EduNet Indonesia Apps
Game Belajar Anak 2.1.2
Game untuk mengajarkan putra-putri kesayangan anda mengenal huruf,angka, buah-buahan, sayuran, hewan dan kendaraan. Aplikasi inidisertai game untuk melatih otak anak, dan dilengkapi audioGame toteach children to recognize your favorite letters, numbers, fruits,vegetables, animals and vehicles. This application along with thegame to train the child's brain, and equipped with audio
Lagu Anak Indonesia Populer 2.0.3
Kumpulan lagu-lagu populer untuk edukasi anak.Dengan mendengar lagu yang baik, dapat ikut membentuk karakteranak. Aplikasi ini terdiri dari lagu-lagu anak diantaranya Balonku,Ambilkan Bulan, Lihat Kebunku, Naik Delman, Pelangi, Kasih Ibu,Naik-naik ke Puncak Gunung dan sebagainya.A collection of popularsongs for the education of children. With hear a good song, canhelp shape the character of the child. This application consists ofchildren's songs such Balonku, Fetch Month, See my garden, NaikDelman, Rainbow, Mother Love, Rise-up to the Mountaintop and soon.
Lagu Sholawat Anak Muslim 1.2.0
Lagu anak yang merupakan aplikasi edukasi muslim. Tanpa linkdenganaplikasi lain, touch and play, yang sangat baik untukmenumbuhkandan memupuk kecintaan pada Nabi MuhammadSongschildwho is a Muslim educational applications. Without a link toanotherapplication, touch and play, which is very good tocultivate andfoster a love of Prophet Muhammad
Lagu Edukasi Anak Muslim-Islam 2.9.0
Aplikasi yang berisi kumpulan lagu-lagu untukmengajarkan putra putri kesayangan mengenai ajaran pokok dalamislam, seperti rukun iman, rukun islam, Asmaul Husan, Rasul danNabiApplications thatcontains a collection of songs to teach your son or daughter'sfavorite subject of the doctrine in Islam, such as the pillars offaith, the pillars of Islam, Names Husan, Apostle and Prophet
learning hijaiya 1.1.0
Application was made to introduce the hijaiyato children pre-school age / pre-school. This application is madewith simple games and interactive method of making it easier forchildren to learn.content1 Hijaiya Learning: here introduced Arabic letters from:- alif- ba- ta- tsa- jim- ha- kho- dal- dzal- ro- zai- sin- syin- shod- dlod- tho- dzo- ain- ghoin- fa- qof- kaf- lam- mim- nun- wau- hha- hamzah- ya2. Quiz
Cerita Anak Indonesia 1.0.0
Kumpulan dongeng atau legenda dari nusantarayang disertai pesan moral untuk anak-anak. Aplikasi ini antara lainberisi cerita Roro Jongrang, Lutung Kasarung, Malin Kundang,Sangkuriang dan sebagainya.A collection of fairytales or legends of the archipelago which accompanied the moralmessage to children. This application contains, among other storiesJongrang Roro, Kasarung, Malin Kundang, Sangkuriang and soon.
Belajar Membaca dan Berhitung 1.1.0
Aplikasi edukasi untuk belajar berhitung bagianak yang terdiri dari belajar penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalianserta pembagian dan belajar membaca. Aplikasi ini disertai denganvisual yang menarik agar lebih memudahkan anak dalam belajarberhitung dan membaca.Educational applicationsfor children to learn to count that consists of learning addition,subtraction, multiplication and division and learn to read. Thisapplication is accompanied by a visually appealing in order to makeit easier for children to learn to count and read.
Juz Amma & Lagu Anak Muslim 1.3.3
Aplikasi offline yang berisi hapalan surat-surat pendek dari juz ke30 di Al Quran serta lagu untuk anak muslim tentang ajaran-ajarandasar dalam islam, seperti rukun islam, rukun iman, sholat, puasa,sifat Allah, malaikat, nabi dan rosul serta shalawat untuk NabiMuhammad saw. Stand alone aplikasi, tidak ada link dengan aplikasilain dan tidak memerlukan koneksi internet untuk memainkannya.Tinggal touch and play. Hak cipta seluruh lagu dan lirik padaaplikasi ini adalah milik pencipta, musisi dan label musik yangbersangkutan. Jika anda adalah pemegang hak cipta lagu yang ada diaplikasi ini dan tidak mau lagu anda ditampilkan, silahkan hubungikami melalui email pengembang/ developer dan beritahu kami tentangstatus kepemilikan anda atas lagu tersebut. Kami akan langsungmenghapus lagu atau lirik tersebut. Kami mohon maaf apabila adakesalahan pada aplikasi ini. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat mendidikputra-putri kesayangan menjadi anak sholeh dan sholehah.
Kids Songs - Offline Nursery Rhymes & Baby Songs 1.7.2
Offline application contains collection of children's songs whichis an application for educating children with songs that areage-appropriate for shaping the children character’s. A stand aloneapplication that do not require a link with other applications,just touch and play. It is the perpect app for road trip, flightsor just to keep children engaged at home with educational app.Copyright of songs and the lyrics on this application belong toorigin singers, song writers, musicians and producers. If you arethe copyright holder of the songs on this application and do notwant your song is displayed , please contact us by email developer/developer contact and tell us about your ownership status over thesong. We will immediately remove songs or lyrics. We apologize ifthere are errors on this application. Hopefully this application isuseful for the children education. Thank you.
Kids Songs - Best Offline Songs 1.0.7
Offline application contains collection of children's songs whichisan application for educating children with songs thatareage-appropriate for shaping the children character’s. Standaloneapplication that do not require a link with otherapplications,just touch and play . Copyright whole song and thelyrics on thisapplication is the property of creators, musiciansand music labelsare concerned. If you are the copyright holder ofthe songs on thisapplication and do not want your song is displayed, please contactus by email developer/ developer and tell us aboutyour ownershipstatus over the song. We will immediately removesongs or lyrics.We apologize if there are errors on thisapplication. Hopefullythis application is useful for the childreneducation. Thank you.