KuSSu Apps
Vihmaradar 4.2.5
NB! Radari vaatamine kulutab palju andmesidet!Vihmaradar - Ilmateenistus.ee* Komposiit pilt (Harku ja Sürgavere kokkuliidetud)* Sürgavere PseudoCAPPI* Harku PseudoCAPPI* Zuumitav Soome radar, näitab ka Eestit, ning 3h vihmaennustust* ÄikesekaartÄikeseinfo pärineb http://blitzortung.org lehelt._________________________________________________________Rakendus on arendatud isiklikuks otstarbeks ja on kõigiletasuta.Rakendus on loodud põhimõttel "As is" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_is )NB! Watch the radarspends a lot of data!Rain Radar - Ilmateenistus.ee* Composite image (Harku and Sürgavere joined together)* Sürgavere PseudoCAPPI* Harku PseudoCAPPI* Zuumitav radar Finland, Estonia also indicates, 3H, and the rainforecast* Chance MapChance of information comes from http://blitzortung.orgpage._________________________________________________________The application is developed for personal use and is free ofcharge.The application is designed on the principle of "as is"(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_is)
Earth Wind 3.5
NB! To be able to receive all weather data andenjoy full beauty of colours, this App needs powerful GPU (graphicprocessing unit) and fast internet speed!This is an animated map of global weather conditions and showswind, temperature, air flow, air pressure...App start location can be saved through the menu.You can switch overlays by press "Earth" on screen.Map updates every three hours, showing near-current weatherpatterns worldwide. You can spin the map like a globe, zoom in on aparticular region, or just soak in the oddly soothing sight of theneon lines steadily making their way across the globe.NB: If you think the winds are bad (strong) over land today, checkout the ones sweeping across the seas.Try out the different heights (options) and overlay options (liketemperature) and watch weather patterns around the world meld intoeach other and connect across continents.You can use Menu by shake you phone!Source code: https://github.com/cambecc/earth
Muinasjutud 2.1
Muinasjutud lastele, jutustavad erinevad tuntud ja vähem tuntudnäitlejad.Võimalus kuulata "Õhtujutt lastele" Vikerraadio arhiivist. 10õhtujuttu, igal õhtul uus jutt!Vajalik interneti ühendus._________________________________________________________Rakendus on loodud põhimõttel "As is" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_is )Fairytales for children, telling stories about the various well-knownand lesser-known actors.The opportunity to listen to "Wedding Story for Children"Vikerraadio archive. 10 bedtime story, a new story everynight!Required Internet connection._________________________________________________________The app is designed on the principle "as is" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_is)
Uudised 1.0.8
Lihtne uudiste rakendus, kus saab lugedajakuulata värskeid uudiseid Eestist ja välismaalt.Uudised pärinevad err.ee leheltUudised on eesti keeles ning uudise saab lasta endaleettelugeda.Uudiseid loeb üks Soome tädi, ta veel hästi eesti keelt eioska,seega andke talle see aktsent palun andeks.Tulevikus, kui tal Eesti keele selgeks saab, siis hakkabkindlastika eesti keeles lugema.Kuulamiseks vajalik Google TTS kõnesüntees!Lisavõimalusena saad sisestada või kleepida ( pasteda )omateksti ja paluda soome tädil ka selle ette lugeda._________________________________________________________Rakendus on loodud põhimõttel "As is"(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_is )Easy news app whereyoucan read and listen to the latest news from Estoniaandabroad.News originate err.ee pageNews of the Estonian language, and news you can let yourselfberead.Read news from one of Finland's aunt, she still did notknowEstonian well, so let him apologize to accent it.In the future, when it will be clear to the Estonian language,youwill be sure to also read the language.Google TTS speech synthesis necessary to hear!Facilities can enter or paste (pasted) with your text and asktheFinnish aunt also read aloud._________________________________________________________The application is designed on the principle of "asis"(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_is)
Eesti TTS kõnesüntees 1.1
Rakendus on mõeldud vaegnägijatelejapimedatele!NB! Kahjuks rakendus ei loe numbreid, loodame, et vigasaabkõrvaldatud lähiajal.Rakenduse autor: Eesti Keele InstituutEesti Keele Instituudi poolt loodud Eesti TTSkõnesünteesimootor.1. Seadista "EKI Speak Engine" peamiseksTekst-kõneksväljundiks2. Lülita sisse "Talkback" rakendus.3. Puuduta teksti/nuppu ning telefon räägib sinuga .Rakenduse autor: Eesti Keele Instituuthttp://heli.eki.ee/koduleht/index.php/rakendusedhttp://www.eki.ee/eki/litsents.htmlThe app is designedforblind and partially sighted people!NB! Unfortunately, the application can not read the numbers,wehope that the error can be corrected in the near future.Application author: Institute of Estonian LanguageCreated by the Institute of Estonian Language Estonian TTSspeechsynthesis engine.1. Set the "Engine of Economic Research Speak"maintext-to-speech output2. Turn on "Talkback" application.3. Tap the text / button on the phone and talking to you.Application author: Institute of Estonian Languagehttp://heli.eki.ee/koduleht/index.php/rakendusedhttp://www.eki.ee/eki/litsents.html