Ruslan Sokolovsky Apps
Real Zen Garden 3D LWP 1.0
One of the most relaxing nature 3D live wallpapers on Google Playfor your phone or tablet! Modern life is full of pressure, so whynot to take a minute and have a walk in photo real japan zen gardenright on the screen of your phone? This app garanties relaxingimpact every time you stare at your display. Find your favoriteview out of 9 cameras, or just enable automatic cinematic view andenjoy cinematic tour. You can disable or enable some of sceneelements in settings menu. Have a nice day under sakura trees:-)Do not rely on screenshots, you have to download it to understandthe real 3D impact!If you want to keep updated, leave your suggestions or requests orjust "Like" visit me at Facebook, comment, thanks!REAL ZEN GARDEN 3D LWP made with OPEN GL 2.0 and optimized toconsume low resources and also not to drain your battery.Installation: The main screen (long press) → Live Wallpaper → REALZEN GARDEN 3D LWPOn some devices the first loading can be a little bit slow, justgive it half minute.
Oriental Garden 3D free 1.12
Awarded by Appeggs as Top Rated App.An amazing 3D live wallpaper on Google Play for your phone ortablet! Fully 3d oriental garden scene will provide you great moodand keep you calm during a day. The original tea house, waterfalls,vegetation and landscape, flying birds and falling leaves give thislive wallpaper very realistic look.Paid version is available with great extra features! You canchoose between day and night and use additional settings!If you want to keep updated, leave your suggestions or requestsor just "Like" visit me at Facebook Garden 3D free made with OPEN GL 2.0 and optimized toconsume low resources and also not to drain your battery.Installation: The main screen (long press) → Live Wallpaper →Oriental Garden 3d FreePlease, rate!On some devices the first loading can be a little bit slow, justgive it half minute.
Battlefield Cry 3D 1.0
For easy launch on latest Android devices (or any other) , pleaseuse "Live Wallpaper Shortcut" app or official Google "Wallpapers"app. It will bring live wallpapers menu in one click. New and oneof the best 3D live wallpapers on Google Play for your phone ortablet! Fully 3d animated warfare scene looks just like you used tosee it in the best games at market. Finally you can command yourpersonal soldier with just swiping screens of your phone!Battlefield Cry has all the conditions to give you feel of modernwarfare - passing over helicopters, jets, ruined houses, burningtanks and lot of atmospheric effects, all just action lovers wantedfrom live wallpaper! If you want to keep updated, leave yoursuggestions or requests or just "Like" visit me at Facebook Battlefield Cry made withOPEN GL 2.0 and optimized to consume low resources and also not todrain your battery. Installation: The main screen (long press) →Live Wallpaper → Battlfield Cry Please, rate! On some devices thefirst loading can be a little bit slow, just give it half minute.
Battlefield Cry Lite 1.0
Lite version of new and one of the best 3D live wallpapers onGoogle Play for your phone or tablet! Fully 3d animated warfarescene looks just like you used to see it in the best games atmarket. Lite version has only one basic soldier animation, no warmachines, like helicopters, jets, tanks and no special fx, likefire, dust and smoke. To feel real warfare atmosphere and supportdevelopment, please consider full version. Here link to Promo video Battlefield Cry made with OPEN GL 2.0and optimized to consume low resources and also not to drain yourbattery. Installation: The main screen (long press) → LiveWallpaper → Battlfield Cry Please, rate! On some devices the firstloading can be a little bit slow, just give it half minute.