Cellica Corporation Apps
Cellica Database(Wi-Fi) Forms
Read & Write to any desktop side databaseWirelessly with your Android Phone/Tablet(using local WiFi, VPN orUSB/WiFi Tethering). Changes on device and any modifications indesktop database can synchronize wirelessly and instantly, so youwill always have the most current information at yourfingertips.Download & install desktop software on windows based PC fromthe following link.http://www.cellica.com/DownloadforWiFi.htmlWhat our clients says:http://www.cellica.com/Testimonials.htmlFeatures:• No changes require in existing database design for syncingdirectly with database, which helps it be the easiest, mostuser-friendly solution available.• View and update data on device, which will reflect to Serverdatabase immediately while in network.• Supports offline access to data and Changes will be synchronizedlater once network is available.• Synchronize Table/View or Stored Procedure of yourdatabase.• Only the changed data is synchronized in compressed and encryptedformat, resulting in reduced wireless data traffic and improvesbattery life of the devices.• “Change Detection Logic” searches only updated data in desktopdatabase and send it to device. Also Sync Server receives andsynchronizes records collected/updated on device to desktopdatabase.• No record or size limit. It depends on space available ondevice’s internal memory(/SD card).• Use SQL Select queries, Filters and Sorts to refine specific dataset.• Supported Databases: Microsoft Access(*.mdb,*.accdb)(97 andonwards), Microsoft Excel(*.xls,*.xlsx)(97 & onwards), Oracle,SQLServer, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, FoxPro, dBase, R:BASE,Sybase,FileMaker Pro, Firebird & any ODBC Compliant RelationalDatabase.• Password protection for Profiles/Forms(SOHO/Enterprise Edition)& Application.• Make a phone call for the selected field's numericcontents.• Find and Find again option to search a record.• Data is secured as 128 bit AES use for Encryption.• Support Unicode language database such asJapanese/Chinese/German/ Russian etc.• Transfer data to SD Card or Main memory.• Supports Multi Record and Single Record View as default views forDatabase Profile on device.• Supports Form: Design Custom user interface using simple and easyto use form builder interface.• Design form on desktop with Label, TextBox, Button, Checkbox,Radio button, Combobox, DateTime, Page, Container, Location andShape controls.• Design a master/detail form or a parent/child form using subformcontrol.• Synchronize Image/Signature/PDF data with desktop database.• Supports Time/Stamp feature to find when user update particularrecord.• Supports Barcode Scan using inbuilt camera/External BluetoothBarcode Scanner.• Use Print functionality on forms.• Create form in Portrait/Landscape modeExtra Features for SOHO/Enterprise Edition• Set permissions for each users like Add/Edit/Delete records foreach “Database Profile” and Sync Permissions to specify one waysync or both way sync to Control device side records updatescapabilities for individual users.• NFC Scan.• Macro Programming feature.• Graphs(Pie, Bar,Cluster,Stack,Area,Line).User Guide:http://www.cellica.com/AndroidCellicaDatabaseWiFiUserGuide.pdfDevice side is free to download. User needs to purchase desktopsoftware after 10 days evaluation period. Cost of desktop softwareis $39.99Purchase the full version software from the following link.http://www.cellica.com/WiFi.htmlQuick steps for initial synchronization setting between desktop anddevice.http://www.cellica.com/CellicaDatabase_Desktop_Android_SyncSettings.pdfIf you are using Firewall on your computer,please add port inFirewall from following path.Control Panel-> Windows Firewall-> Exceptions(Tab)-> Hereuse "Add Port" button,you will get "Add a port" dialog.Add whatever name you want to give this port information in "Name"Text field and Add "8585" in "Port number" text box.Please confirm that "TCP" option is selected.
US Army Body Fat % Calculator 1.0
Calculates Body Fat Percentage with the helpof rules applied in U.S. Army standards set forth in AR 600-9.Features:1.Save and Load calculations2.Keep track of your body measurements3.Know your status: Overweight or normal4.Know how much body fat you need to lose or gainFixed the bug of 2 calculation after purchase.
Cellica Database Internet MS Access,SQLServer form 6.0.7
Sync MS Access, MS SQL Server, My SQL, Oracle, MS Excel databasesonyour android. Read and Write to any desktop side MS Access, MSSQLServer, My SQL, Oracle, MS Excel database Wirelessly withyourAndroid Phone/Tablet(3G, GPRS, EDGE or Wi-Fi). Changes onAndroidcan synchronize wirelessly and instantly to desktopdatabase. Also,any modifications to the desktop database canwirelessly andinstantly send to Android, so you will always havethe most currentinformation at your fingertips. Cellica DatabaseServer on your PCcan be connected to internet via your Wi-Fi routerin another room,or desktop can be in your office few miles awayconnected to theinternet. What our clientssays:http://www.cellica.com/Testimonials.html Again, even ifyourAndroid is not connected to Wi-Fi router, Android sideCellicaDatabase application will use your cellular data network(3G/ 4G/EDGE/ GPRS) to send data to/from your Android from/to yourDesktop.User can work Offline when network is not available andsubmit datawhen network will available. Features: * Synchronize anyMS Access,MS SQL Server, My SQL, Oracle, MS Excel databaseWirelessly on yourAndroid phone/Tablet(3G, 4G, EDGE or Wi-Fi). *Add/Edit/Delete dataon Android Phone/Tablet, which will beimmediately transfer todatabase on your Computer wirelessly. *Update data on the field,which will reflect to Serverdatabase(Desktop database). *Synchronize Table/View or StoredProcedure of your database withAndroid phone. * Apply SQL selectqueries, Filters, Sort the fieldsand sync data according to it. *Supported Databases: MicrosoftAccess(.mdb,.accdb)(97 and onwards),Microsoft Excel(.xls,.xlsx)(97& onwards), Oracle, SQLServer,DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, FoxPro,dBase, R:BASE,Sybase, FileMaker Pro,Firebird & any ODBCCompliant Relational Database. * Create yourown custom database onAndroid Device, or choose from one of thepre-designed templatessuch as VehicleInfo,BankAccount,MembershipInfo etc. * Data issecured as 128 bit AESused for encryption. * Supports Unicodelanguage database such asJapanese, Chinese, Korean, Russian etc. *Supported Forms on Androidphone and Tablet. * Design form ondesktop with Label, Text Field,Buttons, Checkbox, Combo box, Page,Sub-form control. * Supports Subforms, Design a master/detailform, or a parent/child form using subform. * Send single recorddata on form as a .png image by Email. *Image control on form,Select image on device for each record. *Create form in Portrait/Landscape mode. * Import/Export formdesign. * Support Bar codescanning. Software has 10 days evaluationperiod. Download andinstall desktop component of this software onwindows based PC fromthe following link.http://www.cellica.com/DownloadforAndroid.htmlUserGuide:http://www.cellica.com/AndroidCellicaDatabaseUserGuide.pdfDeviceside is free to download. User needs to purchase desktopsoftwareafter 10 days evaluation period. Cost of desktop softwareis $39.99Purchase the full version software from the followinglink.http://www.cellica.com/internet.html Difference betweenInternetversion and Wi-Fi version: Following are the additionalfeatures inthis Wi-Fi version. 1. Supports Signature control. 2.Supportimages synchronization with desktop database. 3. Instantdatasynchronization in both direction. 4. No need of internetondevice. Internet version allows to synchronize data from anywhere.Wi-Fi version supports synchronization of data only in localWi-Fiarea. Wi-Fi only version is not compatible with theInternetversion in terms of Syncing. For Wifi Onlyversionhttp://www.cellica.com/wifi.html For Internetversionhttp://www.cellica.com/internet.html
Cellica Meter Reading Solution 1.0.3
Most of the meter monitoring agencies send an employee – ameterreader – to Every home, office building, municipal building,andindustrial plant to read the meter reading of consumption.Themeter reader records the reading along with the meter pictureincamera so the agency can bill the customer correctly. Thecompanyneeds to manually punch the readings in a central systemusingreading taken by meter reading staff and the meterphotos.Cellica's meter reading solution simplifies the task ofmeterreading and bill generation. Cellica Meter Reading Solutioncan beused for the monthly meter reading of GAS, Electric, Solar,WaterUtilities. ## TRY FREE FOR 30 DAYS - Use demo/demo@1 asCREDENTIALSTO ACCESS THE DEMO ACCOUNT FROM DEVICE APPLICATION## OurMeterReading Application consists of two parts. 1) A cloud solution2) AMeter Reading application for android. The solution is capableof,- Calculating consumption bills - Calculating Arrears - Togeneratecustomer bill receipts - To generate Various Reports 1)Using thecloud solution, - The organization can manage all theagenciesappointed to handle the meter reading tasks. - Agencysupervisorcan create and assign the meter reading jobs for theparticulararea, all the consumers within the selected area aregettingconsidered in this reading job. - Agency Supervisor cancheckreading statistics at any times, like - List of Consumerswhomreadings are taken, reading remaining. - List of Consumershasdisconnection status, has House lock status - Agency Supervisorcancheck billing statistics at any time. - The supervisor cangeneratethe billing of the reading job after validating thereadings. -Reports - Consumption Reports. - Reading Job StatisticsReport -Category wise Billed On Average Consumer List - ReadingValidationReports - Reading Error Report. - Duplicate Bill Option.- RouteManagement B) Meter reading android Application. - MeterReaderUsers have credentials for login. - A user can view andupdate onlythe assigned reading job with all required consumersinformation. -Meter readers can take the meter reading along withmeter photo toverify the meter reading in the web application -While takingreadings, a user can see the consumers previous billinginformationto understand the actual meter reading status. - Allowworking inoffline meter reading mode if internet connection is notavailableon android device.The readings can be uploaded later oncetheinternet connection becomes available.