parkho79 Apps
미니웹툰 1.1.9
여러 웹툰을 편하게 볼 수 있도록 도와주는 앱입니다.[주요 기능]- 미니 모드 : 다른 앱들과 동시에 실행되서 인터넷, 게임등을 하면서 웹툰을 볼 수 있습니다.- 즐겨 찾기 : 자주 보는 만화를 즐겨찾기로 등록할 수 있습니다.- 전체 모드 : 메뉴키를 누르면 웹툰을 화면 전체로 볼 수 있습니다.[지원하는 웹툰]1. 네이버 웹툰2. 다음 만화속세상3. 카카오 웹툰4. 네이트 만화5. 올레마켓 웹툰6. T store 웹툰7. 머니투데이 만화8. 스포츠조선 만화9. 스포츠동아 웹툰10. 스포츠서울 웹툰11. 스투닷컴12. 포커스 만화13. 카카오 페이지14. 티테일15. 판툰16. 달툰Many cartoons can helpease app.[Feature] - Mini Mode: doeseo other apps running at the same time asthe Internet, play games, and you can see the cartoons. - Favorites: Frequent favorite cartoons can beregistered. - Full Mode: Press the Menu key, you can view the entirescreen cartoons.[Support the Pick Your1 Pick Naver2 The following cartoon in the world3 Pick cocoa4 Nate comicMay Olle Market Pick6. T store Pick7 Money Today cartoon8 Sports Chosun cartoon9 Pick Sports Donga10 Sport Seoul Pick11 seutudatkeom12 Focus cartoon13. Cocoa page14 tee tail15. Pantun16. Daltun
Mini tools(explorer,browser..) 1.3.8
Mini tools is run various features alwaysonthe top layer.■ Explorer : You can see file list and run.■ Browser : You can run the Internet.■ Torch : You can turn on and off your camera flash.■ Calculator : You can run the calculator.■ Camera : You can take a picture.■ Move : You can move the window of explorer or browserwhiletouch and move the above translucent area.■ Resize : You can resize the window of explorer or browserwhiletouch and move the below red icon.
MultiTasker 1.2.4
■ Multitasker is a collection of apps launched from thenotification shade that pop up over your current activity so youcan multitask in a different way. (It is the same function of theLG devices QSlide.) ■ Multitasker serves us in many ways as follows- There is no need to install apps for torch. - You can browse theinformation of game while playing the game. - You can use thecalculator while using the bank apps. - You can browse the filewhile downloading. ■ Some details of the features are as follows -Explorer : See file list and run. - Browser : Run the web browser -Torch : Turn on and off your camera flash. - Calculator : Run thecalculator. - Camera : Take a picture. - Memo : Short notes areavailable - Stopwatch : Track time. ■ How to resize or moving asfollows. - Move : You can move the window of explorer or browserwhile touch and move the above translucent area. - Resize : You canresize the window of explorer or browser while touch and move thebelow triangle icon. ■ Keywords multitasker, multitasking, tasking,multi, task, tasking