More Share Corp Apps

Popular Funny Picture 3.0.20160523
POPULAR FUNNY PICTURE is a app with tonscollection of memes,funny gifs,relatable and super hilarious post.Only The Funniest are featured in this apps. Hundreds of funnyimages. Get the newest and freshest funny pictures on market forfree. Most hilarious funny pictures of animals, children, funnygirls and boys, very funny faces, human caricatures, humorouscomics, pictures of cats, dogs and birds, cool pictures and crazypictures of funny situations, funny people, jokes photo and otherfun stuff. Contains photo categories Reddit, absolutely awesomecute pictures, Fails, digg, Epic Fail Pics, Cute Pics, Funny Memes,cool pictures, cute dogs and cats, funny pets, rage comics, oranything other type of funny pictures, we think you will LOVE LOLPics! Get it now while it's free, and UPDATED real time!★ FEATURES:* Clear style and simple* View image offline (after sync)* Custom notification* Automatic notification* Custom Share content* Easy bookmark/favorite/stars content for later reading* Fast Data Transfers For low-bandwidth* Auto/Manual sync* Custom interval update sync* Optional light or Dark theme* And Many More features★ Popular RSS Available (credited to owner)* Advice-animal* Epic-Fun* FunnyFix* FunSubstance* ItsDamnFunny* Laugh-Addict* LaughingStation* LOLFactory* OMG-Humor* RageComics4You* WhatShouldWeCallMe* (Contact me please if you want adding RSS to this app)★★★★★★★★★★GOOD RATE, GOOD COMMENTWILL BE IMPROVE THIS PROJECT :)★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ DISCLAIMER!★★★★★★★★★★All the pictures, images, animate and videos contained on our appswere collected from RSS. All media featured in this apps belong totheir respective owners. We don’t claim ownership to any of thesephotos.★★★★★★★★★★
UK & World Top News 3.0.20160523
★★★★★ UK TOP News Centre ★★★★★Get the breaking UK news including : UK Newspapers , BBC news,Yahoo news, Google news, The Guardian news, The Daily Mail news,SKY news, The Sun news, Reuters news and MSN news. Application toread TOP and HOT article news in simple way. This application willautomatically get RSS Feed from website and display content withimage tile, working online or offline reading.---------------------------------FEATURES:* Clear style and simple* Read article offline (after sync)* Custom notification* Automatic notification* Custom Share content* Easy bookmark/favorite/stars content for later reading* Fast Data Transfers For low-bandwidth* Auto/Manual sync* Custom interval update sync* Optional light or Dark theme* And Many More featuresOfficial developer project: @moreshare★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★GOOD RATE, GOOD COMMENTWILL BE IMPROVE THIS PROJECT :)★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Big Deals Discount Asian Store 3.0.20160813
----------------------------Big Deals Discount Asian Store----------------------------We are the leading Product Search Engine and Price Comparisonshopping site in online store currently operating in 6 countries:Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Vietnamwith over 5 Million shoppers every month. The service helpsconsumers to get big deals discount up to 95% price.----------------------------How To?----------------------------* Press menu button or click top left corner* Select your country for displaying local big deals discount* List of product updated daily* How to disable notification? Go to menu SETTING on the leftmenu* How to Sync latest big deals discount? click SYNC NOW on the leftmenu----------------------------Disclaimer----------------------------All the products shown on this page is fully-owned provider ofonline stores related, whether it be pictures, prices,specifications and process sales and purchase all be theresponsibility of the webstore, Our only facilities that help youto facilitate the search for the best price. We are not responsiblefor any complaint that product!
Shopping Quick Search 1.1
★★★★★★★★★★Our not only lets you detail description of product, but also givesyou fresh insights into how about pricing value, how about ratingvalue, and how you can make a decision to choose a product with ourrecommendations. The system is built on a powerful Analysis ProductTools, easy to find any product, reporting and converting value ofproduct detail, so you can make a decision to choose a best productonline shopFeature------------------------------------★ Added Country US,UK,CA,FR (New)★ Added select country (New)★ Added Category (New)★ Added select category (New)★ Added more result button (New)★ Recommended Product★ Product Detail, include pricing, condition, rating, review andmore.★ Smart review system★ Search, Fast and easy to you find specify more product.★ CATEGORY AVAILABLEAll####################Please read the following to learn more about our privacypolicy.####################We not collect and receive Your Personal information about you thatis personally identifiable like your name, address, email address,credit card number, or phone number, etc. Purchases. When youpurchase products or services we ask for information such as yourname, address, email address, zip code, and credit cardinformation. This process is handled by website owner using secureweb sites and their policies are published on their websites. Wejust IT Programmer for developing partner with original source viasecure API methode for easily and simply to you search any product.Trademarks and Copyrights of Third Parties. Designated trademarksand brands are the property of their respective owners.####################★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★GOOD RATE, GOOD COMMENTWILL BE IMPROVE THIS PROJECT :)★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Keyword: easy fast shopping cart, united states, canada, unitedkingdom, French
Jejak Super Mario Teguh 3.0.20160523
★★★★★ UN-Official ★★★★★Read Status from MARIO TEGUHApplication to read news (Golden Ways) from MARIO TEGUH insimple way. This application will automatically get RSS Feed fromwebsite and display content with image tile REAL TIME.------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dengan aplikasi ini membaca dan mendapatkan motivasi super dariYth. Bpk MARIO TEGUH menjadi lebih mudah secara terupdate dan realtime tentunya dengan dilengkapi notifikasi otomatis. Anda sibuk?Kurang Percaya diri? Lemah mental? Kurang bersemangat menjalanihidup? Aplikasi ini dapat memberikatan penyemangat untuk andadimana saja dan kapan saja karena aplikasi ini menyimpan semuastatus yang telah dishare oleh beliau secara terupdate dan andadapat membacanya dilain waktu secara offline tanpa harus tertinggalsedikitpun kata/makna/hikmah/mutiara/pengetahuan/pengalaman yangdisampaikan oleh motivator ternama di indonesia Bpk MARIOTEGUH.Fitur yang ditawarkan:1. Aplikasi native, bisa digunakan online/offline2. Ada 2 tampilan warna theme3. List and grid view4. Notifikasi otomatis dan bisa disetting5. Hemat bandwidth6. Default theme: Light (Dark optional)7: Default update interval: 30 menit (bisa disetting)8. Sync on startup9. No auto cleanup10. Easy search11. Easy Custom Share content12. Easy Starred/Bookmark13. dan lain lainOfficial developer project: @moreshare★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★GOOD RATE, GOOD COMMENTWILL BE IMPROVE THIS PROJECT :)★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ DISCLAIMER!★★★★★★★★★★All the contents, pictures, images, animate and videos contained onour apps were collected from FACEBOOK, TWITTER, and TUMBLR @ MARIOTEGUH. All media featured in this apps belong to their respectiveowners. We don’t claim ownership to any of these content.Original Source:★★★★★★★★★★UN-Official ★★★★★★★★★★Read Status from MARIO TEGUHApplication to read news (Golden Ways) from MARIO TEGUH in asimple way. This application will automatically get RSS feeds fromwebsites and display content with tile image REAL TIME.------------------------------------------------------------------------------With this application to read and get a super motivation ofDesignation. Mr. MARIO TEGUH be more easily updated in real timeand of course equipped with automatic notifications. You are busy?Lack of confidence? Mentally weak? Lackluster live? Thisapplication can memberikatan encouragement to you anywhere andanytime because it stores all the status that has been shared byhim are updated and you can read it the next time it offlinewithout having lagged the slightest word / meaning / learned /pearl / knowledge / experience is delivered by renowned motivatorin Indonesia Mr. MARIO TEGUH.Features offered:1. The application natively, can be used online / offline2. There are 2 display color theme3. List and grid view4. The automatic notifications and can be set5. Save bandwidth6. Default theme: Light (Dark optional)7: Default update interval: 30 minutes (can be set)8. Sync on startup9. No auto cleanup10. Easy search11. Easy Custom Share content12. Easy Starred / Bookmark13. and othersOfficial developer project: @moreshare★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★GOOD RATE, COMMENT GOODWILL BE IMPROVE THIS PROJECT :)★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ DISCLAIMER!★★★★★★★★★★All the contents, pictures, images, animate and videos contained onour apps were collected from FACEBOOK, Twitter, and Tumblr @ MARIOTEGUH. All media featured in this apps belong to Reviews theirrespective owners. We do not claim ownership to any of ReviewsThese content.Original Source:★★★★★★★★★★
More Share Forum 3.0.20160523
★★★★★ Official ★★★★★Read article from MS-ROOM.COMApplication to read article from MS-ROOM.COM in simple way. Thisapplication will automatically get RSS Feed from website anddisplay content with image tile.---------------------------------------More Sharee forum merupakan sebuah forum dengan kualitas informasibersumber dari beberapa situs ternama, Sebagian besar topik berasaldari dengan melakukan filtering khusus dari segi view, rating, hotthread, dan reply. Agar konten informasi yang didapat dikiranyasangat bermanfaat dan menambah wawasan bagi anda semua. Denganaplikasi ini membaca dan mendapatkan informasi berita menjadi lebihmudah secara terupdate dan real time.Fitur yang ditawarkan:1. Aplikasi native, bisa digunakan offline2. Ada 2 tampilan warna theme3. List and grid view4. Notifikasi berita otomatis dan bisa disetting5. Hemat bandwidth6. Default theme: Light (Dark optional)7: Default update interval: 30 menit8. Sync on startup9. No auto cleanup10. dan lain lainOfficial developer project: @moreshare★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★GOOD RATE, GOOD COMMENTWILL BE IMPROVE THIS PROJECT :)★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★---------------------------------------Keyword: more share forum, berita, news, hot, teknologi,pengetahuan, tutorial, jual beli, sharing, komunitas, grup, sosial,pendidikan, informasi, terkini, terbaru, terupdate, terpercaya,kaskus forum, rss, feed, aplikasi indonesia
Jasa Isi Gems Diamonds 3.0.20160331
Jasa pengisian Gems/Diamond COC/Clashofclans/Hayday Android! Recommended seller on kaskus, prosescepatterpercaya murah aman!Bingung ga bisa isi gems/diamonds? ga punya kartu kredit?kamisolusinya didukung oleh staff handal terpercaya untukmempercepatproses transaksi. Sistem ini dibuat bagi khususpembayaran viarekening aja, untuk pembelian via pulsa bisa lihatcontact BBm kamidikaskus* Aman* Kemudahan akses* Pengecekan pembayaran otomatis oleh sistem* Didukung oleh banyak staff* Banyak diskon* Berhadiah HP android (Selama Periode berlangsung)* Dan masih banyak lagiCharging services Gems/Diamond COC / Clash of Clans / hayday Android! Recommendedselleron kaskus, fast reliable process cost safe!Confused can not fill gems / diamonds? ga have a credit card?Oursolution is backed by a reliable trustworthy staff to speed upthetransaction process. This system was designed for a specialpaymentaccount via aja, to purchase via pulses can see BBM contactusdikaskus* Safe* Ease of access* Checking the automatic payment system* Supported by many staff* Many discounts* Prizes HP android (Period lasts)* And many more
TOP Country Trending Topics 3.0.20160523
★★★★★ TOP 10 TRENDs on TWITTER ★★★★★Like every community or social media manager, one type ofsocialmedia content you’re likely to share is posts that play onwhat’shappening in the world– the trends of the day, week, ormonth. Tofind content for these posts, many of you are probablyturning toTwitter’s Trending Topics--that friendly little sectionon theleft-hand side of your browser when you visit,andsomething that can be personalized (or not) to what Twitterthinksyou’ll be most interested in.We admit that Trending Topics are pretty handy when it comestoinspiring content, but it’s also the same place EVERY. OTHER.BRAND(and probably your competitors) is looking for contentideas.Boring! Today, we’ve BUILD THIS APP! you can look for TOPtrendingstories to inspire you REAL TIME by COUNTRY includingnotificationeasily and simply. This project provide by API OfficialonTwitter.★★★★★★★★★★★TOP TRENDs COUNTRY LIST★★★★★★★★★★* World Wide [WW]* Brazil [BR]* Canada [CA]* India [IN]* Indonesia [ID]* Japan [JP]* Mexico [MX]* Philippines [PH]* Spain [ES]* United Kingdom [GB]* United States [US]* (contact me for adding your country here)★★★★★★★★★★★FEATURES:★★★★★★★★★★* Clear style and simple* Fast and easy read TRENDs every country* Real Time TOP 10 TRENDs on twitter every country* Including TOP 5 sample tweets for 1-3 BEST trending topics* Read TRENDs offline (after sync)* Custom notification* Automatic notification* Custom Share content* Translate content* Easy bookmark/favorite/stars TRENDs for later reading* Fast Data Transfers For low-bandwidth* Auto/Manual sync* Custom interval update sync (default 1 hour)* Optional light or Dark theme* And Many More featuresOfficial developer project: @moreshare★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★GOOD RATE, GOOD COMMENTWILL BE IMPROVE THIS PROJECT :)★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Humor Cerita Lucu (Offline) 10.10.20230905
The complete collection of humorous offline funny stories in theIndonesian version is here.
Multiple RSS Atom Feed Reader 3.0.20160330
★★★★★ Multiple RSS Atom Feed Reader★★★★★Get multiple news from RSS atom feed xml : UK Newspapers , BBCnews, Yahoo, Google, The Guardian, The Daily Mail, SKY, The Sun,Reuters, MSN news, tumblr, or custom URL FEED. Application to readarticle in simple way. This application will automatically get RSSFeed from website and display content with image tile, workingonline or offline reading.---------------------------------FEATURES:* unlimited multiple RSS to add* Clear style and simple* Read article offline (after sync)* Custom notification* Automatic push notification* Custom Share content* Easy bookmark/favorite/stars content for later reading* Fast Data Transfers For low-bandwidth* Auto/Manual sync* Custom interval update sync* Optional light or Dark theme* And Many More featuresOfficial developer project: @moreshare★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★GOOD RATE, GOOD COMMENTWILL BE IMPROVE THIS PROJECT :)★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Html Css JS Tester + Example 10.10.20230902
Try to run your HTML CSS Javascript code easily with many examplefor learn
US & World Top News 3.0.20160523
★★★★★ US TOP News Centre ★★★★★Get the breaking US news including : US Newspapers , BBC news,Yahoonews, Google news, The Guardian news, The Daily Mail news,SKY news,The Sun news, Reuters news and MSN news. Application toread TOP andHOT article news in simple way. This application willautomaticallyget RSS Feed from website and display content withimage tile,working online or offline reading.FEATURES:* Clear style and simple* Read article offline (after sync)* Custom notification* Automatic notification* Custom Share content* Easy bookmark/favorite/stars content for later reading* Fast Data Transfers For low-bandwidth* Auto/Manual sync* Custom interval update sync* Optional light or Dark theme* And Many More featuresOfficial developer project: @moreshare★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★GOOD RATE, GOOD COMMENTWILL BE IMPROVE THIS PROJECT :)★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Multi Online Store Indonesia 1.0.20160525
Karena banyaknya toko online diindonesia saatini dalam bentuk mobile apps android, dan terlalu banyak memakaninternal space karena harus pasang setiap aplikasi berbeda daritoko online. MAKA kami menghadirkan satu solusi "hanya dengan satuaplikasi, semua toko online seluruh indonesia dalam genggamantangan anda."----------FITUR:---------*Multi toko online, Semua toko online ada disini (akan diupdateterus).*Multi Pencarian, Satu kali pencarian untuk semua tokoonline.*simple dan mudah dalam membandingkan harga.*Aplikasi kecil dan ringan----------------------------------------------------------Tutorial?Masukkan kata kunci pada kolom "CARI BARANG...". Kemudian tekantombol "SEARCH". Untuk memilih toko online mana yang ingin andalihat produknya, Klik logo toko setelah anda tekan tombol "SEARCH".Hasil akan memunculkan barang dari berbagai sumber toko onlineterpercaya dan anda bisa memilih harga mana yang paling murah sertacocok dikantong anda.Disclaimer/Privacy Policy?Segala produk yang ditampilkan dihalaman ini sepenuhnya milikpenyedia toko online terkait, baik itu berupa gambar, harga,spesifikasi maupun proses penjualan dan pembeliannya semua menjaditanggung jawab webstore tersebut, aplikasi ini hanya fasilitas yangmembantu anda untuk memudahkan pencarian harga terbaik. Kami tidakbertanggung jawab atas segala komplain produk tersebut!Since the number ofonline stores diIndonesia this time in the form of mobile appsandroid, and consuming too much internal space having to plug eachapplication is different from the online store. THEN we present asolution "with just one application, all the online shopsthroughout Indonesia in the palm of your hand."---------- FEATURES: ---------* Multi shop online, you want to shop online is here (will beupdated continuously).* Multi Search, One-time search for all online stores.* Simple and easy to compare prices.* Application is small and light----------------------------------------------------------Tutorial?Enter a keyword in the "SEARCH OF ...". Then press the "SEARCH". Toselect an online store where you want to see the product, Click thelogo store after you press the "SEARCH". The results will bring upitems from different sources reliable online stores and you canchoose where the price of the most inexpensive and suitabledikantong you.Disclaimer / Privacy Policy?All the products shown on this page is fully-owned provider ofrelated online store, whether it be pictures, prices,specifications and process sales and purchase all be theresponsibility of the webstore, this application only facilitywhich enables you to facilitate the search for the best price. Weare not responsible for any complaints of these products!
eGift - PuLsa Gratis Tiap Hari 1.0.20161207
NOTE!!!Sistem pulsa gratis ini lebih pasti, lebih mudah serta terjamindantidak butuh banyak waktu anda untuk meluangkannya, Tidaksepertiaplikasi pulsa gratis lainnya yang membutuhkan anda untukinstallaplikasi ini itu dan memakan banyak waktu anda serta memakankuotainternet anda. Sistem ini tidak seperti itu! Sistem kamiakanbekerja otomatis sendiri dan terus menghasilkan pulsa gratisuntukanda jika anda mendapat TARGET yang PAS, cukup mereferensikandananda tinggal duduk manis PULSA GRATIS MENGALIR SETIAP HARI:)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mau Pulsa Gratis tiap detik? tiap menit? tiap jam? TiapHari?Cara mendapatkan pulsa gratis bagaimana? apakah ada tips triknya?tidak masalah itu bisa diatur asal ikutin aturan mainnyaaja.Caranya gampang ko. BACA PROSEDUR YANG TERTERA DALAMAPLIKASI!Syarat & Ketentuan------------------------------*No HP yang diterima hanya GSM dan bukan CDMA! dan berlokasidiIndonesia*No HP anda dijamin kerahasiaannya dengan tujuan hanyasebagaipengiriman PULSA dari kami ke Nomor HP anda tersebut. Tidakuntukyang lainnya.*Pastikan bahwa Nomor HP anda BENAR! Jika Nomor HP salah,Pulsatidak akan pernah masuk ke nomor anda dan itu bukan tanggungjawabkami.*PuLsa Gratis anda akan selalu dikirimkan ke Nomor HP andasetiapmencapai Rp 5.000.*Tidak ada komplain atau ganti rugi apapun dari pihakkami,karena semua layanan ini GRATIS. Tidak ada biaya apapunyangdibebankan kepada anda.NOTE !!!The system's toll free surer, easier and secure and does nottakemuch of your time to meluangkannya, toll-free Unlikeotherapplications that require you to install this application itandtakes a lot of your time and take your internet quota. Thesystemis not like that! Our system will automatically work itselfandcontinue to generate free credit to you if you got TARGETPAS,please refer and you just sit TOLL FREE FLOW EVERY DAY :)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Want Toll Free every second? every minute? every hour? Everyday?How to get free pulses how? is there any tips of his tricks?not aproblem that can set the rules of origin ikutin wrote. Howeasy ko.READ THE PROCEDURE SET FORTH IN THE APPLICATION!Terms and conditions------------------------------* No HP received only GSM and not CDMA! and is locatedinIndonesia* No HP you guaranteed confidentiality with the only goal asthedelivery of our PULSE your phone number to it. Not forothers.* Make sure that the phone number you are RIGHT! If thephonenumber is wrong, Pulse will never enter your number and it isnotour responsibility.* Toll Free you will always be sent to your phone number toreachRp 5,000 each.* No complaint or compensation whatsoever from our side,becauseall of these services for FREE. There is no any costscharged toyou.
SpeedLoad SmartPhone Benchmark 10.10.20230905
Test the speed of smartphone performance before you buy it withdevice list
Guitar Chord Transposer Simple 10.10.20230905
Automatically Transpose Song Chords to a New Key, Save and PlayLater Offline
Kumpulan Cerpen OFFLINE 10.10.20230501
Set Stories Collection of Short Stories (Short Story) OFFLINEcomplete without internet
Chord Guitar Full Offline 10.10.20230501
Guitar chords and lyrics complete collections full offlineapplication
Kumpulan Kunci Gitar Indonesia 10.10.20230501
Complete set of Collections chord and its Indonesian band lyrics(FULL OFFLINE)
Kumpulan Kunci Gitar ID PRO 10.10.20230501
Complete Collection of guitars set of key Indonesian band alongwith lyrics (FULL OFFLINE)