BGA Apps

RSS Reader 1.2.8
RSS Feed Reader. You can follow your favoritesites, blogs, and more, all in one place.Also you can:- add widget with rss feeds on home screen;- set notification on rss feed update;- add news to favorites;- share news with friends.
Составь Слова 3.0.2
В этой игре вам предстоит составлять слова избукв представленного вам на уровне длинного слова.Представьте, что на уровне вам попалось слово "СЛОВА", тогдавводите "сало", "сова", "оса" и "овал" и т.д. Чтобы проходитьуровни вам придется поднапрячься и вспомнить всё, что вызнаете!На каждом уровне можно составить десятки слов. На некоторыхуровнях это число превышает 150!Значение каждого неизвестного вам ранее слова вы сможете узнать,воспользовавшись подсказкой.Вводите слова и они будут добавляться на экран. Позже вы сможетепосмотреть значение любого слова просто нажав на него.Интересная развивающая игра "Составь Слова" поможет вам провестивремя с удовольствием.Играйте, развивайтесь, наслаждайтесьИгра создана при поддержке 33-х букв и множества слов изних.In this game you have tomake words from the letters presented to you at a long word.Imagine that you caught at the word "word", then enter "fat","owl", "wasp" and "oval", etc. To pass the levels you have tostring up and remember everything you know!On each level you can reach tens of words. On some levels, thisnumber exceeds 150!Value of each unknown word to you earlier, you can learn, using thehint.Enter the words and they will be added to the screen. Later, youcan check the meaning of any word by simply clicking on it.Interesting educational game "Make a Word" will help you spend yourtime with pleasure.Play, develop, enjoyThe game was created with the support of 33 sets of words andletters from them.
Ringdroid - Ringtone Maker 1.8.3
Make your own ringtone, alarm and notificationsounds with "Ringdroid - Ringtone Maker"You can record one on the fly and share it with friends.You can crop you music file and save it as ringtone."Ringdroid - Ringtone Maker" bring into your life more music!"Ringdroid - Ringtone Maker" have a cute design and plentyfunctions.After making ringtone you can save it as mp3 file, alarm ornotification."Ringdroid - Ringtone Maker" will be you best friend for makenew ringtones ;)
Words in Word 2.8.8
Make up words from the letters of another wordgiven to you at the level.For example, if on one of the levels you come across the word"WORDS", enter "sword", "sow", "row", "word" etc.Recall everything you know, try your best and you'll pass even thehardest levels.At each level you can make up dozens of words. At some levelsthis number exceeds 200!Use a prompt to find out the meaning of every word you didn't knowbefore.Type words and they will be shown on the screen. Later you'll beable to look up the meaning of any word simply by clicking it.With this interesting educational game "Words in Word"you'll have fine and enjoyable time.Play, progress, enjoy!The game created for 26 letters and variety of words withthem.
Word Search 1.8.5
★★★★★ Search the Words quickly and take win!★★★★★★How to play?★You must search the words on the game board. Found words and thewords you need to search placed under the game board.Select game board size 7x7, 8x8, ..., 11x11 that difficult suitsyou best!★Why millions peoples loves "Word Search - Search theWords"?★Try it and you take answer!★Find out all available words and take win!★Similar games: Word Search, Search the words, Wordssearching