Top 33 Apps Similar to Vsleep -Sleeps Sounds, Relaxer

H2O 1.21
Chris Seeley
H2O is powerful water structuring app that puts vibrationalenergiesinto water.
FitJab - muslim female fitness 1.1.14
EFIS Products
Pioneer halal female fitness app with different protrainingprograms and goals
WeatherX Forecast 5.0.11
Alerts you to forecasted barometric pressure shifts that maytriggera migraine.
Therapeutic Listening 2.4.0-104
Vital Sounds Inc
With the TL® App, you can access our music with a simple click ofabutton
Progressive Muscle Relaxation - PMR Pro - English 1.8
SETTING & FEATURES • All exercise forms •SelectBeginner,Advanced or Experienced mode • Set right or lefthanded •Select topractice lying or sitting • Adjust volume ofvoice, music&sounds • Set duration of tension (3-10 sec) • Setbreaksforrelaxation (10-40 sec) • Set a lead time of 10-120 sec •with/without intro • Calculate total runtime • Set timertocontinuemusic / sounds • 5 music tracks & 22 nature sounds•Combine 2nature sounds • Select a gong (sound signal) tostarttensing ABOUTPMR & CONTENT OF THE APP EdwardJacobson'sProgressive MuscleRelaxation (PMR) - also called DeepMuscleRelaxation (DMR) - is ascientifically recognized relaxationmethodthat helps to get intoa state of deep relaxation throughmuscletension and relaxation.PMR is a - scientifically proven -veryeffective relaxationmethod. It is recommended by doctorsandtherapists for manysymptoms that are mostly stress-related,suchas: • tensions •migraine or headache • inner unrest •sleepdisorders • back pain /pain • states of excitement, • anxietyandpanic attacks • highblood pressure • psychosomatic complaints•burnout • stress andmuch more With regular practice, youwillalways find it easier toget into deeper states of relaxation.Onceyou have enough practicewith the long form of PMR (Basic Form:17Muscle Groups), you canswitch to the short forms with 7 and4muscle groups and finally tothe Mental form: Body Scan. Thenyoucan relax your body evenmentally. ALL COMMON 4 FORMS OF PMR •BasicForm (17 muscle groups)• Short Form I (7 muscle groups) •ShortForm II (4 muscle groups)• Mental Form (Body Scan) forBeginner,Advanced and Experiencedare taught and practiced in thisapp. BASICFORM: 17 MUSCLE GROUPS1. Right hand and forearm 2. Rightupper arm3. Left hand andforearm 4. Left upper arm 5. Forehead 6.Uppercheek part and nose7. Lower cheek part and jaw 8. Neck 9.Chest,shoulders and upperback 10. Abdominal 11. Buttocks and pelvicfloor12. Right thigh13. Right lower leg 14. Right foot 15, 16, 17(->left side)SHORT FORM I: 7 MUSCLE GROUPS 1. Right hand,forearm, andupper arm2. Left hand, forearm and upper arm 3.Forehead, cheekpart, noseand jaw 4. Neck 5. Chest, shoulders, back,abdominal,buttocks andpelvic floor 6. Right thigh, lower leg andfoot 7. Leftthigh,lower leg, and foot SHORT FORM II: 4 MUSCLEGROUPS 1. Bothhands,forearms and upper arms 2. Face and neck 3.Chest, shoulders,back,abdominal, buttocks and pelvic floor 4. Boththighs, lowerlegs andfeet MENTAL FORM: BODY SCAN Guided relaxationthrough thewholebody, starting from the head to the feet. Thisguide is thelaststage of the PMR, in which the perception isdirected toindividualparts of the body without tensing them. Therelaxation isnow onlymental. Soothing imaginations will help you.MUSIC TRACKS&NATURE SOUNDS For all exercises, you can selectamong 5relaxationmusic tracks and 22 nature sounds. The volume canbeadjustedindividually. If desired, the music & sounds canalsobe usedwithout voice to relax or fall asleep. FOR SLEEPINGORRELAXING Allexercises can be used to fall asleep or torelax.DURATION OFTENSION & PAUSES FOR RELAXATION Set yourpreferredduration oftension and relaxation between the musclegroups. TIMERFUNCTIONAfter the end of the exercise an unlimitedtime for themusic /sounds can be set so that the soft music /sounds willdeepen yourrelaxation. In very rare cases (may be:Galaxy S6) Ifthere are anysound issues in standby (timeout), pleaseuse theKeepScreenOnmode. This is initially preset and can (should)bedisabled, if notneeded. LISTEN TO A COMPLETE AUDIO SAMPLEAcomplete audio sampleof the entire exercise "Basic Form" with17muscle groups (Beginnerstatus) is available with the app'sdefaultsettings on YouTube -27min:
Migraine Monitor 4.94
RPM Healthcare
Monitor your migraine symptoms, triggers and treatments
Perifit 4.22.1
Pelvic floor training app compatible ONLY with the PERIFITKegelexerciser
Feelings Buried Alive 1.2.3
Chad Truman
Mobile companion to the book "Feelings Buried Alive Never Die".
Fast Tract Diet 2.0.9
Norm Robillard
The app helps you address digestive symptoms based on the FastTractDiet.
Headache Diary HeadApp 1.16.1.user.lite.release
M3 Technology
Discover headache and migraine patterns and share with your doctor
SleepOn 2.4.10
A professional Sleep Management APP which work with SLEEPONHSTdevice.
Epilepsy Support
MyEpilepsyTeam: the social network for those living with epilepsy
Peace of Mind: Caregiver
Peace of Mind is an AI-driven remote health monitoring platform
Water Tracker - Drink Water Reminder
UtiliTech Studios
Drink water reminder allows you to keep track of your dailywaterintake easily!
Kegel Guide - Kegel exercises 3.0.3
Set up reminders and complete kegel exercises with the help ofKegelGuide.
myFrequency - Vibration Analys 2.2
Vibration accelerometer (measure - store - analyze)
Bezzy Migraine 9.7.2
Migraine Community & Support
Pelvic Floor Exercises 22.0.8
Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor at home for menandwomen
Soothe for Therapist 2.10
Soothe Inc
The Soothe for Therapists App helps connectyouwith clients seamlessly. Accept massage appointment offers,edityour availability, organize appointments, and communicatewithclients or the Soothe team easily and efficiently. DownloadtheSoothe for Therapists App today and start buildingyourbusiness.FLEXIBILITYSoothe allows you the freedom to work as little or as much asyouwant.EASE OF USESoothe’s mobile app makes accepting work easy.PROTECTIONSoothe verifies the identity of clients and monitors yoursafetyduring appointments.SUPPORTSoothe's Concierge support team is available 24/7.
Sleep Tracker: Sleep Cycle v1.7.0
Fasting APP Group
Track and analyze your sleep pattern for better sleep.
Ensu App 1.2.29
Ensu lets you use your music listening as a tool to understandandmanage your mental health. Connect up your Spotify to see whatyourmusic says about your moods, learn more about how you listentomusic, and listen to music in cool new ways that boost yourmood.Ensu's proprietary AI algorithms show you mood chartsthatrepresent predictions of your mood states based on yourmusiclistening. These algorithms analyze both what you listen to(thesongs themselves, and properties of those songs), as well ashowyou listen to music (active behaviors such as skippingsongs,repeating songs, moving from one playlist to another etc.).Learnmore about what your music says about your moods throughEnsu'sbreakdowns feature. Explore daily summaries of how you'velistenedto music, and see how your own music listening strategiestie-in toemotion regulation goals. Ensu's Music Mix feature alsoappliesprinciples of music therapy to build you a progression ofsongsdesigned to move you from one emotional state to another.Choosehow you're feeling; what you want to feel; and what type ofmusicyou want to listen to. Sit back and enjoy as Ensu creates yourowncustomized mental health playlist! Stay connected to thosewhomatter through music and mental health! Create 'surprises' ofkindnotes and messages - these are sent to your friendsautomaticallyin moments when they're feeling not so good (asdetected by themusic emotion predictions). Ensu is free to downloadand use. Wevalue your privacy and safety on the app. See more ofour terms andconditions and our privacy policy here: Terms ofservice: Privacypolicy:
Talk-to-Track Diet and Fitness 2.18.14
Lose weight and get in shape with the ALL-NEW Talk-to-Trackweightloss planner.
Meal Replacement Tracker 1.16
Jared Grant
The easiest way to keep track of your meal replacement program.
Sleepy Sounds 7.1.2
Sleepy Sounds helps you or your child fall asleep
Lenus eHealth 1.12.0
Partner to leading coaches
Easy Kegel - Pelvic Floor Exer 1.0.6
Dream Bear Ltd
The easiest and most effective way to strengthen your pelvicfloormuscles!!
Daily Burst | Simple Wellness, Advice, Inspiration 2.2.0
DailyBurst is a once daily personal development app thatmakesiteasy and fun to improve the areas of your life thataremostimportant to you. Whether you want to have betterfriendships,behappier, be more motivated, stop feeling sad, haveapositiveoutlook on life, better health and wellness or justbepeaceful,content and happy — Daily Burst is the app for you. JUST7MINUTESDAILY: Pause for 7 minutes each day, once a day,wheneverisconvenient, and listen to an amazing audio track thatwillteachyou techniques and simple strategies to improve justabouteveryarea of your life. When people are asked: Hey,motivationalandinspirational affirmations really work. Along withsomeprovenpersonal development advice, you're going to learn tobehappy andfulfilled. “What do you most want to improve inyourlife?” — mostpeople say the same things: IMPROVE RELATIONSHIPSWITHLOVED ONES |HAVE MORE JOB SATISFACTION | MAKE AN BIGGER IMPACT|HAVE LESSSTRESS & ANXIETY | PURSUE PASSIONS AND GOALS |HAVEMOREGRATITUDE & PEACE | PRACTICE MINDFULNESS &SPIRITUALITY|STOP WORRYING SO MUCH | HAVE MORE FREE TIME Have youeverwantedany of these things? You’re not alone. There areliterallymillionsof books, websites, blogs, newsletters, Youtubevideos,courses,workshops and more ways to improve your life.Without adoubt,these things all work. But most of us still don’t doit.Whenpeople are asked: "Why don’t you do focus on improvingthethingsthat are important to you?"— most people say the samethings:I’MTOO BUSY | I’M TOO DISTRACTED WITH SOCIAL MEDIA | I DON’TKNOWWHATTO DO FIRST | IT TAKES TOO MUCH TIME | I STARTED BUT THENIGAVE UPThese are all real reasons and we all have them.DailyBursthastaken all of the best self improvement informationavailableandcondensed it into 7 minute daily audio tracks,ultrasimplechallenges and inspirational messages to get you on therighttrackand to keep at it. You might say, 7 minutes, that’s notenoughtimeto make any real progress. But that’s just not true. 7minutesisprobably 7 times longer than what you’re doing rightnow.Here'show it works: 1) Get a daily motivational quotesnotification2)Open the app and see a beautiful and happyinspirational image3)Listen to a 5 minute lifestyle wellness audiotrackprofessionallywritten and recorded 4) Read the dailyhappinesschallenge and justdo it DAILY PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTCHALLENGES AREEASY - Drink 3 cupsof water, stretch as soon as youwake up, say hito someone youdon’t know, take a short walk atlunch, call your momand more likethat. Habit research shows that inorder to build ahealthy habityou also have to break down unhealthyones. Part ofthat meansbuilding a habit of doing healthy things.DAILYINSPIRATION QUOTESARE EMPOWERING - Whether you think they aresillyor not, the factis that they work. Here is an example: “Thosewhodon’t believe inmagic will never find it.” When you readthis,you’re brainchemistry actually alters and you become more opentoexperiencingmagic that day. DAILY SELF HELP EXPERIENCES&ADVICE CREATESCHANGE - When you listen to a personal storyfromsomeone that hasactually experienced a challenge and overcomethatchallenge, thenhear the lessons learned by that person, youwill beable to createthe same results for yourself. The mostimportantaspect is to keepit simple and focus on one thing at atime. Selfhelp books do theopposite. They teach too much too fast,and youforget. Hey,motivational and inspirational affirmationsreallywork. Along withsome proven personal development advice,you'regoing to learn tobe happy and fulfilled. DailyBurst isguaranteedto make your lifebetter & be the one app you open upeverysingle day for 7minutes. That’s it. Try it and be amazed atyourprogress in just afew days.
Firefly Health 1.54.10
Firefly Health
Virtual Primary Care +
quitSTART - Quit Smoking 2.1.53
ICF App Store
quitSTART can help you track your behavior to become andstaysmokefree.
FITUP 6.4.17
FITUP provides data records for users' health and fitness.
Headache Tracker - Log&Analyze 1.2.6
Appstronaut Studios
Track and analyze your headache and migraine traits then sharewithyour doctor!
Female Forecaster for Men 1.5
Hormonology, LLC
Gives men a daily forecast of a woman's moods, libido&more--based on her cycle
my cerascreen 2.6.7
Test your health from home & receive valuable healthinformation