Arab Developers Apps
السيرة النبوية في الف سؤال 1.2
هل تعلم من سم الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم؟ هل تعلم من هي اول شهيده فيالاسلام ؟اختبر معلوماتك في السيره النبويه الان مع تطبيق السيره النبويه فيالف سؤالالتطبيق يساعد علي تعلم سيره النبي محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم باسلوبشيق ممتع. نمر في رحله ممتعه في السيرة النبويه العطرة لسيد الخلقرسولنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم في الف سؤال. الاسئله مقسمه على خمسونمرحله. كل سؤال يتم عرضه مع اربع احتمالات للإجابة. وحتتى تتم الفائدهالعلميه نعرض مع كل سؤال معلومة إضافية للاستزاده والقاء الضوء علىالاحداث التاريخيه.تتضمن الاسئله معلومات عن:نسب النبي محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم و وولادته و اخلاقه قبلالبعثةطفوله النبي محمد صلي الله عليه وسلمحياة الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم في الجاهليه قبل البعثهالوحي ونزولهحياة المسلمين الاوائل في مكه والصعوبات التي واجهوهاالهجره الاولي والثانيه للمسلمين الي الحبشههجره المسلمين الي المدينه المنورهحياه المسلمين الاوائل في المدينه المنورهزوجات النبي محمد صلي الله عليه والسلم امهات المؤمنينغزوات الرسول محمد صلي الله عليه وسلموفات النبي محمد صلي الله عليه وسلمتتيح التطبيق المجاني المرور في تاريخ فجر الاسلام مع السيرهالنبويه الشريفهعلى عكس الألعاب الأخرى مثل من سيربح المليون و نجوم المعرفة تحتويالسيرة النبوية في الف سؤال على الف سؤال متخصص في السيره النبويهوضعها متخصصين في سيره الرسول عليه الصلاه والسلامالبرنامج صمم ليتوافق مع جميع ألأجهزةالبرنامج يعمل دون الاتصال بالانترنتDid you know who tried to poison the Prophet Mohamed peace be uponhim? Do you know who is the first martyr in Islam? Do you konw howmuch injustice was put on the first Muslims?Test your knowledge in the biography of the Prophet Muhammed nowwith the application of the one thousand question in the prophetmohammed peace be upon him lifeThe application helps to learn the biography of the ProphetMuhammad, peace be upon him in an exciting fun way. Questions aredivided to fifty stages. Each question is displayed with fourpossibilities for an answer. And after each question we display anadditional information for Further reading and to shed light onhistorical events.Questions topics include:Lineage of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his birthand before the mission and mannersChildren of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon himLife of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in ignorance beforethe missionThe life of the early Muslims in Mecca and the difficulties theyfacedThe first and second immigration of Muslims to AbyssiniaMuslim immigration to MedinaMuslims fighting injusticeThe life of the early Muslims in MedinaWives of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon peace and mothers ofthe believersThe free app allows a trip in the history of the dawn of Islam, theProphet Muhammad with BiographyUnlike other games such as Who Wants One Million Star and knowledgecontaining the Prophet's biography in question on a thousandthousand question specializes in prophetic biography placedspecialists in the biography of the Prophet peace andblessingsThe program is designed to be compatible with all devicesThe program works without internet connectionOur goal is to be an addition to the Islamic applicationsPlease evaluate the application to support us and let us knowyour opinionIf you would like us to translate the application to any otherlanguage other than Arabic please put this in comment.Keywords : islam , Prophet, Mohammed, Muhammed, Islam , e-islam,muslims, muslim, sunni, shiaa, nabi, rasoul, injustice, mecca,madina, saudia, history, biographyهدفنا ان نكون اضافه للتطبيقات الاسلاميه من فضلك ادعمنا تقييمكللبرنامج ووضع رايك و ملاحظاتكالرجاء تقييم اللعبة لدعمنا وإعلامنا عن رأيكمDo youknow of CM Prophet peace be upon him? Do you know of is the firstmartyr in Islam?Test your knowledge in the biography of the Prophet now with theapplication of the prophetic biography thousand in questionThe application helps to learn the biography of the ProphetMuhammad, peace be upon him in an exciting fun. Tiger in the funride in the prophetic biography of the master of creation aromaticProphet Muhammad peace be upon him in a thousand questions. Fiftyquestions divided on stage. Each question is displayed with fourpossibilities for an answer. And Anty are offering scientificinterest with each question to Explore Additional information andshed light on historical events. About the questions include:Ratios of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his birthand manners before the missionChildren of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon himLife of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in ignorance beforethe missionRevelation and the comingThe life of the early Muslims in Mecca and the difficulties theyfacedImmigration first and second for the Muslims to AbyssiniaMuslim immigration to MedinaThe life of the early Muslims in MedinaWives of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon peace and mothers ofthe believersInvasions Prophet Muhammad peace be upon himFat Prophet Muhammad peace be upon himThe free app allows traffic in the history of the dawn of Islam,the Prophet Muhammad with BiographyUnlike other games such as Who Wants One Million Star and knowledgecontaining the Prophet's biography in question on a thousandthousand question specializes in prophetic biography placedspecialists in the biography of the Prophet peace andblessingsThe program is designed to be compatible with all devicesThe program works without internet connectionDid you know who tried to poison the Prophet Mohamed peace be uponhim? Do you know who is the first martyr in Islam? Do you konw howmuch injustice was put on the first Muslims?Test your knowledge in the biography of the Prophet Muhammed nowwith the application of the one thousand question in the prophetmohammed peace be upon him lifeThe application helps to learn the biography of the ProphetMuhammad, peace be upon him in an exciting fun way. Questions aredivided to fifty stages. Each question is displayed with fourpossibilities for an answer. And after each question we display anadditional information for Further reading and to shed light onhistorical events.Questions topics include:Lineage of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his birthand before the mission and mannersChildren of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon himLife of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in ignorance beforethe missionThe life of the early Muslims in Mecca and the difficulties theyfacedThe first and second immigration of Muslims to AbyssiniaMuslim immigration to MedinaMuslims fighting injusticeThe life of the early Muslims in MedinaWives of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon peace and mothers ofthe believersThe free app allows a trip in the history of the dawn of Islam, theProphet Muhammad with BiographyUnlike other games such as Who Wants One Million Star and knowledgecontaining the Prophet's biography in question on a thousandthousand question specializes in prophetic biography placedspecialists in the biography of the Prophet peace andblessingsThe program is designed to be compatible with all devicesThe program works without internet connectionOur goal is to be an addition to the Islamic applicationsPlease evaluate the application to support us and let us knowyour opinionIf you would like us to translate the application to any otherlanguage other than Arabic please put this in comment.Keywords: islam, Prophet, Mohammed, Muhammed, Islam, e-islam,muslims, muslim, sunni, shiaa, nabi, rasoul, injustice, mecca,madina, saudia, history, biographyOur goal is to be in addition to the applications of Islamic PleaseSupport Us Your program and put your mind and your feedbackPlease evaluate the game to support us and let us know youropinion
Islamic Quiz Prophet Muahmmad 1.1
Islamic Quiz Prophet Muahmmad is an amusing brain game for kids andadults who believe in Islam. This Islamic learning game is aperfect way to teach your children about the life of the ProphetMuhammad the prophet of Islam religion. Also to test your knowledgeof Islam, Mecca, Quran and prophet Muhammad life This free-to-playIslamic Quiz Prophet Muahmmad has awesome features: ➜ Choose one ofthe offered answers and do it fast, the clock is ticking; ➜ Getfull info about the question after your answer ➜ Each level is 20questions follow your path to finish the 1000 Question in SiraNabaweya of prophet Muhammad PBUH Questions include information on:➜ Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lineage and his birth and manners beforethe mission. ➜ Children of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ➜ Life ofthe Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in ignorance before the mission ➜Revelation and the coming ➜ The life of the early Muslims in Meccaand the difficulties they faced ➜ First and Second Immigration forthe Muslims to El Habasha ➜ Muslim immigration to Medina ➜ The lifeof the early Muslims in Medina ➜ Wives of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and mothers of the believers ➜ Islam beginning in Mecca ➜Prophet of islam life in Madina Islam Quiz Sira Nabawiya Gamepresent a real treasury of knowledge about Islam religion which isway they are an easy and amusing way to learn Islam. By reading andsolving these Islamic questions and answers you and your kids willlearn so much and revise what you already knew! It is an excellentIslamic educational game app for kids and adults that you candownload and play for free! Check out how well you know the factsabout one of the largest religions in the world, about fasting inRamadan, The Pillars of Islam, The Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) andmuch more! This free quizlet app for smartphones and tablets willnot only increase your knowledge about Islam and Allah but it willalso increase your IQ and help you train your brain! Use thisamazing Islamic game for children and adults to instill the Muslimreligious beliefs in the hearts of your little angels! At the sametime, test your memory with Islamic Quiz Game and prove that youare a true Muslim who knows all about his/her religion! If you knowa bit more about Allah, the concept of God in Islam, and you'refamiliar with the 99 names of Allah and their meanings, you are theright person to take this quiz! Islamic trivia game is waiting foryou – do not hesitate to take it and have some fun with this quiz.Do not look for other “religious games for kids” or “Islamic gamefor adults”, download this free quiz app 2017 and quiz up straightaway! This is a good Islam app for kids to learn because, byplaying games, kids and adults successfully acquire many new thingswithout even knowing. Besides that, quizzes help us to improve ourIQ, brain functions, memory and concentration. Intuitive and simplecontrols make this app easy to use, and appealing graphics willmake you fall in love with this religious game before you blink!Enjoy! The free app allows you to test your information in thehistory of the dawn of Islam with the Prophet's Biography IslamicQuiz Prophet Muahmmad The program is designed to be compatible withall devices The program works without an Internet connection Ourgoal is to be in addition to the application of Islamic. Pleaserate the game to support us and let us know your opinion