App Information Diyanet Radyo
- App NameDiyanet Radyo
- Package Namecom.noc.diyanetradyo
- UpdatedMarch 31, 2014
- File Size1.5M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3 and up
- Version1.0
- DeveloperDiyanet İşleri Başkanlığı
- Installs10,000 - 50,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryMusic & Audio
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Diyanet Radyo 1.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /9/30Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 1.5 MBTested on: Android 4.4 (KitKat, API: 19)File Sha1: 7fa6e1703f71bdd4481d870d0d48369e84c9e1cd
Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Show More...
Diyanet Radyo 1.0 APK
T.C Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı, Diyanet Radyosu uygulaması ileDiyanet Radyo’yu her an, her yerde dinleyebilirsiniz.Birbirinden özel ve güzel programlarla Diyanet Radyo yayında!ThePresidency of Religious Affairs, Religious Religious Radio withRadio application at any moment, anywhere you can listen to.Religious Radio broadcast with many special and beautifulprogram!
Diyanet Kitaplık 2.1 APK
Diyanet Kitaplık Uygulaması ile;Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı bünyesinde bulunan kitapların mobilortamda okurlarıyla ücretsiz olarak buluşabilmesi amacıylahazırlanmıştır.Uygulama sayesinde yayınlanan kitapların e-kitap olarak sanalkitaplığınızda gerçekleşebilecek, gelecekte yayınlanacakkitaplardan haberdar olması sağlanacaktır.Diyanet Kitaplık uygulaması ile;- Seçkin eserleri okumaya başlayabilirsiniz- Okuduğunuz e-kitap içinde arama yapabilir, notlar alabilir,istediğiniz metni kopyalayabilir, önemlisayfaları işaretleyebilir, yazı büyüklüğünüdeğiştirebilirsiniz.- E-kitabı soysal medyada paylaşabilirsiniz.- Sayfa arka plan rengi, ekran parlaklığını değiştirerek herortamda kitabınızı rahatça okuyabilirsiniz. Library of ReligiousPractice;Presidency of Religious Affairs in the structure of the book isintended to be a free meet with readers in a mobileenvironment.The book published as e-books that can be realized through theapplication in your virtual library will also be informed of thebook will be published in the future.Religious Library and implementation;- Outstanding works can start reading- You can search in e-book you are reading, take notes, you cancopy the text you want, importantYou can mark pages, you can change the font size.- E-book share in the generic media.- The background color of the page, you can read a book andchanging the screen brightness in any environment with ease.
Hikayelerle Hadisler 4.0.0 APK
Hayatı bizim için mükemmel bir örnek olanpeygamberimizin güzel sözlerinin hikâyelerle anlatıldığı bu kitaptakeyifli bir okuma şöleni sizi bekliyor. Sevgili peygamberimizinsözlerinin anlatıldığı her bir hikâyenin size söyleyecekleri var.Öyle bildiğiniz kitaplardan değil bu… Çünkü bu kitap interaktifbazı özellikler içeriyor. Dokunduğunuzda hareket eden sürprizkarakterler ve sayfaların kenarında köşesinde gizlenmiş hareketligörsellerle şaşırmaya hazırlıklı olun.Bu uygulama sayesinde hem peygamberimizin sözlerini öğrenecekhem de keyifli vakit geçireceksiniz. keyifli bir okuma şöleni sizibekliyor. Sevgili peygamberimizin sözlerinin anlatıldığı her birhikayenin size söyleyecekleri var. book presents apleasant life in the beautiful words of the story is a perfectexample of our prophet reading feast for us is waiting for you.Valentine has something to tell you all a story that tells of thewords of our prophet. It is not the book you know this ... becausethis book contains some interactive features. When you tapcharacters and moving surprise hidden in the corner edge of thepage, be prepared to be surprised with the moving image.With this application you will have to learn both the words ofour prophet and enjoyable time. A feast awaits you pleasantreading. Valentine has something to tell you all a story that tellsof the words of our prophet.
Hikayelerle Ayetler 4.0.0 APK
Rabbimizi tanımanın yollarından en önemlisikitabımız Kur’an-ı Kerim’de bulunan ayetleridir. O’nun sözlerindenhaberdar olmasaydık bizden ne istediğini, neler yapmamızgerektiğini bilemezdik.Bu uygulama ile Kuranı Kerim’den bir damla sunduk sizlere.Yaratıcımızın güzel sözlerini minik hikâyelerle anlattık. Keyifleokuyun diye de hikâyelerdeki görsellerin içine bazı sürpriznesneler koyduk. Aramızda kalsın, bu nesneler interaktif bazıözellikler içeriyor. Siz sayfalarda ilerlerken görseller onlaradokunduğunuzda bir anda zıplayıp koşmaya başlayabilirler. Dikkatliolun! İlk bakışta görünmeyen gizli karakterler ancak sizdokunduğunuzda ortaya çıkabilirler. Keyifle okuyacağınız hikâyelersizleri bekliyor. most important bookis the way to get to know our Lord are contained in the Holy Koranverses. His words from the fact that we were aware of what he wantsfrom us, we would not even know what we should do.We offer a drop from the Holy Quran to you with thisapplication. We tell little stories with beautiful words of ourCreator. Read pleasure objects he also some surprises in the storywe put into the visuals. Between you and me, some of these objectscontains interactive features. The images move in the first pagemay start running jump at a time when you touch them. Be careful!At first sight unseen hidden characters but can occur when youtouch it. Arena stories you'll read is waiting for you.
Diyanet Dergilik APK
Diyanet Dergilik, interaktif sayfaları,zenginleştirilmiş içeriği ve ücretsiz erişim uygulamasıylasizlerle…Diyanet Dergilikte hem güncel hem de eski sayılara ulaşmak mümkün.İstenilen dergilerin kütüphanede saklanma imkânıdabulunmakta.Dergilerimiz:• Diyanet Aylık Dergi• Diyanet Aile• Diyanet Çocuk Dergisi• Diyanet İlmi DergiÖzellikler:• Dergi içi kelime araması,• Html5 desteğiyle interaktif sayfalar,• Dergideki videoları izleyebilme, sesleri dinleyebilme,• Dergilerin basılı halinde bulunmayan ek fotoğraflarıgörüntüleyebilme. Newsstandinteractive pages, enriched content and applications with you withfree access to ...Religious Newsstand possible to reach both current and back issues.Desired magazine at the library, located in the storagepossibilities.Our Magazines:• Religious Monthly Magazine• Religious Family• Religious Children Magazine• Religious Scientific JournalFeatures:• intra-word search magazines,• With the support html5 interactive pages,• Ability to watch videos on the magazine, to listen to thevoice,• Ability to view additional photos are not printed into themagazine.
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Dini Radyolar ve Kanallar 1.1 APK
Bu uygulama ile diniradyolarıdinleyebilirsinizVersiyon 1.1 \n Bu Uygulamada telif hakkına konu olaniçeriklerinyasal olmayan bir şekilde paylaşıldığını ve yasalhakkınızınçiğnendiğini düşünüyorsanız mobildunyaandr@gmail.commail adresindenbize ulaşabilirsiniz.Bize ulaştırdığınız talep veşikayetleriinceleyip size kısa sürede cevap dönecek ve ihlaledilmiş içerikleruygulamadan kaldırılacaktır.With this applicationyoucan listen to religious radioVersion 1.1 \ n This practice, if you think of theillegalcontent is subject to copyright is shared and that violatedthelegal right my mail from us demand thatyoudeliver ulaş and will return reply you as soonaspossible to examine the complaints and were infringing contentwillbe removed from the application.
AndroTurk Radyo - Listen Radio APK
600'ü aşkın radyoyu sorunsuz, kesintisiz hemendinle. Ulusal ve yerel radyolar ÜCRETSİZ cebinizde. AndroTürkRadyo'yu hemen indir sende kesintisiz müzik keyfini kaçırma.İşte uygulamamızın bazı özellikleri:* 600'den fazla Türkçe radyo dinle,* Arkaplanda çalabilme,* Görme engelli kullanıcılarımız için Erişebilirlik desteği,* Kategorilendirilmiş radyolar,* Radyo dinlerken çalan şarkı özelliği,* Zamanlayıcı özelliği, istediğiniz süre sonunda radyo otomatikkapansın,* Yerel Radyolar illere göre dinleme imkanı,* İlini seç radyo dinle, varsa istediğin radyo mail at hemenekleyelim,* Facebook, Twitter ve Instagram'da dinlediğiniz radyonun şarkıekranını paylaşabilme,* Radyoları bildirim ekranından durdurup başlatabilme,değiştirebilme,* Gelen aramalarda radyoyu duraklatıp görüşmeniz sonunda tekrarçalma,* Bluetooth ile ilgili araca bağlama ve kullaklık ile yönetebilmeüzerinde çalışıyoruz,* Reklamları kaldırmayı satın alabilirsiniz, Reklamsız radyokeyfini çıkartın.Facebook sayfamızı takip ederek son gelişmelerden haberdar olabilirve sıkıntılarınızı bize iletebilirsiniz.İlinize ait radyolar olmayabilir, ilinizi bize mail atın, varsaekleyelim. Yerel radyoların takibi gerçekten çok zor, sürekli yayındeğiştirebiliyorlar, bu yüzden çalmayan radyolar konusundaanlayışınızı bekliyoruz.Arama izinini telefonunuz çaldığında radyoyu durdurmak içinalıyoruz, yoksa radyo çalmaya devam ederken görüşme yapmayaçalışırsınız.> İzinler: Yeni izinler anlık bildirim için istenmektedir.Sizlere artık yenilikleri ve sürprizlermizi duyurabileceğiz.> Arkadaşlar takılma sorunu tamamen radyonun yayın kalitesinebağlıdır. Eğer radyo 32kbps ile yayın yapıyorsa bu uygulamanınsaniyede 4 kb veri çekebilmesi anlamına gelir ve bu tip radyolartakılmayan radyolar genellikle, ama bazı radyolar 128kbps ile yayınyapıyor, bu da saniyede 16kb demek, her network bunu sağlayamıyorve takılma oluşuyor. Bazı radyoların takılma sebebi bundankaynaklanıyor, malesef bizim elimizden bir şeyde gelmiyor.<Bu uygulama Türk radyolarını internet bağlantınızın olduğu heryerde dinleme olanağı sunan bir müzik oynatıcısıdır. İnternetsizradyo dinlemeniz teknik olarak mümkün değildir.İllere göre radyolar eklenmeye başlandı, sizde a mail atın, ilinize ait tüm radyolarıeklemeye çalışalım. Tüm FM Radyolarını uygulamamıza eklemeyeçalışıyoruz.Lütfen istediğiniz radyoyu a mail atın,sistemimiz imkan veriyorsa eklemeye çalışırız.Radyo kategorilerinden; haber radyolarını dinleyeyin, canlı maçanlatımlarını dinleyin, pop radyoları ile müziğin keyfini çıkartın.Onlarca Arabesk radyosundan dilediğinizi dinleyin.Kategorilerimizin tamamı: Haber Dinle, Spor, Pop Dinle, ArabeskDinle, Nostalji, İslami, Dini, Rock, Hit, Karma, Slow, Yerel,Yabancı, Halk müziği, Türk Sanat Müziği...Ücretsiz müzik dinlemek için radyoyu indir, kesintisiz müzikkeyfini çıkart.Saygılarımızla,AndroTurk Radyo Ekibi
Islamic radio 5.0 APK
Islamic radioListen to Islamic practice through chat, listen to the HolyQuran Hatim.Islamic radio free Android app for all Muslim brothers andsisters around the world.Turkey Islamic Religious Radio and Radio are all here.Koran-Quran readings aloud, Islamic lectures, religious lecturesand talk shows are broadcast 24 hours a day. 7 g will be 24hours.The best online radio stations such as music or news radio allover the world is filled with Islamic radio application.Or your own language, English and Arabic of the most famousstations of the world can find local religious radio stations.Islamic ideal radio during the holidays such as Ramadan or Eidal-AdhaThis is the best collection of radio applications!Life can become more beautiful with Islamic radio!God be with you!
RADYO is a comprehensive global radioentertainment application which lets you listen to various musicstations all over the world.RADYO project has been active since 2009 with your sincere supportand it has inspired many music applications during it'sdevelopment. Again, as we hope, with your help we will keeplistening to radio with RADYO in the year 2015 too!We all love music! Different style, different life, the samefeeling!Premium features of RADYO is currently FREE for Androidusers.HOW FREE:We always wanted RADYO to be free and we think we succeeded indoing this while keeping the necessary features for a normal RADYOuser. Neither do we like advertisements and limitations! Though, tobe able to serve this application under reasonable conditions,without preventing normal users from enjoying the application, wecombined some features under Premium Usage category and we addedadvertisement areas on to sections where it won't disturb you.These sections may still show up with the Premium Usage; there willbe alternatives to remove them completely. If there is anything youdon't like, please first contact with us using the contact formlocated in the application; we are ready to listen to you.GIFT:You may buy and and give gift cards (codes) to whomever you want.Gift owners may easily activate Premium features in seconds withoutpaying anything! Currently, Premium features -except removal ofadvertisements- are free for Android users under "Plus" features.Activating a gift card will upgrade the application to premiumlevel and remove most of the advertisements too.CONTACT:You can reach us easily and tell us about your ideas orexperiences, by using the contact form located on our website orthe one integrated right inside the application; may you use thereview/comments section of the Store, we may not be able to helpyou as we will probably not be able to reach you.RADYO SITES:RADYO supports it’s own url mechanism that lets listeners easilyshare stations between them. This feature also lets website ownersto embed an RADYO link to their website easily and let thefollowers listen to their station with one click. RADYO will manageany address changes. No need to worry about streaming addresschanges anymore!YOUR FAVORITE STATION:If it's not on the list, it'll be on the list! Please contactus!ADVERTISERS:You may advertise in the application with viewer targetingoptions.SPONSORSHIP:You may gift Premium features to RADYO users and show your logoinside the application.PERMISSIONS:You have every right to know the details of the permissionsused/requested by RADYO. We documented them for you:
Pratik Radyo APK
Bu radyo dinleme uygulaması ile Türkiyeninpopüler radyolarını kategorize halde ve internet aracılığıyladinleyebilirsiniz. Zengin ve sürekli güncellenen radyo içeriğiradyo dinleme keyfi parmaklarınızın ucunda.## Uygulama Özellikleri ### 100'ü aşkın ve güncel radyo içeriği# Arkaplanda çalma# Favori listesi sayesinde sık dinlediğiniz radyolara kolayulaşım# Kategorize edilmiş radyolar# Radyo arama# Pratik kullanıma uygun tasarım ve interaktivite# Yatay/Dikey kullanım# Gereksiz izin istememesi# Düşük uygulama boyutuRadyoların açılma hızı, uygulamadan ziyade bağlantınızın ve radyosunucusun hızına bağlı olarak değişir.Radyolar bazen adreslerini değiştirdiği için dinlemede problemyaşanabiliyor, bu radyoları ve uygulamada görmekistediğiniz radyoları hakkında kısmından iletebilirsiniz.This radio listeningpractice with Turkey's state categorize the popular radio andlisten through the internet. Rich and constantly updated contentradio radio listening pleasure at your fingertips.## ## Application Features# More than 100 radio and updated content# Background playback# With easy access to the radio you listen frequently toFavourites# Been categorized radios# Radio search# Suitable for practical use, design and interactivity# Horizontal / Vertical use# Do not want to let unnecessary# Reduced application sizeopening speed of radio, in practice, rather than your connectionspeed and vary depending on radio host you.Radios can experience problems listening to the sometimes changetheir address, see this radio and practiceYou can pass on the part of the radio you want.
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ViNyL Music Player 1.2.9 APK
The Top Music Player for Android. is amusthave music player for smart phones.Built-in powerful Bass Booster and Equalier, Quick scan allmusicfiles and The New Interactive Experience you have never hadbefore.HD Vinyl Playback, Over 10 gorgeous background skins to makeyourmusic player look more outstanding.And more than 3 desktop widgets make your music play never beensoeasy.Free to get this best music player pro.,b>Key Features:- Browse and play your music quickly by albums, artists,songs,playlists, and folders- HD Vinyl Playback style- 10 beautiful default skins or custom with your own photos- High quality decoding with mp3,mp4/m4a,wma,flac and ape- 3 home screen WIDGETS(4*1, 2*2, 4*1)- Music Library wide search. Find all your music never beensoeasy.- Audio Recorder- Sleep mode- Lock screen support.- Five band graphic equalizer and Bass Booster- 10 types of pre-set music one for you choice, or you canmanuallyadjust the equalizer- Lyric support, Automatic scanning all the lyric files ,andmatching the most appropriate lyrics file for your songs.- Headset support. Support one button and multiple buttonsheadsets.Leave your device in the pocket!- Notification STATUS support: display album artwork, titleandartist, play/pause, skip forward and stop CONTROLS innotificationstatus.To learn more about the advanced settings, please feel free todownand have a try. You won't be disappointed.
القران الكريم الحصري بدون نت 1.0 APK
تلاوة القران الكريم بصوت الشيخمحمودخليلالحصريبدون انترنتتلاوة عذبة ونقية للقارئ الشيخ محمود خليل الحصريلاتحتاج للاتصال بالانترنتقراءة الية للسور دون الحاجة للتدخل منك , امكانية اعاداةتلاوةالسورمناجل الحفظتشغيل تلاوة السور حتى لو كان الجهاز مغلقاارجو ان تنسونا من خالص دعاؤكم و لاتنسوامشاركةالتطبيقمعاصدقائكمQuranrecitationbySheikhMahmoud Khalil exclusive without InternetSolemn fresh and pure the reader,SheikhMahmoudKhalilexclusiveDo not need to connect to the InternetRead the mechanism of the wall without the needforinterventionfromyou, the possibility of Aadah recitationfenceforconservationRun recitation of the fence, even if the device isswitchedoffI hope that you forget the sincere prayers and not forgettosharetheapplication with your friends
Cat Sounds Ringtones 2.0 APK
Cat Sounds Ringtones is a brand newappthatbrings all the best cat sounds to your phone! All youcatloversout there are going to be so pleased with this greatapp.CatSounds is a collection of most adorable cat noises,kittysoundsand cat meowing sounds. You will find every possiblesoundthatyour favorite animal makes right here! You can choose fromarichselection of all natural cat sounds and set your favoritesoundasa ringtone, SMS notification or alarm sound. Wake upeverymorningwith your phone purring just like a real cat does!DownloadCatSounds Ringtones for free now and turn your smartphoneintomeowingcat![ Features ]- Hold the play button to set sound as ringtone,notificationsound(SMS/email) or alarm.- Assign as ringtone to specific contact in your contactlist.- Easy to use UI, Cat Sounds Ringtones works inlandscapeandportrait mode, optimized for all tablets andsmartphones.- Most popular cat sounds on the market!Kids are the biggest animal lovers and they are goingtoadorethese cat sounds! They will have so much fun hearingthesebestringtones. You will put a smile on their face every timeyouplay afunny cat sound. You will be surprised how much joythesecatsounds can bring. Browse through an extensive selectionofvariouslovely free ringtones. Pick your favorite free soundfromthis catsound effects soundboard and set it as a SMSalertnotification,chat notification, ringtone or alarm sound!Download“Cat SoundsRingtones” and enjoy them with your family!It’s time to turn your phone into your favorite animal!Youwillbe the center of attention whenever your phone makes asound.Alltrue cat lovers are going to be thrilled when they hearyourphoneringing. Share Cat Sounds Ringtones with your friendswhoadorecats! They are going to be most thankful and willappreciateyoufor discovering and sharing these cool ringtones withthem.CatSounds Ringtones is the best collection of topringtones,meowingSMS notification sounds and purring alarm tones.Bedelightedwhenever your phone meows! Download Cat SoundsRingtonesfor freenow.Feel free to contact us for any questions or feedback.
Emma for Spotify (TV) 1.00 APK
*** Spotify PremiumAccountisnecessary***Info that Emma will shut down on Jan 28, 2017.All + features are free starting from now (November 2016)***************************************************You need a Spotify Premium Account to use this software.- Access to top playlists (Top 100, Viral, Pop, Rock, etc.)- Access to New Releases, New Albums and Featured PlayLists- Play album, top songs, start radio, play any Playlistviavoicecommand- save songs to your Library & follow playlists.***If this app does not work for you, don't buy the+version,because it will not solve the problem*** Some userhaveproblemsusing it on Sony Bravia TVswith Emma for Spotify+ you will get:- more Categories, more Featured Playlists, Recent Playlists- MyLibrary screen with your Songs, Artists,AlbumsandPlaylistsincl. features to remove tracks from Libraryandunfollowplaylists.- Shortcuts on mediaplayer screen (Play Artist TopSongs,StartArtist Radio, Play full Album, Save Tracks)- a feature to add tracks to your own playlists.Examples for Voice Commands:Systemwide Voice Commands like "Play Coldplay" or"PlayMyloXyloto"In App-Voice Commands:- "Play Coldplay" plays Top Songs from Coldplay- "Album Coldplay Live 2012" plays specific Album- "Radio Coldplay" starts radio based on similar Artists- "Playlist Chill Out" plays a playlist named chill out- "Dance Music" or "Chill Out" searches andshowsspecificplaylists.This app is designed to work on AndroidTV!This app uses the official spotify beta sdkforandroid( endorsed, certified or otherwise approved in any waybySpotify.Spotify is the registered trade mark of theSpotifyGroup.
Best Car Sounds 2.1 APK
Best Car Sounds delivers theultimateexperiencewhen it comes to expensive and high-quality, topnotchvehiclesounds. This new app is bringing you the bestcollection ofthehottest incoming call alert melodies, SMSnotification soundsandloud alarm tones. Car lovers will startloving their favoritecarseven more because of these realistic andloud engine sounds.Yourmobile phone will sound so cool, like neverbefore, and yourheartwill beat faster when you hear that thrillingsound ofengineignition or the sound of tires screeching onasphalt. DownloadBestCar Sounds for free now and start your race!- Best new futuristic ringtones & SMS sounds!- Set as ringtone, notification sound (SMS/email) or alarm.- Assign as ringtone to specific contact in your contactlist.- Easy to use UI, Best Car Sounds App works in landscapeandportraitmode.Best Car Sounds is the newest most popular app foryoursmartphone!Assign different tunes for each contact and enjoythesepowerfulblasting sounds on daily basis. It is a loud andamusingway to getthe best out of every phone call or SMS you getand todraweveryone`s attention. Get your daily dose of adrenalinewiththesecrazy new roaring ringtones right now! If you feel theneedforspeed, these ringtones will awaken the passion in you andyouwillbe under the impression that you’re racing with anothercarthat isspeeding up right next to you. Go “fast and furious”withBest CarSounds! Anyone with passion for fast cars andpowerfulvehicleswill go crazy about these ringtones.Feel free to contact us for any questions or feedback.
Lagu Natal 2017 1.2 APK
Natal (dari bahasa Portugisyangberarti"kelahiran") adalah hari raya umat Kristen yangdiperingatisetiaptahun oleh umat Kristiani pada tanggal 25Desemberuntukmemperingati hari kelahiran Yesus Kristus. Nataldirayakandalamkebaktian malam pada tanggal 24 Desember; dankebaktianpagitanggal 25 Desember. Beberapa gereja Ortodoksmerayakan Natalpadatanggal 6 Januari (lihat pula Epifani).Dalam tradisi barat, peringatan Natal jugamengandungaspeknon-agamawi. Beberapa tradisi Natal yang berasaldari Baratantaralain adalah pohon Natal, kartu Natal, bertukarhadiah antaratemandan anggota keluarga serta kisah tentang SantaKlausatauSinterklas.Kata “natal” berasal dari ungkapan bahasa Latin DiesNatalis(HariLahir).Dalam bahasa Inggris perayaan Natal disebutChristmas,dariistilah Inggris kuno Cristes Maesse (1038) atauCristes-messe(1131),yang berarti Misa Kristus. Christmas biasapula ditulisΧ'mas, suatupenyingkatan yang cocok dengan tradisiKristen, karenahuruf X dalambahasa Yunani merupakan singkatan dariKristus ataudalam bahasaYunani Chi-Rho.Untuk menyambut natal dan tahun baru, makakamimengembangkansebuah aplikasi yang berisi kumpulan lagu-laguNatalyang populerbaik di Indonesia maupun Dunia, adapun lagu-lagunatalyang kamisajikan pun cukup lengkap, antara lain :♦ Jingle Bells♦ We Wish You Merry Christmas♦ Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru♦ Telah Datang♦ Kita Rayakan Hari Natal♦ Oh Holy Night♦ Malam Sunyi Senyap♦ Sebab Dia Lahir Bagi Kita♦ Christmas is Here♦ Angel We have heard on High♦ Malam Kudus♦ Gita Surga Bergema♦ Hai Mari berhimpun♦ The first Noel♦ Twelve days of Christmas♦ Oh come little children♦ Hark the herald angels sing♦ Natal Pertama♦ dllFitur :♦ Bisa dijadikan ringtone hp♦ Bisa dijadikan alarm♦ Bisa dijadikan nada notifikasi♦ Tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet♦ Sudah menerapkan android 7♦ Aplikasi GratisSemoga dengan hadirnya aplikasi Lagu Natal 2017inibermanfaatbagi anda yang merayakan, jangan lupa ratedanreviewnya!!Christmas(fromPortuguesemeaning "birth") is a Christian holiday whichiscelebrated annuallyby Christians on December 25 to commemoratethebirth of JesusChrist. Christmas is celebrated in theeveningservice on December24; and service in the morning ofDecember 25.Some Orthodoxchurches celebrate Christmas on 6 January(see alsoEpiphany).In the western tradition, Christmas warningalsocontainsnon-religious aspects. Some Christmas traditions fromtheWestinclude Christmas trees, Christmas cards, exchanginggiftsbetweenfriends and family members as well as the story ofSantaClaus orSanta Claus.The word "Christmas" comes from the LatinphraseAnniversary(Birthday) .In English Christmas celebrationcalledChristmas, fromthe old English term Cristes Maesse (1038)orCristes-messe (1131),which means Mass of Christ. Christmasusuallyalso written Χ'mas, ashortening that fits with theChristiantradition, because theletter X in Greek is an abbreviationof theChrist or the GreekChi-Rho.To welcome Christmas and new year, we developedanapplicationthat contains a collection of Christmas songsarepopular inIndonesia and the World, while the Christmas songsthatwe serve isquite complete, among others:♦ Jingle Bells♦ We Wish You a Merry Christmas♦ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year♦ Has Come♦ We Celebrate Christmas♦ Oh Holy Night♦ Silent Night Silent♦ Because He is Born for Us♦ Christmas is Here♦ Angel We Have Heard on High♦ Holy Night♦ Gita Heaven Bergema♦ Hi Mari rally♦ The first Noel♦ Twelve days of Christmas♦ Oh come little children♦ Hark the herald angels sing♦ First Christmas♦ etc.Features:♦ Can be used as a ringtone hp♦ Can be used as alarm♦ Can be used as a notification tone♦ Does not require an internet connection♦ Already applying android 7♦ Free AppsHopefully with the presence of a Christmassong2017application is beneficial for those who celebrate, donotforgetrate and the review !!
Amex UNSTAGED: Taylor Swift 1.2.0 APK
Step inside acinematicinteractivemusicalexperience starring Taylor Swift. Choosewhereyou go, whoyoufollow and what you explore in a stunninghousefilledwithcharacters, objects and scenes.Shot with groundbreaking 360° cameras and scored witharichaudiosoundtrack based on Taylor’s single ‘Blank Space’fromhernew album1989, the experience is an immersivejourneywithintertwinedstorylines, multiple rooms and dozensofhiddeninteractive featureswaiting to be unlocked andexplored.The app also features the original ‘Blank Space’musicvideo,1989album purchase details and tour ticketinginformation.You canalsoexplore exclusive behind the scenes footagefrom theTaylorSwiftshoot, as well as the archive of Amex UNSTAGEDliveeventsand filmswith other top artists.The American Express UNSTAGED app is intended for ages 13+.