GravityBubble 1.0
Colorful game similar to bubble breaker,butwith its own living world.These balls have their physical characteristics, from this you getanew fun game.
Ascending 1.00
Ascending logic game!!! Simple and clever game! All you need isalways click the smallest! Try to get more score
Battle Checkers Online 1.0
Battle Checkers Online is a simple andfunnygame for players of any age.Tired of challenging logic games! Hooray this is for you, takeagood old checkers and start the battle. To win, you need toknockoff the field all the opponent's checkers. Simple and easycontrolwill help you make accurate shots.Play alone or with friends on the same device. Try yourself intheonline contest and leave their mark on the record board!
Книжная полка 1.11
Книжная полка - это простое приложения дляпоиска и чтения книг.Все книги предоставляются бесплатно. Есть возможность оффлайнчтения. Очень большая библиотека книг.Все книги находятся в свободном доступе в интернете. Программа нехранит в себе никакой информации.* Возможность настройки размера текста и шрифта* Возможность настройки фона* Создание закладки* Ночной режим чтенияBookshelf - is a simpleapplication to search for and read books.All books are available for free. It is possible to read offline. Avery large library of books.All books are freely available on the Internet. The program doesnot store any information in itself.* Ability to customize the text and font size* Ability to customize the background* Create a bookmark* Night reading mode
BubbleBreaker 1.00
Classic Bubble Breaker Game Collect same color balls as many aspossible! Try to be the Best in LeaderBoard
Crazy Battle 1.00
This is an online game! Internet connection needed. All tanks -real players. Start your day in battle with worthy opponents. Canyou drive a tank? You need to find other tanks on the map anddestroy them. Prove that you are the best. Use different tactics tobe the first in tank wars!
Checkers Online Free 1.01
Checkers Online is a classic board game. The rules of thisvariantof game are: Board. Played on a 8×8 board with alternatingdark andlight squares. The left down square field should be dark.Startingposition. Each player starts with 12 pieces on the threerowsclosest to their own side. The row closest to each player iscalledthe "crownhead" or "kings row". Usually, the colors of thepiecesare black and white, but possible use other colors (one darkandother light). The player with white pieces (lighter color)movesfirst. Pieces. There are two kinds of pieces: "men" and"kings".Kings are differentiated as consisting of two normal piecesof thesame color, stacked one on top of the other or by invertedpieces.Men. Men move forward diagonally to an adjacent unoccupiedsquare.Kings. If a player's piece moves into the kings row on theopposingplayer's side of the board, that piece to be "crowned",becoming a"king" and gaining the ability to move back or forwardand chooseon which free square at this diagonal to stop . Capture.If theadjacent square contains an opponent's piece, and thesquareimmediately beyond it is vacant, the opponent's piece maybecaptured (and removed from the game) by jumping over it.Jumpingcan be done forward and backward. Multiple-jump moves arepossibleif, when the jumping piece lands, there is another piecethat canbe jumped. Jumping is mandatory and cannot be passed up tomake anon-jumping move. When there is more than one way for aplayer tojump, one may choose which sequence to make, notnecessarily thesequence that will result in the most amount ofcaptures. However,one must make all the captures in that sequence.A captured pieceis left on the board until all captures in asequence have beenmade but cannot be jumped again (this rule alsoapplies for thekings). If a man touches the kings row during acapture and cancontinue a capture, it jumps backwards as a king.The player canchoose where to land after the capture. Winning anddraws. A playerwith no valid move remaining loses. This is the caseif the playereither has no pieces left or if a player's pieces areobstructedfrom making a legal move by the pieces of the opponent. Agame is adraw if neither opponent has the possibility to win thegame. Thegame is considered a draw when the same position repeatsitself forthe third time, with the same player having the move eachtime. Ifone player proposes a draw and his opponent accepts theoffer. If aplayer has three kings (or more) in the game against asingle enemyking and his 15th move (counting from the time ofestablishing thecorrelation of forces) cannot capture enemy king.
Teeter 1.22
Teeter Logic Game
XO Online 1.0.8
Tic Tac Toe Online