widget- Location not accurate?the location is the closest HKO station, may not be the districtname that you are currently in