Ellerium Soft Apps

Card game Poker raspisnoy 1.83
Ellerium Soft
Card Game Raspisnoy Poker ("Up & Down",Georgian Poker).All fans of intellectual games will like this first (and afaik -the only so far) implementation of card game "Raspisnoy Poker" withAI players.This game was very popular in USSR in 1970-1980. This is notlike classic poker, this is trick-taking game like "Preference" and"1000". Despite the fact that "Raspisnoy poker" is simpler thanPreference, the game is highly gambling and exciting.Features:- game is designed in Soviet style;- worthy and quick-thinking AI;- high definition graphics;- autosaving every turn;- online table of top players.You can find more details about game rules in the "Game rules"menu.*** ATTENTION! Game is designed for devices with at least480x320 screen resolution ****** The game is optimized for a screen resolution of 800 x 480 upto 1920x1080 ***
Love Test 1.7
Ellerium Soft
5 accurate and truthful tests for love and daily love horoscope
Scratch and win! 1.0
Ellerium Soft
Do You like to play word guessing?The time to try your hand at competitions with players from alloverthe world has finally come!It is up to you whether your country takes the first place inonlinegame "Scratch and win"You are going to guess words from the following themes:logos,animals, car brands, fantasy, cartoons, famous people. Morethan 50themes with 1100 words to guessGame Rules- create a request for a game and choose the bet and time orusethe created request to play- scratch off the protective layer from the picture withinthetime limit- guess what is on the picture- type the word before your opponent does it first- win by earning millions of dollars and become thebestplayer- country with the most active and most successfulplayersbecomes the best countryOutstanding features✔ a gambling online game with bets from 1 to $ 10,000✔ a distinctive way of erasing the protective layer fromtheimage✔ best player table based on a personal and country rating✔ more than 1000 big and beautiful images to guess✔ 50 themes suited to every fancy✔ 10 game achievements by collecting those you can get thestatus"Superman"✔ fully valid chatBoth English and Russian are supported in the game (interfaceandwords for guessing)
Ellerium Soft
Show your talent destroyer in new andoriginalgame "Coloris".The bricks in the game are destroyed only gathered in block 3 on3or more same color.Features:- HD graphics- 48 levels- leaderboards (only when Internet access)In the paid version of the game:- no advertising;- daily bonus coins increased in 2 times;- if coins becomes less than 200, You will receive 750 bonus.
Fluffy balls 1.2
Ellerium Soft
Just fluffy balls have quarreled
Test for True Love's name 1.12
Ellerium Soft
Test from creators of hit app Love Test! You will find the name ofyour love!
Вспомни 80-е 4.2
Ellerium Soft
Quiz for those who have something to remember the great era of the'80s
Ум и Скорость 1.01
Ellerium Soft
Игра для умных и быстрых - нужноуспетьразгадать фразу и сложить ее из листочков с буквамиДля этого Вы получите 3 подсказки, которые помогут понятькакуюфразу нужно собратьОдновременно Вы соревнуетесь с 3 игроками, которые постараютсябытьбыстрее ВасОсобенности игры Ум и Скорость:борьба за победу - только с живыми игрокамибыстрая игра - всего полторы минутыфразы попроще и посложнее для разных возрастов1600 фраз для любителей подуматьтаблицы лучших для самых умных и быстрыхThe game for smartandfast - you need to have time to unravel the sentence and putherout leaflets with lettersTo do this, you will get 3 tips that will help you understandwhatyou need to collect iceAt the same time you compete with 3 players who will try tobefaster than youFeatures Mind and Speed:     the struggle for the victory -theonly real players     fast game - justfifteenminutes     simpler and morecomplicatedphrases for different ages     1600 phrases for fans to think      table top for themostintelligent and fast
Who is superfluous in 4 pictures 1.03
Ellerium Soft
The idea of game consists in that to find an excess subject from 4presented. Press a knife switch after have made the choice. Foreach pressing of a knife switch you spend 1 star. Having pressedthe button with a question mark you receive the hint to level for 2stars. Each 3 minutes the free star is born (as soon as the starhas become green on the button - press it). In the beginning games10 stars with which it is necessary to pass 40 levels are given.The winner of game will see super robodance! Good luck! * IMPORTANTINFORMATION * In the beginning games when you see the help screenwith descriptions of buttons, press a red star from above andreceive additional 10 stars.
Blocks Puzzle - Coloris 1.2
Ellerium Soft
The game is similar to retro game of the 80s-easy control and familiar figures, but gameplay is newandoriginal. The colored blocks are destroyed, if collected in a3x3block and more.Game features:- game is free- vivid HD graphics- online leaderboardsTry to complete all 48 levels!
Тест на профессию 1.3
Ellerium Soft
Тест основан на активизирующей профориентационной методике докторапедагогических наук Николая Сергеевича Пряжникова и адаптирован подопределение двух наиболее подходящих профессий. В тесте 34 вопроса,на которые необходимо ответить баллом от 1 до 10: 1 - если вопроссовсем не подходит Вам, 10 - вопрос максимально описывает Вас. Порезультатам ответов выбираются 2 из 72 профессий, которые большевсего соответствуют Вашим ответам. Данные по заработным платамвзяты из статистики зарплат по России и Украине за 2016 год - этоофициальные, средние по профессии, зарплаты до вычета подоходногоналога. Так же к ним можно применить коэффициент Вашегоместожительства.
Farmer 1.1
Ellerium Soft
Farmer is a puzzle game in farm style The farmer will visittheapple orchard, autumn park and even the overseas resort Thefarmerwith your help will try to complete the puzzle tasks in eachofthese places Boys and girls with the age of 5 and older willeasilywin, but perhaps not all of their parents. Each level on thefarmis unique and different from others, each with its ownatmosphereand its own solution Levels so far only 7, but in thenext updateswe will add new levels in which there will appearopponents in theform of garden pests - caterpillars, beetles,butterflies, ants. Tocomplete tasks, put apples, leaves, shovelsand even balls intoneat hills so that they do not fall apart. To dothis, you willneed sleight of hand, good eye and a little luck. Tryit yourself!The game is dedicated to everyone who loves their farm.Yoursfaithfully to your work.
Poker raspisnoy Online 1.78
Ellerium Soft
Popular game from USSR now online! Be the first among the best!
Чудесное поле Онлайн 1.43
Ellerium Soft
Guess words and earn money! Become a Millionaire game!
Vampire Love. Castle escape 1.1
Ellerium Soft
Game about love. Test of wit