Top 17 Apps Similar to Tes IQ Anak

Tes IQ & Tes Psikologi MEI 2016
Superlink ID
Tes IQ & Kepribadian Superlink IDadalahaplikasi android untuk mengetes sifat, kepribadian danIQanda.Aplikasi ini terdapat puluhan tes-tes psikologi dan kepribadianyangterus di update setiap minggunya.Berikut ini daftar tes psikologinya:=============Tes Kepribadian, meliputi:Tes Kepribadian MBTI, Tes Kesabaran, Tes Kejujuran, TesDominasiDiri, Tes Kepercayaan Diri, Tes Mental Negatif, Tes DISC,TesArchetype,Tes Enneagram.=============Tes Akademik, meliputi:Tes Jurusan Kuliah, Tes Gaya Belajar, Tes Tipe Kecerdasan, TesButaWarna (Ishihara), Tes IQ (Tebak Gambar), Tes RencanaMasaDepan.=============Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA), meliputi:Tes Verbal.=============Tes Pekerjaan, meliputi:Tes Tipe Pekerjaan, Tes Tanggung Jawab, Tes Kepemimpinan,TesPersonality Plus, Tes Archetype.=============Tes Percintaan, meliputi:Tes Galau, Tes Jatuh Cinta, Tes Gagal Move-on, Tes TipePasangan,Tes Kepopuleran, Tes Romantis, Tes Kegenitan, TesKedewasaan, TesPersahabatan.=============Game Asah Otak, meliputi:Tes Analisa Sidik Jari, Game Connect Line, Game Maze Labyrinth,GamePingpong Color.=============Coming Soon:Tes Ujian Nasional (UAN) SD, SMP, SMA, Tes TOEFL, Tes TOEIC,TesIELTS, Tes Psikotes.=============IQ tests &PersonalitySuperlink ID is an android application to test thenature,personality and your IQ.These applications are dozens of psychological tests andpersonalitycontinue to be updated every week.Here is a list of psychological tests:=============Personality tests, include:MBTI personality test, test Patience, Honesty Test, TestYourselfDomination, Confidence Test, Negative Mental test, DISCtest, testarchetype, Enneagram test.=============Academic test, includes:Test Subject, Learning Style Test, Test Type Intelligence,ColorBlind Test (Ishihara), IQ tests (Guess the Picture), Test Planforthe Future.=============Academic Potential Test (TPA), includes:Verbal tests.=============Employment tests, include:Job Type Tests, Tests Responsibility, Leadership Test,PersonalityPlus test, test archetype.=============Love test, includes:Tests of worries, Love Test, Test Failed Move-on, test pairmode,the test's popularity, tests Romantic, Promiscuity Test,TestMaturity, Tests Friendship.=============Brain Games, include:Tests Fingerprint Analysis, Game Connect Line, Labyrinth MazeGame,Game Pingpong Color.=============Coming Soon:Tests National Examination (UAN) elementary, junior high,highschool, TOEFL, TOEIC test, IELTS, test Psikotes.=============
DeskripsiTest IQ 2014 adalah Program Test IQ yang sangatmenyenangkan,denganprogram ini anda dapat mengetest IQ anda danmembandingkandenganteman-teman anda, test IQ ini terdiri daribeberapa langkahyangterdiri dari tebak urutan, tebak gambar danbeberapa soalceritayang lumayan membingungkan, apakah anda cukupcerdasuntukmenjawabnya ? download sekarangManfaat dari program Test IQ 2014 adalah :- Menguji kemampuan anda- Melatih kemampuan analisi anda- Menjadikan anda menjadi pribadi yang mampu menyelesaikansoal-soal test IQ- Mudah mudahan dan kami sangat berharap, menambahpengetahuanTestIQ di indonesia.Fitur fitur yang terdapat dalam program ini adalah :- Program gratis- Layout dan penampilan program yang indah.- Soal tidak monoton/ bervariasiAkhir kata dari pengembang. selamat mencobaDescriptionIQ Test IQ Test 2014 is a program that is very pleasant,withthisprogram you can test your IQ and compare with yourfriends,this IQtest consists of several steps which consist of asequenceguess,guess pictures and some stories about the ratherconfusing,if youare smart enough to answer it? download nowBenefits of IQ Test 2014 program are:- Test your skills- Train your analysis capabilities- Makes you become a person who is able to resolve the matter-amatter of the IQ test- Hopefully, and we very much hope, increase knowledge IQTestinIndonesia.Features of the features contained in this program are:- A free program- Layout and appearance wonderful program.- Problem is not monotonous / variedFinal word from the developer. good luck
IQ and Aptitude Test Practice 1.55
Logical, numerical, and spatial test for aptitude and IQtestpreparation
IQ Test Preparation 2.2.2
This unique Application for IQ test preparation containshundredsofcarefully selected questions on ten different topic areastocover acomplete range for IQ test preparation alongwithcomprehensiveexplanations and tips and tricks to solvedifficultproblems andimprove lateral-thinking. “IQ testpreparation” alsoprovides anopportunity to test your level ofpreparation in theform of 5, 10and 20 minutes test. This is anupdated version whichincludes lotof additional features along withalready availabledistinctivefeatures. Our application covers manyIQ and aptituderelatedcategories such as Visual Patterns, NumberandAlphabeticalsequence, Mental Arithmetic, Logical reasoning,VerbalAptitude,Relationship Problems, Time and date Problems,AgeProblems, Speed,time & distance and Work, Profit &Lossrelated problems.Perfect for school, college anduniversityentrance test and alsofor general use to improve mentalhealth. Nowin latest version youcan participate in daily, weekly& monthlyIQ contests &competitions. In those IQcompetitions people fromall over theworld participate and at theend of the test period,positions areannounced. Now you can alsoparticipate in realtime IQTests bychallenging other online members.Features of the IQTestPreparation 2020 App: 1. Simple and Easy touse User Interface2.Detailed Explanation for each question to clearyour doubts3.Answers are displayed at the end of each test to helpyouimprove4. Practice before attempting a test with our FreePracticeTestwith detailed solutions 5. Advanced Tests thatguarantee yourIQbuilding 6. Join Daily, Weekly and MonthlyChallenges andcompetewith others around the world 7. Solve thedaily challengesto giveyour logical reasoning skills a boost 8. Seeyour rankingsandmotivate yourself to improve your IQ level 9. Appis free touse.Test your IQ Level for Free with this IQ TestPreparation 2020AppTopics Covered in IQ Test Preparation 2020 App:1. VisualPatterns2. Number Patterns 3. Alphabetical Sequence 4.MentalArithmetic(Mental Maths) 5. Date and Time Questions 6. TimeSpeedandDistance 7. Verbal Aptitude 8. Logical Reasoning 9.BloodRelationProblems 10. Age Problems 11. Profit and Loss It’sFree! SoWhynot? The IQ Test Questions Provide you the latestupdatedquestionsimportant for job exams and other career entrancetests.If youhave any queries, issues, or feedback drop us a messageandwewould look forward to you.
Raven test 1.8
It is the most common and populartestadministered to groups ranging from 5-year-olds to the elderly.Itis made of 60 multiple choice questions, listed in orderofdifficulty. This format is designed to measure thetest-taker'sreasoning ability, the eductive ("meaning-making")component ofSpearman's g. (g is often referred to as generalintelligence.) Thetests were originally developed by John C. Ravenin 1936. In eachtest item, the subject is asked to identify themissing elementthat completes a pattern.
IQ Test For Kids
This Child IQ test isprofessionallydesignedfor Kids and Toddler, it takes about 10-15minutes tocomplete. Achild does not have to complete the entire IQtest inone sitting.You can use the results of the IQ test todetermineyour child'snatural intellectual strengths.Providing educational and IQ testing software productsforkidsand students. We offer Kids IQ test software as well asonlineIQtest for children.Take our IQ test Free for Mobile Android
Tes IQ & Tes Psikologi Pro MEI
Superlink ID
Tes IQ & Kepribadian Superlink IDadalahaplikasi android untuk mengetes sifat, kepribadian danIQanda.Aplikasi ini terdapat puluhan tes-tes psikologi dan kepribadianyangterus di update setiap minggunya.Berikut ini daftar tes psikologinya:=============Tes Kepribadian, meliputi:Tes Kepribadian MBTI, Tes Kesabaran, Tes Kejujuran, TesDominasiDiri, Tes Kepercayaan Diri, Tes Mental Negatif, Tes DISC,TesArchetype,Tes Enneagram.=============Tes Akademik, meliputi:Tes Jurusan Kuliah, Tes Gaya Belajar, Tes Tipe Kecerdasan, TesButaWarna (Ishihara), Tes IQ (Tebak Gambar), Tes RencanaMasaDepan.=============Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA), meliputi:Tes Verbal.=============Tes Pekerjaan, meliputi:Tes Tipe Pekerjaan, Tes Tanggung Jawab, Tes Kepemimpinan,TesPersonality Plus, Tes Archetype.=============Tes Percintaan, meliputi:Tes Galau, Tes Jatuh Cinta, Tes Gagal Move-on, Tes TipePasangan,Tes Kepopuleran, Tes Romantis, Tes Kegenitan, TesKedewasaan, TesPersahabatan.=============Game Asah Otak, meliputi:Tes Analisa Sidik Jari, Game Connect Line, Game Maze Labyrinth,GamePingpong Color.=============Coming Soon:Tes Ujian Nasional (UAN) SD, SMP, SMA, Tes TOEFL, Tes TOEIC,TesIELTS, Tes Psikotes.=============IQ tests &PersonalitySuperlink ID is an android application to test thenature,personality and your IQ.These applications are dozens of psychological tests andpersonalitycontinue to be updated every week.Here is a list of psychological tests:=============Personality tests, include:MBTI personality test, test Patience, Honesty Test, TestYourselfDomination, Confidence Test, Negative Mental test, DISCtest, testarchetype, Enneagram test.=============Academic test, includes:Test Subject, Learning Style Test, Test Type Intelligence,ColorBlind Test (Ishihara), IQ tests (Guess the Picture), Test Planforthe Future.=============Academic Potential Test (TPA), includes:Verbal tests.=============Employment tests, include:Job Type Tests, Tests Responsibility, Leadership Test,PersonalityPlus test, test archetype.=============Love test, includes:Tests of worries, Love Test, Test Failed Move-on, test pairmode,the test's popularity, tests Romantic, Promiscuity Test,TestMaturity, Tests Friendship.=============Brain Games, include:Tests Fingerprint Analysis, Game Connect Line, Labyrinth MazeGame,Game Pingpong Color.=============Coming Soon:Tests National Examination (UAN) elementary, junior high,highschool, TOEFL, TOEIC test, IELTS, test Psikotes.=============
Psikotes Online 7.0
Zamzami Dev Indonesia
Aplikasi Psikotes Online ini dibuat untuk latihan tespsikotes,yangpada umumnya tes psikotes dilakukan oleh perusahaanketikainginmerekrut karyawan baru. Psikotes Online ini mengambilsoaldaribeberapa sumber dan soalnya sering muncul disoal-soalpsikotes yangpernah di ujikan. Mudah-mudahan denganadanyaaplikasi PsikotesOnline bisa membuat kesiapan yang lebihdiniuntuk menghadapi tespsikotes. Semoga bermanfaat bagiyangmenggunakannya Terima Kasih,Zamzami Dev Indonesia
Panduan Psikotes 1.1
Minterin Studio
Application Guide Psychotest an application for learningtestspsikotelogi
Forum Edukasi
Selamat telah membeli buku terbitan Forum EdukasiGroup.Buku-bukuterbitan Forum Edukasi bisa Anda dapatkan di tokobukuterdekat,atau via online di FAQ Kritik,saran,ataupertanyaan seputar bonus buku bisa KODE BUKU Untuk menggunakansoftwareinimaka Anda akan diminta memasukkan KODE BUKU. Kode bukubisadilihatdi halaman ii buku yang Anda beli.
Forum Edukasi
Test de inteligenta in romana 1.4
Alexandru D.
Find out which is your intelligence quotient?
Bank Soal Psikotes 1.2
Penerbit Media Cerdas
Aplikasi ini merupakan bonus simulasipsikotesuntuk buku "Top Fresh Bank Soal Psikotes Super Lengkap"yangditerbitkan oleh Penerbit Media Cerdas. Buku bisa dibeli diseluruhjaringan toko buku Gramedia atau toko-toko buku lainnya dikotaAnda.Berisi database ratusan soal-soal psikotes dengan sistemacakotomatis sehingga setiap kali dibuka akan menampilkan soalyangberbeda. Dilengkapi dengan pembatasan waktu dan penilaianotomatis,sehingga bisa dijadikan latihan untuk mengukur kemampuanterhadappenguasaan materi. Harapannya, aplikasi ini dapat membantuAndameraih nilai tertinggi pada tes yang sesungguhnya.Untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini, Anda akan dimintauntukmemasukkan kode aplikasi. Kode aplikasi bisa dilihat di dalambuku,setelah halaman daftar isi.This application isapsychological test simulation bonus to the book "Top FreshQuestionBank Psikotes Super Complete" which is published by SmartMedia.The book can be purchased across the network Gramediabookstores orother book stores in your city.Database contains hundreds of questions psikotes withautomatedencryption system so that whenever opened will show adifferentmatter. Equipped with automatic time restriction andassessment, sothat it can be used as an exercise to measure theability of themastery of the material. Hopefully, this app can helpyou achievethe highest value on the real test.To use this application, you will be prompted to entertheapplication code. Application code can be seen in the book,afterthe contents page.
Psikotes 1.0
Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi latihasnsoalpsikotes yang dapat memberikan penilaian terhadapkemampuanInteligensi seseorang dan kepribadian seseorang. Didalamaplikasiini terdapat lima jenis tes psikotes, yaitu: Tes Verbal,TesKuantitatif, Tes Pemahaman Teks dan Logika, Tes SpasialThis application isanapplication latihasn about psychological test that can provideanassessment of the ability of a person's intelligenceandpersonality. In this application, there are five types ofpsychotests, namely: Test Verbal, Quantitative Test, TestTextUnderstanding and Logic, Spatial Tests
Bintang IQ 0.0.1
Tes IQ (Intelegensi Quation)bergunauntukmengetahui kualitas intelegensi (kecerdasan)seseorang.Kecerdasanyang dimaksud adalah kemampuan manusia secaraumum (dalamhal padaumumnya). Hasilnya adalah berupa angka/score.Aplikasiiniberfungsi sebagai bonus penunjang buku-bukupsikologiterbitanPenerbit Bintang Wahyu.Dilengkapi dengan pembatasan waktu dan penilaianotomatissehinggabisa dijadikan latihan untuk mengukur kemampuanIQAnda.KODE BUKUUntuk menggunakan aplikasi ini maka Anda akan dimintamemasukkanKODEBUKU. KODE BUKU bisa dilihat di halaman (III)padabuku-buku“Psikologi” terbitan Bintang Wahyu. Buku bisa dibeliditoko bukugramedia atau melalui web: www.kawahdistributor.comIQ(Intelligencequation)is useful to know the quality ofintelligence(intelligence)person. Intelligence in question is theability ofhumans ingeneral (in the case in general). The result isa numeric/ score.This application serves as a bonus supportingpsychologybookspublished by Star Publisher Revelation.Equipped with time restrictions and automatic scoring so itcanbeused as an exercise to measure the ability of your IQ.CODE BOOKTo use this application you will be prompted to enter CODEBOOK.CODEBOOK can be seen in the yard (III) on thebooks"Psychology"published by Star of Revelation. The book canbepurchased atGramedia bookstores or via
Pembelajaran Psikotes 2.0
Pembelajaran Psikotes adalah sebuahaplikasimobile berbasis Android yang dapat digunakan sebagaimediapembelajaran psikotes. Dimana di dalam aplikasi ini adabeberapafitur-fitur yang dapat digunakan untuk mempelajari danlatihanpsikotes.Dalam aplikasi Pembelajaran Psikotes membahas beberapamateripsikotes diantaranya :- Tes Sinonim- Tes Antonim- Tes Padanan Kata- Tes Pengelompokan Kata- Tes Aritmatika- Tes Deret Angka- Tes Deret Huruf- Tes Logika Angka- Tes Logika Umum- Tes Gambar.Learning Psikotes isanAndroid-based mobile application that can be used as a mediumoflearning psychological test. Where in this application therearesome features that can be used to study and practicethepsychological test.In applications Learning Psikotes discuss some psychologicaltestmaterial including:- Test Synonym- Test Antonyms- Test Match Words- Grouping Test Words- Arithmetic Test- Test series Figures- Test series Letter- Test Logic Figures- General Logic Test- Test Fig.
Kumpulan Prediksi Soal BUMN 1.0
Zap Media
Kumpulan Informasi Lowongan Kerja BUMNdanPrediksi soal-soal BUMN (Terlengkap)Jobs set ofinformationstate and prediction problems SOE (Complete)