Card Games - Page 1

Connect to another device with Bluetooth andplay Durak live. Durak (Дурак) is a card game as popular in thecasino as solitaire or poker. The object of the game is to get ridof all one's cards. At the end of the game, the last player withcards in their hand is referred to as the fool (Дурак).
Hearts Mobile
G Soft Team
The most popular card game optimised forAndroid.Play a captivating game of Hearts. To win you must avoid gettingthe scoring cards. Or you can Shoot the Moon. The game is over whenone of the four players gains more or exactly 100 points. You winif you have the smallest score. Though chance is involved you canstill make the best of your cards and win. Download and playnow!★ ★ ★ FEATURES ★ ★ ★✓ Advanced AI players✓ 3 Difficulty Levels✓ Balanced rules✓ Easy to use and play✓ Designed for both Tablets and Phones★ ★ ★ TIPS ★ ★ ★✓ You can keep low and try to earn the lowest score by avoidingcards of hearts and especially by avoiding the 13-points Queen of♠Spades.✓ Another strategy is to go big and take all the hearts and theQueen of ♠Spades, in which case you "Shoot the Moon". It willeither take 26 points away or add 26 points to all your opponents.When at least one player goes over or reaches 100 points the gameis over.✓ The scoring cards are the cards of hearts, each worth 1 point,and the Queen of ♠Spades, worth 13 points. Whoever plays thehighest card of the suit that started the trick collects the trick.The value of the cards grows in this order 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace.✓ 13 cards are dealt to each player. Before every hand, each playerhas to choose 3 cards and pass them to another player with oneexception. For every fourth hand no cards are passed. The playerholding the 2♣ of clubs must lead to begin the first trick.✓ Players must follow suit. If you don't have a card of the suitwhich started the trick you can place any card.✓ Players can start tricks with a card from any suit, with oneexception: the cards of hearts. Placing a card of hearts in thetrick for the first time is called breaking the hearts. Once thehearts are broken you can start a trick with a card ofhearts.✓ Sometimes you can collect all the scoring cards and thus youshoot the moon. In most cases you will receive 0 points and theothers will each receive 26 points.✓ However, if by adding 26 points to other players they gain morethan 100 points, but you still lose, another solution is preferred.In this case 26 points will be subtracted from your score and allthe other players will keep their scores.✓ By default the set difficulty is easy. But you can change it fromthe main menu. To enter the main menu and to also pause the gamejust press on the button in the top left corner of the screen. Youcan change it from easy to medium, from medium to hard or from hardto easy. And the next time when you play a new hand, the AI willemploy better strategies or not depending on your preferreddifficulty level.★ Support and FeedbackIf you have any technical problems, please email us directly Please, don’t leave support problems in ourcomments – we don’t check those regularly and it will take longerto fix any issues that you might encounter. Thank you!Already a fan of Hearts Mobile? Like us on Facebook orfollow us on Twitter for the latest news: but not least, a big THANK YOU goes out to everyone who hasplayed Hearts Mobile!
Full Tilt Poker - Texas Holdem
** Full Tilt Poker real-money mobile apps arenot available on Google Play **Fun. Exciting. Tailored for mobile.The Full Tilt mobile app was named ‘Best Poker App’ at the IGAGaming App Awards 2014.The great thing about the Full Tilt mobile app is that it allowsyou to enjoy your favorite games anytime, anywhere. Jackpot Sit& Go Tournaments, Rush Poker – they’re all there.You can access Full Tilt’s games from any device with Android4.1 or higher. Please note that the Full Tilt app is onlyfor play-money players aged 18 years and up.Check out what’s available on Full Tilt’s mobile app:• Take on more opponents for some of our biggest prizes withscheduled tournaments on mobile.• Never miss a promotion or special offer with our PushNotifications, keeping you in the game at all times• Hit No Limit Texas Hold’em and Pot Limit Omaha tables• Win a share of up to 2,000 times your buy-in with Jackpot Sit& Go Tournaments• Play Sit & Go Tournaments: choose between 6-Max orHeads-Up• Also available: Rush Poker, Adrenaline Rush and Ring Gametables• Play at a wide range of Play Chip stake levels• Buy Play Chip bundles and become an instant high roller• Fully optimized for mobile devices• Log in using your existing Full Tilt Player ID and Password orcreate an account if you’re a new playerNEW FEATURES:Our guaranteed prize pools are now mobile. Play your favoritescheduled tournaments on the Full Tilt mobile app.Join our poker community on social media and connect with pokerplayers from around the world. anytime, anywhere – download the Full Tilt mobile appnow.MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS• Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G Internet connection• Android 4.1 or higher• Minimum screen resolution of 800x480SUPPORTED LANGUAGES• English• French (Canadian)• German• Dutch• Portuguese (Brazil)• Russian• Swedish• Norwegian• Finnish• Spanish• Hungarian• Polish• Ukrainian• Czech• Slovak• CroatianABOUT FULL TILT POKER.NETFull Tilt is a fun, safe place to play poker. We’re proudto provide players with the best mobile software available,boasting innovative features and regular improvements.Full Tilt is part of the Rational Group, one of thelargest and most respected online gaming companies in the world,which prides itself on providing the most secure environmentpossible for playing online. Full Tilt offers the best inon-line gaming: a wide variety of exciting games and 24/7 customersupport.
Pyramid Solitaire
Odesys, LLC
Welcome to the amazing world of solitaire!Pyramid is one of the most played patience games in the world. Nowyou can enjoy it anytime, and anywhere, on your mobile phone ortablet. Share your Pyramid Solitaire scores with your friends onFacebook, Twitter and Google+.From Odesys, the makers of the best solitaire games formobile.The goal of Pyramid Solitaire is to discard the entire deck byfinding pairs of cards that add up to 13, regardless of suit. Kingscount as 13 and are discarded singly, Queens as 12, Jacks as 11,etc. The board consists of a Stock, a Pyramid and a Discard Pile.The cards in the Stock can be cycled three times, one at a time.Only cards that are completely uncovered are available for play.Giza and Seven are variations of Pyramid with slightly differentboard layouts.Odesys respects your privacy! Pyramid solitaire requires NO ACCESSPERMISSIONS to your personal information!Odesys Pyramid Features:• Bonus games - Giza and Seven• Unlimited Undo and Redo*• Adjustable cards size (pinch-to-resize)*• Hints*• Auto save on exit• Animated cards motion• Tablet and Android TV support• Install on SD card (Android 2.2 or newer)* Requires Android 2.3 or newerFollow us on Twitter: @OdesysSolitaireLook for other great patience games by Odesys. If you like theclassics, you would love Klondike Solitaire, FreeCell Solitaire,Spider Solitaire, or its lesser known variations, Black WidowSolitaire and Tarantula Solitaire. You might also like to tryPyramid Solitaire, or its somewhat easier variation, SevenSolitaire, or the completely open Giza Solitaire. No solitairecollection would be complete without the unique Golf Solitaire, theaddictive Yukon Solitaire, or its almost impossible to solvecousin, Russian Solitaire.
Freecell Solitaire
IGC Mobile s.r.o.
This Freecell version from Softick is populardue to very simple and comfort touchscreen gameplay: Freecell willnot take more cards than can be moved to another location or freecell. It drops only suitable cards returning others back - seehighlighting hints. Think on Freecell solution, not oncontrolFreecell Solitaire is designed specially for Android and provides25 customization options. Choose the most suitable cardset,background, and tons of other settings to your taste! Make your ownFreecell: Use custom colors for elements and album photos for thebackground or cards back.Thank you for your suggestions! Please contact support if you haveany problems or ideas. We read comments and highly appreciate yourratings!
Texas Holdem Poker
Texas Holdem Poker is the world's favoriteonline poker game. It attracted 20 thousands of fans worldwide.There are small, medium and large tables, depending on yourbankroll. It doesn't really matter whether you are a newbie withoutbasic knowledge of rules or a weathered poker-shark, you will finda table suitable for you.The strongest point of GeaxGame's Poker is its social component.You can chat all game long with your table mates. Since a Facebookaccount is required, you can challenge your friends or meet newones. The game is entirely multiplatform, so for example, you canbe playing from your android device while your friends are playingfrom home or from an Iphone.Game features:* Live Chat* Beautiful graphics and luxurious casinos* Personalized profile and buddy lists* Simple interface that's easy to navigate* Free daily bonus* Plenty of gifts, snacks, and drinks to share with others* Facebook connect for fast registration (optional)If you like Poker, you’ll love Texas Holdem Poker . It haseverything you need to have a whole of a time betting, raising orbluffing online opponents. Just download the app now forfree.Don't forget to add me as friend, there's much more fun we playingtogether!
Absolute Skat pro
Das neue - Absolute Skat 10.0 - ist ab sofortunter folgendem Link erhältlich:, das beliebteste Kartenspiel Deutschlands nun auch indieser speziell für Android entwickelten Version.Egal, ob Anfänger oder Profi-Spieler, in Absolute Skat Profindest Du, was Du für eine spannende Partie Skat brauchst.Verschiedene Schwierigkeitsstufen und umfangreiche Einstellungenfür den Spielablauf geben Dir die Möglichkeit das Kartenspielindividuell zu gestalten. Starte jetzt einen gemütlichenSkatabend!Diese neue, umfangreichere Absolute Skat Pro Version enthälteinen erweiterten Ansichtsmodus extra für Handynutzer oder kleinereDisplays (XXL Mode). Mit speziellen Kartendecks und derungefächerten Anzeige ist es jetzt noch einfacher auf diesenGeräten zu spielen.Mit dem Erwerb von Absolute Skat Pro holst Du Dir ein komplettesSpiel. Keine In-App Verkäufe, keine Werbung. Alle Extras und Bonisind bereits im Spiel enthalten und müssen nicht zusätzlicherworben werden. Einmal kaufen und den kompletten Spielspaß imvollen Umfang genießen!Bitte bei Fragen, Problemen oder Kritik eine E-Mail schreiben!In den meisten Fällen können wir das Problem umgehend lösen.Beinhaltet wahlweise die frei einstellbaren Variationen:- Ramschen- Kontra und Re ansagen- Bockrunden- Alle vier Buben und Trumpf-Ass zählen als ‚mit 4‘- Grundwert von Grand ist wählbar zwischen 20 und 24- Verlorene Handspiele werden nicht bestraft- Mit 30 aus dem Schneider- Bockrunde falls die letzte Runde 60:60 ausging- auf Wunsch Turnierzählweise- Bierlachs (300,400,500) auf Wunsch mit oder ohne DatumFeatures:- Verschiedene Schwierigkeitsgrade, sowohl für Gelegenheitsspielerals auch für gestandene Skatspieler- 13 verschiedene Kartendecks (deutsche und französische Blätter),mehrere speziell für Handyspieler!- Verschiedene Kartenansichten für mehr Überblick im Spiel- Zuschaltbare Spieloptionen, wie: Letzten Stich ansehen,schnellere/langsamere Animationen, Punkte anzeigen, Avatare,u.v.a.m.- Verschiedene Spielfelder- Intelligente Gegner- Umfangreiche Spielauswertung- Profilerstellung für verschiedene Spieler- Individuelle Speicherfunktion- Zusätzliche, spezielle Low-Grafik-Version für Geräte mit wenigfreiem Speicher- Karten frei sortierbar zzgl. die Möglichkeit einer automatischenSortierungDies ist die deutsche Skat Version!The new - Absolute Skat10.0 - is available now at the following link:, the most popular card game in Germany have now developedin this specifically for Android version.Whether beginner or professional player, in Absolute Skat Proyou can find what you need for an exciting game Skat. Variousdifficulty levels and extensive settings for the gameplay give youto make the card game customization possibility. Start now a cozyskat evenings!This new, richer Absolute Skat Pro version includes an enhancedview mode especially for mobile users or smaller displays (XXLMode). With special decks of cards and the ungefächerten display itis now even easier to play on these devices.With the acquisition of Absolute Skat Per Holst you a completegame. No in-app sales, not advertising. All extras and bonuses areincluded in the game and do not have to be purchased separately.Buy once and enjoy the complete game to the full extent!Please any questions, problems or comments send an e-mail! Inmost cases, we can solve the problem immediately.Includes optional freely adjustable variations:- Bulks- Contraindications and Re announcements- Bock rounds- All four Jacks and trump ace count as, with 4 '- Fundamental value of Grand selectable 20-24- Lost Hand games are not punished- With 30 out of the woods- Bock round if the last round 60:60 emanated- At the request Turnierzählweise- Beer Salmon (300,400,500) on request with or without dateFeatures:- Different levels of difficulty, for both casual gamers as well asseasoned Skatspieler- 13 different card decks (German and French music), morespecifically for mobile gamers!- Various map views for a better overview in the game- Selectable game options such as: Show the last trick, faster /slower animations, View Points, avatars, and much more- Various Fields- Intelligent opponents- Extensive game evaluation- Profiling for different players- Individual memory function- Additional, special low-graphics version for devices with LowMemory-. Free maps sortable plus the possibility of automatic sortingThis is the German version of Skat!
How To Play
Bicycle Playing Cards
Can't remember the rules? Bicycle® Brand is proud to present How toPlay.
Poker Texas Polski
♠♣Poker online z międzynarodowymi turniejami iwyzwaniami Texas Hold‘em.♥♦(Prawdziwe turnieje i prawdziwi gracze, ale nie prawdziwepieniądze. Jesteśmy tu, by rywalizować, zrelaksować się, potrenowaći poznać nowych przyjaciół)- RZESZE CODZIENNIE AKTYWNYCH GRACZYPołączyliśmy platformy, by jeszcze łatwiej było teraz znaleźćgraczy do gry, w każdym zakątku świata, o każdej porze.-CZYSTY POKERUżywamy algorytmu z certyfikatem iTech Labs i wyspecjalizowanymzespołem, który dba o to, by gra była sprawiedliwa, czysta izabawna. Najlepszy poker w sieci-PRESTIż PRAWDZIWEGO POKERABoyaa jest międzynarodową firmą, która tworzy nowe standardy łączącprawdziwy i sieciowy poker w globalnym otoczeniu.- DZIENNY BANKROLL, KARTY VIP I +Mamy wszelkie możliwe narzędzia pokerowe, więc gra dostosowuje siędo Ciebie, czy jesteś nowicjuszem, graczem weekendowym, który chcepoprawić swą grę, ambitnym graczem celującym w miejsca rankingowe,czy też profesjonalnym internetowym pokerzystą. Od darmowychżetonów przez wsparcie bankruta aż po specjalne opcje dla graczyVIP. Mamy wszystko, czego zapragniesz-MULTIPLATFORMAGraj na Androidzie, iOS czy Facebooku, płynnie przełączając sięmiędzy urządzeniami na tym samym koncie. Zaloguj się ze swojegokonta na Facebooku by móc przełączać się między urządzeniami. PC,komórka, czy tablet, wszystko jest powiązane.-4 MODUŁY GRY DLA WIELU GRACZY (Hold’em, Sit’N’Go, MTT, Club)Graj w Poker Texas na szybkich lub wolnych stołach, na niskich bądźwysokich stawkach. Graj bez ograniczeń. Weź udział w dużychturniejach mistrzowskich lub wejdź po prostu do pokoju Sit‘n’Go.Teraz możesz nawet utworzyć swoje prywatne pokoje pokerowe w moduleklubowym, tak, by samemu ustalać zasady, ciemne i graczy, z którymichcesz grać.-INTERAKTYWNYWszystkie ikony, naklejki, przyciski są w 100% interaktywne.Kliknij na jakiegokolwiek gracza i analizuj jej/jego profil,najlepsze ręce, współczynnik zwycięstw oraz inne dane. Kliknij nazabawny element na ekranie i podziel się nim z przyjaciółmi,dealerami, dziewczyną czy chłopakiem.--Gra jest przeznaczona dla dorosłych. Nie oferuje szans nawygranie prawdziwych pieniędzy, jedynie monet Boyaa, które mogą byćwymienione na wirtualne gadżety, żetony i dodatkowe opcje.Polityka prywatności: usług Boyaa:♠ ♣ Poker onlineinternational tournaments and challenges Texas Hold'em. ♥ ♦(Real tournaments and real players, but not real money. We are hereto compete, to relax, to train and make new friends) - Reich DAILY ACTIVE PLAYERSWe combined platform would have it easier now to find players toplay in every corner of the world, at any time. -clean POKERWe use an algorithm Certified iTech Labs and specialized team thatmakes sure that the game was fair, clean and fun. Best onlinepoker-PRESTIż REAL POKERBoy is an international company that creates new standards bycombining real and poker network in the global environment.- DAILY bankroll VIP CARD AND +We have every possible tool poker, so the game adapts to you,whether you are a novice, a weekend player who wants to improvetheir game, an ambitious player excelled in place of Ladder or aprofessional online poker player. From the free chips by bankruptsupport to special options for the VIP players. We have everythingyou desire-MULTIPLATFORMAPlay on Android, iOS and Facebook, seamlessly switch betweendevices on the same account. Log in with your Facebook account tobe able to switch between devices. PC, cell phone, or tablet,everything is linked. -4 MODULES multiplayer games (Hold'em, Sit'N'Go, MTT Club)Play Poker Texas on fast or slow tables at low or high stakes. Playwithout restrictions. Take part in big tournaments master or simplyvisit the room Sit'n'Go. Now you can even create their own privatepoker rooms in the unit club, so that alone set the rules, and thedark of players that want to play. -INTERACTIVEAll icons, stickers, buttons are 100% interactive. Click on anyplayer and analyze his / her profile, the best hand, thecoefficient of victories and other data. Click on the fun elementon the screen and share it with friends, dealers, girlfriend orboyfriend.--Gra Is intended for adults. It does not offer a chance to winreal money, only coins Boy, which can be exchanged for virtualgoodies, chips and additional options. Privacy Policy: of Service Boya:
Spiele-Palast GmbH
Schafkopf-Palace brings you Schafkopf(Sheepshead), the popular card game from Germany. Play Sauspiel,Wenz and Suit solos for free and without advertisements with onlineschafkopfen. Play for free against real opponents or with yourfriends from all over the world. We offer not only a dynamic leaguesystem but also custom tables with your own rule sets,friendslists, detailed statistics, a variety of card decks and muchmore.We play according to the rules of the German Schafkopfschule e.V.In addition we offer these custom rules:- Short Deck- Placements (Doubling)- Hirsch- Marriage- Vulture- Suit Wenz- Begging- Ramsch- Cross Round- Schafkopfen with BockroundsYou may also want to visit to meetother Schafkopf (Sheepshead) players or contact the developers.What are you waiting for? Login now and play Sauspiel, Wenz andmore!
IGC Mobile s.r.o.
Enjoy the most popular card game ever -Klondike Solitaire (or Solitaire in short).This Solitaire version is especially optimised for every screen andthe entire range of Android enabled devices: from tiny smartphonesto the biggest tablets. We tried to created an ideal Solitaire gamefor the touch screens and the gameplay is really easy and naturalfor your fingers.Make your own Solitaire game unique and exclusive, expressyourself! You can change the game's appearance to suit your owntaste, choose the card sets and background, or even adorn the cardback with your dog's photo. Klondike Solitaire has many variousoptions and modes even including different card set sizes for allscreens and eyes.It also possible to play Vegas version of this classic Solitaire, areal challenge even for experienced players!You will love how easily and intuitively the Solitaire stacks aredragged and the game itself drops only suitable cards and returnsothers back to the deck. Just relax and enjoy the game and don'tworry about control, Klondike Solitaire will handle it!Play Klondike Solitaire today and have fun! Sign in to Google PlayGame Services, compete and share results with your Google+community, set new high scores!If you got stuck on some preset, there is a great chance that wecan show you step by step solution. (Internet connection isrequired)We have created a product of brilliant quality for you and weappreciate your comments and suggestions, which is why Solitairebecomes better with every new release.Visit our Facebook page inorder to communicate with us, your friends, and other users, andshare your opinion. If you have any questions, e-mail our supportteam.
Bingo! Free Bingo Games
It's BINGO time! Play one of the best FREEBingo games on Android! Bingo by Absolute Games is free to playwith lots of bonuses and coins. Best of all, you can play AbsoluteBingo anywhere you want as the game can be played offline with nointernet connection.ABSOLUTE BINGO FEATURES✪ FREE bingo play - get free coins to play every 4 hours✪ FUN bingo rooms and mini games✪ Great bingo odds and GENEROUS payouts✪ PLAY up to 4 bingo cards✪ Play OFFLINE or play free online too! You can play anywhere,anytime✪ PAUSE the game whenever you want✪ CHANGE your game SPEED - play faster or slower as youplease✪ WIN powerups in the special casino slots game (unlocked at higherlevels)If you love bingo and are looking for a fun new bingo game, this isthe game for you.PLEASE NOTE : This app lets you purchase digital content using realmoney. You can turn off payments by disabling in-app purchases inyour device settings.Bingo is intended for an adult audience.Bingo does not offer "real money gambling" or an opportunity to winreal money or prizes.Practice or success at social casino gaming does not imply futuresuccess at "real money gambling."
Leprechaun Slots
Pulado Games
Leprechaun Slots will have your feeling lucky as you spin and getrainbows which will give you free spins, leprechauns that willactivate bonus mini games, and beer which is wild! This super funand lucky slot game can be played both on Facebook and Android!Leprechaun Slots also includes your favorite video slot featureslike exciting bonus games, scatter symbols, wild, and free spins.With our game you will experience the full scale of emotions justlike a real casino player would put you will not have to risklosing a cent! May the luck be with you as you play this slot game!- Get bonus coins every few minutes.- Progressive Jackpot where the more you play the bigger itgets.- Let the luck of the Irish be on your side as you play LeprechaunSlots!We bring you this application totally free with the help ofsearch monetization. We have decided to use this to be able to keepmaking more free apps for you. Please be aware that with our appyou will receive a search icon on your device which is easilydeleted or replaced. Thank you for downloading!
London Slots
Pulado Games
London Slots is a game that will transport yo to Britain withoutthe cost! In this slot game the tea gets you free spins, the crownwill activate bonus mini games and the British flag is wild! LondonSlots is an awesome slot simulator that can also be played onFacebook and Android it also includes your favorite video slotfeatures like exciting bonus games, scatter symbols, wild, and freespins. With our game you will experience the full scale of emotionsof a real casino player but instead of feeling as if you are inVegas you will fell as if you are in London!- Get bonus coins every few minutes.- Progressive Jackpot where the more you play the bigger itgets.- Take that trip you have always wanted to take and see all of theamazing structures in the fun game London Slots!We bring you this application totally free with the help ofsearch monetization. We have decided to use this to be able to keepmaking more free apps for you. Please be aware that with our appyou will receive a search icon on your device which is easilydeleted or replaced. Thank you for downloading!
Sauspiel Schafkopf
Mit Sauspiel Schafkopf kommt die besteKartenspiel-Erfahrung auf Dein Android-Gerät. In der gemütlichenvirtuellen Wirtschaft erwarten Dich Tag und Nacht über 300.000Mitspieler an den Spieltischen. Sauspiel, Wenz und Solo, wann Duwillst, wo Du willst und so viel Du willst!Nie war Kartenspielen so einfach und intuitiv: Tippe mit demFinger auf einen der vielen Spieltische und Du bist sofort mittenim Geschehen. Klicke auf den Chat und sende ein Servus an DeineMitspieler, wähle Dein Spiel indem Du einmal über das Displaystreichst und schiebe wie am echten Tisch mit der Hand Deine Kartenin die Mitte des Spieltisches!With Sauspiel Sheepsheadthe best card game experience comes to your Android device. In thecozy virtual economy like night and day expect over 300,000 playersat the tables. Sauspiel, Wenz and solo, when you want, where youwant and as much as you want!Never play cards was so simple and intuitive: Tap with yourfinger on one of the many poker tables, and you're instantly in themiddle of the action. Click on the chat and send a Hello to yourfellow players, choose your game by you once streichst via thedisplay and move as on a real desk with the hand your card in themiddle of the table!
Sorairo, Inc.
◆◆早くも累計130万DL突破!◆◆初心者でも楽しめるガイド機能付き!極上の操作感、溢れる臨場感、圧倒的なクオリティを思う存分お楽しみください。日常の喧騒を忘れ、ひととき”MIYABI”な時を味わって見ませんか?◆◆連勝コレクション追加!◆◆新たに連勝コレクションとしてなんと185枚の浮世絵を追加!連勝コレクションは10連勝毎にプレゼントされます!10連勝でBランク20連勝でAランク30連勝でSランクと連勝でのやりこみ度がグンッと上がっています!是非連勝を狙ってみてください!※40連勝以降はBランクから繰り返されます。◆◆祝!累計60万人記念!!◆◆期間の間、通常ライフケース3個のところをライフケース+2個の5個でプレイ出来ます。※ライフケースを追加購入されている方は5個+追加購入分になります。★花札の定番ルール「こいこい」を収録!花札のルールの中でのもっともスタンダードである「こいこい」を収録しています。すぐに覚えられ、ちょっとした空き時間にも優雅な大人の遊びを満喫出来ます!★リアルな臨場感溢れる花札バトル!・札をスライドすることでも場に出すことが出来る直感(フリック)操作!・いつでもどこでも続きから始められる自動セーブ機能!・最上級の雰囲気を醸し出す、こだわりのライティング!★勝負に勝って浮世絵コレクションを手に入れろ!一定以上の得点で勝負に勝てば、浮世絵コレクションがもらえます。より高い得点で勝つほどに、ランクの高いコレクションが手に入ります!※連勝していけば、さらに?!★ランキング上位を目指せ!こいこい勝負に勝って獲得したコレクションのポイントや連勝数で他のプレイヤーとランキングで競い合えます。◆価格アプリ本体:無料※一部有料アイテムがあります。◆その他注意事項・セーブについてセーブは自動で行っています。セーブ中にアプリを終了、または電源を切ると、 セーブデータが破損することがあります。できるだけ、タイトルに戻ってからアプリを終了するようにしてください。また、電池残量が十分にある状態でのプレイを推奨いたします。・通信について本アプリは、ゲームプレイ中に通信を行っており、通信環境の悪いところでは、ゲームをプレイ出来ません。通信状況の良い場所でプレイをしてください。・時刻設定について本アプリはサーバーと通信することで時刻を取得しており、お持ちの端末の時刻とサーバーとの時刻が異なりますとプレイすることが出来ません。日付と時刻は、一般設定より自動設定にされることを推奨いたします。・不正行為について本アプリでは、下記のような不正行為を行ったユーザーに対しては、しかるべき制裁措置をとる場合があります。 不正プログラムを使用する行為 不正プログラムを制作または配布する行為 詐欺行為を行い、不適切な利益を得る行為 不正な方法で、ライフ等を獲得する行為 ゲーム内バグを悪用する行為 事実と異なる情報を入力してアカウントを生成する等の行為 その他、当社が不正行為と判断する行為・その他本アプリのルール、テキスト、内容等、デザイン等、断りなく変更することがあります。予めご了承の上ダウンロードをお願いいたします。本アプリは、画像データ等が多いため、複数のアプリを起動されていますとアプリが突然終了することがあります。他のアプリを完全に終了させてから本アプリを起動するか、またはメモリの解放を行う等、十分なメモリの確保をされてから本アプリを起動するようにお願いいたします。特に以前の機種などをご使用の方は、予めご了承の上ダウンロードをお願いいたします。※Android4.0以上の機種でのみ動作致します。ただし、一部の機種ではご利用になれない場合がございます。現在タブレット機種はサポート対象外とさせて頂きます。※推奨端末以外のサポート、補償等は致しかねますので予めご了承の上ダウンロードをお願いいたします。※本アプリのバージョンアップ等に伴って、推奨端末や対応OSのバージョンを変更する場合がございますが予めご了承ください。※OSのバージョンアップにより、本アプリに問題が出る場合がございますが予めご了承ください。
RVG BlackJack Free
Rock Vegas Game
Blackjack, being such a perfectly balanced combination between luckand skills is the type of game everyone loves to play at theCasino.
Memory Matches Circus
IDC Projects
Memory Matches Circus is guiltless, mind-stimulating fun in arefreshing new twist to a nostalgic game.We brought the classic game of Concentration into the DigitalEra to not only test your memory talents, but also yourobservation, dexterity, quickness and strategy. Easy enough forchildren to play, but challenging enough for adults to master.Memory Matches Circus offers:- 100 levels of strategic memory challenges- a fully customizable playing experience in Custom Mode- 30 unlockable decks containing thousands of images- Multiple scoring methods to alter your playing strategy- over 5000 different High Scores to set***We are proud that Memory Matches continues to be used bynumerous therapists around the world to assist in the treatment ofAlzheimer's.
Celeb Poker - Texas Holdem
Raise the stakes and compete with the elitepoker players in the cozy rooms of Celeb Poker. Play youfavorite games online whether it is Holdem, Omaha or OmahaHi/Lo.YOU ARE A SHARK STARVING FOR NEW EXPERIENCE?•Texas holdem, Omaha or even Omaha Hi/Lo withthe great variety of stakes - the choice is all yours•Multi-table functionality. When game gets boring playseveral ring games and a couple of tournaments all at once•Sit-n-Go tournaments for authentic casino experience•Multi Table Tournaments to win big. You can increase yourbuy-in 50 times in just one tournament•Fair play matters. Certified RNG and collusion preventionguarantee that your skill is the only thing that really matters atthe table.•Leaderboards both Global and country for competitivegameplay. Climb up the ladder and become the Poker Celeb recognizedat every table. Or find new buddies in your country•Promo tournaments with unique rewards and specialtrophies to stand out of the crowd•Play incognito - download and play instantly leaving nopersonal data•Exclusive service - our Customer Care will provide you withhelpful and timely responseYOU NEED CASUAL RELAXING ONLINE GAME?•Welcome bonus of $25,000•Free chips daily. Real money gambling makes you pay, whileour application does not. Get Enormous bonuses and free chipsgiveaways from our lovely dealers every day•New friends from around the world and lots of hilariousgifts•Learn to play, get more experience and master you holdemskill with clean and simple tutorials and hand combinationsexplanations.•Hand strength meter helps you leave the math behind andconcentrate on the game itself•Simple interface to call,fold or raise with one tap•Reward driven gameplay - every hand won, every tournamentplayed, every buddy found - all lead to new achievements andranks•Slots to play when you get tired of cardsJoin our community of Celebs on social media for new tips, tricksand free chips:Facebook: game is intended for adult audience and neither offers realmoney gambling nor an opportunity to win real money. Success atsocial gaming cannot imply future success at real money gambling.Use of this application in governed by Celeb Poker terms ofservice:
Kemono Collection
Edia Co.,Ltd.
No registration required!Grow your beauties in this free-to-play card battle game! ReceiveGacha Presents and recovery items worth 2000 yen if you start now!Ravishing beast ladies await!- Over 400 cards of exceptional beauty!Gather various types of beast people with the genes of wolves,tigers, cats, and even fish and insects, and eliminate violentcriminals hiding throughout the land! Beauties with attitude andentrancing illustrations abound!- Unleash the power of the cards!Strengthen and evolve your cards to the limit! Illustrations becomemore beautiful with each evolution!Release the full power of cards with their final evolution!- Endless events!Many exciting in-game events! Attractive rewards abound!- New cards introduced regularly!Cute girls, sexy ladies, buxom beauties... all kinds of femalebeasts will appear as new playable cards!=====Game Introduction=====Players are "Tamers," who control the various types of beast peoplewith the genes of wolves, tigers, cats, and even fish and insects.Assembling beast people via Gachas and quests, Players vie tocreate strong teams in a thrilling journey filled with battlesagainst other Tamers, cooperative battles with friends, andtakedowns of violent criminals that appear in variouslocations.=====Story=====Star Year 0113 — Where once they had flourished on Earth, thenumber of pure humans declined and they came to be calledprehistoric humans. In their place arose various types of "beastpeople" in great numbers, humans with the genes of wolves, tigers,cats, and even fish and insects.—— Beast people.They come in many forms, from bipedal ones resembling prehistorichumans, to ones like giant insects. But regardless of appearance,there is no shortage of highly intelligent and violent types.A major city once known as the capital.Home to the Central Agency, this city is where laws are upheld forthe coexistence of prehistoric humans and demihumans.The Central Agency spared no effort to maintain peace. The"Amagiri Security Corps," an elite team made of members handpickedfrom the military and police, helped secure the Agency's reputationand is the dream job of many youths.Amagiri has but one mission. The capture or elimination ofbounties on the Central Agency's list.- Kemono Collection is recommended for players who enjoy:- Anime and moe- Free-to-play games- Card battle games- Social games- Card collection games- Beautiful card games- Games featuring beautiful girls- Buxom females- Beast people, furries, cat ears, dog ears.- Fantasy GenreNote: If you are experiencing issues with the speed of thegame,turning off effects may help. To do so, go to "My Page" andclick"Settings" (yellow text halfway down the page).
다함께 맞고퐁
Netmarble Games
국내 최초 실시간 친구대전 맞고! 다함께 맞고퐁!!친구들과 종합점수로 진짜 실력을 겨루자!퐁퐁 터지는 캐릭터 효과와 코인을 모으는 쏠쏠한 재미까지!!새로운 모바일 맞고를 지금 경험해보세요!★☆ 국내 최초 실시간 친구대전 맞고 ☆★모르는 사람들과 하는 식상한 맞고는 이제 그만~다함께 맞고퐁에서 친구와 실시간으로 대전하세요!★☆ 종합점수로 진짜 실력을 겨루자 ★☆매판 획득한 점수를 쌓아서 친구들과 경쟁해 보세요!차곡차곡 점수 쌓는 재미에 밤새는 줄 몰라요~!★☆ 운은 거들 뿐, 전략으로 승리하자 ★☆게임이 잘 풀리지 않는다고 걱정하지 마세요!센스만점 아이템과 초강력 캐릭터로 승리의 기쁨을 만끽하세요!■ 본 게임은 청소년 이용불가 등급으로 18세 미만의 청소년은 이용할 수 없습니다.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ 유료 아이템 구매 시 별도의 요금이 부과됩니다.■ 상품 정보 및 이용 조건 안내 ■- 공급자 : 넷마블게임즈㈜ 대표이사 권영식- 이용조건 및 기간 : 게임 내 별도 고지된 내용에 따름(사용기간이 표시되지 않은 경우, 서비스의 종료일까지를 사용기간으로 간주)- 결제금액 및 방법 : 상품 별 별도 고지된 결제금액 및 결제방법에 따름(외화 결제 시 환율 및 수수료 등으로 인해 실제 청구금액과 다를 수 있음)- 상품지급방식 : 게임 내 구매한 아이디(캐릭터)로 즉시 지급- 넷마블 고객센터 : 1588-3995 (평일 오전9시~오후6시 상담가능)- 최소사양 : CPU 듀얼코어 1.2GHz, Ram 1GB[게임물 등급 분류 번호]- 상용화 심의 2013.07.17 (제 CC-OM-130717-007 호)----개발자 연락처 :02-1588-3995서울특별시 구로구 디지털로 300사업자 번호 : 105-87-64746통신판매업 번호 : 제 2014-서울구로-1028 호Korea's first real-timefriends hit war! Together Pont hit!Ruja offal real skills to friends and total score!Puff ssolssolhan to raise popping fun effects and charactercoin!Experience the new mobile hit now!☆ ★ ☆ Korea's first real-time friends ★ beaten War- Humorous and fitting for those who do not know enough now -Everybody fits in real time with your friends in Pont War!★ ☆ offal real skills as a composite score ruja ☆ ★Reprinted stacking the obtained score, try competing with yourfriends!Do not know how a night of fun on top of each building on top ofeach score!★ ☆ luck girdle as well, let's win strategy ☆ ★Do not worry, the game does not work out well!Enjoy the joy of victory in the sense out of super items andcharacters!■ This game is young people under 18 years of age with Juvenile Notavailable ratings are not available.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ paid at the time of purchase items will be chargedseparately.■ Product information and guidance ■ Terms of Use- Provider: Netmarble Games ㈜ CEO gwonyoungsik- Conditions and duration of use: Follow the game on my separateinformation notices(If the expiration date is not displayed, to be considered the endof the service period)- The amount and payment methods: according to product-specificnotices separate payment and payment(Foreign currency exchange rates and fee payments may differ fromthe actual charges due, etc.)- Products of payment: immediate payment to purchase in-game ID(character)- Net Marble Contact: 1588-3995 (weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00p.m. counseling available)- Minimum specifications: CPU dual-core 1.2GHz, Ram 1GB[Game Rating Classification Number- Commercialization of hearing 17/07/2013 (Part No.CC-OM-130717-007)
Indian Rummy by Octro
Octro, Inc.
Indian Rummy by Octro has LIVE TABLES forRummy, and you play with REAL PLAYERS from all around theworld.Indian Rummy is played between 2 to 5 players and each player isdealt 13 cards. For 2, 3 or 4 players two 52-card decks (104 cards)and 4 jokers (wild cards) are used. For 5 players three decks (156cards) and 6 jokers are used.The object is to form Runs (or sequences) and Sets. And when aplayer has formed required runs and sets using all 13 cards, theplayer declares his turn.Table Rules===========1) Minimum two runs (sequences) are required.2) One of these runs (sequences) must be pure (called FirstLife).3) The second run can be pure or non pure (called SecondLife).4) Either First Life or Second Life must have 4 or morecards.A valid declare must have minimum two runs and out of these runsone run must be pure and one run (pure or impure) must have 4 ormore cards. On a valid declare the scores of the rest of theplayers are counted.The requirement of first life and second life makes Indian Rummyinteresting and challenging. To win a game of Rummy requires skill,use of memory, complete focus, and involvement in the game.Indian Rummy by Octro is multiplayer card game that you can playwith bots (computer) and with your Facebook friends anywhere in theworld. You can play in public room or in a private room where youcan invite your friends and decide the bet per point. The mainfeatures of Indian Rummy by Octro are -1. Play with real players anywhere in the world2. Create private rooms3. Easy and unique interface that uses a real play like moves topick a card, discard acard and declare your cards.Game Modes on the Indian Rummy Latest Version:* Point Rummy* Rummy Tournament* Deal Rummy* Pool Rummy* Private Rummy (Play With Friends)
Lucky Seven Slots
Pulado Games
Lucky Seven Slots is a great slot machine simulator to help passthe time. This slot game has all of your favorite lucky slot themesincluding shamrocks, lucky 7s, lucky horse shoes, crowns, and thefour card suits. No connection is required to store your accountlocally on your device. With a cloud account you can play from anydevice or even with your Facebook account. Lucky Seven Slotsincludes your favorite video slot features such as exciting bonusgames, scatter symbols, wild, and free. This game also includes theoption to use boosts to double, triple, quadruple, and quintupleyour winning on each spin (there is even a new boost which makesyour spins three times as fast). With our application you'llexperience the full scale of emotions just like a real casinoplayer would in Vegas but you won't risk losing a cent!★ Swipe down to spin. Swipe left and right to upgrade.★ Get bonus coins every few minutes.★ Progressive Jackpot where the more you play the bigger itgets.★ Awesome Rag time theme music★ Unique Minigame★ Hardware acceleration (GPU) is used, if available.★ Build using Adobe AIR. You need around 41MB free to run.★ No fees. Play for free.This app is for use by people 21 and over for amusement purposesonly.
Hardwood Spades
Specially designed for tablets and phonesHardwood Spades breathes new life into your favorite card game withexcellent graphics. Enjoy calming spades playing environments withocean waves breaking in the distance.Play spades online live with players from around the world or withfamily and friends.Check out where you stand with the online leader board. Enjoyachievement challenges that take the experience from just a singlegame of spades to even more fun.Hardwood Spades is customizable with new backgrounds, cards, playeravatars and tables that can be added to the game via paiddownloadable content.Spades variations included in Hardwood Spades in offline andMultiplayer spades modes with multiple levels of difficulty:✔ Partnership (traditional)✔ Partnership - Suicide✔ Partnership - Mirrors✔ Individual✔ Individual - Mirror✔ Individual - Cutthroat✔ Individual - Cutthroat MirrorUse your camera to take a background image to use right in thegame.Includes 200 Tokens to use in the In-game store.Free 30 day Plus Membership for advanced online Multiplayer Livespades gameplaySame as our Free Spades game, but without advertisingWorks great on devices with Nvidia Tegra Processors and phones likethe Samsung Galaxy S, Samsung Galaxy S II and Evo 3d phones.★ Want new features? Have some suggestions? Found an issue? Emailyour feedback to
Spider Solitaire
This card game is a Spider Solitaire.It is a popular patience game that is played with two decks ofcards.The main purpose is to remove all cards from the table.See the rules for more details:You can move a card to an empty column, or on a greater card(whatever the color).But you can only move a set of cards provided the cards have thesame color and the correct order.A complete suit of cards gets automatically removed.At any time, player can use the remaining stack to add cards on allcolumns.
Spiele-Palast GmbH
With Skat-Palast you can play online Skat freeand without any advertisements, with opponents from around theworld. Thanks to thousands of members you will find like-mindedplayers online 24 hours a day for the most popular German cardgame.Choose french or German card designs and step up in our free laddersystem or join a club and find new friends to play with. Ourstandard tables are set to the international Skat tournamentruleset, but we also offer tables with custom rules like Contra andRe, Ramsch and many more!The Palace ist the largest app for Skat online and now availablefor all your mobile devices and desktop computers. Download the appnow and play immediately, no registration required!Skat, the trump of card games!General Information:Skat-Palast is intended for an adult audience and does not offerany real money gambling nor is it possible to win real money.Practice or success at Skat-Palast does not imply future success inreal Skat.