Dexati Apps

Bubble Photos 1.1
Bubble Photos create awesome colored bubble overlays over yourphotos making them marvelous photos that you can save and sharewith friends and family.Bubble Photos gives options to chose from for bubble overlaythat you can pick based on your style or choice and create awesomebubble photos from normal photos.Bubbly photos can be created with your photos.
Auto Driver 2.0
Auto Driver is exciting Game where Driverneeds to drive the Auto through rough roads and pickup customers tomake a living.Auto Driver includes six exciting levels with hard to driveroads in the suburbs of India. Finish the levels and helppassengers waiting for their ride home.
Photo Magazine Creator 1.1
Photo Magazine Creator Lets you create Photo Magazines with yourphotos on magazine covers and pages. Select magazine covers from awide range of Magazine cover styles. You can crop a photo fromgallery to fit magazine cover styled photo.You can create as many pages as you prefer for each the magazineand set photos for the pages that you prefer. Save the magazine andview them later in magazine styles by turning the pages.
Voice Camera 1.1
Voice activated Camera to take photos without having to touchingyour Phone or Tablet. Voice Camera is the only voice based camera.Voice Camera is easy to use:1. Start Voice Camera for photos.2. Say "Ok Camera" to take photo any time. Photos can be taken inlandscape and portrait camera. Switch between Front facing and backcamera.3. View the Voice Photos and save or share Photos.Sounds Camera comes with advanced settings:1. Set Front facing and back camera as default camera.2. Number of Photos to take for each photo session.3. Voice command to use to take photos. Default "Ok Camera".Create magical photos without touch and easy to use Camera.
Photo Blur Magnify 1.0.1
Photo Blur Magnify is most advanced Photo Blurtool to Blur photos with Magnifying glass to correctly identifyareas of photo that need to be blurred.Photo Blur Magnify lets you blur Photo Backgrounds or Subjectsin Photos by accurately displaying Blur Brush Path in MagnifyingGlass.Photo Blur Magnify is easy to use:1. Select a Photo your want to blur.2. Blur the photos using touch and watching the blur path onmagnifying glass to accurately blur the photo.3. Using Zoom, Blur Switch to help you Blur Photos.4. Use advanced Photo editing tools like Undo, Redo, Brush Size andmore to accurately blur photos.5. Save and Share Blurred Photos with friends and family.Photo Blur Magnify is most advanced tool if you want to blurphoto subjects or Photo backgrounds.
Old Photo Mix 1.0
Old Photo Mix brings best of Photo in Old Style and create awesomecollages.Old Photo Mix has long list of features. Main features:1. Create Retro Collages in Grid Collage Style or Free StyleCollages.2. Add Photos to collages. Photos selected are converted to RetroPhoto effects to make them look old.3. Adjust Photos in Collages with two finger gestures.4. Add Text (with font styles, Colors and Sizes) to Photos toconvey the meaning of Photo Collages created.5. Add Retro Photo Stickers that are custom made for PhotoCollage.6. You can Remove Photos or text or Stickers by double tapping.Best collages are old Collages and are created by Retro Photoswith Old Photo Mix.
Whistle Photo Camera 1.0
Whistle Camera to take photos on Whistle without touching theCamera.Whistle Photo Camera is an awesome Camera App with ease ofuse:1. Start Whistle Camera.2. Chose Front facing camera or back Whistle Camera.3. Zoom in or out to adjust Camera Focus. Whistle Camera can befully functional Camera app with Zoom and Camera modes.4. Whistle and Camera will take a Picture on Hearing Whistle.Whistle camera properties can be adjusted based on followingsettings:1. No of photos to take with Whistle Camera per session (Each timeWhistle camera is started).2. Default camera (Whether Front Facing Camera or Rear ViewCamera).3. Count down (number of seconds after whistle before Photo istaken). Count down works as Camera Timer.Whistle Photo Camera is Fully functional Camera that takes yourphotos when you need to take photos without touching the camera.Whistle to take Picture shot.
Pimple Remover 2.1
Pimple Remover helps you to remove Pimplesfrom Photos and Acne or even stains on clothes from your photos canbe removed or erased with Pimple Remover.Pimple Remover works as great photo editing tool when you needto remove small particle that are causing embarrassment for you inthe photos. Whether you are looking for Acne Eraser or PimpleRemove or Cloth Stain Eraser this is the app for you.Select photos from your gallery or Camera and edit and savethem. You can share the saved photos with any photo sharingapplication. Show off your photo editing skills with pimple removerby beautifying photos. Pimple remover is best Photo Beautifier ifsmall stains or pimples or acne is the problem with yourphotos.
Piano Keyboard 3.1
Piano Keyboard is a virtual piano app thatallows you to compose music, play your own Music ina simple way. You can down Piano App free of charge. It features anew innovative way to playpiano on your phone.Optimized for both headphones and inbuilt Phone speakers. Playalong with your Phone songs (the app won't stop your inbuilt phonesound).Create your own great melodies with your own personal Piano.Easy to teach to kids and adults alike. You will be a cool Pianoteacher. You can give free Piano lessons. Best Piano game in themarket. The simplest one available to get started with onlinePiano.Play the sounds of Piano. Great Companion with Virtual Drumsapplications since this provides different sounds.Once you play this to your friends you will be their PianoHero!. You can also be their Piano Instructor.Best app if you are learning Piano or you are Piano Master orlearning Piano Perfect for better piano player. Great app andalternative to Virtual Drums.Volume Control built into Piano helps you control volume of thePiano. Piano Keyboard is the best Keyboard app for Peopleinterested in Piano.Piano Keyboard now support full fledged keyboard with 88 KeysPiano. 88 Piano Keyboard can be played.Piano Recorder and Play Back: With Latest we support RecordingPiano and Playing back the recorded sounds. Piano Keyboard nowsworks with Play back of recorded sounds.
Body Shape Collages 2.0
Body Shape Collages Where you can createCollages with Body Shapes one picture at a time with you camera.Body Shape Collages comes in Many collage Shapes that can becreated with with Body like Heart Shaped Collages, CircularCollages, Square Collages, Star Shaped Collages.Body Shape Collages is easy to use:1. Select one of Collage shape from Heart Collage, Star Collage,Square Collage, Round Collage.2. Tap on the Picture you want to replace and Place your body shapeor Hand in the shape as show in step by step instructions whiletaking picture with camera.3. Save the Collage with Body Shapes and Share with friends andfamily.With Version 2.0 we added following features:1. Create Body shape collages for all alphabets.2. Create Custom Messages by combining Shapes like heart shape BodyCollage, Star Shape body collage with Alphabets and create yourLove Messages or any other messages.3. Save your Body Shape Messages that you can combine to create anyBody Shape Photo Quotes to create meaningful messages.Body Shape Collages is easy to use with Step by Step instructionand best way to create Body Collages to express yourself.
Animated Billboards 1.0
Animated Billboards create Billboards with your photos on them andlive action to make them more realistic. Four different animationsare provided to chose the one of your choice.Animated Billboards is easiest Hoarding app with animatedHoarding:1. Select a Photo from Gallery, Facebook Photo, Instagram Photoor a new Photo from camera.2. Select one of the four animated Billboard styles to apply toyour photo.3. Adjust photo in Hoarding using two finger gestures.4. Save or share or delete the Animated Hoardings created.Animated Billboards brings Hoardings to life.
Tornado Warning Siren 1.2
Tornado Siren for warning people aboutTornados.American Signal T-128 and Federal Signal 2001 siren sounding inattack mode. These sirens are normally sounded in a steady tone fortornado warnings, but this rising and falling tone would be usedfor civil emergencies like an air raid or other attack on the city.Not meant to be used as a Tornado Siren Prank or Tornado WarningPrank. Please use the app for positive purpose and not to scarepeople or prank people when not necessary.Awesome realistic Tornado Siren for Tornado Warning. The Tornadosounds for Tornado lovers.Best Tornado warning and Tornado Siren on Android. When you needemergency Tornado message this app comes to your rescue.
Funny Sounds 3.0
Great collection of child friendly Funnysounds collection. Make everyone around you laugh with these funnysounds anytime of the day.Kid friendly funny sounds for entertainment anytime of the day.Includes Baby Laugh, Ba-da-Dum like drum sound showing off thatjoke is over, Car Honk, Funny Kiss Sound, Police Siren, Whistle,Donkey sounds, Boo sounds to boo someone, Balloon pop sounds tocreate fun at party, Male and female snore sounds to make fun offriends, Screaming sounds to scare friends and make fun of them,Bug Sprayed and Bug screaming sound, Cow sounds which is awesome asringtone, Funny man sounds, Goat Sounds, Water Pop Sounds, Sneezesounds with are funny always and to listen to and entertaining asRingtones.Use the funny sounds to bring laugh to everyone. Entertainfriends and family including kids with funny sounds.Now you can play Funny sounds in loop and change volume in app.Funny sounds are great as ringtones and awesome to play with.
Twin Camera Mirror Photo 3.1
Twin Camera Mirror Photo is best way to createTwin Photos of you using Twin Camera and Mirror Photos of you. TwinCamera Mirror Photos comes with Two Main Components:1. Twin Camera: Using Camera Take Twin Pictures of you. Stand attwo Places and that can be stitched together to make a single photothat will make it look like Twins of you are interacting with eachother. Using Twin Camera you can Clone yourself to make it CloneCamera.2. Mirror Photos: Mirror Existing photos to Create nice mirroreffects and move the Mirrored Photos around with Finger Gestures toget the Mirror Camera Effects you want to create. Create BestMirror Photos with Mirror Camera.Two Types of Mirror Photos are supported: 2d Photo Mirrors and 3dPhoto Mirrors. Create great looking 2d and 3d Photo Mirrors withDraw over Photo Mirrors and Text over Photos support added.Twin Camera Mirror Photo is the best way to create magical clonephoto effects. If you want to make a Person look like there aretwins, Twin Camera Mirror Photo is the app for you that can createClone photo effects in multiple forms.
Photo on a Coffee Cup 3.0
Photo on a Coffee Cup lets you to put a nicelycut Photo on different styles of coffee cups and coffee mugs andadjust to see how the photo looks on coffee cup.Photo on a Coffee Cup Lets you export Coffee Cup with Your Photoon it or export Cut Photo without any cups so that you can take thedesign (Your Photo) elsewhere.Photo on a Coffee Cup is easy to use:1. Select a Photo from Gallery, New Photo from Camera.2. Cut the Photo by drawing closed loop over the photo. Cut byclicking on scissors.3. Adjust the cut photo on various coffee cups and coffee mugs.Save the photo.4. Share the Photo on cup or Just cut photo independently.Best way to check designs on various coffee cups. Cut Photo andPaste the Photo on Coffee Cup to Create Photos on Tea or CoffeeCups.
Drawing Paper 1.6
Simply the best Drawing Paper based Drawing app and a greatColoring app for kids and adults.Drawing Paper is a painting application designed from scratch forthe Android based phones. Pick up a Pad and Start drawing on theDrawing Paper.Featuring an advanced color picker, Eraser, Undo, Redo, Brush witha simple yet deep interface, it is a powerful tool for creatingoriginal artwork on your Android Phone.Doodle as much as you want and create amazing art and Wow yourfriends and family.Many of the feature include but not limited to:1. Color Picker to change colors.2. Choose Brush Width.3. Eraser.4. Smooth line draw and Circle/Point art.5. Undo6. Redo7. Record Video and Play with Media control's like First, Last,Previous, Next8. Save and share your art as images.Share your art through email, facebook, Google+, twitter withyour friends and family.Create amazing art with an amazing drawing application.
Square Photo Maker 1.0
Square Photo Maker Makes your photo square so that you can sharethem on social networks easily.Square Photo Maker makes photos square using followingways:1. Blur Edges to make your photos square. This methods blurrededges to rectangular photos to make them square.2. Crop Photos into square shape to make them square photos.3. Add colored borders to Photos to make them square.After square photos are created from Rectangular photos you canfurther enhance photos them using following features:1. Photo Filters: Apply photo filters to bring glow to yourphotos.2. Draw on Square photos to show your artistic skills.3. Add text to square photos to convey message before sharing themon social networks.Square Photo Maker is best way to make any photo into squaredphotos instantly.
Unicorn Run 3.1
Help the unicorn to run away and escape overthe rainbow. You can give him magical powers, and make him jump orfly over and under obstacles. Do not let him lose the race andbecome extinct! Unicorn run is the best unicorn game on googlePlay.Let the unicorn run, jump and fly away to freedom by avoidingmany challenging obstacles. Unicorn Run comes with several levelsof fun for the entire family. Enjoy this game with your loved ones.It is a fun family game. Help the unicorn dash through the forest,across the lake, Rain Forest.Unicorn Run is similar to other jumping, arcade games only morefun. There are definitely other unicorn games out there, but thisone is more fun and more addicting. There is not Unicorn apocalypsesimply Unicorn dashing to end of the levels. No unicorn fights orunicorn attacks, simply running and jumping. This is no UnicornDust, this is No 1 Unicorn Game.Unicorn Run has the most dynamic unicorn with awesome lookingunicorn colors and Unicorn Dashes through the levels as you helpthe unicorn dash through levels. Help Unicorn run, Jump and flythrough all the levels.If you are into Running games or Racing games this is the bestapp. The Baby Unicorn provides an awesome view anytime you want toplay. Help Unicorn attack and complete the levels that are betterthan Unicorn Puzzles.New Levels including Forest where unicorn rides through theforest levels, Snow level where the nice Pet unicorn dashes throughsnow and Bushy levels where unicorns rides through the trees areadded in the new update.
Hello Collages 1.1
Hello Collages are a way to introduce aconcept (whether its introducing you Family or Life or justdescribing a Day).Hello Collage Concept is simple:1) There is a central Picture that is set as Main Collage Picture.If you are building a family collage this parents.2) Multiple small photos (You can choose of 24 Designs for Collagesto arrange small photos). If you are building a family collagethese are children.3) Add a Text to convey the Collage Messages.Show off your creations to friends and family to introduce anynew event with a single photo.
Magical Photo Effects 1.0
Magical Photo Effects lets you create magical photos with yourregular photos.Magic Photos main provides following types of PhotoEffects:1. Your Photos on Playing Cards to create illusion that you playingcards are made of your photos.2. Models with your photo tattoo'd on their body. Your pictures arethe Photo Tattoo's on models photos.3. Your photos embedded in wild life and Sea life likephotos.4. Photos on Umbrella to create colorful photos of yourself.Magical Photo Effects is easy to use:1. Select a photo you want to make magical.2. Select one of the many Photo Frames that appear to be magicphoto frames.3. Save the Magical photo frame created and share it with friendsand family.Magical Photo Effects lets you convert ordinary photo into magicphoto.
Plastic Surgery Photo Editor 2.0
Plastic Surgery Photo Editor is the MostAdvanced Plastic Surgery App for Photos.Plastic Surgery Photo Editor comes in three modes:1. Photo Eraser or Photo Healer primarily to Eraser unwantedcontent on photos. The tool can be used as Pimple Remover, BlemishEraser or Cloth Stain remover on your photos.2. Nose Job. Want to Elongate or Reduce Nose of Photo? This is theideal tool for you.3. Make Them Fit tool, Will make users in photos Tall or shortdepending on how you want them to look.Plastic Surgery Photo Editor is easy to use:1. Select a Photo you want to perform Plastic Surgery on.2. Select on the 3 tools (Photo Eraser, Nose Job, Make themFit).3. With Photo Eraser you want touch with your finger on the objectsyou want to Erase from photos.4. With Nose Job, You can chose to Bulge or Shrink the Nose of thephoto.5. With Make them fit, You can follow step by step process to makesomeone tall or Make them thin them up.6. Save and Share the edited photos with friends and family.Make your self look the best with Photo Plastic Surgery.
Photo Bubble Wallpaper 2.1
Photo Bubble Wallpaper Lets you create PhotoBubbles with custom Water Bubbles that floats around the screenwallpaper and pops when you touch the photo bubbles. Create BubblePhotos Live Wallpaper and feel awesome with photos.Photo Bubble Wallpaper is easy to set up:1. Select any number of photos to create Photo Bubbles and cutphotos in circular shape so that they fit perfect in waterbubbles.2. Choose one of the multiple backgrounds for your photo bubbles tofloat around.3. Set the wallpaper and enjoy the photo water bubbles floatingaround.Create awesome looking wallpapers with your Photos in waterbubbles floating around making your screen pop. Best Photo BubbleLive Wallpaper.
Love Photo Wallpaper 1.1
Awesome Looking Love Balloons and Love Bubblesare created with your selected photo in them and those love bubblesand Love balloon photos float on your Wallpaper with love themedbackground.Love Photo Wallpaper is the best Live wallpaper for people inlove. Create Love Photos with Balloons wrapped around love photosand float the love bubbles on your wallpaper with love themedWallpaper background.You can select any number of photos to float on your screen.Crop Photos in Love shape or Heart shape using built in photoeditor to crop the photos from gallery.Floating Love Photos on your Wallpaper.
Sketch Me More 3.0
Do More than sketching with Sketch MeMore!!.Convert photo's from your phone into sketches and draw on the PhonePad to extend the sketching with editing features on phone and Pad.Facebook and your camera into Sketches and Oil Paint and Paint andsketch over the arts that you create. Professional version ofSketch Me app.Convert Photo to Sketch and draw your art over the sketch.Correct the Sketch and Draw something on the sketch using Sketch meeffects. Draw something on the Oil paint you created with multipleBrushes available.Features include but not limited to:1. Convert the photo into sketch2. Convert the photo into oil paint.3. Use multiple brushes available to draw over the sketch, Erasepart of sketch, Undo, RedoDraw on Sketch with Sketch me Pro capabilities. Best Sketch MeEffects application with both sketch Pencil Sketch and Oil Paintconversion capabilities.
Photo Mirror Reflections 1.1
Photo Mirror Reflections with Photo Mirrors inall four directions, Photo Filters to add Effects to PhotoReflections and Effects like Water and Photo Glass to add Variationto Photo Reflections.Photo Mirror Reflections is easy to use:1. Chose the Photo you want to Apply Mirror Effects to.2. Chose one of four mirror styles. You can Apply Left Mirror orright or top & Bottom Mirrors.3. Chose Photo Filters to apply Effects to Photo Reflections likeOld Photo Filter, Sepia Filter etc.4. Chose the Photo Mirror Effect like Water Photo Reflection, GlassPhoto Reflection.5. Save and Share the Mirror Photos created with friends andfamily.Create Gorgeous looking photo mirror effects with Photo MirrorReflections.
Photo News Maker 1.0
TV News style photo frames with Ability tocrate Custom News Headlines with Realistic looking Photo Frames foryour photos.Photo News Maker is easy to use:1. Chose one of the many TV Channel Styles.2. Chose the Photo you want to include as Part TV News Frame.3. Add Breaking News Text to fill the TV Frame.4. Save and Share the TV News Photo Frames with friends andfamily.Be popular with TV News Photo Frames.
Taj Mahal Frames Collages 2.0
Taj Mahal As Background to create GorgeousPhoto Frames and Photo Collages with your photos. Taj Mahal FramesCollages licensed top Taj Mahal Photos to Help you create LoveFrames and Love Collages with Taj Mahal Theme.Taj Mahal Frames Collages is unique:1. Top Licensed Taj Mahal Photos for backgrounds.2. Photo Collage and Photo Frames modes.3. Add your photos in Circular Area, Heart Themed Area to CreateLove Frames and Love Collages, Square Photo Area, Star PhotoArea.4. Add Photo Stickers mostly Love Stickers to your photos.5. Add Text and Draw Free Hand on Photos to convey LoveMessages.6. Save and Share Photos you created.Taj Mahal Frames Collages has best Love Frames and Love Collageswith Taj Mahal Theme. Taj Mahal as Photo Background is best way tocreate awesome frames and collages with your photos.
Live Camera Focus 1.0
Live Camera Focus is the best to shoot photoswith Focus on the Photo Subject while keeping rest of PhotoBackground Blurred.Live Camera Focus is easy to use:1. Launch the Live Focus Camera.2. Chose where you want to Focus and You can Adjust Photo Focusarea. Touch where you want Photo Focus to be and adjust Focus ofcamera accordingly.3. Adjust Photo Background Blur by selecting Blur Level.4. Take the Photo with Camera Focus set Appropriately.5. Save and Share the Background Blur Photos with friends andfamily.Live Camera Focus lets you create Blurred Background Photos andphoto Focus set on the subject.
Ghost Photo Stickers 1.1
Ghost Photo Stickers lets you add Ghosts toyour Photos and adjust them in your Ghost Photos with two fingergestures and lets your add transparency to your ghost photos tomake them realistic.Ghost Photo Stickers is easy to use to make your photos intoGhost Photos:1. Select a photo where you want to add Ghosts to yourphotos.2. Add one of many Ghosts to your photos to Create Ghosts inPhotos.3. Adjust the Ghosts in Photos with two finger gestures to resize,rotate and move the ghosts in photos.4. Add Transparency to ghosts by double tapping on GhostStickers.5. Save and Share the Ghost photos with friends and family.Ghost Photo Stickers are the best way to create GhostPhotos.
Famous Background Changer 2.0
Famous Background Changer is the best way toput yourself in famous places by replacing backgrounds with some ofthe famous background places.Famous Background Changer is easy to use and comes with advancedtools.Crop Photo: Cut Photo without background so that you can putphoto in famous backgrounds.Advanced Edit: Fine tune your Cut Photo so that you fine tune edgeswith Magnifying Glass support.Famous Backgrounds: You can select one of many Famous Backgroundswith Backgrounds including Famous City Frames, Famous World Wondersand Awesome places Taj Mahal. Adjust your photo against thebackground.How to use Famous Background Changer:1. Select the Photo you want to put against a Famous PhotoBackground by changing your photos background.2. Fine Tune by cutting edges of Photo cut from step1 so that yourphoto looks beautiful agains any Famous Photo Background.3. Select the background you want for your photo from Famousbackgrounds offered.4. Add the Photos to the background you selected and save the photowith new background.5. Save and share your Photo creations with friends and family.Famous Background Changer lets you put in awesome famousplaces.
Photo Glass Frames 1.1
Photo Glass Frames has creative photo frameswith your photos embedded in Glass Photo Frames to decorate yourphotos.Photo Glass Frames is easy to use:1. Select one of the many Glass Photo Frames.2. Add Photos of your choice that you want in Glass Photo Frames byclicking on + sign.3. Adjust the photo inside glass photo frame with 2 fingergestures.4. Add Text on Photos with Advanced Photo Text Editor.5. Draw on Photo Frames with Drawing Tools.6. Save and Share the Glass Photo Frames with friends andfamily.Photo Glass Frames lets you create best looking photo frameswith your photos in frames.
Monkey Math 1.0
Monkey Math is easy way to practice math questions hands freesimply with voice no matter where you are.Bored while driving? Practice Hands free math to staysharp.Want your kid to practice Math questions? Practice Math questionswithout touching the screen and making screen dirty.Questions include:1. Addition (1 digit additions, 2 digit additions, 3 digitadditions).2. Subtraction (1,2,3 Digit Subtractions).3. Multiplication (1,2,3 Digit Multiplication's)4. Division (1,2,3 digit Divisions).Practice Math with ease and encouraging monkey with mathquestions.
Sketches Camera 1.0
Sketches Camera is the best way to createSketch Photo live with multiple options including Sketch Camera,Toon Camera, Black & White Camera, Negative Camera, Hue Camera,Sepia Camera and More.Sketches Camera is easy to use:1. Start Sketch Camera.2. Chose one of the many camera options form Toon Camera, SketchCamera, B&W Camera, Sepia and Hue Camera.3. Switch Camera's to switch between Front and Back facing Camera.You can shoot other people with Sketch Camera of Take SketchSelfies.4. You can switch between Square Photos and Full ScreenPhotos.5. Save and Share Sketch Camera photos with friends and family.Sketches Camera is the best way to create Sketch photoslive.
Cool Shape Collages 1.0.1
Cool Shape Collages are the best collages todecorate your photos and with awesome stickers and text oncollages.Cool Shape Collages is easy to use:1. Select one of many Collage styles. IF you need more PhotoCollage style, you can download additional photo collages directlyfrom the app.2. Add Photos to collages using our custom photo gallery.3. Add Text to collages to convey messages for the collages.4. Add Photo Stickers to decorate your photo collages.5. Save and Share the Photo collages with friends and family.Create best looking Collages with Cool Shape Collages.
Kids Piano 2.1
Piano made for entertainment for kids andadults alike. Screen tuned to suit everyone with colors andentertaining for everyone. Entertainment with colorful Piano whilelearning piano sounds.Kids Piano with colorful keys and matching sounds. Play Pianofreely.Piano sounds play as you press the keys of the Piano. Kids Pianoor Baby Piano is suitable for kids and adults alike forentertainment.Play Piano sounds on Kids Piano for fun. Baby Piano is kidsfavorite.
Sun Moon Faces 1.1
Put You photos and your loved ones photos inSun and Moon to make them godly in beautiful nature photos.Sun Moon Faces is the best way to make you kids photos lookspecial with your kids photos embedded in nature photos of sun andmoon. Make Normal photos into Devine Photos with Sun MoonFaces.Sun Moon Faces is easy to use:1. Select a Photo you want to turn into Devine photo.2. Chose one of the many Sun and Moon Frames from our widecollection of Sun Photos and Moon photos with Nice NatureBackgrounds.3. Make sure Face is properly detected in the photo selected. Youcan help us better understand face of the character by adjustingEyes and Mouth of face.4. Adjust face inside the moon and Sun as you chose. You can adjustPhoto Face on Moon and Sun using two finger gestures.5. Save and Share the Devine Pictures created with friends andfamily.Sun Moon Faces creates best looking Space pictures in realnatural settings.
Old Photo Maker 1.0
Old Photo Maker lets you create Vintage Photos with Awesome vintageFrames, Vintage Photos Effects and Vintage Overlays combination tocreate a perfect Vintage old photo.Old Photo Maker is easy to use:1. Select the Photo you want to create the Vintage old photo.2. View the Vintage Photo created by default.3. Change the Vintage Frame so that Old photo has a differentlook.4. Change the Vintage Photo Background used to create a differentscene for Old Photo.5. Save and share the Old Photo created.Old Photo Maker lets you create best looking vintage photos thatyou can share with friends and family.
Camera Magic
Magical Photos with Background Blurred, Camera Filters, Picture inPicture.
Mute All 1.1
Mute all sounds in single shot or Adjust eachof the Volume control or Mute each one of Volume Control one byone.Unmute all of the volume controls back in one single shot.Volume settings can be adjust one at a time or all volume settingscan be muted and unmuted in one single shot using Mute All andUnmute All button.Volume settings that are controlled include Alarm Volume, MusicVolume, Notification Volume, Ringer Volume, System volume, VoiceVolume.All the sound controls are controlled. You can mute and unmuteall sound controls. The settings of volume are much easier tochange using this application.Awesome way to set and reset volumes when entering a Meeting andcoming out Meeting. Best Meeting companion.Silence All the Volume controls in one click.
Photo Text Blend 2.0
Photo Text Blend lets you create awesome TextMessages blended into Photos. Text Over Photos blended well withphotos makes them pop.Photo Text Blend is easy to use:1. Select a Photo either from your gallery or one of our NaturePhotos.2. Add Text on the photos. You can Add number of Text messages onphotos.3. For each of Text on Photos, you can set followingAttributes:a) Text Font on Photos.b) Transparency to Text Over Photos. By setting Opacity for Text onPhotos, you can make them as much transparent as you prefer.c) Color of Text on photos.d) Adjust Text position over photos with two finger gestures.4. Save and Share Photos with Text Blended with friends andfamily.With Version 2.0 we added following new features:1. Blend Text with Photo Backgrounds including Photo Backgroundcategories like Waterfall Photo Frames, Forest Photo Backgrounds,Beach Photo Backgrounds, Nature Photo Backgrounds, Wild AnimalPhoto Frames and more photo backgrounds.2. Free Form Photo Collage Text Blend. Blend Text with Free formCollage created by mixing photos. Photo Mixed Collages can beblended with Text.3. Photo Grid Text Blend. Blend text with Photo Grids create usingMoving Photo Grids.Photo Text Blend lets you create best Text Blended Photos.
Beach Photo Frames 3.1
Beach Frames from Around the World with FamousBeaches to decorate your photos.Beach Photos Has Four Main Parts to turn your photos intobeautiful Beach Photos.Beach Backgrounds - Cut your photo out of any photo and Placethe photo against Beach Background. Advanced Smart Photo Cut letsyou cut the photo accurately and Advanced Trim and Photo Adder finetunes the cut photo before pasting the Photo on Beach PhotoBackgrounds.Beach Photo Frames - Embed your photos in beautiful beaches. Youcan embed your photos in various photo shapes like Heart Photo,Round Photo and Square Photos. Adjust the Photo Transparent area toplace your your photo in right parts of Beach Photo Frames.Beach Photo Collages - Beach Collages comes with awesome BeachPhoto Frames where you can embed multiple photos in Beach photobackgrounds to Make creative collages with Beach photobackgrounds.Beach Live Wallpaper - Set Beautiful beaches as your LiveWallpaper. We will keep updating your Live wallpaper with gorgeousbeach photos from around the world.We created Beach Photo Frames by licensing world famous beachphotos from professional photographers to make your Beach photoframes gorgeous.Beach Photo Frames also comes with following additional Tools toenhance your Beach Photos:Draw on Photos - Draw over your beach Photos with our advancedPhoto Drawing tools to convey messages with your beachphotos.Text on Photos - Add Text to your beach photos to add watermark orconvey your messages. Text messages comes in various styles withability to set Text Font, Style and Text shaders.Photo Stickers - Add over 500+ photo stickers to your Beach photosfrom various photo sticker categories.
Photo Focus 2.2
Photo Focus lets you set Focus on your photosafter they are shot creating amazing effects with your existingPhotos and new Photos where they are from your Gallery or Facebook(or Friends Facebook accounts).Photo Focus provides multiple After Effects for your photosincluding:1. Shading Effect2. Focal B&W Effect3. Rainbow Effects.These After effects are easy to use on any Photo and createamazing Photos from your existing photos. You don't need to worryabout shading effects or Focal Effects anymore while shooting thePhotos anymore thanks to Photo Focus App.
Vintage Camera 1.2
Vintage Camera to create Vintage effects for your photo's. VintageCamera takes in photo from Photo Gallery, Take a new Photo fromCamera, A photo from Facebook and converts the photo into VintagePhoto.Vintage Photo and Black and White old Photo's are Awesomelooking and always attract attention of friends and family.Convert any Photo into Vintage Photo or Black White Photo withWrinkles on the Photo. Vintage Photo lets you share save theVintage Photos and Share the Vintage Photos with friends and familyusing any Photo Editing or Photo Sharing application.Best Vintage Photo Editor with multiple Vintage Camera Effectsand frames from vintage camera free app. Save the vintage photos orshare them with friends and family or set the Vintage photos asyour Vintage Wallpaper on your phone. Vintage Wallpaper app withyour own Photos. Vintage Camera is also Retro Camera with Retroeffects.Create Awesome looking Vintage photos and Black and White Photosand old Photos.
Famous Picture Blend 1.1
Famous Picture Blend lets you blend yourphotos with famous Picture backgrounds like Wonders of the world,Popular Cities around the world or Famous Places like Taj MahalBackgrounds.Famous Picture Blend is easy to use:1. Select a Photo you want to use to blend with famouspictures.2. Crop a Square image to blend well with famous pictures.3. Chose one of the famous photo from creative commons licensedpopular places or our license Taj Mahal images.4. Adjust blend level to better create blended images.5. Save and Share the blended photos with friends and family.Famous picture Blend is the best way to create Divine Photosfrom ordinary photos by combining your photos with famous picturebackgrounds.
Square Photo Mirror 1.1
Square Photo Mirror is the best way to createPhoto Mirrors and Make them into Square Photos so that you canshare the Square photo mirrors on social networks.Square Photo Mirror is easy to use:1. Select the photo you want to create mirror effect on.2. Select one of 4 mirror options.3. Adjust photos in Mirrors and apply effects like photo coloreffects, apply photo reflection effects and more to PhotoMirrors.4. Save and Share the photo mirrors create using any photo sharingapplications.Square Photo Mirror lets you combine Square Photos and PhotoMirrors into one app.
Night Frames 1.0
Night Frames custom made Photo Frames to showoff your creativity with features where your photos can be placedin Moon and Stars in night time settings.Night Photo Frames is easy to use:1. Chose one of the frame designs.2. Adjust Photos in transparent area with two finger gestures.Photos can be chosen from Gallery, Camera, Instagram orFacebook.3. Save the frames to Gallery or Write Text on Framed Pictures orDraw over the Pictures and save the Frames created to Gallery.Night Frames are the best frames with Love Theme and suitablefor anyone.
Background Eraser 1.0
Background Eraser is the best way to erase a background anduseanother image of your choice as photo background for theerasedphoto.Background Eraser is easy to use:1. Select the photo you want to replace background for.2. Erase the Background with Touch and use advanced erasertoolslike Zoom, Undo, Redo, Eraser Brush Size and more PhotoErasertools.3. Select the Photo you want to use as photo background fromeitheryour photo gallery or a large selection of our naturebackgroundsand famous backgrounds.4. Save and share the photo with new photo backgrounds withfriendsand family.Background Eraser is the best way to replacephotobackgrounds.
Profile Pic - AI Avatar Maker 7.2.0
AI Avatar, Profile photos with Flag, Wild Animal & Cartoonphotos
Newspaper Frames 1.1
NewsPaper Frames custom Made to look like yourpictures are news and that you are popular to be in news.Newspaper Frames comes with 6 News Paper Themes that are custommade to show your photo in newspaper as a famous person. Each newspaper theme is created to show off your photos in different stylesso that you variety of newspaper themes to chose from.Newspaper Frames is easy to use:1. Select a Photo you want to appear in newspaper.2. Select one of 6 styles of newspapers you want to use for yourphoto frame.3. Adjust your photo in newspaper photo frame with two fingergestures.4. Save and Share the newspaper frames photos with friends andfamily.Newspaper Frames lets you create news items as if you are famousand your photo appearing in newspaper.
Photo Editor Live 1.1
Photo Editor Live makes you look good withLive Photo Filters with Live Camera showing Various Photo Filtersthat turn you gorgeous.Photo Editor Live comes with Many Filters. Some of the Filtersinclude:1. 1970's Photo Filter: Make it look like you took the photo in1970's.2. Airy Glow Filter: Glow around your photo to make you look like abig deal.3. Moody Photo Filter: Brings you into photo mood.There are 20 photo filters with different options for you.Photo Editor Live also include Crazy photo filters like NegativePhoto Filter, Sketch Photo Filter, Sphere Photo Filter and morethan 20 Photo Filters.Photo Editor Live includes more than 50 Photo Filters to makeyour Photos from Live camera look gorgeous.