Life.Church Apps
Bible 10.5.1
On more than 250 million devices around theworld, people are reading, listening to, watching, and sharing theBible using the #1 rated Bible App—completely free. 1,400+ Bibleversions, 1,000+ languages. Listen to audio Bibles. Thousands ofReading Plans & Devotionals, in 40+ languages. Download thebest rated Bible App.Customize your Bible with Highlights, Bookmarks, and public/privateNotes. Access everything online, or download select versions to useoffline. Read, study, and share with friends. Enjoy honestconversations about faith in trusted community. Grow together everyday with friends, sharing your discoveries. Create shareable art:add Scripture verses to your photos.READ THE BIBLE DAILY● Experience the Bible App in any of 40+ languages● Switch between 1,400+ Bible versions, 1,000+ languages● Popular versions: King James Version KJV, New InternationalVersion NIV, New King James Version NKJV, New Living TranslationNLT, English Standard Version ESV, NASB, The Message MSG, Yoruba,Zulu, Hindi, French, Chinese● Offline Bibles: Read even w/o network access (selectversions)● Audio Bibles: Audio for select versions (not downloadable)● Verse of the DayUSE THE BIBLE WITH FRIENDS● Center your Christian friendships around holy Scripture in theBible App● Home Feed: See what you and friends bookmark &highlight● Comments: Connect with friends each day as you study Bible truthstogether, sharing ideas, asking questionsSTUDY THE BIBLE● Reading Plans: Thousands of Devotionals, Bible Plans. Studytopics or portions of the Bible. Read the entire Bible (both OneYear® Bible and Bible in One Year)● Video: Watch clips from The Bible, the JESUS film, Lumo Project,& moreCUSTOMIZE YOUR FREE BIBLE● Verse Images: Create amazing bible verse images● Highlights: Like a paper Bible with custom colors● Bookmarks: Sharing, memorizing, finding your favoriteverses● Share verses with friends: social media, email, or SMS/text● Notes: Keep them private so only you can see them, or public toshare with friends● Cloud Sync: With a free YouVersion account, see all of yourNotes, Highlights, Bookmarks, and Reading Plans on any supporteddevice● Easy Reading: Adjust font, text size, and contrast for bright orlow-lightCONNECT WITH YOUVERSION● Contact support from inside the Bible App● Like us on Facebook● Follow us on Twitter● Keep current on our blog● YouVersion onlinehttp://bible.com1,400+ Bible Versions:King James Version KJVNew International Version NIVNew Living Translation NLTThe Message MSGEnglish Standard Version ESVHolman Christian Standard Bible HCSBNew King James Version NKJVNew American Bible, revised edition (Catholic)Chinese Bible - Chinese SimplifiedChinese Bible - Chinese TraditionalZuluXhosaYorubaHindi BibleFrenchAudio Bibles:KJV Audio BibleNIV Audio BibleNLT Audio BibleThe Message MSGHindi Audio BibleESV AudioChinese Audio Bible1,000+ Languages:English, Hindi, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, German,French, Russian, Indonesian, Javanese, Amharic, Twi, Arabic, Zulu,Xhosa, Yoruba, Nepali, Bengali, Filipino, Igbo, Hausa,FulfuldeThanks to generous content partners, we offer thousands of ReadingPlans, Devotionals, and free Bible study Plans: Billy Graham,Francis Chan, One Hope: Bible App for Kids devotionals, FCAFellowship of Christian Athletes, Our Daily Bread, One Year® Bible,Jesus Film, Lead Like Jesus, Daily Guideposts, Deeper intoScripture, Ligonier, Joseph Prince, Scripture Union, Focus on theFamily, John Piper: Desiring God, Hillsong, Audio books &devotionals, Daily Bible Reading Guide Catholic, Rick Warren: DailyHope, Set Me Free, NewSpring Church, Beth Moore, 21 Days of OurDaily Bread, Hope International, Wisdom Books, New Life Christian,Daily Walk, Once a Day Bible, Jesus Calling, Growing Leaders,, Love God Greatly, Our Daily Bread: China
Network Summit 1.0.4
The Summit app from Network Churches isyourbest tool for getting the most out of this amazing event. Findtheschedule, detailed workshop descriptions, map, and event infointhe palm of your hand. You can even keep up with theNetworkChurches social media feeds and share posts right from theapp.With six workshop tracks, multiple breakout sessions, neweventlocation, and a buzzy social media campaign, you'll needtheNetwork Summit app to keep you organized for every minute ofthetwo-day conference. And, make sure you enable push notificationssoyou'll know when sessions and contests are starting.Features:• 2015 Summit schedule• Workshop sessions info• Map• Integrated social media feeds and sharing options• Summit survey• Live announcements about contests and speakersNetwork Summit is the annual conference for Network Churchesheldat Network Churches partner with LifeChurch.tvandeach other in content and community, using a proven model ofsharedteaching, resources, and development to reach people forChrist incommunities around the world. Network Churches believethey canaccomplish infinitely more together than apart. To learnmore aboutNetwork Churches, visit us at:Web: networkchurches.tvTwitter: