Top 2 Apps Similar to Alarme Anti Theft mobile

Power Alarm SMS 1.1.0
Dave Truby
Power Alarm SMS is a anti-theft application. It providesaspeciallevel of security when charging your phone inpublicplaces(airport, hospital, office, etc.). When the alarmisactivated, andyour device is charging (cable connectedorwireless), if it isunplugged, the app will vibrate, flashthescreen and sound analarm. The app can also be used to notify youofa power outage.You would need to be within hearing distanceforthis to be usefulor, enabling the SMS/Email feature of the app,itwill send a textmessage and/or email when power is disconnectedandconnected. Thiscould be useful at remote locations or relatedtothe status of abreathing or other medical device. The app canalsobe used tonotify you (short sound) that the device has becomefullycharged.For added security, please set a PIN in thesettings.Features:Power Alarm has two alarm states: Enabled (red) -removalof powersounds the alarm. Disabled (green) - removal ofpower doesnotsound the alarm. Power Alarm has two batterychargenotificationstates: Enabled (red) - when fully charged, ashortsound isproduced. Disabled (green) - when fully charged,nonotification isproduced. The Power Alarm app does not have toberunning for thealarm to sound. The alarm will sound even iftheAndroid device issleeping (screen is off). While sleeping, whenthealarm is tripped(power removed), the device will wake upanddisplay the unlockscreen. Having an unlock password providesanadded level ofsecurity. The app displays power connectionstate(connected ordisconnected). The state displays if the deviceisconnected to acomputer (USB), wall outlet (AC) orwirelesscharging. Many Androiddevices charge at reduced rate ifconnectedto a USB source and ata faster rate when connected to AC(wallplug). When the alarm istripped, the Power Alarm app isshownautomatically (after unlock)and displays the 'Silence' button.Ifyou have set a password (inthe settings), it must beenteredcorrectly for the alarm tosilence. While the alarm issounding, thedevice's sound volume isset at max and cannot belowered or muted.When the alarm ends, theoriginal volume isrestored. While thealarm is sounding,reconnecting power stops thealarm (most likelyaction by a thiefafter unsuccessfully trying tolower the volume).The alarm can beenabled while power is notconnected and the alarmwill not sound(until power is connected andthen disconnected). Thealarm'senabled state is maintained even ifthe device is poweredoff (andrebooted). After reboot, if the alarmwas previouslyactivated andpower is not connected, the alarm willsound. Note:some phones andversions of Android do not automaticallysound thealarm unlesspower is connected and then disconnected afterreboot.The alarmcan optionally (highly suggested) have a PIN setsosilencing thealarm requires the entry of the PIN. This passwordisin additionto the wake up unlock password if present. The alarmhasa soundstart delay setting where after the phone vibrates thealarmdoesnot sound for the specified delay setting. If you forgotthatthealarm is enabled, this enables you to re-connect power andstopthealarm from sounding. The alarm has a duration settingafterwhichthe alarm ends without any other action. Other thanthesoundnuisance, stopping the alarm saves from the batterybeingdrained.There are 4 alarm sounds: Voice (a human voicesaying"Power Alarm"repetitively) Siren 1 Siren 2 None (no sound)When thealarm isactive, an indicator is displayed in thenotification atthe top ofthe screen. You will find this featurehelpful to remindyou thatthe alarm is active and not trip the alarmyourself. Youcan adjustthe percent battery charge that triggers thechargecompletenotification. Note that many phones do not charge to100%.SeePrivacyPolicy
Anti Theft Phone Alarm 3.0
Most Amazing Apps
Keep your hard earned smartphone safe byusingAnti Theft Alarm. If someone tries to unlock your mobile,anyfailed attempt will trigger this app to ring loud siren.Do you usually leave your phone unattended at home orwhilecharging it in public places? If you do so, you have to trythisapp. With this alarm you can keep doing it with no worries."Anti Theft Alarm" will keep your phone safe from nosy peopleandburglars. Once you activate the alarm, no one could touchit,because a loud alarm will sound if they move or unplugthephone.Your phone won't be stolen or used without yourpermissionanymore. You can also use this app to avoid your childrento useyour phone without you knowing. Leave your phone anywhere, noonewill dare to touch it!Anti-Theft Alarm makes the phone useless to the thief even ifherestarts the phone by removing the battery.Anti-Theft Alarm may also be used to surprise your familyandfriends, who like to spy when you're not around the phone.Theft alarm can also be used to prevent your kids andcolleaguesfrom accessing your phone without your consent.Do you fear losing your phone?Do your friends misuse your phone (texts, Facebook and emailsetc.)when you're not around؟Anti-Theft triggers an alarm when the phone is moved orthecharger is disconnected.Anti-Theft protects your phone battery by preventing it fromovercharging (i.e. when you leave the charger connected to thephone allnight for charging) and therefore extending the life spanof thebattery.At work you may place the phone on your laptop and ifsomeonetries to peek into your laptop, then if they move yourphone,immediately an alarm will scare them away.Use Anti-Theft app when you don't want any one getting accesstoyour phone without your permission.Anti-theft Alarm is the new innovation keeping security ofyourphone by setting loud continuous alarm and sending message tothenumber you selected.Ever best and secure anti-theft application for you.Do you want of save your phone from theft? Don't TouchAnti-Theftmakes the smartphone useless to thieve even he restartsthe phoneby removing the battery. This app will also surprise yourfamilyand friends, who wants to spy when you are not around yourphone.Do you feel fear that someone will access your phone andsteal yourpersonal information? Do not worry now we made itimpossible forthem by customization of theft alarm and messageservice. It's thenew customization of sending message to yourselected number. Ifyou don't want to give access your phone to kidsor other personsthen Anti-Theft Alarm is the best way to solve yourproblems.Use this app to ensure that nobody touch your cellphone, itwillplay an alarm when it happens. The interface is simple toreducethe memory and processor consumption. Prevents stolen ortakenwithout permission your phone using the motion sensor (AntiTheftAlarm).The Anti Theft Alarm acts as a motion alarm and protectsyourphone by sounding an alarm when someone moves your deviceorunplugs the charger from the outlet. When the alarm is triggered,aphoto is taken and sent to your email address. Awesome and funwayto scare your friends, and secure your device at the act ofbeingtaken by a potential burglar, thief, or anybody intending touseyour phone without your authorization.Catch your friends and sneaky people trying to snoop onyourphone with Anti Theft Alarm! Do your friends hack yourFacebookstatus when you leave the room? Does your girlfriend readall yourtexts when you take a shower? With Anti Theft Alarm,thieves andup-to-no-gooders are greeted with a loud car alarm! Itis fun wayto catch friends, kids and family members accessing yourdevicewithout your consent, and, at the same time, prevent yourcellphone or tablet from being stolen by a thief or burglar.