SantaLaBa Apps

Mi corazon es tuyo Adivinha 1.0
¿Crees que conoces bien esta serie? Este es eljuego para los fans Mi Corazon es tuyo, como usted. Este juegopondrá a prueba tus conocimientos. Sólo tienes que descargar einstalar de forma gratuita. Este es un juego recomendado parausted, absolutamente juego divertido y simple. El juego requiereque responda a lo que representan las imágenes y si su respuesta escorrecta, se le dará monedas, y también reducir sus monedas si surespuesta es incorrecta. Seleccione el botón de ayuda indirecta encuanto es posible que necesite ayuda para revelar las letras pararesponder a la pregunta.Sobre:Es una adaptación de la serie de televisión española titulada Ana ylos siete. Fernando Lascuráin, es un hombre de negocios rico yviudo con siete hijos rebeldes, que busca una nueva niñera para sushijos. Después de eso, Ana es contratada como niñera y que forme aintegrarse en la mansión. Ana es una bailarina exótica que trata deguardar su doble vida en secreto.Nota:Este juego es absolutamente libre y no oficial de aplicaciones paralos fanáticos único propósito.Think you know thisseries well? This is the game for the fans My Heart is yours, asyou. This game will test your knowledge. Just download and installfor free. This is a recommended game for you, absolutely fun andsimple game. The game requires you to answer what they representimages and if your answer is correct, you will be given coins, andalso reduce their coins if you answer incorrectly. Clicking theindirect help as you may need help to reveal the letters to answerthe question.About:It is an adaptation of the Spanish television series titled Annaand the seven. Fernando Lascuráin, is a wealthy businessman andwidower with seven rebellious children, looking for a new nanny fortheir children. After that, Ana is hired as a nanny and form tojoin the mansion. Ana is an exotic dancer who attempts to keep hisdouble life a secret.Note:This game is absolutely free and unofficial application for fanspurpose only.
Sikembar Sketch Words Trivia 1.0
Twin Sikembar Trivia Words is a guess gamefrom personel of siKembar families and friends. It is inspired bythe kid's cartoon entertaining movies series that is ipin and hislovely twin brother upin. All you need to do is guessing who is thenick name of the friends of the these brothers that is appearing bytapping the matching letters to form a correct word. You also havethe help menu button to give you hints about the word if you forgettheir name. This is a fun and exciting game for you to beplayed!Note for you:This game is unofficial. It is absolutely free, download andinstall now. We hope you enjoyed it. Please show your support byrating five stars. If you feel it does not deserves 5 stars, we letyou give your feedback to tell us.
Chiquitita Palavras Adivinha 2.0
Olhe para quatro fotos desses Chiquititasimagens e adivinha qual é a palavra em comum. Quatro fotos em umjogo de palavras é um fenômeno, por telefone e app tablet. O jogoirá mostrar-lhe algumas fotos e seu objetivo é descobrir o que elestêm em comum. É um brainteaser divertido, simples e super viciante.Você pode adivinhar o seu nome real ou talvez o nome do personagem.Você pode jogá-lo com sua família, amigos e se você vai precisar dealguma ajuda, você pode compartilhar as fotos. Há também o botãoAJUDAR no canto superior esquerdo da sua tela. Use-o sempre queprecisar, mas precisa de algumas moedas.Sobre:Chiquititas é uma telenovela brasileira escrito por Íris Abravanel,foi ao ar no SBT. Baseado na série original de mesmo nome criadopor Cris Morena, também é um remake da versão anterior para aquelepaís. A série é dirigida por Reynaldo Boury, com RicardoMantoanelli dirigir os vídeos musicais. O remake foi anunciado emsetembro de 2012 pelo SBT, com o objetivo de manter asclassificações positivas dadas pelo Carrossel, também dirigido paraos espectadores mais jovens.Nota:Este é jogos de aplicativos não oficiais. Este jogo é apenas paraos fãs de propósito. Estou grandes fãs de Chiquititas.Look at these four photosTiny Angels pictures and guess what the word is in common. Fourphotos in a play on words is a phenomenon, by phone and tablet app.The game will show you some pictures and your goal is to discoverwhat they have in common. It's a fun, simple and addictivebrainteaser. You can guess your real name or perhaps the name ofthe character. You can play it with your family, friends, and ifyou will need any help, you can share photos. There is also theHELP button in the upper left corner of your screen. Use itwhenever you need it, but need some coins.About:Chiquititas is a Brazilian telenovela written by Iris Abravanel,aired on SBT. Based on the original series of the same name createdby Cris Morena, is also a remake of the previous version for thatcountry. The series is directed by Reynaldo Boury, with RicardoMantoanelli directing music videos. The remake was announced inSeptember 2012 by SBT, aiming to keep the positive ratings given byCarousel, also directed for younger viewers.Note:This game is unofficial applications. This game is only for fanspurpose. I'm big fans of Tiny Angels.
Juegos de La Reina del Sur 1.0
¿Quién más quiere jugar este juego? El juegose trata de responder a las palabras adecuadas que viene a partirde imágenes. Si su respuesta es correcta, se le dará monedas, y sisu respuesta es incorrecta, reducirá sus monedas. Seleccione elbotón de pista de ayuda para ayudar a revelar las cartas. Esto esabsolutamente divertido y sencillo juego que los fans como tú. Sólotienes que instalar de forma gratuita. Vea cómo usted obtuvo unabuena calificación!Sobre:Está basada en una novela del mismo nombre del escritor español. LaReina del Sur es la historia de Teresa que vive con su novio, quese convierte en el narcotraficante más poderoso en el sur de Españael cártel de Sinaloa.Nota:Este juego es absolutamente libre y no oficial de aplicaciones paralos fanáticos único propósito.Who else wants to playthis game? The game tries to answer the right words coming fromimages. If your answer is correct, you will be given coins, and ifyour answer is wrong, reduce their currencies. Select the Track aidto help reveal the cards. This is quite fun and simple game thatfans like you. Just install it for free. See how you scorewell!About:It is based on a novel by the Spanish writer. La Reina del Sur isthe story of Teresa who lives with her boyfriend, who becomes themost powerful drug trafficker in southern Spain the Sinaloacartel.Note:This game is absolutely free and unofficial application for fanspurpose only.
CSI Crime Scene Guess Pics New 2.0
This is an app game that require you to guess,what the right word is for the four pieces of the images. Everytime you answer correctly, you will get some coins. These coinswill be useful to use the hint option on the left screen. You canuse the help button to reveal the answer. The options are discoverfirst letter, discover any letter, hide three letters, and ask yourfriends too. If you are a fan, this game is just for you.About:It's an American crime drama television series, that follows LasVegas criminalists working for the Las Vegas Police Department asthey use physical evidence to solve murders, which has inspired ahost of other cop-show "procedurals".Note:This game is absolutely free and Unofficial application for fanspurpose only.