Top 15 Apps Similar to Desain Rumah Minimalis

Temukan Rumah Idaman 1.5.1
FK Production
Aplikasi Android Temukan RumahIdamanmemberikanlayanan dalam mencari dan menemukan propertidiseluruhIndonesia.Temukan rumah, ruko, kavling dan apartemenyangdijualataupun disewakan melalui aplikasi ini.Aplikasi Rumah Idaman Anda dirancang seoptimalmungkinsehinggamemudahkan anda untuk mencari properti idamananda.Fitur utama :- Pencarian cepat listing properti yang diinginkanmelaluikatakunci- Tampilan bersahabat dan sederhana sehingga memudahkanandadalammenggunakan aplikasi ini- Simulasi perhitungan kredit properti- Notifikasi update listing properti terbaruTentang Aplikasi Temukan Rumah Idaman, situs properti yangmenyajikanberbagaiinformasi sewa dan jual properti di seluruhIndonesia.Bagi anda yang ingin mempromosikan atau melakukanpostingprodukpropertinya pada situs atauaplikasiAndroidTemukan Rumah Idaman, silahkan kunjungi situskamidi melalui browser dikomputeratausmartphone/tablet anda.Android Apps FindtheIdealHome provides services in the search for and findpropertiesacrossIndonesia.Temukan houses, shop houses, plots andapartmentsfor saleor rent through this application.Rumah Idaman your application is designed as optimalaspossiblemaking it easier for you to find your dream property.Main feature :- A quick search listing desired property through keywords- Friendly, simple display that allows you tousethisapplication- Simulation calculation of property loans- Notifications update the latest property listingsAbout App Discover the Ideal, property website which serves avarietyofinformation rent and sell property in Indonesia.For those of you who want to promote a product ortopostproperties on the site orAndroidDiscoverRumah Idaman, please visit ourwebsiteat through a browser on acomputerorsmartphone / tablet you.
Aneka Gorden Rumah Minimalis 1.0
Ragel Putra
Aneka Gorden Rumah minimalis untukmembantuAndamemilih macam dan bentuk gorden rumah untukmemperidahrumahAnda.Keunggulan Aplikasi ini1. Dapat dijalankan tanpa kuota (offline)2. Tampilan Aplikasi Praktis3. Aplikasi Mudah dipahami4. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak terlalu besar sehinggatidakmembuatsmartphone Anda melambatSemoga BermanfaatAssortedCurtainsminimalist house to help you choose the type andform ofcurtainsmemperidah home to your house.This application excellence1. Can run without quotas (offline)2. Display Practical Applications3. Applications Easy to understand4. Size Application Not too big so it does not makeyoursmartphoneslowsMay be useful
Galeri Rumah Minimalis Modern 1.1
Aplikasi Desain Rumah Minimalis adalahsebuahaplikasi android yang berisi gambar Desain RumahMinimalisbernuansa modern. Gambar-gambar yang ada di dalam aplikasiini bisaanda gunakan refrensi untuk mendesain rumah anda atauinginmerenovasi dan membangun rumah. Semua gambar dalam aplikasiiniberasal dari internet.Fitur :- Aplikasi ini tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet- Aplikasi ini hanya menampilkan gambar-gambar DesignRumahMinimalisDijamin anda pasti suka dan sembari mengingatkan temanatausahabat. Semoga Aplikasi ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua.Jangan lupa rate & review-nya ya!**Hevea**Applicationsminimalistdesign is an android application which provides a nuancedpictureof modern minimalist design. The images contained inthisapplication you can use references to design your home or wanttorenovate and build houses. All images in this application fromtheInternet.features:- This app does not require an internet connection- This app only displays images The Minimalist DesignGuaranteed you will like and while reminding friend orfriends.Hopefully this app useful for us all.Do not forget to rate & review its ya!Hevea ** **
Minimalist Home Design Ideas 2.0
Benefits of a Minimalist HomeI could probably go on for awhile about this, but let me justlistafew key benefits:Less stressful. Clutter is a form of visualdistraction,andeverything in our vision pulls at our attention atleast alittle.The less clutter, the less visual stress we have.Aminimalist homeis calming.More appealing. Think about photos of homes that arecluttered,andphotos of minimalist homes. The ones with almostnothing inthemexcept some beautiful furniture, some nice artwork,and a veryfewpretty decorations, are the ones that appeal to mostof us. Youcanmake your home more appealing by making itmoreminimalist.Easier to clean. It’s hard to clean a whole bunch of objects,ortosweep or vacuum around a bunch of furniture. The morestuffyouhave, the more you have to keep clean, and the morecomplicateditis to clean around the stuff. Think about how easy itis tocleanan empty room compared to one with 50 objects in it.That’sanextreme example, of course, as I wouldn’t recommend youhaveanempty room, but it’s just to illustrate the difference.What a Minimalist Home Looks LikeThis would vary, of course, depending on your taste andhowextremeof a minimalist you want to be. I am a minimalist, butnotto anyextreme. But here are some characteristics ofaminimalisthome:Minimal furniture. A minimalist room would only containafewessential pieces of furniture. A living room, forexample,mightonly have a couch, another chair or love seat, acoffee table,aminimalist entertainment stand (not a huge one with abunchofshelves), a television, and a couple of lamps. Itcouldevencontain less (couch, chairs, and coffee table, forexample).Abedroom might have a simple bed (or even just amattress),adresser, and perhaps a night stand or book shelf.Clear surfaces. In a minimalist home, flat surfaces areclear,exceptfor one or two decorations (see next item). There arenot awholebunch of knick knacks, and definitely not stacks ofbooks orpapersor other items.Accent decorations. A home completely clear of things would beabitboring, actually. So instead of having a coffeetablecompletelyfree of any objects, you could have a simple vasewith afewflowers, for example. Or a clear desk might just haveafamilyphoto. An otherwise empty wall might have a tasteful pieceofart(I use my dad’s artwork, as he’s a great artist).Quality over quantity. Instead of having a lot of stuff inyourhome,a minimalist would choose just a few really good thingsheloves anduses often. A really nice table, for example, isbetterthan 5 piecesof press-board furniture.Examples. The photo at the top of this post is a nice exampleofaminimalist home (it’s not my home, but I wish it were).Seemorephotos of that lovely home. Traditional-style Japanesehomesareanother great example of minimalism, as is thisnicespread.How to Create a Minimalist HomeThere are actually no set steps to making yourhomeminimalist,except to change your philosophy and shoot fortheideals in theprevious section above. But here are some tips thatIwould offerto anyone trying to shoot for minimalism:One room at a time. Unless you’re just moving into aplace,it’shard to simplify an entire house at once. Focus on oneroom,andlet that be your center of calm. Use it to inspire youtosimplifythe next room, and the next. Then do thesameoutside!Start with furniture. The biggest things in any roomarethefurniture, so you should always begin simplifying a roombylookingat the furniture. The fewer pieces of furniture, thebetter(withinreason, of course). Think of which furniture canbeeliminatedwithout sacrificing comfort and livability. Go for afewpieces ofplain, simple furniture (example of a minimalistcoffeetable) withsolid, subdued colors.
Living Room Design Inspiration 4.1
Repencis Labs
The living room is one important part of ahomeand should be arranged. When a guest comes to our house, theroomdesignated as the home to the guests is certainly is thelivingroom. Therefore, we must arrange the living room to make itlookinteresting and not boring to each occupant. Living roomdesign orstyle depending on the model adopted home. For example,the modelhouse is gigantic. The living room and other rooms surelyhave alarge size. Conversely, a minimalist house will demand thelivingroom along with other room built in a minimalist anyway.Good living room was like what? The living room is good itcannotbe pegged. But as long as there is usually typical furniturelivingroom so he is ideal. Since the model homes that are loved inthecommunity is simple and minimalist style home, the living roomisthe most suitable simple and widely implemented. Magnificenthouseis not a problem if you want to build a living room issimple. Realsimple impression it gives a positive impression.Simple home set upvery well then more special and interesting.Here we provide some inspiration for your living roomdesign.
Desain Plafon Rumah Modern 2.0
50 Desain Plafon Rumah Modern MinimalisCantikIni Buat Kamu " Pangling "- Aplikasi Ini Sangat Ringan- Aplikasi Bisa DiBaca Secara Offline Artinya Tanpa PerluKoneksiInternet Dapat DiAkses Kapan Dan Dimana Saja.- Insya Allah Bermanfaat50 Ceiling DesignModernMinimalist House Beautiful It Make You "overlook"- Applications Is Very Light- Applications That Can be read offline without the needInternetconnection can be accessed anytime and anywhere.- Inshallah Helpful
Inspirasi Desain Rumah 1.1
Generator Studio
Apakah anda sedang bingung mencariinspirasidesain rumah ? Dengan menggunakan aplikasi yang kamibuat"Inspirasi Desain Rumah" anda tidak perlu bingung lagi :D.Cukup dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini anda akanmendapatkanupdate gambar gambar desain rumah terbaru, pada saat inikami sudahmemiliki banyak koleksi gambar desain rumah yang terdiridari 3kategori :1. Desain Rumah Minimalis.2. Desain Rumah Klasik.3. Desain Rumah Mediterania.Fitur Aplikasi :1. Tumbnail View untuk melihat sekilas gallery desain rumah.2. Full Screen View untuk melihat detail gambar rumah.3. Slider Kategori untuk memilih kategori desain rumah yangingindilihat.Download / Simpan gambar desain rumah.4. Set gambar desain rumah sebagai wallpaper.5. Gambar yang sudah pernah di buka di "cache" sehinggadapatmenghemat kuota internet.Untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini diperlukan koneksi internetdanakses untuk menyimpan file ke SD card.
3D Small Home Plan 2016 1.0
Yoanteez Apps
3D Small Home Plan Idea is anapplicationwhichprovides many ideas and design by seeing photosgallery ofSmallhouse plan and layouts 2016. The idea of savingmoneywhilebuilding, saving energy year after year, and theconvenienceofkeeping that small home neat and tidy are appealingbenefits.3D Small House Plan IdeasWhen you figure your needs and settle on what'simperativeandwhat isn't, a great planner can work ponders. Be thatas itmay,you need to make preparations for getting "huge eyes"andadhere toyour firearms. Furthermore, don't give the engineerfreerule.Small home plan is an endeavor to make the room appearasthoughit is greater than the genuine footage of the room. Oneofthe waysengineers adjust for the square footage in littlehomearrangementsis to assemble high roofs, in this way making thespacefeel biggerpaying little respect to the real squarefootage.Small Home Plans ought to have the subtle strategies expectedtomakethe rooms and space look bigger. Notwithstanding, amortgageholderought to likewise be instructed on thedistinctivemethodologies andsystems for the inside configurationto make thebest utilization oftheir modest house arranges.3D Floor Plan and LayoutAnother feature mortgage holders must consider when choosinghowtoutilize their little house arrangements is thesituationoffurniture. A typical misstep made by inside creatorsforlittlehouse arrangements is utilizing expansive furniture thatdoesnotfit the space.Floor Plan 3D ought to likewise go in tallness. Ahugelamppostalongside the lounge chair will make the love seatlookless bulky.Rather than an overwhelming bookshelf that consumesuproom,property holders ought to utilize racks for their booksthatdifferin stature, accordingly sparing space and makingavisualdeceptionSmall Home Plan and Design might be the most effortlessapproachtoventure into genuine reserve funds, and thesubjectivepenancemight be shockingly inconsequential.Small House Plans worked because of the earth can, overthelonghaul, spare the proprietor a group byexpandingvitalityprotection. Hence, a generally cooperativerelationship canbeaccomplished between little home arrangements andthe planet.Little home arrangement does not mean the lesser thehome,butrather the littler the bill the better! Since lesshousespaceimplies less out of pocket expenses and more vitalitytoimpart toothers, consider little house arranges, for yourselfandthe worldon the loose.3D House Plan and LayoutArranging of your home likewise includes thedeterminationofright sort of material for your home, laborrequired,legitimateplans. Its constantly better to take theadministrationsof astructural architect and an inside creator inthe event thatyouneed the things to go as you had arranged.Additionallytakingcounsel from your relatives and companions foryour littlehouse isa decent alternative in light of the fact thateverylastindividual will give you an alternate sort of thought.By building little home arrangements, property holderssavehugemeasures of cash from the start on developmentcosts,furthermoreharvest reserve funds over the span of theirhabitationthroughlower vitality costs.Download this 3D Small Home Plan Ideas you really and trulywantaModern and simple small home.
Minimalist Home Design Ideas 1.0
Amazing Most Photo Realistic Minimalist Home Design bothinteriorand exterior.
3D Home Exterior Design 1.0
Keerun Apps
3D Home Exterior Design Ideas and Model Home Design
Wooden House Design Ideas 1.0
This Is Aplication About Wooden HouseDesignsIdeas?, Why must Wooden House?Wooden houses are one of the most beautiful houses that youcansee.In today modern live where everything is cold and madefromsteel, concrete and glass, people mikes more and more thenaturalbuilding materials like wood. House made from wood innatural ,energizing, and gets you a warm feeling.In thisinterestingapplication you can find a lot of wooden houses. Smallones in themountains , that are very very old, to the modern luxurywoodenhouses that simply takes you breath out.WHY A WOODEN HOUSE?Wood is alive. A wooden house is warm, durable, and hascharacter.Wood is natural material and a wooden house iseco-friendly, greenand has a low carbon footprint. A wooden houseis comfortable.Timber is sustainable and one of the oldest buildingmaterials.Everywhere in the world the popularity of wooden houses is ontherise. Energy efficiency, healthy living environment,shortconstruction time and affordable prices are important factors.Woodis also strong, durable, flexible and fire proof, whentreatedaccordingly.Today I have for you an interesting app about choosing house.Imade for you a mixed gallery of 100 Contemporary, Eclectic,Modern,Traditional, Asian, Beach Style, Craftsman, Farmhouse,Industrial,Mediterranean, Mid century, Rustic, Scandinavian,Southwestern,Transitional, Tropical, Victorian wooden housedesigns.Standard room is a House with materials made of wood inthestring into a House with a unique attractive appearanceproducebuilt was. Standard room has a round shape and form ofdriving onthe roof. There are a few planters on the form with awhitebandage, which adds a beautiful impression.The freedom to choose the type of roof on the House makes itinpackages of landscape and universal express each carrier. Andthenonly the Interior flexibility to accept a plan for the needsofindividual families, bear. This House is a new concept inatypicalcondition. Standard room is built in two locations, i.e. inthevicinity of Pszczyna, and in the suburbs of Berlin.Standard room is deliberately designed, the environmentbyselection of renewable materials of nature and the use ofenergysources, to the impression of a friendly home environment.The useof prefabricated timber is always allowed to reduce the costof thebuilding, but with good quality.Wooden houses are very popular and modern in a some parts oftheworld. They could be designed just like the ordinary houses,andcould be small or large, but beautiful in any way. Thewoodenhouses are made with a natural materials and look veryunique. Andalthough they are made of wood, they could be verymodern andcreative. Today, there are many contemporary wooden housedesigns,which look just like some luxury residence and there areeven awooden residence and modern wooden villas. So, if you are awoodenhouse lover and looking for a design of wooden house, you areinthe right place. Continue below, look the gallery of15contemporary wooden house designs and choose your favoritedesign.There are really modern wooden houses. Some of them have ayardpool too and look really attractive. I am sure you will findyourdesign of house. So, see the gallery below and choose the houseofyour dreams.
3D House Design Ideas 1.0
This Application about The Best 3D HomeDesignIdeas. Are you looking for real 3D home designs? 3D HomeDesignoffers real to life views of various home designs. The appgivesyou interior design ideas to improve the look of your home.Now youcan customize your home by using one of the many home designideasprovided in Best 3D home design app. This app has a collectionofmany 3D home designs.Install it now and see your new home in 3D design.The publisher has license for commercial use of all theimagesused in this app. For more details contact the publisher.Home Design 3D is that perfect balance between ease of useandextensive features.With Home Design 3D, designing and changing your home hasneverbeen so intuitive and quick. Whether you want toredecorate,redesign or create the home of your dreams, Home Design3D is theperfect app for you!
Plafon Minimalis Modern 1.0
Aplikasi Plafon Minimalis Modernadalahsebuah aplikasi android yang berisi gambar PlafonMinimalisModern bernuansa modern.Gambar-gambar yang ada di dalam aplikasi ini bisa andagunakanrefrensi untuk mendesain rumah anda atau ingin merenovasiplafonrumah.Semua gambar dalam aplikasi ini berasal dari internet.Fitur :- Aplikasi ini tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet- Aplikasi ini hanya menampilkan gambar-gambar PlafonMinimalisModern- Dan didalam aplikasi ini terdapat link aplikasi lainnya jikaandamembutuhkannyaDijamin anda pasti suka dan sembari mengingatkan temanatausabahat. Semoga Aplikasi ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua.Ditunggu kritik dan saran untuk perkembangan aplikasi ini.ApplicationsMinimalistModern Ceiling is an android application thatcontains an imageMinimalist Modern Ceiling modern nuances.The pictures are in this application you can use referencestodesign your house or want to renovate the ceiling ofthehouse.All images in this application comes from the Internet. Features:- This app does not require an internet connection- This app only displays images Minimalist Modern Ceiling- And in this application there is a link other applicationswhenyou need itGuaranteed you will like and while reminding friendsorsabahat. Hopefully this app useful for us all.Awaited comments and suggestions for the development ofthisapplication.
Living Room Ideas 1.0
living room does have a function that isverymuch at all. one of which is a place to gather with extendedfamilyor friends when gathered together in the house.Currently minimalist interior design to be excellent forthemajority of urban residents who want to set the interior ofthehouse to make it look neat and will create a sense of comfortforthe occupants and their families. Application of interiordesignminimalist home can be applied to any room in your house,from thebedroom, bathroom, kitchen and of course the living room,as inthis article we will give you a little idea of ​​the livingroommodern minimalist to you and hopefully some ideas livingroomdesign modern we share can inspire more for you to determineasuitable design course.Selection of interior design with a minimalist type isverysuitable for the house to be limited in size andminimalistinterior also takes care of the lighter than the otherinteriordesign. Minimalist interior design can be expressed in avariety ofstyles / themes, there is a theme minimalist interior issimple,minimalist contemporary and modern minimalism, as someexamples ofmodern living room design ideas that we'll share. Thefollowing aresome of the design of modern living room you can makereference asreference material determines the interior design thatfits yourpersonal fit.
Roof Design Minimalist 1.1
KVM apps
Roofing is one of the objects ofbuildingmaterials that serve to protect homes and other buildings.Lots ofmodern minimalist design house roof nice very suitable tobeapplied on occupancy. But sometimes someone stillconfusedselection, then from that we present a set of minimalistrooftopslatest pictures for viewers of all.The usefulness of the roof withstand the onslaught of heavyrainor the scorching heat of the sun, but the concept ofdifferentstyles make this house look cool head and pleasing to oureyes fromthe outside. While the minimalist shape of roofs areavailablediverse.The development of architecture again presents examplesofminimalist tiny roofs that have a size small. Roof model ranksbestminimalist home can be found by a street or can see it in theeliteresidential area.Often people change the concept of roofs recording becauselesssatisfied, renovation done would need substantial fundsconsideringthe process quite difficult and requires extra superpower. If youdo not want to suffer the same fate a bit of aminimalist houseroof shape model popular dish leading propertysite.Types of roofing materials home so many kinds, but especiallytothe roof of a minimalist home, we recommend using acompositematerial. Roof of the house there are 3 parts, the top,middle andbottom. Because it is always immediately got the rain andthe sunand wind in turn confronted with the open sky, you shouldalso payattention to cleanliness.Flat roof like this needs more maintenance. Also, make surethatthe surrounding roof railing or barrier made higher. Themiddlepart of the roof can be fitted with a protectivematerialunderneath use a heat-resistant material such asasbestos.This material is suitable for the roof of the house itselfletalone the bottom of asbestos besides not absorb heat alsocanprovide coolness is inside your home.