eCoach Ventures Apps

Launch Pro 1.0.0
eCoach Ventures
The G P S Launch Pro App is the firstgolftraining aid designed to PREDICT where your golf ball willgo!Since the golf course is not flat, many shots on the course arenotsupposed to go straight. Side slopes have a great deal ofinfluenceon the direction of your next shot.Developed by US PGA Golf Professional Bob Duncan, the G P SLaunchPro is based on a complex algorithm that will calculate theslopethat your ball lies on, and will give you the directionalinfluencethat the slope generates.To achieve this you select your club based on your ownyardages,hold your phone so the bottom edge matches the angle ofthe slope,and tap the golf ball on the screen to lock in thecalculations.You can even rotate the phone from a vertical to ahorizontalview.As a bonus, the G P S Launch Pro also gives you 3 options for howtoplay your shot: You can alter your ball position, balance, orswingplane, or all three.G P S stands for the Golfer Positioning System, anacceleratedon-course learning system designed to bring out the bestgolf youcan play on the golf course.Note: The G P S Launch Pro is a valuable and highlyeffectivetraining aid designed to help you play from the differentslopesyou get on the course. It does not conform to the USGA RulesofGolf, and is not approved for use during stipulated roundsofgolf.