Super Kool Apps Apps
Battery Meter Magical Indicate 1.0.1
An Animated cheetah will be running on yourmobile screen as you set this as your mobile wallpaper. The background of cheetah changes from day light to night based on thebattery level. If the battery level is 80 to 100 percentage thenthe back ground of cheetah running will be Bright day light, whereas the back ground of cheerah running turns to dark night whenbatter level reduces between 25 to 5 percentage. This livewallpaper theme is exciting for childrens and even the concept ofthis live wallpaper is new. So download and install this livewallpaper battery meter app on your mobile and share this app withfriends and relatives. Do take time to comment on this app and rateus 5 star if you like this app
Chicken Recipes 1.0
This is a special chicken recipe app for all chicken foodlovers.Give some spice to your taste buds using this specialchickenrecipe app. If you like Indian Chicken recipes then downloadandinstall this app and check out the top best chicken recipesforyou. Some of the chicken recipes are : Cornflake ChickenTender,Butternut Squash with Seared Chicken, Grilled SpicedChicken,Crispy Chicken with Roasted Carrots, Roasted ParmesanChicken,Smothered chicken legs with Barccolini, Summer ChickenGnocchiSoup, Skillet Chicken with Brussels Sprouts, Chicken andArugulaCacio Pepe, Spicy Chicken Recipe, Masale dar ChickenLollipop,Butter Chicken Recipe, Chicken Dum Biryani and much more.How touse: Ingredients are mentioned for each Chicken recipeCollect allthe Ingredients and Look at the cooking method mentionin the sidetab. You chicken recipes are ready to serve and eat. Dotake timeto comment on this app and provide ratings. If you likethis appthen share it with friends and family members on socialmedia
Weight Gain Tips 1.0
Its easy to gain weight in healthy manner. Use this weight gaintipsapp and follow the instruction mentioned in this weight gainapp.For making this weight gain app we have consulted manydieticiansand doctors and we advice our users to please consult adietician ordoctor before following these tips. This weight gainapp containsexercise and food plan which will increase your weightin a heathymanner. DO share this app with everyone who wish toincrease theirbody weight. Please rate this app along with yourcomments andfeedback.
Fairness Tips Beauty Tips 1.0
Fairness Tips and beauty tips app will make your skin glow andwillincrease your complexion. Using this free fairness tips andbeautytips you will become more beautiful and fair. Follow simpleandeasy homemade remedy to make paste and follow the instructiontoget fair skin in 1 month. As most of the paste are madeusinghomemade products, fruits and vegetable there are no changeforside effects. Download this beauty tips app now and get fairskin.Do leave your comments and rating for this app and share thisappwith friends and family members on social media.
Diet Plan to Lose Weight Loss in 1 Month 1.0
Eat healthy and stay Fit using this Diet plan. You can loseyourweight in 1 month following this healthy diet food and stayfit.This diet plan app contain many healthy recipe which will helpyoustay fit and healthy. The healthy food diet tips will let youknowthe body basic requirements and also contains do and don’twhichwill help you stay healthy. This healthy diet tips app canbefollowed by all age people from kids to adult. Do share thisappwith all family members and friends on your social mediaandprovide ratings and leave your comments
Remove Acne in 7 Days Guide 1.0
Remove Acne and pimples in less than 7 days followingsimplehomemade paste. Homemade paste will have to side effects andit issimple and easiest way to remove acne and pimple. Downloadthisremove acne and pimple in 7 days guide and get clean andclearskin. Pimple and acne is common problem of girls and boys fromageof 12 to 20. Pimple or acne will leave dark spots on facewhichlooks dirty. Use this Remove pimple in 7 days guide and followthetips and homemade remedy to get fair glowing skin. Do sharethisapp with teenagers and leave your comments and ratings for thisapp
Hair Care Tips Home Remedy 1.0
Hair care tips home remedy helps you fight the hair loss issueanddamage hair problems. You can grow hair using some simplehomeremedy and fight dandruff problem. Download this hair care tipsappnow and install it in your mobile. Check the issue you arefacingprovided in this app. You can also let us know if you needany moretips by leaving comment in hair care tips rating place andwe willupgrade this app with more information. Using these simplehomeremedy you can do the following 1. Hair Care 2. FightDandruffproblem 3. Treatment for hair loss 4. Healthy hair tips 5.How togrow hair 6. Flight baldness problem Do share this appwitheveryone in your group on social media and provide ratingwithcomments
Eat Right – Healthy Me 1.0.1
Eat Right helps you to plan your diet correctly and help you inmayways. You can lose your weight following this app, Fighthealthrelated issues, cause for hair loss and many more. Thisappcontains fruits and vegetables details containing amountofpotassium, nutrients , calcium, proteins, carbohydrates,minerals,etc. You also have BMI calculator in this app which helpsyou tocalculate the BMI level of your body. Check your weight andheightcombination and know your health. This app helps you inbelowthings 1. Weight loss 2. Fight Hair loss 3. Fight dandruff 4.Helpscontrol diabetes, blood sugar level, cancer, blood pressureleveland many more 5. Back pain issue 6. And many more You justneed todownload this healthy me eat right plan your diet app nowand stayhealthy and fit. Share this Eat right – healthy me app withfriendsand family members on social media and do rate this appalong withcomments.
Fairness Tips Beauty Tips 1.0
Fairness Tips and beauty tips app will make your skin glow andwillincrease your complexion. Using this free fairness tips andbeautytips you will become more beautiful and fair. Follow simpleandeasy homemade remedy to make paste and follow the instructiontoget fair skin in 1 month. As most of the paste are madeusinghomemade products, fruits and vegetable there are no changeforside effects. Download this beauty tips app now and get fairskin.Do leave your comments and rating for this app and share thisappwith friends and family members on social media.
Breast Cancer Awareness 1.0
It is a good practice to self examines your breast and checkforBreast Cancer. This Breast Cancer awareness app is helpfulforeveryone especially for ladies and girl. It is said that after55years of age the chances of breast cancer increases but it isalsoseen in younger age. People are not free to talk about breastsoshare this app on social media for a good cause and help alltheladies, girls in your group to know about breast cancer. DOratethis app and leave your comments.
How to Measure Bra Size 1.0
Know you correct bra size using this How to measure Bra size app.Doyou know wearing a wrong Size Bra may lead to many physicalproblemslike breast cancer, Lumb formation, Head ache, breastSagging andmuch more. Measure your breast size to know your brasize. Accordingto a study, wearing Bra for more than 16 Hoursincrease Changes ofBreast Cancer and Sagging of breast. Breastconsist of soft tissueand should not be hold for 24 hours usingbra. Help your girl friendto measure their Bra size and gift themthis Diwali, Christmas, NewYear or Valentine day a New perfectsize bra. Do share this app withall the girls and help them knowtheir Bra size. Do rate this appand leave your comments along withrating
Indian Recipe 1.0
Indian Recipe app contains tasty Indian food Recipe alongwithingredients and method to cook them. Download this IndianRecipeapp now and serve Tasty, spicy Indian Food to your lovedones. Allthe food items provided in this Indian Recipe app arehealthyRecipes which will not only spicy your taste buds but alsowillhelp you maintain your health. Instead of asking mom, wifewhatspecial for dinner today, you download this app and cook forthem.This Special Indian Recipe app will be easy to use and greattocook food. Share this Indian Recipe app with friends andrelativeson social media and rate this app along with your comments
Weight Loss in 30 Days 1.0
Weight loss in 30 days app helps you reduce your weight followingsimple diet and exercise. This weight loss in 30 days app containsthe best information of how to reduce weight. Following this weightloss tips app you will feel it was never so simple to reduceweight. This weight loss app has been made by consulting dieticianand doctors. Everyone body condition differs so we stronglyrecommend you to consult your dietician and doctors beforefollowing this weight loss in 30 days tips. We will not beresponsible for any situation if the tips are wrongly used. Thisweight loss tips app contains many simple and easy tips. You haveto follow this app completely to see the effect of weight loss. Doshare this app on social media and rate this app. Leave comment forthis weight loss app and help other to know how accurate his weightloss in 30 days app
Breast Enlargement in 1 Month 1.0
Increase your breast Size to get beautiful looks. Big breastaremore attractive and provides a sexy look to you. Follow thisBreastenlargement tips app and increase your breast size in 1month. Giveyourself a Sexy girls look and become the hottest girlin yourgroup. This Breast Enlargement guide contains diet and fewexercisewhich helps you to make your breast bigger. Shape of breastalsomatter, following these simple exercise and following the tipsyoucan remove breast sagging and give your breast the requiredshape.The tips mentioned in breast enlargement tips app alsoprovidesmethod to tighten your breast. Share this app with allgirls ofyour group and help them get a beautiful big breast. Dorate thisapp and leave your comments for the same
Pimple Remedies 5.0.3
Everyone want to look beautiful / handsome? But Pimple / acne isacommon problem faced specially with teenagers. Do you want togetrid of pimples and have a beautiful skin. Just few simple stepsandyou can attain a pimple free skin. All you need to do isdownloadthis Pimple removing remedy application and follow thestep. A listof homely methods are mentioned when are easy andwithout painfulreactions P.S: We have gathered all the informationto reduce /remove pimple from doctors near our location. It isadvisable tocheck with your doctor before you apply any of themethod mentionedin this application as the skin quality of persondiffers. Do sharethis application with your friends how are facingacne problem andhelp them becoming beautiful. Do take some time torate ourapplication