國立海洋生物博物館 Apps

2048海鮮危機 2.6.0
根據科學家估算,人類持續濫捕到了2048年,人類可能將無魚可吃。一部名為「魚線的盡頭」的紀錄片,詳細道出了目前人類濫用海洋資源的險境。13位來自加拿大、巴拿馬、瑞典和美國的研究人員,分析了從1950-2003年所進行的32個實驗、48個海洋保護區的研究,和聯合國糧農組織對全球魚類和無脊椎動物的資料;發現目前有29%的野生魚類和海產物種枯竭,撈獲量已比最高產量下降90%;光是從大西洋游到地中海的鮪魚,在過去十年間就減少了八成之多。因此,國立海洋生物博物館擬推動一個由博物館所啟動、透過教育性遊戲來模擬海洋資源被人們利用的方式,讓大眾得以從遊戲中認知到海洋所面對的問題,並進一步從生活中實踐的海洋環保運動。玩家將可從遊戲模擬過程中體驗到海洋資源永續的重要性,期使未來消費者的購買力量有所適從,進而促成產銷供應鏈共同支持永續海洋的公民行動。According tothescientists estimated that humans continue to overfishing in2048,humans may be no fish to eat. One called "the end of afishingline," the documentary tells the woods detailed currenthuman abuseof marine resources. 13 researchers from Canada, Panama,Sweden andthe United States, analyzed from 1950 - 32 experimentsundertakenin 2003, the study of 48 marine protected areas, and FAOdata onglobal fish and invertebrates; found that the current 29% ofwildfish and seafood species depletion, salvaged volume has dropped90%over the highest yield; just swim from the Atlantic totheMediterranean tuna, in the past decade to reduce as much aseightypercent.Therefore, the National Museum of Marine Biology promoteaproposed initiated by the museum, through educational gamestosimulate the way the use of marine resources by people, so thatthepublic awareness to the problems of ocean from the game face,andfurther practice from life Marine environmental movement.Playerswill be able to experience the game simulation process totheimportance of sustainable marine resources, so purchasing powerofconsumers has been adapted from the future, and thus contributetosustainable production and marketing supply chain tojointlysupport the marine citizen action.
海洋尋寶趣 1.1
”海洋尋寶趣”是國立海洋生物博物館所推出的行動學習遊戲,透過在展場中營造有如尋寶般的方式闖關答題,使用者可累積經驗和成就,還有機會獲得神祕禮物喔!"Ocean Treasure HuntFun"is the National Museum of Marine Biology has launched amobilelearning game, like creating a treasure hunt through theexhibitionas a way to answer the checkpoints, users can gainexperience andachievements, as well as access to a mystery giftOh!