Educational Games - Page 1

LEGO System A/S
Circus is in town - and your child gets to runthe show! From selling the tickets to deciding what tricks theaudience gets to see, this day at the circus will fuel your child’screative play for hours after the show is over.Should the tiger jump through fire or give the ringmaster aride? And what about the seals - should they juggle or play ball?This simple and colorful app lets toddlers take charge - andrewards all their choices with roaring applause from the captivatedcircus audience.LEGO® DUPLO® Circus sets the scene for real life play sessions -with or without DUPLO® bricks - and lets your child experience thepride of accomplishment that is crucial to its development.Features:*Bright, fun, and toddler-friendly animations and soundeffects*Intuitive icons and navigation for easy game play*Based on the DUPLO My First Circus set and familiar animals andcharacters, like Rabbit and Giraffe*Special guest star: LEGO® DUPLO® Batman™ - because sometimessuperheroes like to relax and go to the circus on their dayoff.*No in-app purchases*No third party advertising*Parental gate to information about other LEGO DUPLO apps andproductsAbout LEGO® DUPLO®A preschool building toy specifically designed for children ages 1½- 5 – small hands and big imaginations! Preschoolers can learnabout shapes and colors hands-on. When the chewing-the-bricks phasefades out, the building experience phase takes over, helping tostimulate and improve fine motor skills development. (And yes,bricks-poured-onto-hard-surface noises stimulate other senses,too.)Visit for more build &play inspiration.Visit to find out moreabout other DUPLO apps.For app support contact LEGO Consumer Service.For contact details refer to privacy policy and terms of use for apps are accepted if youdownload this app.Read more on, the LEGO logo and DUPLO are trademarks of the LEGO Group.©2015 The LEGO Group.
hafıza zeka oyunu
Hafızanızı test etmek için en uygun uygulamalardan birisi.. İstertek başınıza isterseniz arkadaşlarınızla oynayabilirsiniz
Drawing Classes For Kids
Drawing and painting is one of the favoritepast time for all kids. Along with that it gives them a lot of funand also helps to build their creativity. This app is a freecoloring pad for kids where they can learn to draw with numerousoptions available to sketch and paint. Children can paint using anydrawing tools with lots of different colors. This game can motivatea child’s imagination and their artistic skills.Features:You can paint on readymade outlined uncolored images or draw onblank screens.You can choose multiplayer option where 2 kids can draw at the sametime and compete with each other.Draw and paint any images and save the picture to yourgallery.Paint the images fully and score maximum points.Share your drawings and paintings with your friends.GameIva brings you the latest creations of most loved categories ofgames and apps which are all hugely loved by kids. We are entirelydevoted to building user friendly games and apps related to fun andlearning for better educational familiarities and enjoyment forchildren. Stay with us for the latest updates of GameIva on Googleplay and get more excellent apps.Reach us at: us on Google plus: our facebook page: us: @GameIvaWatch our game videos: will be glad with your response. Contact us anytime for anyquestions and suggestions at .
Belajar Al-Quran
PaperPlay Studio
---------------------English---------------------"Belajar Al-Quran / Learn Quran (Koran)" applications is an androideducational app for learning the Alquran (Koran) that very suitablefor kids. Kids also will feel comfort to learn Holy Qur'an withinteresting interface. The material contained in this applicationis taken from Iqro 'and some of the sources that have been adjustedto the proper steps to learn Holy Quran. This application is alsoequipped with audio sound on each character, thus making childrenmore quickly to understand the material.** Learning Feature **Some of the material contained in this application are:- Learn to read Hijayah Letters- Learn to Write Hijaiyah Letters- Harokat (Fatkha, Kasroh, Dumma, Sukun, etc)- Tanween (Fatkhatain, Kasrohtain, Dummatain)- Tajweed (Idzhar, Ikhfa', Iqlab, etc)- Support English and Indonesian laguages** Game Feature **- Guess Hijaiyah- Guess Harokat- Guess Tanween- Guess Tajweed- ScoreboardWith these Quranic learning applications, Insha Allah can helpchildern to learn read Qur'an with more fun.---------------------Indonesian---------------------Aplikasi "Belajar Alquran" merupakan aplikasi edukasi untuk belajarmembaca Alqur'an yang sangat cocok untuk anak-anak. Materi yangterdapat pada aplikasi ini diambil dari Iqro' dan beberapa sumberyang sudah disesuaikan dengan langkah-langkah tepat untuk belajarmengaji Alquran dari dasar hingga mahir. Aplikasi ini jugadilengkapi dengan suara pada tiap hurufnya, sehingga membuatanak-anak lebih cepat untuk memahami materi.** Fitur Pembelajaran **Beberapa materi yang terdapat pada aplikasi ini diantaranya:- Belajar mengenal Huruf Hijayah- Belajar mengenal Harokat (Fatkha, Kasroh, Dumma, Sukun, dansebagainya)- Belajar mengenal Tanwin (Fatkhatain, Kasrohtain, Dummatain)- Belajar mengenal Tajwid (Idzhar, Ikhfa', Iqlab, dansebagainya)** Fitur Permainan **- Tebak huruf Hijaiyah- Tebak Harokat- Tebak Tanwin- Tebak Tajwid- ScoreboardDengan aplikasi Belajar Alquran ini, Insya Allah dapat membantubelajar adik adik untuk mengaji Alquran dengan lebih cepat danmenyenangkan.
PreSchool Words For Kids
Content: Present your kids with a new world oflearning where they can easily learn alphabets, words, sentences,etc. GameIva brings an amazing educational game for children wherethey can learn alphabets and words and will help them recognizeletters as they appear. It doesn't matter whether your kid is inkindergarten or attending a preschool this is a great app for allkids.Features of the game(1) Explore kid's knowledge with preschool words for kids.(2) This android game is fun filled with entertaining and lots oflearning.(3) Fix the alphabets to its shadows and fill the missing fill themissing fields of the given word.(4) There would be 3 words of each letter from A-Z(5) Fill all the words with funny moving characters and completeall levels.(6) Share your game with friends and have fun.
Coloring Pages
Kids Coloring
Coloring pages book kids game. Color thecoloring pages on your phone or tablet in this virtual coloring andpainting book. Dora coloring is a kids game where children cancolor the coloring pages, but they can also draw their owndrawing.- Coloring book with 72 coloring pages in different themes likelove, school, summer, dinosaur and more (sorry, no moreDora)..- Free drawing game. Draw your own drawings- Fill an entire region, draw with a pencil and eraser- Undo and redo your last drawing or color actions- Over 60 colors to choose from to color the coloring pages.Start coloring now with Dora coloring book kids game.I made this Dora coloring book children game in first instance formy own kids but decided to make it available to other kids as well.I hope your enjoy this coloring pages kids game. If it doesn't workas expected please send me an e-mail so I can try to fix it..Sorry, no more Dora the Explorer coloring pages like in the firstversion of this app...
123 Kids Fun ANIMAL BAND Game
Free Cool Educational Music Game for Preschool Kids and Toddlers
Peppie Pig Coloring Books
Learn playing with Peppie Pig Free ColoringBooks For Kids. Your children will learn to identify the colors ina fun way listening the sounds of the colors in this fabulousinteractive coloring book. The kids will learn 10 colors in avisually and audibly way.When you finish your job, you can share it with yourfriends!Will Develop:- Auditive learning skills.- Visual Skills.- Mechanical Skills.Disclaimer:This game has no relation to Peppa Pig games, or the cartoon.
Mes dictées CE1 à CM2 Lite
Hachette Livre SA
Mes dictées CE1 à CM2 est un incroyable jeumélangeant 3D et 2D avec des dictées de mots pour réviserl’orthographe du CE1 au CM2 !Jette des sortilèges et combats les monstres en saisissant labonne orthographe à la dictée magique !Pars à l’aventure dans la forêt enchantée, récolte des ingrédientsmystérieux et prépare des potions magiques pour lancer des sorts!------L’enfant progresse dans un univers magique, peuplé de gobelins etde géants de pierre, son arme pour les affronter : l’orthographe!Toujours actif, l’enfant doit saisir les mots qui lui sontdictés, après avoir choisi sa classe et son personnage (sorcier ousorcière).Ma dictée magique est conforme aux programmes de l’Educationnationale pour l’enseignement du français : du Ce1 au Cm2, pourchaque niveau, ne sont dictés à l’enfant que les mots qui mettenten œuvre une compétence en orthographe qu’il doit maîtriser.Ecrire correctement les mots dictés permet à l’enfant de jeterdes sorts dissuasifs aux créatures qu’il rencontre, avec 3 niveauxde difficulté, de progresser dans l’aventure et de composer dansson chaudron toutes sortes de potions magiques !La version complète de l'application permet l'accès à l'ensemblede l'aventure, à toutes les potions, ainsi qu'à toutes les dictéesdu Ce1 au Cm2.Nous espérons que cette application vous donnera entièresatisfaction et qu’elle sera utile à votre enfant !My dictated CE1 to CM2 isan incredible game mixing 3D and 2D with dictation of words toreview the spelling of CE1 to CM2!Casts spells and fighting monsters by entering the correctspelling to the magical dictation!Go on an adventure in the enchanted forest, harvesting mysteriousingredients and prepares potions to cast spells!------The child grew into a magical world populated by Goblins and stonegiants, his weapon to confront: the spelling!Still active, the child must enter the words that are dictatedto him, after choosing its class and character (sorcerer orwitch).My magic dictated complies with national education programs for theteaching of French: the Ce1 in cm2 for each level are dictated tothe child that words that implement a spelling skill he mustmaster.Write correctly the words dictated allows the child to throwspells deterrent to creatures he meets, with 3 levels ofdifficulty, to progress in the adventure and compose in hiscauldron all kinds of magical potions!The full version of the application allows access to all of theadventure, all potions, and all dictations from the Ce1 cm2.We hope this application will give you full satisfaction andthat it will be useful to your child!
Learn to speak Italian
I am now very easy-to-learn Italian learnitalian Lanquick program with frequent repetition and practice thecorrect pronunciation you learned your native tongue but the bottomwill allow you to learn italian with natural perceptiondirector.The main features of the application I'm learning italianLanquick* 92 Level* Audio pronunciation* Interactive tutorial application* From each other entertaining Test Applications* Learn Italian to chat with others* Words to be spoken as a native of
Horse Coloring Book
Coloring Games
Free horse coloring book for kids who lovehorses.Free app for all kids with 50+ coloring pages. The game has lots ofdesigns with lovely horse, ponies, horseback riding, jumping andmany more.-Fun to play-Share your drawing via email, Facebook, etc.-Save and load your coloring pages-Create your own painting-Many, many different colors-Easy navigation for kids and toddlers.This is a perfect game for stimulating the creativity of a baby,toddler, child or school student. But our games are not only forkids but also lot of fun for a teenager or adult. If you or yourlittle boy or girl loves horses and likes to paint or draw, thisgame is great.And once the coloring page is ready, you can easily share it onFacebook or email to family and friends.We have different themes:- Horses and ponies- Horse riding and jumping- Western riding- Caring and cuddling
Kids Connect the Dots (Lite)
Educational games for kids is all we do.Kids Connect the Dots Lite contains 25 images to try it out beforeyou buy the full version.Preschoolers really connect with our Kids Connect the Dots game. Itteaches children to recognize and pronounce numbers and letters ofthe alphabet in a kid-friendly way.Your child will love playing Kids Connect the Dots, and you'll beable to relax, knowing your child is learning while having greatfun.Children tap on a series of dots that outline an animal or anobject that the child usually can't quite identify. As they tap onthe dots or connect the dots, the numbers and ABC alphabet lettersare pronounced. When children succeed in connecting them all, theconnected dots are delightfully transformed into a colorful graphicof whatever the child has outlined. It might be a bird or muffin, agiraffe or a treasure chest.Preschoolers are surprised and filled with wonder to see thecreatures and objects they've created "come to life" – and want togo on to create more and more of them.There are over 100 images in the full version for your child toenjoy.★★★★★ What will my children learn? ★★★★★Your child will learn to recognize and pronounce the numbers orletters in the dots. So the game is a wonderful way for children tolearn to count and learn the alphabet. Kids also learn to identifythe creatures and objects they create by connecting the dots.★★★★★ What won't my children learn? ★★★★★The game does not overload children and parents with too many audioand visual stimuli. Coping with stress and over-stimulation istherefore one skill that your kids won't be practicing during thisgame. Its clear focus makes the game a delight for children and awinning choice for parents.✔ Kids love our games. Parents love to see their preschool-agedchildren being both educated and quietly happy.✔ Our games are laser focused. For example, the numbers gamedoesn't teach letters, and the letters game doesn't teach math. Wekeep the games simple but magically inviting and nourishing.✔ We strive to give children just the right balance betweeneducation and fun. So our games don't feature fun at the expense ofeducation – or education at the expense of fun. We also know gamesthat are too complicated don’t involve and delight kids.
EduKitty ABC! Letter Tracing
Cubic Frog® Apps
Best free abc games, alphabetactivitiesandanimal flashcards for kids Ages 1-6 to learn alphabetsounds,abcphonics, abc song, write abc & spell with ABCcat!Approved by preschool teachers & parents toteachenglishalphabet to toddlers, preschool kids andkindergartenchildren withfun interactive easy learning games fromCubic Frog™Apps.Cubic Frog™ Apps has wonderful collection of FreeToddlerGames,Preschool Games and Kindergarten Games.--------------------▶FLASHCARDS3 Sets Of Animal & Objects Flashcards To LearnABCSounds,Capital Letters and Lowercase Letters!▶ALPHABET LETTER TRACINGIn this toddler abc games, kids learn how to writealphabetandpractice handwriting by tracing capital lettersandlowercaseletters from A-Z.▶LETTER IDENTIFICATION ABCDThis abc game is designed to teach kindergarten kidsalphabetnamesand alphabet sounds while they are catching flyingabcs.This educational game is a great practice for kids tolearnallenglish capital letters and lowercase letters.▶ABC ORDER AND DOT TO DOT GAMEChildren learn alphabet order from a to z while connectingabcdotsto reveal an animal or an object and build vocabulary.▶ABC MEMORY GAME TO LEARN PHONICSIn this game kids have to find matching letters from a-z.Everytimethey pick an abc card, they will hear it’s sound, andhavetomemorize the letter.Learning phonics will help your children learn toreadandspell.knowing the sounds of letters and lettercombinationswillhelp your child read. knowing phonics will alsohelp yourchildknow which letters to use as he writes words.▶ANIMAL FLASHCARDS & MEMORY GAME WITH SOUNDSAnimal flashcard memory with sound is great forpreschoolvocabularybuilding!In this game kids need to find matching images . Every timetheypicka card, they would hear its name and they have torememberit.▶SPELLING AND VOCABULARY BUILDINGThese spelling games and puzzle are great to teach kids howtospell,recognize letters and build vocabulary while theycompletethepuzzle.▶MATCHING AND CONNECTING CAPITAL LETTERS TOLOWERCASELETTERS.These two abc games are focused on teaching kids torecognizebothuppercase alphabets and it’s lowercase alphabets andmatchandconnect and them.--------------------▶▶Features▶Multi-Sensory Learning Tool - Combining Audio, Voice,AndWrittenWords▶3 Sets of Animal & Objects Flashcards to LearnCapitalLettersand Lowercase Letters!▶Practice Handwriting By Tracing Letters! (CapitalLettersandLowercase Letters)!▶14 Different games teach children about LetterRecognition,AlphabetSequence, Letter Memory, Spelling, Uppercaseto LowercaseMatch andMuch More!▶An Adorable ABC Cat With Colorful Balloons Guides ChildreninTheirLearning Process!▶HD Colorful Graphics, Amazing Music, VoiceoverandSoundEffects!▶Easy to Use Settings Page for Parents to Customize byTurningEachGame On or Off!▶Innovative Rewards System and Flying Gifts!▶Unlimited Play! The Fun Never Ends!--------------------EduKitty ABC free is a complete set of games, flashcards,andquizzesto help toddlers and preschoolers learn thealphabet.Letter quiz,flashcards, writing practice with tracing,englishvocab, alphabetpractice, are all included in this amazingpack ofmobile learninggames for toddlers, kids and preschoolchildren tolearn spelling,handwriting, alphabet sounds, phonics,matchinguppercase, lowercaseand an ABC song!Perfect game for babies, kids, and preschoolers 2, 3, 4, 5yearolds.Help your kid get ready before kindergarten, learningwords,how tospell, write letters or for teachers to use intheirpreschool,special needs, kindergarten, or homeschoolclassroom.Independentplay that’s great for all kids and learningstyles,including thoseon the autism spectrum and withspecialneeds.--------------------▶▶MORE Free EDUCATIONAL GAMES FROM CUBIC FROG™ for Children:Preschool EduKittyPreschool EduKidsRoomPreschool EduKitchenPreschool EduPaint
Kids Learn to Read (Lite)
Already enjoyed by over five million families,Kids Learn to Read is a delightful game that invites preschool-agedchildren to blend sounds into words, read and form simple words,identify spoken words and learn word families.Its six sections include:★ Magic Letter Bridge: kids learn to blend letter soundsinto words by moving Tommy the Turtle across the letterbridge★ Skateboards and Helmet: children practice reading as theyare asked to fit Tommy's animal friends with skateboards andhelmets.★ Turn the Blocks: kids make words in a way that's fun byturning real-looking blocks with letters on each side until theword is spelled out.★ Word Ball: children learn to identify spoken words byhelping Tommy bat the right ball (only available in fullversion)★ Word Magic: kids learn about word families as they fillthe corresponding pot with potion and watch magic happen (onlyavailable in full version)★ Rocket Words: children get to practice word families asthey assemble and launch a rocket into space (only available infull version)If your children do not know the alphabet sounds yet, we recommendour Kids ABC Phonics app. And if your kids need to learn orpractice the names of the letters, try our Kids ABC Lettersapp.Every section is designed to let children enjoy success time aftertime and receive positive reinforcement from the likable teacher,so they want to keep learning. Once your child is involved andhappy, you can relax, with the assurance that he or she is having agreat time - and learning.
Frozen Princess Coloring Book
Partner SEO Studio
Güzellikleriyle göz dolduran prenseslerimiz, tarzlarına göreelbiselerinin renklendirilmelerini bekliyorlar. Hepsi birbirindenhoş ve güzel prenseslerimizin elbiselerini boyamanız için, herrenge sahip bir palet sizler için hazırlandı.Renk zengiliği ve zevkinize göre renkleri elbiselerineuygulayabilirsiniz. Her elbisesini boyadığınız prensesimizi,telefonunuza kayıt ederek bir dahaki boyamanızda fikir sahibiolabilirsiniz. Diyelim ki boyama yaparken bir rengi beğenmediniz,emeğiniz boşa gitmiyor ve geri al butonuyla rengi geri alarak, yenibir renk uygulayabilirsiniz.Aklınıza gelebilecek tüm renklerin, farklı tonları bulunuyor.Boyama yaparken fazlasıyla deneme yanılma yapabilir ve seçtiğinizprensesimizi en güzel şekilde boyayabilirsiniz. Zengin renkdünyasında, istediğiniz tüm boyamaları yapabilir ve en güzeleulaşabilirsiniz.Boyama oyunları fikir dünyanızı zenginleştirebilir ve hayaldünyanıza katkı bulunmaktadır. Renk seçimi sırasında, düşünmebeceriniz gelişerek oyun oynarken dahi zekanızın geliştiğiniziunutmayın.Oyunumuzun özellikleri;- Birbirinden farklı prensesler- Kalem ile boyama- Fırça ile boyama- Resimleri telefonunuzun galerisine kayıt edebilme- Silme özelliği- Yapılan renk seçimini geri alabilme- Her prensese özel elbiseler- Kullanışlı renk paletiOur eyesfilled with beauty princess, waiting for them to be coloredaccording to the style of dress. All of our dress for your paintinglovely and beautiful princess from each other, each with a colorpalette created for you.You can apply the color zengilig dress according to your tasteand color. Our princess you paint every dress, you can have an ideain your next painting by registering your phone. Let's say you donot like a color while painting, labor undo button does not go towaste and taking back the color, you can apply a new color.All colors you can think of, has different shades. More thantrial and error, and you can paint when painting make our princessin the best way you choose. In the rich world of colors, and youcan do all the painting that you want the most beautiful.Painting games ideas are contributing to the world and enrichyour imagination. During the color selection, remember that youdevelop your thinking skills develop your intelligence even whenplaying the game.Characteristics of the play;- Different from each other princess- Painting with pencil- Painting with a brush- Images can be recorded to your phone- Erase feature- To take back the to the color selection- Each princess dresses special- Convenient color palette
¿Qué sabes de Secundaria?
¿Recuerdas todo lo que aprendistes en secundaria? ¿Sabes más que unjoven de secundaria?¡Pon a prueba tus conocimientos y demuestra cuánto sabes desecundaria!¿Te crees capaz de recordar todo lo que aprendiste en el colegio(bachillerato)?Esta contiene preguntas de matemáticas y lógica, geografía,historia, idioma español, inglés y mucho más!Rememberall that aprendistes in high school? You know more than a younghigh school?Test your knowledge and show how good you know high school!You think you're able to remember everything you learned inschool (high school)?This includes questions of mathematics and logic, geography,history, Spanish, English and more!
Kids Preschool Puzzles
Kids learning games is all we do!In addition to the two categories of puzzles contained in the liteversion (i.e. Animals and Food), this full version of KidsPreschool Puzzle also contains Transport, Geometric Figures,Numbers, Letters, Sport, Occupations, and Assorted - over a 100puzzles in total.Your child will slide and snap the colorful puzzle pieces intoplace to reveal the delightful image.Once kids complete the puzzle, the pleasant voice of a ladyannouncer congratulates the child on an excellent job and tells thechild what the image depicts.Children enjoy success time after time and receive positivereinforcement from the likable teacher. So they want to keeplearning.★★★ What will my children learn? ★★★Like all Intellijoy games, the game focuses on a specificeducational lesson, so children and their parents find the gamereally inviting and distraction-free. Kids Preschool Puzzles helpschildren build and practice cognitive skills, visual spatialskills, shape recognition, as well as tactile and fine motorskills.★★★ What won't my children learn? ★★★The game does not overload children and parents with too many audioand visual stimuli. Coping with stress and over-stimulation istherefore one skill that your kids won't be practicing during thisgame. Its clear focus makes the game a delight for children and awinning choice for parents.Although it's perfect for preschoolers, who just love the game,many children of kindergarten age and in the early grades alsoenjoy snapping the puzzle pieces into place and learning the100-plus images (in the full version) the puzzles represent.✔ Our games are laser focused. For example, the numbers gamedoesn't teach letters, and the letters game doesn't teach math. Wekeep the games simple but magically inviting and nourishing.✔ We strive to give children just the right balance betweeneducation and fun. So our games don't feature fun at the expense ofeducation – or education at the expense of fun. We also know gamesthat are too complicated don’t involve and delight kids.
Game Belajar Anak
EduNet Indonesia
Game untuk mengajarkan putra-putri kesayangan anda mengenal huruf,angka, buah-buahan, sayuran, hewan dan kendaraan. Aplikasi inidisertai game untuk melatih otak anak, dan dilengkapi audioGame toteach children to recognize your favorite letters, numbers, fruits,vegetables, animals and vehicles. This application along with thegame to train the child's brain, and equipped with audio
UPSC Quizzes 1
Arvind Thanvi
If you loved taking Gk quizzes than this app is for you, whichgives you the set of over 1000 questions to build a unique quizevery time.These question are derived from the material used for UPSE civilservices exam preparation.Application allows:* to create unique set of questions every time the quiz isstarted.* to measures your proficiency in each quiz and creates a graphicalview at the end of each quiz.* play the 'Game of KBC' out of this quiz.[new]* to practice questions as 'Flip Cards'.* to view 'Flip Cards' in random or sequential order.
كلمات متقاطعة 2017
ـ هل تعتقد أنك تعرف جميع المعلومات المهمة والغريبة في هذا العالم ، إنك مخطئ ، و هذا التطبيق " معلومات 2017 “سيتبث لك ذلك ، توجد ألاف المعلومات المهمة و الغريبة ،لعبة كلماتمتقاطعة بمعلومات شيقة ومثيرة للأستفادة بأوقات الفراغ في اللعبوالتعلم معا حائزة علي جائزة أفضل لعبة ترفيهية تعليمية في الوطنالعربي 2017 مليئة بمختلف المعلومات الجديدة والمفيدة والمسلية تجعلكتفكر كثيرا للحصول علي الأجابات مما يساعدك علي تذكر المعلومات دائمافي المستقبل المضحكة و المرة ،معلومات صحية و طبية ، معلومات عنالأبراج ، معلومات دينية ، معلومات سياسية ، معلومات رياضية ، معلوماتعن برج العرب ، معلومات تكنولوجية ، معلومات إقتصادية ، تاريخيةجغرافية إكتشافية … ، في كل مرحلة مجموعة من اسئلة المشوقة والممتعة,وراء كل سؤال لغز حول صورة أو معلومة او جملة. حروف الاجوبة تتقاطع -بأحرف مشتركة - تشمل اسئلة كلامية وأسئلة مصورة بشتى المجالات: فيالأدب, معلومات عامة, أسئلة دينية, رياضية, مرادفات, اسئلة تفكيرخفيفة, وكذلك تشمل اسئلة مصورة: لاماكن ومعالم مشهورة, ممثلين وشخصياتمشهورة في شتى المجالات, أعلام وخرائط الدول, سيارات والكثير مما يتيحلك كشف حروف عن طريق حل اسئلة متقاطعة و التي تكتشف كل يوم ، إكتشفهذه المعلومات و اختبر نفسك فيها ، مع تطبيقنا " معلومات 2017 “ ، هذهاللعبة بجودة اسئلتها تعتبر دورةتثقيفية شاملة وماتعة ونافعة ستثريمعلوماتك وثقافتك بشتى المجالات, وهناك الكثبر من الاسئلة الخفيفةالتي تعتمد على فطنتك وذكاءك ولا يخلو اي سؤال من متعة التفكيروالتشويق. يختبرك التطبيق بمجموعة من الأسئلة التي يجب عليك الإجابةعلى أكثرها ، ـ ماذا تنتظر حمل تطبيق معلومات 2017 ، مجانا ، و ثقفعقلك و ذهنك بمجموعة من المعلومات التي لم تكن تعرفها ، و كن مثقف ،كل سؤال عبارة عن لغز وكلمة أو صورة مثلا سيارات أو صورة عن كثب أوحزازير و احاجي أو رسم حيث ستجد ايضا أغرب معلومات و غرائب وعجائب واسرار غريبة عجيبة و أغرب المعلومات في العالم في ايديكم وغرائبوطرائف و موسوعة من أغرب وأطرف المعلومات ، حيث تم جمع اغرب معلوماتفي العالم وادخالها في تطبيق واحد ، كما ستجد ايضا معلومات عامة ومعلومات عامة مفيدة جدا ، والتي ستجدها معلومات بالصور ، بتصميم جدمميز ، وهذا كله لتنمية ثقافة عامة لديك ، ماذا تنتظر حمل التطبيقولاتنسى تقييمه ايضا وشكرا لك اترككم مع التطبيق ، تشمل اللعبة باقةمتنوعة من الأسئلة الثقافية والاسئلة المصورة على شكل مسابقة ترفيهيةتتضمن اسئلة في العلوم واسئلة دينية واسئلة الرياضة والادب كما تحويعلى :وصلة - لعبة كلمات متقاطعةرشفة: كلمات متقاطعة وصلة مطورةكلمات متقاطعة وصور وصلةلعبة الكلمات المتقاطعة - تريبلكما لا تنسوا ان تتركوا ★★★★★ ان اعجبكم التطبيق وشكرا لكم جزيلا.من مميزات التطبيق :- سريع في التفاعل- مجاني ومتجدد- يعمل بدون انترنيت- تصميم جد مميز- معلومات عامة في شتى المجالات- اكمل الجملة, المثل, الاية- اسئلة تفكير وذكاء- على الشاشة- سيارات وماركات- اسئلة دينية, رمضان- مشاهير ولاعبي كرة قدم- خرائط واعلام ودول- صور مكبرةاتركوا ★★★★★ ان اعجبكم التطبيق :)Do you think you know allthe important information and exotic in this world, you are wrong,and this application "2017 Information" Satbut you, there arethousands of important information and exotic, game crosswordinteresting and exciting information To take advantage of free timeto play and learn together holds a best game edutainment in theArab world 2017 Award full of various new and useful informationand fun make you think too much to get the answers, which helps youto remember the information is always in the future ridiculous andtime, health information and medical information on the towers,religious information, political information, sports informationinformation on the Burj Al Arab, technological information,economic information, historical geography of discovery ... in eachphase a range of exciting and interesting questions, beyond allquestion the mystery about the picture or piece of information orphrase. lettering answers intersect - common letters - includingquestions of words and questions pictorial various areas: inliterature, general information, religious questions, sports,synonyms, questions light reflection, as well as pictorialquestions include: the places and famous landmarks, famous figuresrepresentatives in various fields, flags and maps of states, carsand a lot allowing you to uncover letters by solving questionsintersecting and discovered every day, it was discovered thisinformation and test yourself in, with our application, "2017information", this game is the quality of her questions consideredDorhtthagavih comprehensive and Matah and beneficial will enrichyour knowledge and your culture in various fields, and thereAlkthber questions light that rely on Aftntek and your intelligenceis not devoid of any question of the fun of thinking and thrill.Application Echtbarak a set of questions that you must answer themost, what are you waiting download the application in 2017, freeinformation, and educate your mind and your mind set of thatinformation were not defined, and be cultured, each question is apuzzle and a word or an image, for example, cars or image closelyor Hzazir and quizzes, or drawing, where you will also find thestrangest information and oddity of the wonders and mysteries ofstrange strange and unusual information in the world in your handsand the oddity of the jokes and Encyclopedia of the strangest andfunniest information, which was collected strangest information inthe world and incorporated in a single application, as also youwill find general information and general information is veryuseful, and you'll find information images, the design is veryspecial, and all this for the development of a general culture youhave, what are you waiting download the application and do notforget evaluation and also thank you I leave you with theapplication, the game includes a variety of bouquet of culturalquestions and questions comic form competition entertainmentincludes questions in science and religious questions and questionsfrom sports and literature also have to:Link - Game crosswordSip: crossword link developerCrossword images linkGame Crossword - TripleAlso do not forget to let ★★★★★ that you like the applicationand thank you very much.Features of the application:- Quick to react- Free and renewed- Works without Internet- A very distinctive design- General information in various fields- Complete the sentence, ideals, Verse- Questions thinking and intelligent- on the screen- Car and Brands- Religious questions, Ramadan- Celebrities and footballers- The media and the maps- Enlarged images★★★★★ Let the application that you like :)
Kids Learn to Read
Already enjoyed by over five million families,Kids Learn to Read is a delightful game that invites preschool-agedchildren to blend sounds into words, read and form simple words,identify spoken words and learn word families.Its six sections include:★ Magic Letter Bridge: kids learn to blend letter soundsinto words by moving Tommy the Turtle across the letterbridge★ Skateboards and Helmet: children practice reading as theyare asked to fit Tommy's animal friends with skateboards andhelmets.★ Turn the Blocks: kids make words in a way that's fun byturning real-looking blocks with letters on each side until theword is spelled out.★ Word Ball: children learn to identify spoken words byhelping Tommy bat the right ball★ Word Magic: kids learn about word families as they fillthe corresponding pot with potion and watch magic happen★ Rocket Words: children get to practice word families asthey assemble and launch a rocket into spaceIf your children do not know the alphabet sounds yet, we recommendour Kids ABC Phonics app. And if your kids need to learn orpractice the names of the letters, try our Kids ABC Lettersapp.Every section is designed to let children enjoy success time aftertime and receive positive reinforcement from the likable teacher,so they want to keep learning. Once your child is involved andhappy, you can relax, with the assurance that he or she is having agreat time - and learning.
Bíblia AB
Bíblia Infantil da cantora Aline Barros, com muita interatividade eensino da Palavra de Deus.- Aprenda sobre a criação de forma divertida e alegre!- Você vai conhecer o nome dos planetas do Sistema Solar e as fasesda lua.- Encontre todas as jóias da coroa que estão escondidas nos dias dacriação.- Ao final do jogo, volte na home e veja quantas vocêconquistou.- Clique no "?" para obter ajuda e saber todas as interatividadesdas telas.Children'sBible singer Aline Barros, very interactive and teaching the Wordof God.- Learn about creating fun and joyful way!- You'll know the names of the planets in the solar system and themoon phases.- Find all the crown jewels that are hidden in the days ofcreation.- At the end of the game, go back home and see how many youwon.- Click the "?" for help and know all the interactivity ofscreens.
Kids Learning Planets
Have you ever had a wish to take a tour in thespace and see all the stars and other planets of the solar system?If yes then you are lucky as Gameiva brings you a perfect planetadventure games for kids where they can learn and also take anadventure of different planets on the space vehicles. Letís startthis adventure of planets and the stars that we see shiningbeautifully in the sky at the night. Complete all the differentactivities at the space and become a self-made astronaut.Features:1) Drive through different planets with various different powerfulspace vehicles.2) help the astronaut in building the space shuttle.3) drive the train to move various item on it to differentlocations.4) Follow the steps given and complete various challenging funactivities at the space.5) help the fellow astronaut with their different tasks.6) A totally new type of game for kids with friendly graphics toget them a good involvement in the game.7) Share this awesome game with your friends and travel the spaceadventure together.
Learn To Draw Animal For Kids
Learn to draw animal is a complete drawingtutorial of many different kinds and breeds of animals in a veryeasy way. You don't need to have any drawing skills to use thiskidís activity game. This game is specially made with the featuresand tasks which the kids will surely love and enjoy.Just follow the guidance and start drawing following the line tillthe animal is totally complete. Also paint the animals with yourfavorite colors and make them look very original. This game is verysimple to play and also very interesting.With the help of this game you will be able to draw any animalsvery beautifully and completely without any help. Save the drawingor the painting that you have drawn to the gallery to share it withyour friends and show them your drawing skills.Features:1) This game has many kind of animals cartoons which you can use todraw beautiful paintings.2) Also draw animals on a plain slate with the help of theguidance.3) A number of steps to follow while drawing which will help youlearn slowly concentrating on it.4) Many different colors and painting tools add to the fun andenjoyment of the game.5) This game will be the best for some amazing drawing tips andpractice.
Kids Learn About Animals
Let's play some interesting learning gameswith animals in this animal game for kids. Perform a lot ofdifferent tasks with the animals from the forests and play a lot ofdifferent entertaining games with them. Select the animals andlearn to spell their name in spell game with them. Choose fromdifferent mini games where you have to memorize the animals in theline and tell them in order and many more. So hurry up as there areso many animals waiting to play these games with you.Features:1) Learn to spell all the different animals in the fun spellgame.2) Memorize the different animals and birds in the cards and alignthem in order.3) Play the jigsaw puzzle games with puzzles of many differentanimals in it.4) Complete each spell games and unlock new animals andgames.5) Share this educational games with friends and have lot offun.About GameivaGameIva brings you the latest creations of most loved categoriesof games and apps which are all hugely loved by kids. We areentirely devoted to build user friendly games related to fun andlearning for better educational familiarities and enjoyment forkids. Stay with us for the latest updates of GameIva on Google playand get more of educational games.Reach us at: us on Google plus: us: us: our game videos: will be glad with your response. Contact us anytime for anyquestions and suggestions at
Kids Preschool Numbers & Math
Learning Number games for kids in Nursery andMontessori. Teach your preschool kids about Numbers, Number Line,Counting, Addition, Subtraction, Sorting and Matching. Learningnumbers can be fun and make math easy for kids.Features:• Covers math topics in categories such as sorting, addition andsubtraction.• Twelve colorful & engaging math educational games designed toprovide basic number concepts.• Core activities for foundation stage of primary schoolkids.• A common playground for randomly playing all the games.• Easy and intuitive instructions for the kids.• Reward at the end of each game.Description:An app designed especially for kids (2-5 age group) to lay thegroundwork for learning basic math skills without losing interest.12 high quality math activities at a single place, with enticingrewards, keeps your kid amused for hours. Educational based gamesare perfect for kids to inculcate inquisitiveness for math in theirearly childhood.Different sections such as counting, before/after, ascending/descending, addition and subtraction etc. touch on the elementarymath. The activities encourage kids to learn at their own pace. Nowinning and no losing keep the kid enchanted with the experience ofthe game. Rewards and appreciation earned at the end of eachactivity boost the kid’s morale. Adorable stickers can be collectedin a box after scoring enough points.** List of math games in the app:1. Hanging Fruits2. Number Fun3. Shoot the Ball4. Scratching Fun5. Bubbly Numbers6. Hopping Frog7. Puzzle Mania8. Dots to Dots9. Same to Same10. Fish Crunch11. Before and After12. Sort it out
Shapes & Colors Learning Games
Educational games/puzzle activities fortoddlers and preschool children.To teach your toddlers shapes &colors using vegetable/fruit and other real life household objects.The interactive learning is a great mode of education as toddlersenter kindergarten as kinesthetic learners (age 2-6 yrs).The interactive methodology helps the child to build motor skillsand hand eye coordination as well.Toddlers Learn Shapes & Colors app is a fusion of fun andeducation that kids would love to play with, again and again. Theactivities do not force timed completion, and hence encourage thekid to progress at his/her own pace. Kids are enchanted with theexperience of the game as there is no winning/losing.======================================Toddlers Learn Shapes & Colors Top Features:======================================• Attractive and enticing designs and pictures for youngkids.• Master Shapes and colors with fun quizzes.• An effective and engaging way, meant for preschoolers andtoddlers• Excellent game play experience with optimized techniques• Rewards and appreciation to boost our champion’s moraleWhether you are parents or preschool teachers, you can use theactivities for preschoolers at home or in class. Engage yourchildren in fun activities to keep them from doing mischief becausethey are bored. Let them explore basic early education concepts ofshapes and colors in many interesting ways. The multiple quizzesand activities reinforces the concepts.So, download for FREE now and discover all educational games forpreschoolers that will keep them happy and active.You can also checkout other applications of Greysprings "Play andLearn" series.Website:
Mini Airport Guide Kids Game
Hey kids!!! Get ready for fun creative airportadventures. Mini Airport Guide Kids Game by Gameiva give you theexperience of going airport travelling in airplane and much more.So run your own little mini airport you have to complete all giventask from check-in security to landing, its up to you to make surethat your passengers are safe and happy. Enjoy 14 differentactivities with this kids game, there so much fun to be had!Features:14 different airport activities. Help to run everything smoothlysuch as from stamping passport to organizing baggageGet familiar with the process of heading through an airport, fromchecking in to taking off!Check luggage with the X-ray machineTap flight system controls to be the pilot and fly your planeBe careful while flying the planeTake care of your customers by serving them delicious foodAbout GameivaGameIva brings you the latest creations of most loved categoriesof games and apps which are all hugely loved by kids. We areentirely devoted to build user friendly games related to fun andlearning for better educational familiarities and enjoyment forkids. Stay with us for the latest updates of GameIva on Google playand get more of educational games.Reach us at: us on Google plus: us: us: our game videos: will be glad with your response. Contact us anytime for anyquestions and suggestions at