Delos Living Apps
Stay Well 1.5
PLANNING YOUR NEXT TRIP:The Stay Well Mobile App is ideal for the health conscioustraveler or for any one looking to feel relaxed, refreshed, andrejuvenated while traveling.Innovative with a one of a kind jet lag tool, the Stay WellMobile App offers many features and benefits including:• Jet Lag Tool - this tool will calculate a custom itinerary foryou to minimize your jet lag, based on your flight details. Simplyenter the cities you are flying between and flight times tobegin.• Cleveland Clinic Wellness Tip of The Day – receive a dailywellness tip from the word-renowned Cleveland Clinic.• Virtual Room Tour - a room diagram highlighting the benefitsof each Stay Well amenity.AND for the Stay Well room guests, access to:• Cleveland Clinic - award winning online programs for sleep,stress and nutrition.
Stay Well Home The Legacy 1.1.0
The Stay Well Home The Legacy App is anintegrative and multidimensional system that allows users tomaximize the health and wellness features and amenities offered inthe spaces in which they live. Coupled with an innovative Jet LagTool and complimentary Cleveland Clinic Wellness Programs valued at$120, this app is perfect for seamless continuity of a wellnesslifestyle from the convenience of most Android devices.For comprehensive utilization of the app, a central CircadianTimeline is given daily to keep users active, committed to propernutrition, sustained through Vitamin D tracking, and rejuvenatedduring travel with the Jet Lag Tool.CIRCADIAN TIMELINEDaily tracking and guidance keeps users set to a schedule ofwellness sustaining activities. Follow these simple and intuitivesteps to create a uniform routine and enhance generalwellbeing.ACTIVITY TRACKERStay attuned to your mobile and active lifestyle through astep-counter, inactive reminders, and comparative scoring to otherusers through a cumulative daily Wellness Index. Compete againstyourself and others to increase your wellness, feel great, and StayWell.HEALTHY EATING AND HYDRATIONNutrition and hydration are easily tracked by inputting individualfood choices and glasses of water throughout the day. Foods arebroken down by five color categories (i.e. Red for tomatoes, Orangefor carrots, Green for spinach, Blue/Purple for eggplant, andWhite/Brown for mushrooms) and eight empty glasses fill up inaccordance with quantity consumed.VITAMIN D WALKMost people are deficient of Vitamin D, a key wellness indicator.The Stay Well Home App addresses this issue by suggesting “VitaminD Walks”, where users are given suggested times and durations to gooutside for sunlight exposure. These suggestions are made daily andaccount for UV Index by geographic location, skin type, and amountof clothing worn.JET LAG TOOLThis innovative feature helps users acclimate to time change duringtravel. Individually customized by each trip taken, the tool isused to combat and mitigate the negative effects of jet lag,including fatigue and lethargy. By issuing daily reminders to helpset schedules and realign sleep/wake patterns, users feel therejuvenating and restorative effects while away from home. Userscan also email trip itineraries to themselves or others, making thetool accessible even without a mobile device.
Stay Well Lake Nona 1.0
The Stay Well Lake Nona App is designed tohelpmaximize your experience by offering innovative wellness toolsandfeatures including:• Well Local – Explore local wellness destinations,activities,healthy restaurants, nature trails and more.• Well Videos – Take some time to unwind and relax withguidedmeditation led by Deepak Chopra.• Jet Lag Tool - This tool will calculate a custom itineraryforyou to minimize your jet lag, based on your flight details.Simplyenter the cities you are flying between and flight timestobegin.• How to Stay Well – Learn how to interact with yourroomfeatures to maximize the full effect of the Stay Wellprogram.• Cleveland Clinic – Enjoy access to award winningonlineprograms for sleep, stress and nutrition.
Stay Well Meetings 1.1.0
Stay Well® Meetings offers healthyenvironmentsfor high-performance corporate meetings by providingmeeting roomsand wellness programming designed to optimize thehealth andwell-being of attendees and minimize the impact thatcorporatetravel can have on the human body.The Stay Well Meetings App offers many features to helpattendeesmake the most of their Stay Well Meetings experience,including aninnovative Jet Lag Tool, tips on generating adequateVitamin D, ahydration monitor, and a personalized wellnessindex.JET LAG TOOLCalculates a custom itinerary for you to minimize the effects ofjetlag, based on travel.VITAMIN D TRACKERAlerts attendees of their body's UV index and recommendationstofacilitate the production of Vitamin D.TRACK NUTRITION AND DIETNutrition and hydration are easily tracked by inputtingindividual,fruit, vegetable and water consumption throughout theday.CLEVELAND CLINICAccess to award winning online programs for sleep, stress,andnutrition.
Stay Well Marriott Short Pump 1.0
The Stay Well Richmond Marriott Short PumpAppis designed to help maximize your experience by offeringinnovativewellness tools and features including:• Well Local – Explore local wellness destinations,activities,healthy restaurants, nature trails and more.• Well Videos – Take some time to unwind and relax withguidedmeditation led by Deepak Chopra.• Jet Lag Tool - This tool will calculate a custom itineraryforyou to minimize your jet lag, based on your flight details.Simplyenter the cities you are flying between and flight timestobegin.• How to Stay Well – Learn how to interact with yourroomfeatures to maximize the full effect of the Stay Wellprogram.• Cleveland Clinic – Enjoy access to award winningonlineprograms for sleep, stress and nutrition.
Stay Well Charlotte Marriott 1.0
The Stay Well Charlotte Marriott CityCenterApp is designed to help maximize your experience byofferinginnovative wellness tools and features including:• Well Local – Explore local wellness destinations,activities,healthy restaurants, nature trails and more. • Well Videos – Take some time to unwind and relax withguidedmeditation led by Deepak Chopra.• Jet Lag Tool - This tool will calculate a custom itineraryforyou to minimize your jet lag, based on your flight details.Simplyenter the cities you are flying between and flight timestobegin.• How to Stay Well – Learn how to interact with yourroomfeatures to maximize the full effect of the Stay Wellprogram.• Cleveland Clinic – Enjoy access to award winningonlineprograms for sleep, stress and nutrition.
Stay Well MGM App 1.3
The Stay Well MGM App is designed to help maximize your experienceby offering innovative wellness tools and features including: •Well Local – Explore local wellness destinations, activities,healthy restaurants, nature trails and more. • Well Videos – Takesome time to unwind and relax with guided meditation led by DeepakChopra. • Jet Lag Tool - This tool will calculate a customitinerary for you to minimize your jet lag, based on your flightdetails. Simply enter the cities you are flying between and flighttimes to begin. • How to Stay Well – Learn how to interact withyour room features to maximize the full effect of the Stay Wellprogram. • Cleveland Clinic – Enjoy access to award winning onlineprograms for sleep, stress and nutrition.
Stay Well Tampa Marriott 1.0
The Stay Well Tampa Marriott App is designedtohelp maximize your experience by offering innovative wellnesstoolsand features including:• Well Local – Explore local wellness destinations,activities,healthy restaurants, nature trails and more.• Well Videos – Take some time to unwind and relax withguidedmeditation led by Deepak Chopra.• Jet Lag Tool - This tool will calculate a custom itinerary foryouto minimize your jet lag, based on your flight details. Simplyenterthe cities you are flying between and flight times tobegin.• How to Stay Well – Learn how to interact with your roomfeaturesto maximize the full effect of the Stay Well program.• Cleveland Clinic – Enjoy access to award winning onlineprogramsfor sleep, stress and nutrition.
Stay Well Park MGM 1.0
The Stay Well Park MGM App is designed to help maximizeyourexperience by offering innovative wellness tools andfeaturesincluding: • Well Local – Explore local wellnessdestinations,activities, healthy restaurants, nature trails andmore. • WellVideos – Take some time to unwind and relax with guidedmeditationled by Deepak Chopra. • Jet Lag Tool - This tool willcalculate acustom itinerary for you to minimize your jet lag, basedon yourflight details. Simply enter the cities you are flyingbetween andflight times to begin. • How to Stay Well – Learn how tointeractwith your room features to maximize the full effect of theStayWell program. • Cleveland Clinic – Enjoy access to awardwinningonline programs for sleep, stress and nutrition.