Top 2 Apps Similar to Moçambique Notícias

O País Digital é a versão impressa do diário O Paísdistribuidaemplataformas digitais. É um produto que privilegia amobilidadedoleitor porque permite ler o jornal em qualquer lugar eaqualquermomento. Está disponível através da e noseu telemóvel e tablet através deaplicativosque podem serbaixados de forma grátis.
Mozambique News & More 4.2
Edward Sentongo
Mozambique News & More Enjoy reading Mozambique news in justoneintuitive and easy app. Mozambique sports news, entertainmentnews,political news and much more. All the best news fromMozambique isfor you to enjoy now. Read and share local andinternational newsstories with your family, friends and the world.Key Features: -Share several news headlines at once. Very handy! -Categorizednews. - Optimized for tablets. - Read news inside oroutside theapp. - Local and international news. - Offline reading.- Editsources. - Share interesting stories on WhatsApp, Twitter,Facebook,Google+, SMS, e-mail and lots more. Mozambique newssources andcontent owners include: - O País - MMO Música - Club OfMozambique -MMO Entretenimento - Jornal Desafio - Jornal Notícias- JornalDomingo - Sapo Desporto - STV - TVM - Verdade - África 21DigitalDisclaimer: - This app does not own the news feeds/content.We donot make any warranty, expressed or implied, assume anylegalliability or responsibility for the accuracy,completeness,copyright, social appropriateness or usefulness ofanyinformation/feed/headline. - Each news headline shall containalink to the original content owners as named at the beginningorend of the headline. Enjoy: Enjoy, share and rate this app.Thankyou all for your continued support.