Goldenbios Apps

معاني الاسماء 2.0
تطبيق معاني الاسماء,يضم مجموعة من اغلبالاسمـاء العربية ومعانيها ذكـورا وانـاثـًا.فلنبتعد عن الأسماء العبثية والتقليد في الأسماءونحرص على البحث عن معاني الأسماءونحرص على أن تكون اسماء حسنةتعكس صورة حسنة عن الأسرةوتنعكس بالخير على الشخص المسمى " المولود ".The application of themeanings of names, including a group of most of the Arab names andtheir meanings male and female.Flanptad for absurd names and names in traditionAnd we are keen to search for the meanings of namesAnd we are keen to be in good namesReflect the good image of the familyAnd reflected well on the person named "baby."
Moroccan caftan 2014 1.0
Discover the best application of all stylesand caftan photo collections Moroccan caftan 2014/2015, highfashion or traditional, every day many new photos caftan that youcan watch in are in HD: caftan light colors, dark colors caftan, couturetakchita Abayat and gandourat, jilbab for all occasions marriagefitr aid, aid adha, monassabat, Moroccan caftan, caftanAlgerian.Kaftan with this app you can:✓ Save Photos.✓ To Back of your laptop.✓ Share with friends.✓ Select your caftans prefer.Photos of beautiful caftans Moroccan caftan 2014/2015 2014/2015Photos.Moroccan caftan 2014 caftans dress, Kaftans wedding Takchita bridalTakchita wedding Kaftan henna, Algerian caftan, Kaftan evening,Takchita evening Takchita of henna, Moroccan caftan, caftancouture.
Henna Tattoo Designs 1.1
This app contains original, never before seenhenna tattoo Designs.Embrace yourself with a collection of 90+ genuine designs forfestivals such as Eid, Wedding, Birthdays or other occasion.- Make yourself and your female friends stand out with eye catchingdesigns.- All designs are perfected by a professional henna artdesigner.- You will find designs for hands and legs.- Zoom in, and watch the designs closely for immaculateperfection.Decorate your room with eye appealing candle designs.Want to get rid of your old decoration pieces ? You will never getbored of designed candles.Make your room look and smell good with these beautifulcandles.henna tattoo designs is an application of henna as a temporary formof skin decoration. Henna is a plant and used to create temporarynatural tattoos. Henna has no side effect. Henna has many benefitsto the health. It is used on occasions like weddings and Muslimfestivals such as Eid-el-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha.Please rate this application.Enjoy...
Rubber Bands Designs 1.0
This application gives you a photo gallerywith beautiful images of examples of rubber bands.Access is completely free as you can see Rubber Bands rubberquality.This app is useful for kids and adults that have the hobby ofmaking things in rubber bands such as bracelets animals and otherfunny shapes.
Spot The Difference 1.0
Here's a game spot the difference between thetwo pictures for FREE!Game find the differences is a great way to train the brain andimprove observation skills for adults and even children.How to Play:When you start the game you'll see almost two same pictures. Butthese images containing 5 differences. You must find and click onthem before the time expires. You will also have 5 free hints tohelp you and you can use it whenever you want.FEATURES:✓ Beautiful pictures and high-quality✓ Great sound effects✓ Free game✓ Addictive gameplay that is fun for everyone!✓ 5 Hints to help you for find differences between the imagesWe hope you enjoy this game with your friends and family.
Cake Recipes 4.0
Cake recipes Cook Book,the best recipes for Free
حصن المسلم - Hisn Al muslim 2.0
حصن المسلم - Hisn Al muslimتم بحمد الله تعالى إعداد برنامج حصن المسلم، وهو برنامج يهدف لحفظالنفس من آفات الزمان وكيد الشيطان.يعد هذا الكتاب من أشهر كتب الأذكار رواجاً بين المسلمين، نظراًلسهولة حفظه وصحة معضم الأحاديث فيه.Fortress of the Muslim -Hisn Al muslimThe praise to Allah preparation Fortress of the Muslim program, aprogram that aims to save the soul of lesions of time and KidDevil.This book is written from months Adhkaar popular among Muslims, dueto the ease and save the health Medm conversations.
nails designs ideas 2014 1.0
This great gallery app offers the best nails designs 2014 ideas tofashion your nails with style ,You may choose whatever manicure youwant, and it doesn’t matter, what nails do you have – long, short,natural or not. Here you will easily find ideas for holidays,birthday or wedding.. See large variety of nail designs pictures –from simple and easy nail designs to really the best nail artdesign can offer. If you want to be fashion and fascinate youradmirers then this is the right app for you. Find out easy nailsdesigns or more complex types. It is not so hard to do it yourself– all you need to know is how to do nail designs, simple ones, anduse your imagination. Be stylish, Be fashion, Be yourself – choosethe best idea for you. The app is very easy to use – just start andslide. In addition, you can save a chosen image, set it aswallpaper or share with friends by email... etc. Enjoy!
Easy Hairstyles Step By Step 1.0
Easy Hairstyles Step By Step this wonderful application and veryeasily learn easy and simple hairstyles for your day to day orspecial events. You can also share with friends and family. Shewears a different hairstyle every day. Incredible images for yourphone, you can save the image or share it with friends or upload tosocial networks. many kinds of easy hairstyles which can be triedfor graduation, party or prom. Whether you have short, long, curlyor wavy hairstyles you can try to do easy hairstyles ideas usingthis application. Enjoy Tags: 2014 2015 hairstyles, cuts quick andeasy,natural hairstyles
Eye Makeup Step By Step 3.1
Eye makeup can define how natural or dramatic your look is. Whetheryou want to learn a process you can Use every day or look stunningfor a special occasion like a party, wedding, christening,communions or any Type of event. proper application of eye makeupis a useful skill that Can both impress your peers and help Youlook and feel your best. In This App find step by step tutorials ofhow to apply Eye Makeup and Eye Makeup Techniques through Pictures.You can save the image to SD, share it with friends or upload tosocial networks. Enjoy
Dreams Interpretation 2.0
The interpretation of dreams and visions in the Qur'an and Sunnahas Sharia. Interpretations of dreams and visions to the Arabicalphabet is ranked according to the Quran and Sunnah. The progressof dreams-Tafsir ahlam is dream interpretation and theinterpretation of a dream based on the famous dream interpretationbooks such as the book of dream interpretation by Ibn Sirin andbook interpretation of dreams of Nabulsi, Nabulsi was adopting theinterpretation of Ibn sireen and assets and the rules ofinterpretation of dreams in Islam: from the Koran and the Hadithand Islamic books of the salaf. We recommend that you read theintroduction to the book brothers tafseer Ibn Sirin the origins ofdreaming and dream and vision with the controls and the adoption byIbn sireen and Nabulsi in dream interpretation and theinterpretation of a dream and the evidence derived from Ibn Sirinand Nabulsi, dream interpretation and the interpretation of adream. The interpretation of dreams, ahlam, tafsir Ibn sireen,dream, dream, dream, dream interpretation, dreams, dreams,explained, the correct interpretation, interpretation, legalinterpretation, dreams, year, Quran, Tafsir, Sunnah, Tafsir of theQur'an, interpreted my dream, interpret the dream marriage,interpretation, tafsir
ادعيه تريح القلوب 1.2
الدعاء سلاح المؤمن الذي ينجو به من أهوال عظيمة لا يعلمهاإلاالله,.فالمؤمن في هذه الدنيا مثله كالمسافر في غابات مليئةبالدوابالمفترسة الضارية التي لا تميز بينه وبين أي حيوان آخر، تريدالانقضاضعليه كي تشبع نهمها وجوعها، والمؤمن مع الشيطان لا ينجو منهفي هذهالدنيا إلا بالدعاء . التطبيق يحتوى على افضل ادعيه الرحمنللتقرب بهاومناجاه العبد ربه . يحتوى هذا التطبيق على أفضل وأروعالادعيةالمشروعة الى الله سبحانة وتعالى لعلى الله يتقبل منا ومنكمجميعا,ويحتوى التطبيق على أفضل الادعية المصورة والتطبيق يحتوى علىجميعالادعية المختارة بعناية لكى تتناسب مع جميع الاوقات ,ويمكنكأيضامشاركة الصور ونشرها على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعى.كما تصلحايضاكوضعها خلفيه لجهازك اى كان نوعه
The most beautiful love poems 1.0
Beautiful images of love quotes, romance and friendship foryourphone. You can share these sayings, words and love poems withyourfriends ... These beautiful phrases of love and friendshipmessagesare updated automatically every day
كلام وخواطر عن الحب 1.1
كلام وخواطر عن الحب,يحتوى هذا التطبيق على (أروع رسائل الصباحللحبيب,واجمل رسائل المساء .وأرق رسائل الشوق واللهفة للزوجة وللزوجأيضا.ورسائل يوم الجمعة للحبيب )لا تحمل نفسك عناء البحث واسرع برسالةالىمن تحب فقد يكون فى أشد الحاجة الى هذة الرسالة,هذا التطبيق يحتوىعلىأروع وارق وافضل الرسائل المصورة التى قد تكون انت او انتىتبحثينعنها ,لكى نهديها الى من نحب فى المناسبات المختلفة لنعبر بهاعن مابداخلنا اتجاهم لا تهمل من أحبك بصدق فربما تكون أقصى أمانية(رسالةمنك) فكن انت اول المتسارعين لارسال رسالة الى من تحب ,الى كلمن امنبالحب ,الى كل من غاص في هذا البحر الغريــــــــــق. يمكنكايضاتبادل هذة الرسائل المصورة عن طريق البرامج المختلفه كما يمكنكايضاان تجعلها خلفيه الجدران لجهازك.
WiFi Qr Code Password Scanner 2.4
Scan and get any Qr Code WiFi password fast and save/auto connecttoWi-Fi point