superdry Apps

Web Fonts Viewer 1.0
This Application is simple viewer for Google Web Fonts.
Superdry Color Picker Demo 1.3
Superdry Color Picker is color picker libraryfor Android. This app is demonstration. This source code is herethe below.-
Ball Wallpaper 1.2
!!! plaese uninstall this app before you willupdate it,if you had installed v1.0 and v1.1.This app is a simple live wallpaper. Motions of balls is shownby touching or changing the screen.Please report the bugs to me if you have seen it. I will workthis issue.[search word] livewallpaper, balls, dots
Touch2Pixel 1.4.4
Touch2Pixel v1.4.4This application converts some parts of image to obfuscate forkeeping yourprivacy. After converting the image, you can quickly update itandattach it to your mail, etc. When you find bugs, please inform itby email.Then I will bring the issue.
ぼくヒツジ 1.0
ぼくヒツジぼくゴリラのヒツジ版がほしいというつぶやきを見たのでかっとなって作りました。入力したテキストをヒツジ語に変換してくれるマッシュルームアプリです。ご利用にはSimeji/OpenWnnPlus/マッシュドアーのどれかのインストールが必要です。@megumixxxxx さんと @mhidaka さんにささぐ。かわいいアイコンは @megumixxxxx 画伯作でございます。
ぼくゴリラ 1.6