Warsaw Interactive Apps

Puddle Jumper Asteroids C.01.004
Do you remember classical game, where youweredefending your Mothership from asteroids with one small ship? Idonot remember such game too. I know – Asteroids, but this game isalittle bit different. But now you have an occasion to playsuchgame!Puddle Jumper pilots’ (yes, you are these guys) mission is tosaveyour Mothership, which is drifting into asteroid belt. Youmustdestroy as many asteroids as it is possible!Your allies are drones and weak energy shields.Earn as many points as possible in infinite game style justlikein 80’s!WARNING: DURING FIRST START OF GAME, THERE IS A POSSIBILITY,THATYOUR DEVICE WILL HANG UP. JUST WAIT A FEW MINUTES. GAME ISCREATINGITS SAVING FILES.Music by: Marcus Neely