App Information Desain Rumah Terbaik
- App NameDesain Rumah Terbaik
- Package Namecom.andromo.dev316284.app318328
- UpdatedAugust 25, 2014
- File Size8.6M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3.3 and up
- Version1.5
- DeveloperAzhie Media
- Installs10,000 - 50,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryBooks & Reference
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Pantun Cinta Romantis 1.5 APK
Pantun Cinta Romantis adalah aplikasiyangberisi kumpulan pantun cinta yang romantis yang dapat kamujadikansebagai bahan untuk memuji atau merayu cewek/cowok kamu;)/Romantic Love Poem isanapplication that contains a collection of romantic love poemthatyou can use as material for praise or seduce a girl / guyyou;)/
Tebak Tebakan Lucu Gokil 1.5 APK
Tebak Tebakan Lucu Gokil adalah aplikasi yangberisi tebak-tebak lucu yang bisa kamu gunakan sebagai bahan untukbercanda dengan teman kamu. Bisa juga digunakan sebagai hiburan diwaktu senggang.Selamat tersenyum :)//Guess Guess Funny Harleysis an application that contains the guess-guess funny that you canuse as a material for joking with your friends. Can also be used asentertainment in my spare time.Happy smiling :) / /
Imágenes de Calaveras 1.0 APK
Decora tu wallpaper android con estos cráneosde miedo. Disfrute de las imágenes más interesantes de estoscráneos en tu Android.Imágenes de cráneos es una nueva aplicación que en pocossegundos podrás encontrar muchas imágenes incluye imágenes dediferentes cráneos caracterizados en diferentes estilos que sepueden descubrir a medida que avanza.Características:- El acceso sin conexión a un montón de imagenes deCalaveras- Puede configurar cualquier Imágenes de Calaveras como fondo depantalla- Puede compartir imagenes de Calaveras vía Tuenti, Wasap, correoelectrónico, Facebook, Twitter, MMS y otras aplicaciones- Fácil navegación, deslizar, acercar, alejar, y una pizcaDecorate your androidwallpaper with these scary skulls. Enjoy the most interestingimages of these skulls on your Android.Images of skulls is a new application in a few seconds you willfind many images includes images of different skulls characterizedin different styles that you can discover as you go.Features:- Offline access to a lot of images of Calaveras- You can set any images as wallpaper Calaveras- You can share images via Tuenti Calaveras, Wasap, email,Facebook, Twitter, MMS and other applications- Easy navigation, swipe, zoom, and pinch
Kata Kata Rindu 1.5 APK
Kata Kata Rindu adalah aplikasi yang berisi kumpulan gambarkata-kata rindu dan kata romantis. Kamu bisa share gambar tersebutke doi kamu lewat aplikasi whatsapp, bbm, line, we chat danaplikasi lainnya.SourceWords is an application that contains a collection of images ofwords and word romantic longing. You can share these images to youvia the app doi whatsapp, bbm, line, we chat and otherapplications.
Kata Bijak Islami 1.5 APK
Kata Bijak Islami adalah aplikasi yang berisikata bijak, kata mutiara dan nasehat islami yang bisa Anda jadikansebagai "pengingat" untuk diri sendiri, juga dapat digunakansebagai nasehat buat orang lain. Gambar kata bijak islami tersebutdapat Anda kirim ke teman And melalui whatsapp, we chat, line, bbm,atau dapat juga diupload ke twitter dan facebook.Selamat mencoba :)Words of Wisdom Islami isan application that contains a word to the wise, islamic quotes andadvice that you can make as a "reminder" for yourself, also can beused as advice for others. Pictures of the Islamic wise words youcan send to friends via whatsapp And, we chat, line, fuel, or itcan also be uploaded to twitter and facebook.Good luck :)
Kata Lucu Bahasa Sunda 1.5 APK
Kata Lucu Bahasa Sunda adalah aplikasiyangberisi kumpulan gambar lucu dan kocak dalam bahasa sunda.Gambarlucu tersebut dapat kamu kirim ke teman kamu melaluiberbagaiaplikasi seperti Whatsapp, Line, WeChat, Twitter, Facebook,atauBBM. Selain itu gambar tersebut juga dapat kamu jadikansebagaiwallpaper atau gambar profile DP BBM.Segera download aplikasi ini dan mulai berbagi foto gambarlucudengan teman-teman kamu :)Funny word Sundanese isanapplication that contains a collection of funny pictures andfunnyin the Sundanese language. Funny pictures you can send toyourfriends through a variety of applications such as Whatsapp,Line,WeChat, Twitter, Facebook, or BBM. Besides the picture youcan alsouse as wallpaper or DP BBM profile picture.Immediate download this application and start sharingphotosfunny pictures with your friends :)
Kata Cinta Romantis Bergambar 1.5 APK
Kata Cinta Romantis Bergambar adalah aplikasiyang berisi kumpulan gambar kata cinta romantis nan syahdu. Gambartersebut dapat kamu jadikan sebagai wallpaper, gambar profile DPBBM, atau dikirim ke pacar kamu melalui Whatsapp, Twitter,Facebook, Line, WeChat, BBM dan aplikasi lainnya.Selamat mencoba :)Picture Romantic LoveWords is an application that contains a collection of images ofromantic love nan excellent word. The images you can use aswallpaper, DP BBM profile picture, or sent to your boyfriend viaWhatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, Line, WeChat, fuel and otherapplications.Good luck :)
Gambar Kata Mutiara Islami 1.5 APK
Gambar Kata Mutiara Islami adalah aplikasiyang berisi kumpulan kata mutiara, kata bijak, petuah islami yangbisa digunakan sebagai penyemangat sekaligus pengingat bagi kitauntuk selalu berbuat kebaikan.Gambar dalam aplikasi tersebut dapat Anda kirim ke teman Andamelalui BBM, whatsapp, line, wechat, facebook, twitter, danaplikasi sosial media lainnya.Selamat mencoba :)Figure Aphorisms Islamiis an application that contains a collection of aphorisms, wisewords, Islamic advice that can be used as an encouragement andreminder for us to always do good.The images in the application you can send to your friends viaBBM, whatsapp, line, WeChat, facebook, twitter, and other socialmedia applications.Good luck :)
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Gambar Desain Rumah Minimalis 1.0 APK
Sedang Membangun Rumah ?Bingung cari Desain Rumah yang cocok ?Aplikasi ini bisa anda jadikan referensi untuk Desain RumahMinimalis yang anda inginkan. Mulai dari Denah Rumahsampai bentuk bangunan ada semua dalam aplikasi ini. GambarDesain Rumah Minimalis Type 36,45, 56, 60 dengan 1 lantai atau2 lantai bisa anda lihat di aplikasi ini. Ada lebih dari 200 gambaryang kami sediakan dan akan di update setiap saat.Ayo buruan DOWNLOAD secara GRATIS aplikasi ini.MediumBuild a Home?Confused find a suitable Design House?This application can you make reference to Minimalist HomeDesign you want. Starting from Plan Houses to the form of thebuilding there are all in this application. Pictures of MinimalistHouse Design Type 36.45, 56, 60 with a first floor or second flooryou can see in this application. There are more than 200 picturesthat we provide and will be updated at any time.Come game FREE DOWNLOAD of this application.
Desain Rumah 3D 1.0 APK
Ada banyak sekali gambar yang bisa dijadikan referensi untuk sebuahdesain rumah minimalis. Akan tetapi, tidak banyak yang tahu apa itukonsep rumah minimalis. Padahal, definisi dari konsep rumahminimalis harus diketahui untuk memastikan bahwa rumah yangdidesain benar-benar memiliki desain minimalis, tidak hanyaikut-ikutan. Oleh karena itu, definisi desain rumah minimalis harusdiketahui.
Gambar Denah Rumah 1.0 APK
Aplikasi Gambar Denah Rumah berisi kumpulan Desain DenahRumah dari berbagai model dan ukuran ada lebih dari 150 DenahRumah yang bisa anda download dan simpan dalam smartphone anda.Gambar yang kami sajikan akan update secara berkala. Berikutdaftar gambar yang ada dalam aplikasi ini :- Gambar Denah Rumah Tipe 36- Gambar Denah Rumah Tipe 45- Gambar Denah Rumah Tipe 56- Gambar Denah Rumah Tipe 60- Gambar Denah Rumah Tipe 90Fitur aplikasi :- Gambar bisa di Simpan- Ada Favorite untuk menandai Gambar pilihan- Navigasi mudah- Gambar bisa di ZoomBuruan DOWNLOAD Gratis di Google Play, ditunggu review danratingnya.Applications Pictures Plan Houses contains a collection of HomePlan Design of the various models and sizes there are more than 150Plan Houses you can download and store in your smartphone.Image that we present will be update regularly. Here's a listof images contained in this application:- Picture House Plan Type 36- Picture House Plan Type 45- Picture House Plan Type 56- Picture House Plan Type 60- Picture House Plan Type 90Recommended applications:- Images can be in Store- There is a Favorite to mark the Image option- Easy navigation- Images can be in ZoomDOWNLOAD Free prey on Google Play, awaited review andrating.
Rumah Fiqih 1.5.0 APK
Aplikasi Rumah Fiqih( FIQIH adalah sebuah institusi non-profit yang bergerak dibidang dakwah, pendidikan dan pelayanan konsultasi hukum-hukumagama Islam. Didirikan dan bernaung di bawah Yayasan Daarul-UluumAl-Islamiyah yang berkedudukan di Jakarta, Indonesia. RUMAH FIQIHadalah ladang amal shalih untuk mendapatkan keridhaan AllahSWT.Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang Rumah Fiqih silahkanberkunjung ke web site aplikasi Android ini, dapat di akses artikel Fikrah,Konsultasi Syariah, dan Video dari situs Rumah Fiqihrelease notes:versi 0.9 (beta 2)- add font size and day/night reading settingsHome Applications Fiqh( Fiqh is a non-profit institution working in the field ofpropaganda, education and consulting services of Islamic religiouslaws. Established under the auspices of the Foundation andDaarul-uloom al-Islamiyah based in Jakarta, Indonesia. HOUSE Fiqhis field good deeds to earn the pleasure of Allah SWT.To find out more about Home Fiqh please visit the web site this Android app, can be accessed fikrah article, ShariaConsultation, and Video from the site Home Fiqhrelease notes:version 0.9 (beta 2)- Add the font size and day / night reading settings
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Malayalam bible ( ബൈബിൾ ) 2.6 APK
Malayalam Bible is the First everMaterialdesign Malayalam Bible in Android. Free Malayalam bible hasgot allchapter of old testament and New testament in Malayalamstandard,with a legitimate reading . UI is designed for easynavigationcapabilities. It provides daily Malayalam biblereadingnotification and tracks all the read chapters. As a part ofBibleorg we are glad to release android Malayalam Bible app as afreeservice, to spread Jesus words. We welcome any suggestionstoimprove yourself. Start your day with Malayalam of thebible.Malayalam bible download app is not just another MalayalambibleStudy app. Its for Malayalam people from Kerala. Our aim is tokeepyou inspired and nourished everyday with god words .You willgetautomatic daily notification. Mark the Inspiring MalayalamBibleverse! As a christian, we have verified the chapters of holybiblereading with international standard. Malayalam bible onlineLiteapp, always tracks the unread chapter for daily biblereading.Clean font, helps to read letters easily. Our chosen dailybiblereading in Malayalam helps you to start your day thinkingabout andthanking God for this wonderful life with prayers. FreeMalayalambible download study bible helps to enlighten beforeconfession andalso a as bible study app or even liturgy. The HolyBible inMalayalam will be very helpful during daily MalayalamChristianprayer. Bible in Malayalam is for kids, Download MalayalamBibleapp is for couples, and Holy Malayalam Bible is for allChristianssuch as Syro malabar christian, RC Christian, KananaChristian,Orthodox Christian , syro malankara christians, Syrianchristiansacross globe. Malayalam Bible study follows the popularbibleversions like the POC bible, Malayalam bible offline -kjv,Complete BibleYouth Bible, Acts of the Apostles, letters,andApocalypse, (New India Bible Version) in Malayalam , ewestCompleteMalayalam version Vishudha Sathyavedapusthakam, and otherpopularversion of bible in Malayalam including catholic Malayalambible.So this daily Malayalam Bible study devotion app will be thebestbible app free that you will get for your Android mobilephones.Bible translations into Malayalam- Malayalam bible App ,understandits right meaning and act wisely upon so as to bringhappiness uponon yourself and your fellow beings to enlightenfaith. This iscomplete Malayalam bible. Malayalam bible downloadapp can also beused during Malayalam audio bible reading. Mark thefavoriteMalayalam bible quotes and chapter for future reference,set it asFavorites by click. Malayalam Divine app is also used asthe bestMalayalam devotionals for women. Our india Malayalam bible- TheDaily devotional Malayalam Bible app can be used foryouthfulpraise or as youth ministry resources, because we gave thebestMalayalam bible gateway for Youth. Our future effort will betoinclude sandhya prarthana malayalam, Kurushe vara prayers,saintsprayers in Malayalam, along with different christiancommunitymalayalam kurbana.FEATURE OF Malayalam BIBLE ( Material design )- Material design UI- Ability to save favorite chapters or verses.- Enable/Disable Notification settings- Daily Malayalam Bible Reading :Get on daily basis biblereading(- Holy Bible Malayalam with old testament and New testament- Compatible with all screen sizes- Get daily bible reading and track the read chapters.- Ease and simple to use.- Download latest design bible compatible with tablet- Always provide unread chapters for notification- Bible offline - Read bible even without network access.- Works well in android phone and tablet- Explore specific words in bible- Easily locate Book/Chapter/Verse- This is a free Lite app Malayalam Bible .- Read, Remove, Share with ease.This app is successfully tested in samsung galaxy series,LGnexus, HTC, Lenova smart phones. Its works well in tablets tooandall mobile phone which support android.
Auradu wal Manaqib (OLD) 2 APK
This App help you to Read most ofMaulid,Dikr,Dua, Swalath, Baith, Malappattu ect..This app ContainsSharaful Anam MaulidManqoos MaulidHaddadDua-al-KabarDuaAshrakal BaithMajlisunnoor Baith and DuaYaseenBadar BaithThwala'al Badaru BaithSalam BaithYaa akramal BaithAizamu SwalathAuradu Majlisu SwalathThaju SwalathNariyath SwalathHaddadAsmaul HusnaMayyith niskaramect..its a Complete Adkar Kitab.App created By SKSSF Cyber wing State Committee(an SKSSF Silver Jubilee Grand Finale Gift)
Punjabi Bible ( ਬਾਇਬਲ ) 2.2 APK
Punjabi Bible is the First everMaterialdesignPunjabi Bible in Android. Free Punjabi bible has gotallchapter ofold testament and New testament in Punjabistandard,with alegitimate reading. UI is designed for easynavigationcapabilities.It provides daily Punjabi bible readingnotificationand tracks allthe read chapters. As a part of Bible orgwe areglad to releaseandroid Punjabi Bible app as a free service,tospread Jesus words.We welcome any suggestions to improveyourself.Start your day withPunjabi of the bible. Punjabi bibledownloadapp is not just anotherPunjabi bible Study app (PunjabiLanguage).Its for Punjabi peopleof India and for the entire PunjabispeakingPeople community inPunjab or any part of India. Our aim isto keepyou inspired andnourished everyday with god words .You willgetautomatic dailynotification using christian Punjabi bible.Markthe InspiringPunjabi Bible verses ! Punjabi bible online Liteapp,always tracksthe unread chapter for daily bible reading.Cleanfont, helps toread letters easily. Pavitra Bible, mobilephonePunjabi bible.Punjabi Bible Online helps you to start yourdaythinking about andthanking God for this wonderful lifewithprayers. Free Punjabibible download study bible helps toenlightenbefore confession andalso a as bible study app or evenliturgy.The Bible in Punjabi willbe very helpful during dailyPunjabiChristian prayer. Bible inPunjabi is for kids, Holy BibleinPunjabi is for couples and HolyPunjabi Bible for allChristiansacross globe including Punjabispeaking community. PunjabiBiblefollows the popular bible versionslike the Catholic Punjabibible,very similar to Hindi Bible. Sothis daily Punjabi Biblestudydevotion app ( Punjabi Book) will bethe best bible app freethatyou will get for your Android mobilephones. This Punjabi bible,understand its right meaning and actwisely upon so as tobringhappiness upon on yourself and yourfellow beings toenlightenfaith.Punjabi language bible stories foryouth in Punjabi -Punjabibible download app can also be usedduring Punjabi audiobiblereading. - Punjabi Holy Bible, Mark thefavorite Punjabibiblequotes and chapter for future reference, setit as Favoritesbyclick. Punjabi Divine app is also used as thebestPunjabidevotionals for women.The Daily devotional PunjabiBible appcan beused for youthful praise or as youth ministryresources,because wegave the best Punjabi bible gateway for Youth.FEATURE OF Punjabi BIBLE ( Material design )- Material design UI- Ability to save favorite chapters or verses.- Enable/Disable Notification settings- Daily Punjabi Bible Reading :Get on daily basisbiblereading- Holy Bible Punjabi with old testament and New testament- Compatible with all screen sizes- Get daily bible reading and track the read chapters.- Ease and simple to use.- Download latest design bible compatible with tablet- Always provide unread chapters for notification- Punjabi Bible offline - Read bible evenwithoutnetworkaccess.- Works well in android phone and tablet- Explore specific words in bible- Easily locate Book/Chapter/Verse- This is a free Lite app Punjabi Bible .- Read, Remove, Share with ease.This app is successfully tested in tablets and smartphone.Itsworks well in tablets too and all mobile phonewhichsupportandroid.
Kabir Dasji Ke Dohe in Hindi 2.0 APK
Kabir Dasji Ke Dohe in HindiKabir was a poet and a saint, whose coupletsstillresonatewithpeople from all walks of life.Born in the early 15th century to a Brahman widow, hewasbroughtupin a family of Muslim weavers.While his date of birth and death arenotfirmlyestablished,legend has it that he lived for a 120years.Never formally educated, and almostcompletelyilliterate,hiscompositions are nevertheless aphilosophicalgoldmine.This App is a compilation of 200+ 'Kabir ke Done'twolinecoupletswith that meaning.A very user friendly interface and supportsallmajorAndroidOperating systems(GingerBread to Lollipop vers)This App also has a feature to share the Dohe onSocialmediaLikeWhtsapp.
বাণী চিরন্তনী Bani Chirontoni 1.2 APK
বিখ্যাত মনীষীদের জনপ্রিয় উক্তিনিয়েঅ্যাপটিতৈরিকরা হয়েছে।যাদের উক্তি নিয়ে অ্যাপটি তৈরি করা হয়েছে -আল হাদিস, হযরত আলী (রাঃ) ,বিল গেটস ,আব্রাহামলিংকন,অ্যালবার্টআইনস্টাইন, সক্রেটিস , এরিস্টটল, শেখ সাদি ,স্টিভজবস,উইলিয়ামশেক্সপিয়র ,স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ , শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান,হুমায়ূনআহমেদ,রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর ,কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম, গৌতমবুদ্ধ,মহাত্মা গান্ধী , এ পি জে আব্দুল কালাম , লালন ।The app hasbeencreatedbythe great scholars of the popular saying.Quote of the app has been created -Al-hadith, Hazrat Ali (RA), Bill Gates,AbrahamLincoln,AlbertEinstein, Socrates, Aristotle, Sheikh Saadi,SteveJobs,WilliamShakespeare, Swami Vivekananda, SheikhMujiburRahman,HumayunAhmed, Rabindranath Tagore, Kazi NazrulIslam,GautamaBuddha,Mahatma Gandhi, APJ Abdul Kalam, cherish.
Tamil Bible (வேதாகமம்) 3.9 APK
Tamil Bible is the First everMaterialdesignTamil Bible in Android. Free Tamil bible has got allchapterof oldtestament and New testament in Tamil standard, withalegitimatereading . UI is designed for easynavigationcapabilities. Itprovides daily Tamil bible readingnotification andtracks all theread chapters. As a part of Bible orgwe are glad toreleaseandroid Tamil Bible app as a free service, tospread Jesuswords.We welcome any suggestions to improve yourself.Start yourday withTamil of the bible. Tamil bible download app isnot justanotherTamil bible Study app (Tamil Language). Its forTamil peopleofTamil Nadu. Our aim is to keep you inspired andnourishedeverydaywith god words .You will get automatic dailynotificationusingchristian tamil bible. Mark the Inspiring TamilBible verse!As achristian, we have verified the chapters of holybible readingwithinternational standard. Tamil bible online Liteapp, alwaystracksthe unread chapter for daily bible reading. Cleanfont, helpstoread letters easily. Our chosen daily bible readingarulvakku-Tamil Bible Online helps you to start your day thinkingaboutandthanking God for this wonderful life with prayers. booksoftamilbible, Free Tamil bible download study bible helpstoenlightenbefore confession and also a as bible study app orevenliturgy.The Bible - Sacred text will be very helpful duringdailyTamilChristian prayer.Bible in Tamil is for kids, Holy Bibleintamil isfor couples and Holy Tamil Bible for all Christiansacrossglobe.Tamil Bible follows the popular bible versions liketheCatholicTamil bible , Tamil Union Version Bible,TamilBible:Easy-to-ReadVersion (ERV-TA),kjv tamil bible. So this dailyTamilBible studydevotion app will be the best bible app free thatyouwill get foryour Android mobile phones. This Tamil bible,understand its rightmeaning and act wisely upon so as tobringhappiness upon onyourself and your fellow beings toenlightenfaith. bible storiesfor youth in tamil - Tamil bibledownload appcan also be usedduring Tamil audio bible reading. Markthe favoriteTamil biblequotes and chapter for future reference, setit asFavorites byclick. Tamil Divine app is also used as the bestTamildevotionalsfor women.The Daily devotional Tamil Bible app canbeused foryouthful praise or as youth ministry resources, becausewegave thebest Tamil bible gateway for Youth.FEATURE OF Tamil BIBLE ( Material design )- Material design UI- Ability to save favorite chapters or verses.- Enable/Disable Notification settings- Daily Tamil Bible Reading :Get on daily basis bible reading- Holy Bible Tamil with old testament and New testament- Compatible with all screen sizes- Get daily bible reading and track the read chapters.- Ease and simple to use.- Download latest design bible compatible with tablet- Always provide unread chapters for notification- Bible offline - Read bible even without network access.- Works well in android phone and tablet- Explore specific words in bible- Easily locate Book/Chapter/Verse- This is a free Lite app Tamil Bible .- Read, Remove, Share with ease.This app is successfully tested in samsung galaxyseries,LGnexus, HTC, Lenova smart phones. Its works well in tabletstooandall mobile phone which support android.
Pixelmon MOD MCPE 0.15.0 2.0 APK
Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PE ofmanythingsfrom the show, including Pokemon, gym badges, andbattling.This Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PE can only beappliedwithBlockLauncher application and you need install the fullversionofMCPE and BlockLauncher in your smartphone or tablet.This is an unofficial application for Minecraft PocketEdition.Thisapplication is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith Mod for Minecraft PE is pack of mod it have manymodinthis appEvery mod has title, description , screenshot anddownloadbutton.Search any mods for mcpe you want just browsefavourite modandpress DOWNLOAD ... Done!A fun feature of Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PE is thatyoucancatch Pokemon in a 3D poke ball, and even see yourPokemon'suniqueattributes which consist of habits,damage, armor and aggression. This isnt just a cosmeticmodthatgives facelifts to models already existing in thegamePixelmonactually includes an attack system ripped rightfromPixelmon Modfor Minecraft PE, with over 500 individual attackmovesand evenstatus ailments, to make it play and feel much likethehandheldPokemon games. This Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PEevenafunctioning pokedex for keeping track of what monsterstheplayerhas caught!
Yasin Dan Tahlil "LENGKAP" 5.0 APK
Surat Yasin Dan Bacaan TahlilBesertaTerjemahanTeks Arab Dan Teks Latinnya Lengkap DenganBahasaIndonesianyaUpdate Versi 5.0 :- Penambahan Audio Di Setiap Surat- Memperbaiki Semua Bacaan Yasin Baik ArabTulisanMaupunTerjemahannya- Penambahan Doa Tahlil- Penambahan Doa Selamat- Penambahan Doa Ayat Kursi- Penambahan Doa Ziarah Kubur- Penambahan Doa Khusus Mayit- Penambahan Surat Al-Fatihah- Penambahan Surat Al-Ikhlas- Penambahan Surat Al-Falaq- Penambahan Surat An-Nas- Penambahan Surat Al-Baqarah : Ayat 1 - 5- Penambahan Doa Selamat- Bug Fix Error DLL------------------------------------------------------------- Tulisan Font Arab Besar Dan Juga Dapat DiZoomSesuaiKeinginan- 100% Aplikasi SUPER RINGAN- Aplikasi 100% Bisa Dibaca TanpaMenggunakanKoneksiInternet.- 100% Insya Allah Bermanfaat :)Surah YasinandTahlilReading Text Translation Along with Arab and LatinTextCompleteWith Indonesian languageUpdate Version 5.0:- Addition Audio On Any Letter- Improve Reading Yasin Good All Posts Nor Arabic translation- Addition of Prayer Tahlil- Addition of Prayer Welcome- Addition of Prayer Ayat Kursi- Addition of Prayer Pilgrimage Kubur- Addition of Special Prayer Mayit- Addition of Surat Al-Fatihah- Addition of Surat Al-Ikhlas- Addition of Surat Al-Falaq- Addition of Surat An-Nas- Addition of Surat Al-Baqarah: Verse 1-5- Addition of Prayer Welcome- Bug Fix DLL Error------------------------------------------------------------- Writing Arabic Font Large And Can Also Be In ZoomInaccordanceDesire- 100% Applications SUPER LIGHTWEIGHT- 100% Applications Can Read WithoutUsingInternetConnection.- 100% Inshallah Helpful :)