Miracle Mill Gmbh Apps

Yatzy Online
Miracle Mill Gmbh
This game goes by many names around the world.Yatzy, Yahtzee, le Yams, Generala, Jatsi, Yacht and Yamb are justsome of the names of the same amazing game.The game is available in the three major rule sets availableglobally:- Scandinavian (Played mostly in Sweden, Denmark, Norway andFinland)- International (The "original" rule set for Yahtzee)- 6 Dice (The more advanced rule set for hardcore players that likea tough challenge)All three rule sets are available to play in both online mode, orin offline mode without the need for an Internet connection.Play online against your Facebook friends (Requires Facebooklogin), Yatzy friends or random opponents (Requires an Yatzy Onlineaccount)Offline mode supports solo players, an incredibly hard computeropponent (No, it's not cheating, it really is that good!) andplaying friends that are sitting next to you (pass &play).There is a really extensive set of game history, high scores,online leaderboards and of course, all kinds of achievements.Users that upgrade to the premium version will get access to:- Cool personal statistics- Training mode (Let's you see the anticipated end score dependingon choice of dice)- Colorful themes (Choose from a wide variety of colors)- Full screen experience (You will of course no longer need tosuffer from ads and full screen commercials)
Lekplatsen 2.1
Miracle Mill Gmbh
Lekplatsen gör det lekande lätt att hitta tilllekplatser och lekparker runtom i Sverige.Se i en lista eller på en karta vilka lekplatser som ligger iden direkta närheten, eller scrolla på kartan och kolla vilkalekplatser och lekparker som ligger i andra kommuner. Har du enfavorit lekplats eller lekpark? Lägg då till den i dina favoriter:)Denna app är perfekt för er som vill leka utomhus och som villsnabbt och lätt hitta platsen runtom i Sverige.- Hitta lekplatser / lekparker i Sverige- Lägga till egna favoriter- Lägga till egna bilder på lekplatser- Kommentera och rösta på lekplatserThe playground makes it abreeze to find the playgrounds and play areas throughout Sweden.See a list or on a map which playgrounds located in theimmediate vicinity, or scroll the map and check the playgrounds andplay areas located in other municipalities. Do you have a favoriteplayground or playground? Then add it to your favorites :)This app is perfect for those who want to play outside and whowant to quickly and easily find the location across Sweden.- Find playgrounds / play areas in Sweden- Add your own favorites- Add your own pictures at playgrounds- Comment and vote on playgrounds
TimeLeft - Life expectancy 1.1.1
Miracle Mill Gmbh
Ever wondered how much time you have lefttolive?TimeLeft uses statistics from countries all over the Globetocalculate, predict and estimate your life expectancy.You will be able to see the countdown on your Apple watch andyoucan constantly be reminded about your precious time left.Share your time left with other people on Facebook and getthemto share theirs too.We all have a limited time here, we hope that thisapplicationwill help you reflect over your time left and what youwill do withit.DISCLAIMER: Please note that the life expectancy thatTimeLeftprovides is only an estimate based on statistics and thatMiracleMill Gmbh cannot be held responsible for any deviations toactualdeparture time.