Top 15 Apps Similar to Funny Mirrors: 魔法鏡頭

Carnival Mirror 3.0.5
Carnival Mirror is an imitation of flexible fun housedistortionmirror.
Carnaval Ilha Terceira 1.5.3
Cybermap, Lda
Bailinhos de Carnaval – Ilha Terceira-AçoresAcompanhe o carnaval de ilha Terceira!Palco de mais de 50 danças e bailinhos de Carnaval é consideradoumadas maiores manifestações de teatro popular do mundo.Este ano, poderá acompanhar no seu dispositivo móvel o seubailinhoou salão preferido.Consulte informações dos bailinhos e dos salões, localize emquesalão está o bailinho ou veja a fila de espera de umsalão.Fornecido pela Associação Regional de TurismoDesenvolvido pela CybermapCom o apoio da WebaBailinhos Carnival-Terceira Island - AzoresFollow the carnival Terceira Island!Stage of over 50 dances and bailinhos Carnival is considered oneofthe greatest manifestations of popular theater in theworld.This year, you can track on your mobile device or bailinhoyourfavorite salon.See information from bailinhos and lounges, locate where theloungeis bailinho or check the waiting list for a room.Provided by Regional Tourism AssociationDeveloped by CybermapWith the support of Weba
Funhouse Mirror 6.0
The Fun House
Funhouse Mirror is a 3-D, reality-distorting, amusing and funloadof laughs.
Mirror 1.0
This Free application will turn yourphoneintothe best mirror.Do you need to check your look and you do not have amirror?Nowwith Mirror application in your phone, you no longerneed!Main characteristics:- Simple to use- Button Capture- Very good image quality.....Mirror is the best solution to use as mirror in your phone.Tryitnow!
Hypnotizer: Ultimate Delusion
Hypnotize everyone with the ultimate hypnosis app! Hypnotizewomen,men or cats!
Mirror 1.0
Mega Smart
You need to check your look or maybeputyourcontact lens, and you do not have a mirror? Now, withmirroronyour phone, you will not need it!Mirror is the best solution to use as mirror in your phone.Tryitnow!★ With zoom controls★ Free You can download free application.★ Speed It is fully optimized for all applications runsmoothly.
Magic Mirror. 5.0
Kinner Tech Limited
"Magic Mirror" isn't just an instantmirrortocheck your hair or make up with . It's also a great newfun(JOKE)App that tells you and your friends if you are goodlookingor nothot or a minger? Master the technique to come outbetterlookingevery time the perfect Joke to entertain you andyourfriends on anight out. Simply take a picture of yourself withtheApp andwithin seconds it will tell you whether you are aSupermodelor acomplete Minger.( Please remember this is a joke app so keeptryingdifferentpositions in till you are a supermodel and then youcantrick yourfriends )( This is one of the fastest growing fun apps on the market)TRY IT - RATE IT - LOVE IT( NOW WITH FACEBOOK SHARE BUTTON )Some of our fans reviewsGreat for a night outI love this app Its really funnyAmazing!Brilliant Great for a night out or just a bit of fun.Oh yeah baby said I was a modelVery funny
30pxart 1.0
Yury Loskat
Что бы вы сделали, если бы можно былорисоватьвтелефоне, а эти рисунки ставить на рабочий стол, вышиватьих,сделатьузором на стене в квартире?Конечно же устанавливать мобильную версию 30pxart!Теперь мобильная версия он-лайн рисовалки всегда подрукой.Рисуй когда скучно, рисуй когда нет интернета. Рисуй,чтобысделатьсвой мир ярче!В мобильной версии есть больше приятностей:- если пропал интернет, нарисованный вами паттерн останетсявпамятителефона. Значит рисовать можно в любом месте и влюбоевремя;- хвастаться своими рисунками гораздо проще - их можносделатьобоямина рабочий стол. А у обладателей больших экрановиизображений обоидаже смогут двигаться.Ну и конечно же нарисованный орнамент можетиспользоватьсявпривычных целях:- отличный мотив для вышивания и вязания;- порадовать вышиванкой своими руками бабушку;- украсить квартиру собственным паттерном.И как всегда вы можете:- рисовать собственные орнаменты;- применять к ним различные фильтры;- нарисовать один паттерн, а запостить 16 вариантов (4 фильтраи4вида зумов) вашего творчества;- просматривать чужие паттерны;- просматривать аккаунты понравившихся художников.What would you doifyoucould paint your phone, and put these pictures onthedesktop,embroider them, make a pattern on the wall intheapartment?Of course to install a mobile version 30pxart!Now mobile version of the online drawing tool at hand.Draw when bored, draw when there is no Internet. Draw tomaketheirworld brighter!The mobile version has more amenities:- If gone online, you draw the pattern will remain inthephonememory. So you can draw anywhere, anytime;- To show off their designs much easier - you can do onyourdesktopwallpaper. And the owners of large screens andwallpaperimages evenbe able to move.And of course, painted ornaments can be used intheusualorder:- An excellent motive for embroidery and knitting;- Please Embroideries grandmother with their hands;- Decorate apartments pattern.And as always, you can:- To draw their own designs;- Apply various filters;- To draw a pattern, and to post 16 options (4 filters and 4typesofzoom) your creativity;- View other people's patterns;- View accounts favorite artists.
Face Warp: Funny Mirrors 4.0.2
Wombatica Software
Have fun with crazy warping mirrors. Funny camera for pranksandlaughs.
FunMirror 5.0
Jeffrey Farris
This whimsical little application makes it fun and easy todistortthe faces of your friends and loved ones. Use the touchscreen toapply hilarious funhouse mirror effects. Fun distortionmirroreffects include tall, square, bulge, dent, and swirl.Applicationcomes prepopulated with one picture ready to ruin. Takea photofrom your device's camera or use one already on your SDcard. Youcan reset the image to start over at any time, and sharethefinished products via Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, Bluetooth,Gmail,or another e-mail server. Save your masterpieces and set themaswallpaper. This application is ad-supported. This app was aniTunesstaff favorite and has over 1 million downloads on the iOSAppStore-- now it's available on the Android Marketplace!
Fun house Mirror 1.0
PTD Studio
This app is include manyfunhousemirrorfeatures and other mirror effects. It is greatentertainmentforpeople like to have fun of their photos.Features:- Many funny effects- Easy to use: Just a single click to apply- Highly customize: You can manual edit every parametertocreateresult you want- High quality image output: You can set the quality upto1920px(FullHD)- Save, share picture after editMany new features will be updated soonWe will update monthly with new functions and fix if ithasanyissues. So let us know your experience and keep intouchwithus.Contribute:Demo photos for app were free and provided by:- license: license:
Обман зрения 3.0.2
Обманом зрения называюттакиеэффектызрительного восприятия, которые возникаютнепроизвольноилисознательно у человека наблюдающего определенныеизображения.Такие эффекты называют также оптическими иллюзиями–ошибкамизрительного восприятия, причиной которыхявляютсянеточность или женеадекватность процессов, происходящихпринеосознаваемой коррекциизрительных образов. Кроме того, впроцессевозникновения оптическихиллюзий также принимаютучастиефизиологические особенности органовзрения и психологическиеаспектывизуального восприятия.Обман зрения, представленный в этом приложении,заключаетсявискажении восприятия путем неправильной оценкидлиныотрезков,величины углов, цветов видимого объекта и др.Егонаиболеепопулярными типами являются иллюзиивосприятияглубины,перевертыши, стереопары и иллюзии движения.К иллюзиям восприятия глубины относитсянеадекватноеотражениеизображенного предмета. Наиболее известнымипримерамитаких иллюзийявляются двухмерные контурные картинки – приихнаблюдении, онибессознательно воспринимаются мозгомкакодновыпуклые. Кроме того,искажения при восприятии глубиныспособныпривести к неправильнойоценке геометрических размеров (внекоторыхслучаях ошибкадостигает 25%).Обман зрения перевертыш заключается в изображениитакойкартинки,восприятие которой зависит от направлениявзгляда.Стереопары позволяют наблюдать стереоскопическоеизображениепутемналожения их на периодические структуры.Фокусировка взглядазакартинкой приводит к наблюдениюстереоскопического эффекта.Движущиеся иллюзии представляют собойпериодическиеизображения,продолжительный взгляд на которые приводитквизуальному восприятиюперемещения из отдельных частей.Виды обмана зрения:-обман зрения на основе восприятия цвета;-обман зрения на основе контраста;-искривляющие иллюзии;-оптический обман восприятия глубины;-оптический обман восприятия размера;-контурный обман зрения;-обман зрения «перевертыши»;-комната Эймса;-движущиеся оптические иллюзии.-стерео-иллюзии, или, как их еще называют:«3dкартинки»,стереокартинки.В приложении собраны, как классические иллюзии, так исамыеновые,выложенные в свободный доступ, от известных художниковипсихологов.Задачей проекта является познакомить читателейсразличными видамииллюзий, их авторами, дать общее представлениеопонятии "оптическаяиллюзия". Коллекция далеко не полна, носовременем, возможно,благодаря совместными усилиями автораипользователей, будетпополняться.Преимущества:Быстрая загрузка картинокЕжедневное обновление базы картинокПоддержка планшетов (HD),Можно поделиться с друзьямиПриложение предназначено для русскоязычных пользователей.Все материалы используемые в приложении взяты изгруппыВКонтакте effects of visual perception that arisespontaneouslyorconsciously in humans there is a certain image.Such effects are also called optical illusions - errorsofvisualperception, which are due to the inaccuracy or inadequacyoftheprocesses occurring during unconscious correction ofvisualimages.In addition, during the occurrence of opticalillusions arealsoinvolved physiological characteristics of theorgans of visionandpsychological aspects of visual perception.Optical illusion presented in this app lies in thedistortionofperception by an incorrect assessment of the lengthofthesegments, the angles, colors of the visible object, andothers.Hismost popular types are the illusion of depthperception,shifters,the stereo pair and an illusion ofmovement.To the illusion of depth perception relatesinadequatereflectionof the object depicted. The best-known examplesof suchillusionsare two-dimensional contour pictures - whenobserved,theyunconsciously perceived by the brain as odnovypuklye.Inaddition,the distortion in the perception of depth can lead toanincorrectevaluation of the geometric dimensions (in somecases,the error is25%).Optical illusion Changeling is a picture image, theperceptionofwhich depends on the direction of gaze.Stereopairs possible to observe a stereoscopicimagebysuperimposing them on a periodic structure. Focus viewofthepicture leads to the observation of the stereoscopiceffect.Moving illusions are recurrent images, long look at thatleadstovisual perception of moving parts.Types of fraud:-obman view on the basis of color perception;-obman view on the basis of the contrast;-iskrivlyayuschie illusion;-Optical deception depth perception;-Optical deception of perception size;-konturny illusion;-obman of "turncoats";-Room Ames;-dvizhuschiesya optical illusions.-Stereo-illusion, or, as they are called: «3dimage"stereoimage.In the appendix are collected, both classic illusions,andthenewest, laid out in free access to the famousartistsandpsychologists. The aim of the project is to acquaintreaderswithdifferent kinds of illusions, the authors give anoverview oftheconcept of "optical illusion." The collection is notcomplete,butwith time, probably due to the joint efforts of theauthor andtheuser will be updated.Benefits:Fast loading imagesDaily updated database of imagesSupport Tablet (HD),You can share with your friendsThe application is designed for English-speaking users.All materials used in the application are taken fromthegroupVKontakte
Animal Face Photo App 4.1
Join all the image editing fans in placing, for example, ''funnycatfaces'' on pics and making funny face photo montages using''animalhead masks''! Try out the best ''change your face''performance andexpress your creativity using this cool photoeditor! Seize thisamazing opportunity to obtain ツ Animal FacePhoto App ツ and make thebest use of our ''animal face changer''effects! This ''animal facecamera'' allows you to place animalhead on selfies instead of yourown and make a great virtualmakeover. Make a funny ''photomontage'' using this''face cameraeditor'' and show everyone howgood you are in picture editing bycreating face swap effect onpics. Choose lion or a tiger head or acute animal face, insert yourselfie and place animal stickers. Itwill take you just a fewseconds to switch face on your bestselfies and place an angry lion,tiger or a cute bird face insteadof your own and amaze everyonewith your pic editing skills! Ournewest face changing apps forsmartphones provide you with various''stickers for pictures'' whichwill help you make a one of a kindfunny face change you can shareon all social networks. Don'tforget to smile, put a sticker on yourface and share it with yourfriends! Add ''face stickers'' featuringdangerous animals, cutecat or make a doggy face and enjoy all theimage editing! Don’tforget to learn how to “combine faces”. ツDownload ツ Animal FacePhoto App ツ and enjoy in face changing! ツPlay with the chosen“animal face sticker” with the help of whichyou can change face onyour selfies! ツ Choose your favorite decostickers and make a faceswap – cute cat, doggy face, fierce lionand many more! ツ Zoom inand out, rotate, adjust, and swap facesinstantly! ツ Save yourfunny photo montage to your gallery or setthem as wallpaperbackground! ツ Share your virtual makeover onsocial network and leteveryone see your “photo editing” techniques;ツ Don’t miss theopportunity to obtain this amazing face changingapp with ''photostickers'' completely free of charge! Perform afunny face swap ina blink of an eye using tiger face, monkey, dogor ''face of acat'' and adjust the color of your animal sticker tomatch yourskin color. Make your friends laugh by sending them youreditedpictures with animal stickers or cartoon animal face or makeacollage installing some of our other face morphing apps andgamesfree. Add various special effects and color filters toadditionallyenhance your photo montage. Go on and download ツ AnimalFace PhotoApp ツ and don’t miss the chance to obtain this fun imageeditorinstantly. Download our image editor free and edit picturesusingstickers with animal parts – cute cats ears, dogs mouth,wildjungle lions details and so much more! Create the best faceswapsthat will make everyone laugh when you post them on socialmediaand share with your followers! Try out our brand newcollection ofanimal parts you can place on your best selfies – weoffer youmonkey, dog, lion face and many more – you choose! Use the''bestfree photo editor'' and choose one of the wild animals you’dliketo be! Your selfies will soon turn into awesome photo art byaddingbird face, rabbit ears or cute dog face.
mirror plus 1.0
Frases Bonitas
Make your phone a portable mirror.You need to check your eyes or maybe put your contact lens,andyoudo not have a mirror? Now, with mirror on your phone, youwillnotneed it!Mirror is the best solution to use as a mirror into yourphone.Tryit now!Main features:- Easy to use- Button to stop imageË the app last mirror you'll have to download!Why this app is better than just using the front camera:- It shows a much brighter and cleaner image (Checkitoutyourself!).- You can freeze the picture, that do not have a photo andopenthegallery.- Has the screen and zoom controls exposure.
2 Face Twin Photo - 2 In 1 2.0
Free Apps For Mobile
Mirror Image Photo Editor allows you tocreatemirror effect in your photos. You can create left-right,up-down,reflection, repeating as well as reflection style enabledphotoswith this photo editor app. Furthermore you can apply severalphotoeffects and designer photo frames to these mirror photos formakingthem more attractive.●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●Do you love mirror effect in photos? Do you love doing it onyourown?If yes, download the free android app Mirror Image Photo Editoronyour android device and start running a photo studio atyourfingertips.Sometimes life can be boring. But now you will be able tobreakthose boring moments by making everybody laugh. Theamusing,exciting and extreme entertaining Funny Camera - Funny Face– FunPhoto Editor app is here.●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●2 Face Twin Photo - 2 In 1 application takes two differentimagesand also convert single image to twin image. Thisapplicationspecifically made for recreational or amusement.You can create photo grids and photo collages, Mirror ImagePhotoEditor provides you a great collage maker tool, which will letyouto create beautiful photo collages and photo grids. Justselectphotos and app will give you hundreds of different collagelayoutand grid options. Create desired collages and grids.●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●✔ Quick face recognition system✔ Real time warping effects✔ Position a picture in the face frame. Resize the picture withyourfinger(s).✔ Warp tool (Select the warp tool, tap somewhere on the face ofyourimage and drag to move around pixels.)✔ Add some animated cartoon special effects (heart eyes andbreath,bright stars, etc.)●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●With this fantastic tool you will be able to create fake picturestosend per mail, share with Whatsapp, Twitter, Skype,anotherMessenger Tool or simply upload them to Facebook, Flickr,Dropboxetc.Are you looking for 2 Face Twin Photo - 2 In 1 , you candownloadthis "funny photo editor" for free and enjoy. With thiseditingapplication you can change your friend photos with funnystickerslike hair,mustache,spectacles and many more etc... Youcansave,send,share the edited photos. Make it set aswallpapertoo.●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●How to use:1. Have your photo target stand on left side of camera and TakeaPicture.2. Move the Person towards right side of camera view withmatchingarea on camera as is.3. Take the right side photo and let us Stitch the Photos tocreateMagical Twin Photos.4. Browse and Share Twin Photos with friends and family.