Top 19 Apps Similar to Nigeria Food Prep

Naija Soup 1.02
green emrald
a collection of top NigeriansoupsfromIgbo,yoruba and calabar, easy to prepare and wonderfultoeat
MyNaija Recipes 1
RealTime Appx
MyNaija Recipes offers an easy to use app that showcasesRecipesfromNigeria including video tutorials on how to preparetheserecipes. Ifyou love African food and Nigerian Recipesespecially,then you'lllove MyNaija Recipes app. Recipes will beupdated/addedon a regularbasis. You can also suggest your ownNigerian Recipesto be listed inthe app. Kindly rate our app if youenjoy using it.
Digitised Nigerian Food Recipe
This is a Food Recipe and grocery Shopping List appdesignedforNigerian people and those who love Nigerian food it alsocomeswithTodo list function. Food Recipe ========== You caneasilyupdatethe supplied food recipe to suite your style ofcooking. Youcanpass your cooking secrets easily to futuregeneration ofyourfamily. You can train your children or husbandshow tocookNigerian food supported by your own pictures andvideorecordingeasily from your phone. You can multiply theingredientscontentsby as many more people than it was originallydesigned for.You canautomatically transfer the food ingredients toyour day today orweekly shopping list. You can create non Nigerianfood Recipeandadd your ingredients to your general shopping list.Youcannominate different shops to buy different food ingredientsonyourshopping list. Save recipe ingredients on your shoppingitemsasfavourite or as recipe name. Speak to createyourrecipeingredients and its preparations. Speak to createyourrecipecooking instructions. Use pictures and video to supportyourrecipeinformation. Enter each ingredient's cost to knowrecipecost. Addextra number of people to your recipe. Know how muchtheextrapeople will cost. Get phone alert for next cookingsteps.Supportrecipe with pictures and Videos. Share your recipeswithfriendsusing email or SMS. Backup and/or restore your data. Youcanalsosend your entire backup data to friend/family memberstorestore ontheir own app. Shopping List =========== Theshoppinglist moduleenables you to create a list for your shoppinglistitems andassociated costs. Know the total budgeted cost foryourshoppinglist. You can save your shopping list for future weeklylist, wine List, or special party list etc. You canaddpictures tofurther illustrate the shopping list item You canspeakto createyour shopping list or use barcode if desired. TodoList===========Speak or enter your to do items.
Recettes Africaines 8.0
Oumou Bah
Cette Application Recettes Africaines estunecollection de recettes africaines les plus populaire et connuenAfrique. Oumou creatrice de Recettes Africaines partage avecvoustoutes les délicieuses recettes Africaines qu’elle a apprisesaufur du temps et aussi quelques recettes partagé par sesamis.Les recettes sont organisées en 6 catégories:• Amuse-bouche• Boissons• Poisson et Fruit de Mer• Poulet et Viande• Riz et Féculents• Sauces et SoupesChaque recette est divisée en deux sections: ingrédientsetinstructions, ce qui permettra d’ apprendre aux gens quiveulentcuisiner Africain comment faire pour préparer de délicieuxplatsafricaines.La cuisine Africaine a longtemps été un secret et il est grandtempsde la partager avec le monde et de montrer aux gens qu’il estfacileet simple de cuisiner africain.Merci d’utiliser Recettes Africaines.This ApplicationAfricanRecipes is a collection of the most popular and well knowninAfrica African recipes. Oumou creator of African Revenuesharingall the delicious African recipes she learned as time andalso somerecipes shared by friends with you.The recipes are organized into six categories:• Appetizers• Beverages• Fish and Sea Food• Chicken and Meat• Rice and Starch• Sauces and SoupsEach recipe is divided into two sections: ingredientsandinstructions, which will help to teach people who want tocookAfrican how to prepare delicious African dishes.The African kitchen has long been a secret and it's time to shareitwith the world and show people that it is easy and simple tocookAfrica.Thank you use African Recipes.
Recettes Africaines Gratuit 1.0
Vous êtes à la recherche desrecettesafricaines facile ? Qu’elles soient facile à préparer ouélaboréespour impressionner, c’est toujours sympa, les recettesafricainessont indispensables à tout bon repas !- recettes africaine- recettes afrique du sud- recettes africaine facileYou are looking fortheeasy African recipes? They are easy to prepare or preparedtoimpress, it's always nice, African recipes are essential toanygood meal!   - African recipes   - South Africa recipes   - Easy African recipes
UEMOA Recettes 1.1
Airtel Apps Awards
UEMOA Recettes est une applicationculinairequiregroupe quelques recettes populaires de chaque paysmembredel'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine ( UEMOA ).Vous y trouverez des recettes telles que le ablo duBénin,lebinga du Burkina Faso, l’attiéké de la Côte d’Ivoire,letiéboudiendu Sénégal et bien d’autes recettes.Notez toute fois que la liste n’est pas exhaustive,elleseraenrichie au fil des mises à jour.Bon Appétit !UEMOA Recipes isaculinaryapplication that gathers some popular recipes ofeachmember countryof the Economic and Monetary Union of WestAfrica(UEMOA).You'll find recipes such as ablo Benin, bingaBurkinaFaso,attiéké of Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal and tiéboudienmanyautesrecipes.Note any time the list is not exhaustive, it will beexpandedoverthe updates. Enjoy Your Meal!
Nigerian Food Recipe-Digitised
This is a Food Recipe and grocery Shopping List appdesignedforNigerian people and those who love Nigerian food it alsocomeswithTodo list function. Food Recipe ========== You caneasilyupdatethe supplied food recipe to suite your style ofcooking. Youcanpass your cooking secrets easily to futuregeneration ofyourfamily. You can train your children or husbandshow tocookNigerian food supported by your own pictures andvideorecordingeasily from your phone. You can multiply theingredientscontentsby as many more people than it was originallydesigned for.You canautomatically transfer the food ingredients toyour day today orweekly shopping list. You can create non Nigerianfood Recipeandadd your ingredients to your general shopping list.Youcannominate different shops to buy different food ingredientsonyourshopping list. Save recipe ingredients on your shoppingitemsasfavourite or as recipe name. Speak to createyourrecipeingredients and its preparations. Speak to createyourrecipecooking instructions. Use pictures and video to supportyourrecipeinformation. Enter each ingredient's cost to knowrecipecost. Addextra number of people to your recipe. Know how muchtheextrapeople will cost. Get phone alert for next cookingsteps.Supportrecipe with pictures and Videos. Share your recipeswithfriendsusing email or SMS. Backup and/or restore your data. Youcanalsosend your entire backup data to friend/family memberstorestore ontheir own app. Shopping List =========== Theshoppinglist moduleenables you to create a list for your shoppinglistitems andassociated costs. Know the total budgeted cost foryourshoppinglist. You can save your shopping list for future weeklylist, wine List, or special party list etc. You canaddpictures tofurther illustrate the shopping list item You canspeakto createyour shopping list or use barcode if desired. TodoList===========Speak or enter your to do items.
Recettes Africaines 1.42
Hundreds of African recipes easy to make videos.
Petits Plats de Mami 1.2.2
Sleek Systems UG
De petits plats africains avec recettes et imagesdescriptives.Apprendre à faire des plats africains n'aurait jamaisété aussifacile qu'avec cette application. Nous proposons uneplateformecollaborative où tout le monde peut créer du contenu.Noustravaillons actuellement sur la possibilité de se connecter vialescomptes sociaux tels Facebook, Twitter.
South African Food Recipes 0.1
"South African Food Recipes App. Lookingforthe best South African Food Recipes? Well you are in therightplace! This South African Food Recipes app will show youhundredsof easy ways to cook your food.You will find all the SouthAfricanFood Recipes you will ever need. No more buying expensivecookbooksor writing down ingridients before you start cooking withthisrecipe app you have all in one place. And best of allitsfree!App Features:*Recipes By Category*Recipes By Ingridents*Video Recipes*Quick & Easy Recipes*Step by step photos*Weekly updates*Supported Android 4.1 and different device withanyresolution.*Supported multiple touch, ""zoom out"" to close thedetailspage....and lots more. Now you can save a lot of time and effort andmakethose special South African Food Recipes you've beenlookingfor!These recipes are tested and true and won't let youdown. Quickand easy South African Food Recipes are just a FREEdownloadaway!"
Recettes cuisine et cocktails 15.1
Maxime Maisonneuve
Plus de 12 000 recettes de cuisinerépartiesdans 200 catégories.Entrées, plats, desserts, spécialités mais aussi cocktailsousauces, épatez vos amis avec des recettes originales oufaites-leurplaisir avec les grands classiques de la cuisineFrançaise (Crêpes,Gâteau au yaourt, Raclette, Gratin dauphinois,...).L'application vous offre les fonctionnalités suivantes :- Classement des meilleures recettes- Recette au hasard- Notation- Commentaires- Ajout de recette- Mise en favoris- Recherche- Partage sur Facebook, Twitter, Message, EmailOver 12,000recipeslocations in 200 categories.Appetizers, entrees, desserts, specialty cocktails or saucesbutalso, impress your friends with original recipes or have theirfunwith the great classics of French cuisine (pancakes, yogurtcake,Raclette, Scalloped Potatoes, ...).The application offers the following features:- Classification of the best recipes- Random Recipe- Rating- Comments- Recipe Added- Implementation favorites- Research- Share on Facebook, Twitter, Text, Email
Food Network Kitchen 7.29.0
Enjoy on-demand cooking classes, trusted recipes, and so much more.
Food Planner
Keep an integrated meal plan, grocery list, inventoryandrecipecollection that can sync to the cloud acrossmultipleplatforms!Available for iOS, Android, Amazon and Online!FoodPlanner allowsyou to quickly plan your daily meals usingaselection of recipesdownloaded from all of your favoritecookingblogs and recipesites. Easily plan breakfasts, lunches,dinners,snacks or more!Edit grocery lists and recipes, modify mealsplans,check inventoryand watch everything instantly sync across allyourdevices andeven the web in near real time . Now one person candothe planningand the other can do the shopping! Use your ownrecipesor importnew ones free from our massive list of supportedsites in8different languages. Recipes can be sorted withtags,quicklyallowing you to search and find the meals you need.Open andedityour recipes and plans online in your web browser andavoidhavingto enter too much data on your small mobile screen. Youcanalsochoose to save time by downloading one of our free andpaidmealplans via the Food Planner Store! We have a wide varietyofpopulardiets and special occasions to choose from! Makegroceryshopping abreeze by simply selecting which days you areshoppingfor andinstantly having all your items in a user friendlychecklist,ready to be synchronized with any other device.Createmultiplelists, categories, inventory, pricing and more! Theprimarygoal ofFood Planner is to make it quick and easy to use,whilealsoincluding more advanced features you'll come to appreciateonceyoubecome more familiar with the app. Download it today FREEandYouwill see why over 500,000 people are using Food Plannertogetorganized, save time, and SAVE MONEY! Here are some ofthepopularfeatures: * Import/manage recipes from all yourfavoriterecipessites * Easily create and sync grocery lists *Instantlysync yourmeal plans and groceries to other devices and theweb! *ManageInventory * Add your own photos to recipes * Save dailyandweeklymeal plans for later use * Easily backup all your dataonline*Supported on iOS, Android, Amazon and Online! Upgrade toPROandsupport the development of this app! Going pro gets you:*PrioritySupport - We answer your inquiries first * Adfreeenvironment - Noads on your device or Web App!!! * Free perksforPRO users * Agood feeling that your supporting this fine app!
Yummly Recipes & Cooking Tools 8.1
Conquer the kitchen with meal plans, personalized recipes,shoppinglists & more
1000+ Nigerian Food Recipes 1.0
Echo Applications
Snacks, Soups, Stews, Yam, Drinks, Small Chops, Beans,Plantain,Kidsrecipes and many more delicacies made in Nigeria.Whetheryou're anexperienced cook or you're just starting yourjourneyinto thekitchen, this application is meant for you!
Cookpad: Find & Share Recipes 2.307.0.0-android
Cookpad Inc (UK)
Share your recipes, find daily cooking inspiration and joinacooking community
Recipes from Nigeria 2.0.6
Exolve Technologies
Not sure what to cook? We have put together some mostpopularrecipesin Nigeria, so there’s sure to be something temptingforyou to cook.The app consists of different variety of dishesinNigeria - localand continental. Recipes from Nigeria app isthebest tool to helpyou in cooking delicious meals. Get the bestofNigerian and Africanfood. More recipes coming for othercountriesin Africa.
All Nigerian Fashion
Echo Applications
Get updates on amazing designs from alloverNigeria and the world. Creative and inspirational stylesstraightout of Naija. Get ideas for tops, mens wear, asoebi styles,learnhow to tie your gele and get those eybrows on fleek! Nevermiss atrend again!
Chopulate 1.1
Damilola Onakoya
Chopulate recipe app is a Nigerianrecipemobile application designed to help people home and abroad tolearnto cook Nigerian Foods using the Nigeria recipes from agreatNigerian Chef.Chopulate is well structured and very easy to follow, alltheingredients are well spelt out and well directed, anyone canuseChopulate, from cooking newbies to pro chefs.Do you have any Nigerian food you need recipes for? GetChopulatetoday and you will be on your way to making that greatNigerian mealwith a well documented Nigerian recipe.