Development.apk (Dev.apk) Apps
FILMI IM 1.2.2
FILMI IM:Support: V 1.2.1---------------- Im new Update: Albanian MoviesFilmi im is an online application for watching HD movies.Filmi im is an Albanian (Albania) edition (HD movies with AlbanianSubtitles).This application will update the movie titles frequently.Dev.apk is working on 3D online move version of this app (to bewatched on phones like Evo 3D).ALBANIA - ALBANIAN SUBTITLES - TITRA SHQIP-----------------Pershkrim shtese per Shqiperine dhe Shqiptaret:''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ka per qellim argetimin duke ofruar filma me cilesisuperiore. Teknologjite e perdorura nga jane fjala efundit e arritjeve ne fushen e internetit. Ne Ofrojme filma HD dheper her te pare ne shqiperi edhe ne bote OFROJME FILMA 3D ONLINE.Teknologjia 3D streaming (online) eshte perdorur edhe me pare ngayoutube apo disa faqe te tjera te vogla por asnjera nuk OfronFilma, kshu qe ne jemi te Paret. Ne Do i japim Ballkanit ate qe ueshte privuar nga faqet e medha nderkombtare qe kane sherbim tengjashem por qe nuk e ofrojne ne Ballkan.
FC Inter Live Win 2.0.2 CAN WIN THE SERIE A FOR FREE!!!!WIN GOAL POINTS AND SPEND THEM TO WATCH SERIE A!-------------------------------------------- do not need to stay in front of the TV...You do not need to stay in house or in coffee bars...Now you can follow F.C. INTER from your mobile.You can follow all the important Inter Milan matches even when youare in a meeting or some family dinner or with your girlfriend.This application will give to you the opportunity to read allthe F.C. Internazionale match events in each minute or second inreal time!Chronics language is in Italian and English ( change the language please press the menu button of yourAndroid device when you are in the -main screen-.)This application needs to communicate with the Internet.To use this application you need to activate WI-FI or MobileNetwork in advance.The reset button will help you to reset the settings of thechronics.If you have any problem with the chronics do not hesitate to pressthe reset button in the main screen!!!Thank you for downloading InterLive!Forca Interrrrrrr!
Albania Live Wallpaper 1.2.1 US ON FB:---------------------------------------- is the first Albanian Live Wallpaper!If you have this wallpaper on your screen it means that it isnot only your heart but also your mobile phone too that belongs toAlbania...In this Live Wallpaper the Albanian heart will follow yourfinger movements.--------------------------------------------------------Shqiperia Live Wallpaper!Zemra shqiptare do te ndjeki gishtin tend ne cdolevizje...--------------------------------------------------------
FC Inter Live 2.0.2
FREE! US ON FB:-------------------------------------------- do not need to stay in front of the TV...You do not need to stay in house or in coffee bars...Now you can follow F.C. INTER from your mobile.You can follow all the important Inter Milan matches even whenyouare in a meeting or some family dinner or with yourgirlfriend.This application will give to you the opportunity to read alltheF.C. Internazionale match events in each minute or second inrealtime!Chronics language is in Italian and English( change the language please press the menu button of yourAndroiddevice when you are in the -main screen-.)This application needs to communicate with the Internet.To use this application you need to activate WI-FI or MobileNetworkin advance.The reset button will help you to reset the settings ofthechronics.If you have any problem with the chronics do not hesitate topressthe reset button in the main screen!!!-You chroinc- is another tool that helps this application.Thistime you are the commentator!If you are watching the match and you are also using Inter Liveyoucan comment the match through -You chroinc- so the other userscanread an extended chronic and share their opinions with theothercommentators...Thank you for downloading InterLive!Forca Interrrrrrr!
Radiotuna - Grooveshark AIO MB 1.2
RANDRIO -- V 1.0.0Is an Android Online radio application based on radio tuna widget,grooveshark and has 3 genres from which the user can shuffle through hundred ofonline radio stations.We have included in this app GroovesharkWe have included in this app!
Exit-Poll Albania 1.2.2
KY APLIKACION ESHTE REAL-TIME!PROVONI VOTEN TUAJ DHI SHIKONI REFLEKTIMIN NE TABELAT STATISTIKORE!Exit-Poll Albania eshte aplikacioni i pare perstatistikatparazgjedhore ne shqiperi.Ky aplikim ka si qellim te sjell tek perdoruesi nje vleresimteperafert mbi zgjedhjet e 2013 dhe tendecen e votimit tezgjedhesveshqipetar ne pergjithesi.Ju mundet te votoni per partine tuaj qe mbeshtesni.VOTA JUAJ ESHTE E FSHEHTE.Kujdes: Ky app mundet te perdoret vetem nepermejt njeaparatitcelular/tablet Android.1- Aparati juaj identifikohet si aparat unik.2- Ju nuk mundet te votoni me shume se njehere.3- Ju nuk mundet te ndryshoni voten tuaj.4- Vota juaj eshte e FSHEHTE.5- Ju mundet te reklamoni ne Facebook qe perdorni E-PA app6- Partite e zgjedhura jane ato parti me numer tekonsiderueshemvotuesish7- Nese klikoni ne rreklamat tona ju na ndihmoni te mbajmegjalleaplikimet shqiptare ne Google PlayDEV.apk
Albania Analog Clock 1.4 is an analog clock widget that has the Albanian Flag Clock. Wedeveloped this as response to all the requests for similar appreleases in the Albania Live Wallpaper reviews(Thank you for thesupport).--------------------------After downloading this app go to the widget menu and select AlbaniaAnalog Clock and place it in your screen--------------------------LIKE US ON FB:--------------------------------------------------------
"Arrat" e Shqiperise 1.0
Loja konsiston ne mbajtjen ne ajer te avionitPiper dhe transportimit te sa me shume Kg Droge :)Kjo loje eshte bazuar mbi aktualitetin shqiptar.====================================Qellimi i kesaj loje eshte humori si dhe te percillet me perbuzjeabuzimet e ndryshme politike/mediatike me opinionin.(aq sa mundemi) :D====================================Fushatat e lojrave me kontektst shqiptar do te vazhdojne metej!Ju lutem suportoni Game - Albanian Nuts v1.0
Exit Poll Uruguay 1.0.1
Boca de Urna!!!Exit-Poll Uruguay is the first mobile application forpre-electionstatistics.Please keep in mind:1- Your device is identified as unique.2- You cannot vote more than once.3- You cannot change/update your vote.4- WE KEEP YOUR VOTE SECRECY5- You can advertise on Facebook that use E-PU app6- Selected parties are those parties with considerable numberofvoters
Albanian Contacts (AC) 1.1.2
Deshironi te shpenzoni me pak kreditenetelefonin tuaj?Kategorizoni kontaktet!!!Albanian Contacts (Kontaktet Shqiptare) eshte app i pare shqiptarqekategorizon kontaktet personale ne smartphone tuaj.Numrat:Vodafone AlbaniaAMCEagle MobilePlus CommunicationAlbtelecomOthers---------------------Ky version eshte demonstrativ per te gjithe perdoruesit eGooglePlay.PER NE VERSION PRO TE PERSONALIZUAR
Filma Shqiptar Quiz (LOJA) 3.5.2dk
Beta version.-------------Kjo loje i drejtohet fansave te filmave shqiptar.Ata mund te praktikojne njohurite e tyre duke luajtur me te.-------------This game is addressed to Albanian film fans.They can practice their knowledge by playing with it.-------------Keywords:Filma ShqipFilma ShqiptareFilma ShqiptarAlbaniaAlbanian MoviesKuizQuiz