App Information Dogs PRO
- App NameDogs PRO
- Package Nameorg.naturemobile.dogs
- UpdatedDecember 19, 2014
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.1 and up
- Version
- Installs1,000 - 5,000
- Price$6.99
- CategoryBooks & Reference
- Developer
- Google Play Link
The version 2.0 of the app is available fordownload. Please search for iKnow Dogs 2 PRO.Do you know dogs?NATURE MOBILE - Dogs PRO is a stylish and easy-to-use DOG BREEDREFERENCE GUIDE with an integrated dog breed QUIZ GAME. With DogsPRO you can identify dogs, for example, by their look, purpose,temperament, and origin.Read interesting information and facts about all dog breedsrecognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and learn about manyother fascinating breeds. Browse more than 1300 pictures of dogsand puppies, find the perfect dog for you and your family, or findthe biggest, friendliest, most energetic, or any other dog that youlike! With NATURE MOBILE - Dogs PRO You definitely will!You want to know celebrity dogs? What about “Bo” Obama,“Tinkerbell” Hilton, “Blondie” Hitler, “Butkus” Stallone, or “Koni”Putin, and many others…?What about your favorite dog in popular culture, such as comics,movies, and arts? What about Scooby Doo, Stephen King, PabloPicasso, and many more…IDENTIFY DOGS BY* Appearance- weight, height, ears, coat, etc.* Temperament and Characteristics- energy, playfulness, friendliness, etc.* Purpose- sporting, working, herding, toy, etc.* Country of OriginGUESS THE BREED QUIZ GAME* Guess breeds by picture* Learn to distinguish the different breeds* Become an expertBecome a Fan on Facebook:, follow uson Twitter for updates on Nature Mobile:@NatureMobile ( or visit ourwebsite FEATURES* 190 dog breeds* 1300 quality photos- male, female, puppies* Dogs in popular culture* Celebrity dogsUSER HINTS* Change language in settings* Select favorite breeds* Upload your own pictures* No Internet access requiredPlease note that you need enough storage to run the app. Becauseof the high-resolution images and sounds, about 150MB space on theSD card or the internal storage are necessary. Some tablets andphones do not have an SD card, but still enough available storage.The app should run without any problems on these devices as well.If you experience any problems with the data download, let us know.We either fix it fast, or refund you the price of the app.SUBMIT YOUR DOG'S PICTURES AND STORYDo you want your pictures available to all in the app?Please send pictures to Everyserious, curious, and hilarious picture submission is highlyappreciated! High-quality pictures may be considered for futureupdates.ABOUT NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way that is easy tounderstand. If you are an author or photographer, or if you havefascinating ideas or content to offer, please contact us will work together to find a win-win solution.NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and experts innatural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr. DanielODRY.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE AND ALPHABLIND* Birds PRO* Cats PRO* Horses PRO* Exotic Fruits PRO* Trees PRO* Wild Berries & Herbs PRO
Pilze sammeln & bestimmen LITE APK
Das Standardwerk für Pilzsammler undGenießer!Wir präsentieren Ihnen die wichtigsten essbaren Arten mit ihrengefährlichen Doppelgängern und geben einen Überblick überklassische Speisen, die sich daraus zubereiten lassen. Mit dieserApp wird Ihnen jeder Pilzausflug einen kulinarischen Genussbescheren.Denn endlich hat man die Möglichkeit, die Arten direkt unterwegsauch ohne Buch zu bestimmen und gleichzeitig umfassendeInformationen aus einer Bibliothek voller Daten, Fakten und Bildernzu erhalten. Anfänger lernen Pilze anhand äußerer und innererMerkmale zu bestimmen, wie z.B. Hutform oder Geruch.Fortgeschrittene profitieren von der umfangreichen Beschreibung undmessen Ihr Wissen in der Online Pilzberatung.Der Rezeptführer macht Ihnen klassische Zubereitungsvorschläge.Haben Sie beispielsweise nur Morcheln gefunden, können Sie nachRezepten mit Morcheln suchen. Für überraschende Riesenernten zeigenwir auch Möglichkeiten Pilze haltbar zu machen, so dass Sie langeZeit von Ihrer Ernte profitieren.Wir wünschen viel Erfolg beim Sammeln und einen gutenAppetit!In der LITE Version ist die Anzahl der Arten und Rezepte auf 10limitiert! Sie dient dazu die Funktionalität der PRO Versionkostenfrei zu demonstrieren.INHALT* 100 Pilze - 450 Bilder* 100 klassische Rezepte und Zubereitungsvorschläge* Anschauliche Einführung in die Pilzkunde* Umfangreiche Beschreibung der Arten* Artennamen in Deutsch und Latein* Wissenschaftliche Pilzbestimmung* Online Pilzberatung* Quiz - SpielBESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VON* ESSBARKEIT- Giftig, Essbar, Allergen, etc.* AUSSEHEN- Hut, Lamellen, Poren, Stiel, etc.* VORKOMMEN- Laubwald-, Nadelwaldboden, etc.* GESCHMACK- Süß, scharf, bitter, mehlig, etc.* GERUCH- Fruchtig, würzig, mehlig, etc.* FAMILIE UND ORDNUNG- Champignonartige, Pfifferlingartige, etc.ONLINE PILZBERATUNGHobby-Mykologen und App-Benutzer aus aller Welt helfen Ihnen beider Pilzbestimmung. Reichen Sie Fotos von Ihrem Pilz-Fundus ein undbekommen Sie in Kürze erste Vorschläge.TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Pilzarten voneinander zuunterscheidenNATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannende Themen aus derNatur und anderen Bereichen einem breiten Publikum ausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten auf anschauliche undattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oder Fotograf, siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechen Sie uns bittean SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILE.The standard work formushroom pickers and gourmets!We present the most important edible species with their dangerousdoppelgangers and provide an overview of classic dishes that can beprepared therefrom. This app will make for an culinary pleasureeach mushroom trip.Because finally you have the possibility to determine the typesdirectly go without book and at the same time to get acomprehensive library full of facts, figures and images. Beginnerslearn fungi based external and internal features to determine, suchas Hat shape or smell. Advanced benefit from the extensivedescription and measure your knowledge in the online Mushroomadvice.The Recipe Guide makes you classic preparation suggestions. Forexample, if only found morels, you can search for recipes morels.For surprising giant harvests we also show to make opportunitiesmushrooms preserved, so you will benefit long time of yourharvest.We wish you success in collecting and a good appetite!In the LITE version, the number of types and recipes is limited to10! It serves free to demonstrate the functionality of the PROversion.CONTENT* 100 Mushrooms - 450 pictures* 100 classic recipes and cooking suggestions* Descriptive introduction to mycology* Extensive description of the types* Species names in German and Latin* Scientific mushroom determination* Online fungal counseling* Quiz - Match IDENTIFY SPECIES OF* edibility- Toxic, edible, allergens, etc.* APPEARANCE- Hat, slats, pores, stem, etc.* DEPOSITS- Deciduous forest, coniferous forest soil, etc.* TASTE- Sweet, pungent, bitter, mealy, etc.* ODOR- Fruity, spicy, mealy, etc.* FAMILY AND ORDER- Agaricales, cantharellales, etc.ONLINE CONSULTATION MUSHROOMAmateur mycologist and App Users from around the world can help youdetermine fungus. Submit photo from your fungal fundus and get inbrief outline proposals.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn to distinguish the different fungal species from eachotherNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring to present exciting topics from natureand other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive way closer. Youare an author or photographer, they have fascinating ideas orcontent, please contact us at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE.
The version 2.0 of the app is available for download. Please searchfor iKnow Birds 2 PRODo you know birds?Birds PRO - NATURE MOBILE - is a stylish and easy-to-useIDENTIFICATION GUIDE with an integrated PICTURE and SOUND QUIZGAME. Read fascinating information and learn facts about 230 commonEuropean bird species; browse more than 1500 PROFESSIONAL PICTURESof birds; listen to more than 460 spectacular CALLS AND SONGS; findyour favorite bird!The app is AVAILABLE in ENGLISH, too. Simply select English onfirst startup or click on INFO and select your language.If you tried the FREE version first, you can uninstall the freeversion without loosing any pictures in the full version.Unfortunately it is not possible to uninstall the free versionautomatically.IDENTIFY BIRDS BY* Appearance- size, feathering, beak type, etc.* Geographic Range and Habitat- cities, forests, waters, mountains, etc.GUESS THE SPECIES QUIZ GAME* Guess species by pictures* Guess species by calls and songs* Learn to distinguish the different breeds* Become an expertBecome a Fan on Facebook:, follow uson Twitter for updates on Nature Mobile:@NatureMobile ( or visit ourwebsite FEATURES* 230 common European bird species* 1500 pictures of renowned photographers- male, female, young, nest and eggs* 468 recordings of calls and songsUSER HINTS* Change language in settings* Select favorite species* Upload your own pictures* No Internet access requiredPlease note that you need enough storage to run the app. Becauseof the high-resolution images and sounds, about 150MB space on theSD card or the internal storage are necessary. Some tablets andphones do not have an SD card, but still enough available storage.The app should run without any problems on these devices as well.If you experience any problems with the data download, let us know.We either fix it fast, or refund you the price of the app.SUBMIT YOUR BIRD PICTURES AND STORYDo you want your pictures to be a in the app?Please visit website to submit pictures. Everyserious, curious, and hilarious picture is highly appreciated!High-quality pictures may be considered for future updates.ABOUT NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive way. If you arean author or photographer, if you have fascinating ideas orcontent, please contact us at Wewill work together to find a win-win solution.NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and experts in thenatural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr. DanielODRY.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE AND ALPHABLIND* Dogs PRO* Cats PRO* Horses PRO* Exotic Fruits PRO* Trees PRO* Wild Berries & Herbs PRO
Pilze sammeln & bestimmen PRO APK
Das Standardwerk für Pilzsammler und Genießer!Wir präsentieren Ihnen die wichtigsten essbaren Arten mit ihrengefährlichen Doppelgängern und geben einen Überblick überklassische Speisen, die sich daraus zubereiten lassen. Mit dieserApp wird Ihnen jeder Pilzausflug einen kulinarischen Genussbescheren.Denn endlich hat man die Möglichkeit, die Arten direkt unterwegsauch ohne Buch zu bestimmen und gleichzeitig umfassendeInformationen aus einer Bibliothek voller Daten, Fakten und Bildernzu erhalten. Anfänger lernen Pilze anhand äußerer und innererMerkmale zu bestimmen, wie z.B. Hutform oder Geruch.Fortgeschrittene profitieren von der umfangreichen Beschreibung undmessen Ihr Wissen in der Online Pilzberatung.Der Rezeptführer macht Ihnen klassische Zubereitungsvorschläge.Haben Sie beispielsweise nur Morcheln gefunden, können Sie nachRezepten mit Morcheln suchen. Für überraschende Riesenernten zeigenwir auch Möglichkeiten Pilze haltbar zu machen, so dass Sie langeZeit von Ihrer Ernte profitieren.Wir wünschen viel Erfolg beim Sammeln und einen gutenAppetit!INHALT* 100 Pilze - 450 Bilder* 100 klassische Rezepte und Zubereitungsvorschläge* Anschauliche Einführung in die Pilzkunde* Umfangreiche Beschreibung der Arten* Artennamen in Deutsch und Latein* Wissenschaftliche Pilzbestimmung* Online Pilzberatung* Quiz - SpielBESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VON* ESSBARKEIT- Giftig, Essbar, Allergen, etc.* AUSSEHEN- Hut, Lamellen, Poren, Stiel, etc.* VORKOMMEN- Laubwald-, Nadelwaldboden, etc.* GESCHMACK- Süß, scharf, bitter, mehlig, etc.* GERUCH- Fruchtig, würzig, mehlig, etc.* FAMILIE UND ORDNUNG- Champignonartige, Pfifferlingartige, etc.ONLINE PILZBERATUNGHobby-Mykologen und App-Benutzer aus aller Welt helfen Ihnen beider Pilzbestimmung. Reichen Sie Fotos von Ihrem Pilz-Fundus ein undbekommen Sie in Kürze erste Vorschläge.TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Pilzarten voneinander zuunterscheidenNATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannende Themen ausder Natur und anderen Bereichen einem breiten Publikum ausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten auf anschauliche undattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oder Fotograf, siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechen Sie uns bittean SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILE.Themen: NATURE MOBILE, fungi, funghi, suchen, lexikon, atlas,mykologie, pilzsucheThestandard work for mushroom collectors and connoisseurs!We present the most important edible species with theirdangerous doppelgangers and give an overview of classic dishes thatcan be prepared from it. With this app will bring a culinarydelight each mushroom trip.Because finally there is the possibility to determine the typesdirectly go even without a book and at the same time get acomprehensive library full of facts, figures and images. Beginnerslearn fungi based on external and internal characteristics todetermine, such as Hat shape or smell. Advanced benefit from theextensive description and measure your knowledge in the onlinemushroom advice.The Recipe Guide makes you classic preparation suggestions. Forexample if you only found morels, you can search for recipes withmorels. For surprising giant harvests We also show ways to makemushrooms durable, so you will benefit long time of yourharvest.We wish you success in collecting and a good appetite!CONTENTS* 100 Mushrooms - 450 images* 100 classic recipes and preparation suggestions* Descriptive Introduction to Mycology* Extensive description of the types* Species names in German and Latin* Scientific Mushroom determination* Online fungal advice* Quiz - Game IDENTIFY SPECIES OF* Edibility- Toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* Look like- Hat, lamellae, pores, stem, etc.* OCCURRENCE- Deciduous forest, coniferous forest soil, etc.* TASTE- Sweet, tart, bitter, mealy, etc.* ODOR- Fruity, spicy, mealy, etc.* FAMILY AND ORDER- Mushroom-like, chanterelle-like, etc.ONLINE CONSULTANCY MUSHROOMAmateur mycologist and app users from around the world will helpyou determine the fungus. Submit a photo of your fungal fundus andget you in the near future initial proposals.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn to distinguish the different fungal species from eachotherNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring themselves to present exciting topicsfrom nature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople, enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive waycloser. You are an author or photographer, you have fascinatingideas or content, then please contact us at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE.Theme: NATURE MOBILE, fungi, funghi, search, encyclopedia, atlasmycology, mushroom seeking
Pilzlexikon 2 PRO APK
Das Nachschlagewerk für Experten und Mykologen - Dähncke‘srenommiertes Pilzlexikon jetzt exklusiv als App in derüberarbeiteten Ausgabe.INFO: Für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene steht der „Pilzführer 2PRO“ sowie „Pilze sammeln & bestimmen PRO“ von NATURE MOBILE imPlay-Store zur Verfügung.Rose Marie Dähncke arbeitete viele Jahre an der SchwarzwälderPilzschau und bildete dort über 500 Pilzberater aus. Das Wissen ausacht Jahrzehnten Pilzarbeit hat sie bisher in zahlreichen Büchernund exklusiv in dieser App veröffentlicht. Gemeinsam mitzahlreichen Experten hat Sie das renommierte Pilzlexikonzusammengestellt.Mit dem Pilzlexikon 2 PRO bekommt man ein umfangreichesBestimmungs- und Nachschlagewerk für Pilze. Endlich hat man dieMöglichkeit, die Arten direkt unterwegs auch ohne Buch zu bestimmenund gleichzeitig umfassende Informationen aus einer Bibliothekvoller Daten, Fakten und Bildern zu erhalten. Experten profitierenvon der großen Sammlung und Kategorisierung.INHALT* 1615 Arten und 190 Unterarten* 3300 Bilder und Beschreibungen* Artennamen in Deutsch und Latein* Wissenschaftliche Artenbestimmung* Online Pilzberatung* Quiz - SpielBESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VOM*** ESSBARKEIT- Giftig, essbar, allergen, etc.* AUSSEHEN- Hut, Lamellen, Poren, Stiel, etc.* VORKOMMEN- Laubwald-, Nadelwaldboden, etc.* GESCHMACK- Süß, scharf, bitter, mehlig, etc.* GERUCH- Fruchtig, würzig, mehlig, etc.* ABTEILUNG, FAMILIE, ORDNUNG- Champignonartige, Pfifferlingartige, etc.** Die Bestimmungsfilter und Merkmalkataloge befinden sich imAufbau und werden stetig erweitert. Bitte unterstützen Sie unsdabei. Eine Garantie auf Vollständigkeit wird nicht gegeben.ONLINE PILZBERATUNGHobby-Mykologen und App-Benutzer aus aller Welt helfen Ihnen beider Pilzbestimmung. Reichen Sie Fotos von Ihrem Pilz-Fundus ein undbekommen Sie in Kürze erste Vorschläge.TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Baumarten voneinander zuunterscheidenKEINE INTERNETVERBINDUNG ERFORDERLICHBenutzen Sie die App unterwegs beim Sammeln, auch dort wo keinInternet verfügbar ist. Alle Bilder und Beschreibungen zu den Artensind offline verfügbar.NATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannende Themen ausder Natur und anderen Bereichen einem breiten Publikum ausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten auf anschauliche undattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oder Fotograf, siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechen Sie uns bittean SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILE.Thereference book for experts and mycologists - mushroom Dähncke'srenowned Lexicon now exclusively available as an app in the revisededition.INFO: For beginners and advanced the "mushroom guide 2 PRO" andis "mushrooming & determine PRO" by NATURE MOBILE in PlayStore.Rose Marie Dähncke worked for many years at the Black Forestmushroom show and trained there over 500 fungi expert. Theknowledge gained from eight decades fungus work has been publishedin numerous books and exclusively in this app. Together withnumerous experts has compiled the renowned mushroom lexicon. With the fungus lexicon 2 PRO you get a comprehensive referencetool for determining and fungi. Finally, one has the possibility todetermine the species directly on the go even without a book and atthe same time to obtain comprehensive information from a libraryfull of facts, figures and images. Experts benefit from the largecollection and categorization.CONTENTS* 1615 species and 190 subspecies* 3300 pictures and descriptions* Species Names in German and Latin* Scientific species identification* Online fungal advice* Quiz - Game DETERMINATION OF SPECIES BY *** Edibility- Toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* Look like- Hat, lamellae, pores, stem, etc.* OCCURRENCE- Deciduous forest, coniferous forest soil, etc.* TASTE- Sweet, tart, bitter, mealy, etc.* ODOR- Fruity, spicy, mealy, etc.* DEPARTMENT, FAMILY, ORDER- Agaricales, Cantharellales, etc.** The determination filter and catalogs feature is underconstruction and will be constantly expanded. Please support us inthis. A guarantee of completeness is not given.ONLINE CONSULTANCY MUSHROOMAmateur mycologist and app users from around the world to helpyou with the fungus determination. Submit a photo of your fungalfundus and get you soon first proposals.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn to distinguish the different species from each otherNO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIREDUse the app on the go while collecting, even where no internetis available. All images and descriptions of the types areavailable offline.NATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring himself to present exciting topicsfrom nature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople, enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive waycloser. You are an author or photographer, you have fascinatingideas or content, then please contact us at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE.
iKnow Birds 2 PRO - Europe APK
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to BIRDS OF EUROPE,all in the palm of your hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelp of a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts, figures, and images. Read fascinating information and learnfacts about birds; browse professional images; listen tospectacular calls and songs. Find inspiration and experience naturein a whole new way.CONTENT* 300 bird species - 2000 images - 550 calls and songs* Extensive description of the species* Bird names in 30 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameBIRD IDENTIFICATION BY* APPEARANCE- Size, feathering, beak type, etc.* RANGE AND HABITAT- Cities, forests, waters, mountains, etc.* ORDER- Owls, herons, eagles, etc.* MIGRATION- Sedentary, short, medium, longQUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Guess species from calls and songsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
iKnow Mushrooms 2 PRO APK
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to MUSHROOMS, all in the palm of yourhand!They grow in large numbers in forests and fields. Millions ofthem are hiding in the protective thicket and many withstand aneager collector. The common mushroom, dearly loved treasure in manykitchens. But once it's found, fundamental doubts replace theinitial euphoria. What kind of mushroom is this actually? Is itedible, perhaps toxic, even hallucinogenic?Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelp of a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts, figures, and images. Learn where to find mushrooms, look upif they are edible. Find inspiration and experience nature in awhole new way.CONTENT* 300 species - 2000 images* Extensive description of the species* Species names in 11 languages* Scientific identification* Online Mushroom Consultation* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE AND SCENT- size, color, hat, gills, stem, etc.* EDIBILITY AND TASTE- toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* FRUIT BODY TYPE- belly mushrooms, gilled mushrooms, truffle, etc.* HABITAT- deciduous or coniferous forest floor, etc.* FAMILY- Agaricaceae, Boletaceae, Clathraceae, etc.* MEDICINAL BENEFIT AND POISON- antibiotic, Psilocybin, Muscarin, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILETopics: mushroom hunting, collect, fungi, grow, funghi,collecting, growing, identification, vegetables, trees, plants,recipes, vegetarian, vegan, cooking, collecting
Wild Berries and Herbs 2 PRO APK
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to WILD BERRIES,FRUITS AND HERBS OF EUROPE and NORTH AMERICA, all in the palm ofyour hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelp of a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts, figures, and images. Learn where you can find certainspecies, learn if they are edible and how to prepare and cookthem.Find inspiration and experience nature in a whole new way.CONTENT* 180 species - 2000 images* Extensive description of the species* Species names in 12 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- fruit, flower, leaf, tree, shrub, etc.* EDIBLE- toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* CATEGORY/TYPE- berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* TIME- flowering, ripening, harvesting, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are an author orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content, please contactus at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
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The version 2.0 of the app is available for download. Please searchfor iKnow Birds 2 PRODo you know birds?Birds PRO - NATURE MOBILE - is a stylish and easy-to-useIDENTIFICATION GUIDE with an integrated PICTURE and SOUND QUIZGAME. Read fascinating information and learn facts about 230 commonEuropean bird species; browse more than 1500 PROFESSIONAL PICTURESof birds; listen to more than 460 spectacular CALLS AND SONGS; findyour favorite bird!The app is AVAILABLE in ENGLISH, too. Simply select English onfirst startup or click on INFO and select your language.If you tried the FREE version first, you can uninstall the freeversion without loosing any pictures in the full version.Unfortunately it is not possible to uninstall the free versionautomatically.IDENTIFY BIRDS BY* Appearance- size, feathering, beak type, etc.* Geographic Range and Habitat- cities, forests, waters, mountains, etc.GUESS THE SPECIES QUIZ GAME* Guess species by pictures* Guess species by calls and songs* Learn to distinguish the different breeds* Become an expertBecome a Fan on Facebook:, follow uson Twitter for updates on Nature Mobile:@NatureMobile ( or visit ourwebsite FEATURES* 230 common European bird species* 1500 pictures of renowned photographers- male, female, young, nest and eggs* 468 recordings of calls and songsUSER HINTS* Change language in settings* Select favorite species* Upload your own pictures* No Internet access requiredPlease note that you need enough storage to run the app. Becauseof the high-resolution images and sounds, about 150MB space on theSD card or the internal storage are necessary. Some tablets andphones do not have an SD card, but still enough available storage.The app should run without any problems on these devices as well.If you experience any problems with the data download, let us know.We either fix it fast, or refund you the price of the app.SUBMIT YOUR BIRD PICTURES AND STORYDo you want your pictures to be a in the app?Please visit website to submit pictures. Everyserious, curious, and hilarious picture is highly appreciated!High-quality pictures may be considered for future updates.ABOUT NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics fromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people,enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive way. If you arean author or photographer, if you have fascinating ideas orcontent, please contact us at Wewill work together to find a win-win solution.NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and experts in thenatural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr. DanielODRY.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE AND ALPHABLIND* Dogs PRO* Cats PRO* Horses PRO* Exotic Fruits PRO* Trees PRO* Wild Berries & Herbs PRO
Dog Breeds 1.0 APK
A dog is a man's best friend?Before the eighteenth century, dogs other than the disdainedlap-dogwere usually kept not as household pets but for hunting,working, orguarding, and the language used to describe them oftenreflectsthis. In the oldest proverbs and phrases dogs are rarelydepicted asfaithful.Dogs have been selectively bred for thousands of years, sometimesbyinbreeding dogs from the same ancestral lines, sometimes bymixingdogs from very different lines.Breeds are usually categorized by the functional type from whichthebreed was developed.Most common dogs on Dog Breeds are German Shepherd Dog,FinnishLapphund, Beagle, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever,Bulldog,Chihuahua, Shetland Sheepdog, Rough Collie, Tibetan SpanielandCavalier King Charles Spaniel.We also give an explanation about the character of every dog(forexample, about its height, its weight, its life span anditsorigin).You can learn so many things from a dog’s behavior,personality,demeanor, resiliency, and most importantly, thewillingness toprovide their family members with unconditional love,loyalty, andcompanionship down to their very last breath. DownloadNOW forFREE!Features:• History• Size, Weight and Height• Personality• Health• Care• Feeding• Dog Photo• Dog Breed Group• Climate and work• Life Span• Coat, Color and Grooming• Behavior with children and other pets
Peanuts comics by KaBOOM! 3.0.1 APK
Happiness is a Warm Blanket,CharlieBrownCharles Schulz’s world-renowned comic strip, PEANUTS, takesthestage as a new original graphic novel! Adapted from theanimatedspecial, Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown, thistimelessretelling takes us back to the neighborhood and featuresLinus’insecurities, Charlie Brown’s kite-flying woes, Lucy’sunrequitedlove for Schroeder, and everyone’s favorite beagle,Snoopy, in alively and colorful spin through Charles Schulz’simagination. Fullcolor, 96 pages.Peanuts #0Snoopy and the gang are back in monthly comic books! This special#0preview issue features a new original story and a sneak peak attheongoing comic book series. This is a line drive that’s sure toknockyour socks off (along with your shoes, hat, shirt, and mitt)!Fullcolor, 24 pages.Peanuts #1The series kicks off with new original stories seen here forthefirst time along with some of your favorite classic PeanutsSundaysstrips. Don’t miss Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and the rest ofCharlesSchulz’s timeless characters in these new original comicbooks.Full color, 25 pages.Peanuts #2The Peanuts gang is back! This issue brings you a mix ofclassicPeanuts Sundays and all-new strips seen here for the firsttime.From long-time fans to first-time young readers, everyone willfindsomething to love about Snoopy, Woodstock, Linus, Lucy,Pigpen,Schroeder and, of course, good ol’ Charlie Brown! Fullcolor, 25pages.Peanuts #3Snoopy takes Linus for a spin in “Fast n’ Furrious” andCharlieBrown dons his Manager’s cap for another year of SpringTraining.Includes new stories and classic Sunday strips fromCharles Schulz.Full color, 25 pages.Peanuts #4Charles Schulz's gang is back to close out the miniserieswithall-new adventures and classic Sunday strips, all under onecover!Snoopy takes center stage, when the super secret origins ofthe"Masked Marvel" are revealed! And Charlie Brown can't catch abreakas the kite-eating tree returns to exact its vengeance on anyandall kites that stray in its path! Full color, 25 pages.Reading of content requires a valid in-app content purchase
Dog Training Guide 1.0 APK
Every responsible dog owner must learn how to potty train a dog andhow to house train a dog and not everyone can afford to send yourdog to professional classes. Teaching your dog theses tricks is notjust fun for you and him. To work with my dog's natural drives andinstincts, not against them. Dog Training Guide Application islearn fast and simple dog training and puppy training tips andadvice that will help you turn a difficult puppy or dog into anobedient Pet. Most dogs are good at heart and capable of learningexactly how to behave. It is obvious that you need certain physicalitems such as a dog bed or crate, food and water bowls, puppy chow,collar, leash, toys, etc. Using these tips you can reduceaggression, train a dog to respond to basic commands like Meals,Come, Sit, Stand. To build a genuinely strong owner-dogrelationship based on trust, co-operation and well defined roles.
Perros, Primeros auxilios 1.0 APK
Aquí tienes una guía de primeros auxiliosbásicos para perros, para que puedas tratar quemaduras, hacerreanimación cardiopulmonar, y saber lidiar con otras emergencias detu perro, sea de la raza que sea. Ayuda a perros heridos o encrisis, sin demasiado pensar. Al contrario, con esta app de rcp yotros primeros auxilios en tu bolsillo tendrás las indicacionesnecesarias. Descárgala de forma gratuita ahora en tu móvil!Here's a guide to basicfirst aid for dogs, so you can treat burns, do CPR, and know how todeal with other emergencies your dog, whether it's race. Helpinjured dogs or in crisis, without much thinking. Instead, withthis app rcp and other first aid in your pocket have the necessaryinformation. Download it for free now on your mobile!
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Malayalam bible ( ബൈബിൾ ) 2.6 APK
Malayalam Bible is the First everMaterialdesign Malayalam Bible in Android. Free Malayalam bible hasgot allchapter of old testament and New testament in Malayalamstandard,with a legitimate reading . UI is designed for easynavigationcapabilities. It provides daily Malayalam biblereadingnotification and tracks all the read chapters. As a part ofBibleorg we are glad to release android Malayalam Bible app as afreeservice, to spread Jesus words. We welcome any suggestionstoimprove yourself. Start your day with Malayalam of thebible.Malayalam bible download app is not just another MalayalambibleStudy app. Its for Malayalam people from Kerala. Our aim is tokeepyou inspired and nourished everyday with god words .You willgetautomatic daily notification. Mark the Inspiring MalayalamBibleverse! As a christian, we have verified the chapters of holybiblereading with international standard. Malayalam bible onlineLiteapp, always tracks the unread chapter for daily biblereading.Clean font, helps to read letters easily. Our chosen dailybiblereading in Malayalam helps you to start your day thinkingabout andthanking God for this wonderful life with prayers. FreeMalayalambible download study bible helps to enlighten beforeconfession andalso a as bible study app or even liturgy. The HolyBible inMalayalam will be very helpful during daily MalayalamChristianprayer. Bible in Malayalam is for kids, Download MalayalamBibleapp is for couples, and Holy Malayalam Bible is for allChristianssuch as Syro malabar christian, RC Christian, KananaChristian,Orthodox Christian , syro malankara christians, Syrianchristiansacross globe. Malayalam Bible study follows the popularbibleversions like the POC bible, Malayalam bible offline -kjv,Complete BibleYouth Bible, Acts of the Apostles, letters,andApocalypse, (New India Bible Version) in Malayalam , ewestCompleteMalayalam version Vishudha Sathyavedapusthakam, and otherpopularversion of bible in Malayalam including catholic Malayalambible.So this daily Malayalam Bible study devotion app will be thebestbible app free that you will get for your Android mobilephones.Bible translations into Malayalam- Malayalam bible App ,understandits right meaning and act wisely upon so as to bringhappiness uponon yourself and your fellow beings to enlightenfaith. This iscomplete Malayalam bible. Malayalam bible downloadapp can also beused during Malayalam audio bible reading. Mark thefavoriteMalayalam bible quotes and chapter for future reference,set it asFavorites by click. Malayalam Divine app is also used asthe bestMalayalam devotionals for women. Our india Malayalam bible- TheDaily devotional Malayalam Bible app can be used foryouthfulpraise or as youth ministry resources, because we gave thebestMalayalam bible gateway for Youth. Our future effort will betoinclude sandhya prarthana malayalam, Kurushe vara prayers,saintsprayers in Malayalam, along with different christiancommunitymalayalam kurbana.FEATURE OF Malayalam BIBLE ( Material design )- Material design UI- Ability to save favorite chapters or verses.- Enable/Disable Notification settings- Daily Malayalam Bible Reading :Get on daily basis biblereading(- Holy Bible Malayalam with old testament and New testament- Compatible with all screen sizes- Get daily bible reading and track the read chapters.- Ease and simple to use.- Download latest design bible compatible with tablet- Always provide unread chapters for notification- Bible offline - Read bible even without network access.- Works well in android phone and tablet- Explore specific words in bible- Easily locate Book/Chapter/Verse- This is a free Lite app Malayalam Bible .- Read, Remove, Share with ease.This app is successfully tested in samsung galaxy series,LGnexus, HTC, Lenova smart phones. Its works well in tablets tooandall mobile phone which support android.
Auradu wal Manaqib (OLD) 2 APK
This App help you to Read most ofMaulid,Dikr,Dua, Swalath, Baith, Malappattu ect..This app ContainsSharaful Anam MaulidManqoos MaulidHaddadDua-al-KabarDuaAshrakal BaithMajlisunnoor Baith and DuaYaseenBadar BaithThwala'al Badaru BaithSalam BaithYaa akramal BaithAizamu SwalathAuradu Majlisu SwalathThaju SwalathNariyath SwalathHaddadAsmaul HusnaMayyith niskaramect..its a Complete Adkar Kitab.App created By SKSSF Cyber wing State Committee(an SKSSF Silver Jubilee Grand Finale Gift)
Punjabi Bible ( ਬਾਇਬਲ ) 2.2 APK
Punjabi Bible is the First everMaterialdesignPunjabi Bible in Android. Free Punjabi bible has gotallchapter ofold testament and New testament in Punjabistandard,with alegitimate reading. UI is designed for easynavigationcapabilities.It provides daily Punjabi bible readingnotificationand tracks allthe read chapters. As a part of Bible orgwe areglad to releaseandroid Punjabi Bible app as a free service,tospread Jesus words.We welcome any suggestions to improveyourself.Start your day withPunjabi of the bible. Punjabi bibledownloadapp is not just anotherPunjabi bible Study app (PunjabiLanguage).Its for Punjabi peopleof India and for the entire PunjabispeakingPeople community inPunjab or any part of India. Our aim isto keepyou inspired andnourished everyday with god words .You willgetautomatic dailynotification using christian Punjabi bible.Markthe InspiringPunjabi Bible verses ! Punjabi bible online Liteapp,always tracksthe unread chapter for daily bible reading.Cleanfont, helps toread letters easily. Pavitra Bible, mobilephonePunjabi bible.Punjabi Bible Online helps you to start yourdaythinking about andthanking God for this wonderful lifewithprayers. Free Punjabibible download study bible helps toenlightenbefore confession andalso a as bible study app or evenliturgy.The Bible in Punjabi willbe very helpful during dailyPunjabiChristian prayer. Bible inPunjabi is for kids, Holy BibleinPunjabi is for couples and HolyPunjabi Bible for allChristiansacross globe including Punjabispeaking community. PunjabiBiblefollows the popular bible versionslike the Catholic Punjabibible,very similar to Hindi Bible. Sothis daily Punjabi Biblestudydevotion app ( Punjabi Book) will bethe best bible app freethatyou will get for your Android mobilephones. This Punjabi bible,understand its right meaning and actwisely upon so as tobringhappiness upon on yourself and yourfellow beings toenlightenfaith.Punjabi language bible stories foryouth in Punjabi -Punjabibible download app can also be usedduring Punjabi audiobiblereading. - Punjabi Holy Bible, Mark thefavorite Punjabibiblequotes and chapter for future reference, setit as Favoritesbyclick. Punjabi Divine app is also used as thebestPunjabidevotionals for women.The Daily devotional PunjabiBible appcan beused for youthful praise or as youth ministryresources,because wegave the best Punjabi bible gateway for Youth.FEATURE OF Punjabi BIBLE ( Material design )- Material design UI- Ability to save favorite chapters or verses.- Enable/Disable Notification settings- Daily Punjabi Bible Reading :Get on daily basisbiblereading- Holy Bible Punjabi with old testament and New testament- Compatible with all screen sizes- Get daily bible reading and track the read chapters.- Ease and simple to use.- Download latest design bible compatible with tablet- Always provide unread chapters for notification- Punjabi Bible offline - Read bible evenwithoutnetworkaccess.- Works well in android phone and tablet- Explore specific words in bible- Easily locate Book/Chapter/Verse- This is a free Lite app Punjabi Bible .- Read, Remove, Share with ease.This app is successfully tested in tablets and smartphone.Itsworks well in tablets too and all mobile phonewhichsupportandroid.
Kabir Dasji Ke Dohe in Hindi 2.0 APK
Kabir Dasji Ke Dohe in HindiKabir was a poet and a saint, whose coupletsstillresonatewithpeople from all walks of life.Born in the early 15th century to a Brahman widow, hewasbroughtupin a family of Muslim weavers.While his date of birth and death arenotfirmlyestablished,legend has it that he lived for a 120years.Never formally educated, and almostcompletelyilliterate,hiscompositions are nevertheless aphilosophicalgoldmine.This App is a compilation of 200+ 'Kabir ke Done'twolinecoupletswith that meaning.A very user friendly interface and supportsallmajorAndroidOperating systems(GingerBread to Lollipop vers)This App also has a feature to share the Dohe onSocialmediaLikeWhtsapp.
বাণী চিরন্তনী Bani Chirontoni 1.2 APK
বিখ্যাত মনীষীদের জনপ্রিয় উক্তিনিয়েঅ্যাপটিতৈরিকরা হয়েছে।যাদের উক্তি নিয়ে অ্যাপটি তৈরি করা হয়েছে -আল হাদিস, হযরত আলী (রাঃ) ,বিল গেটস ,আব্রাহামলিংকন,অ্যালবার্টআইনস্টাইন, সক্রেটিস , এরিস্টটল, শেখ সাদি ,স্টিভজবস,উইলিয়ামশেক্সপিয়র ,স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ , শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান,হুমায়ূনআহমেদ,রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর ,কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম, গৌতমবুদ্ধ,মহাত্মা গান্ধী , এ পি জে আব্দুল কালাম , লালন ।The app hasbeencreatedbythe great scholars of the popular saying.Quote of the app has been created -Al-hadith, Hazrat Ali (RA), Bill Gates,AbrahamLincoln,AlbertEinstein, Socrates, Aristotle, Sheikh Saadi,SteveJobs,WilliamShakespeare, Swami Vivekananda, SheikhMujiburRahman,HumayunAhmed, Rabindranath Tagore, Kazi NazrulIslam,GautamaBuddha,Mahatma Gandhi, APJ Abdul Kalam, cherish.
Tamil Bible (வேதாகமம்) 3.9 APK
Tamil Bible is the First everMaterialdesignTamil Bible in Android. Free Tamil bible has got allchapterof oldtestament and New testament in Tamil standard, withalegitimatereading . UI is designed for easynavigationcapabilities. Itprovides daily Tamil bible readingnotification andtracks all theread chapters. As a part of Bible orgwe are glad toreleaseandroid Tamil Bible app as a free service, tospread Jesuswords.We welcome any suggestions to improve yourself.Start yourday withTamil of the bible. Tamil bible download app isnot justanotherTamil bible Study app (Tamil Language). Its forTamil peopleofTamil Nadu. Our aim is to keep you inspired andnourishedeverydaywith god words .You will get automatic dailynotificationusingchristian tamil bible. Mark the Inspiring TamilBible verse!As achristian, we have verified the chapters of holybible readingwithinternational standard. Tamil bible online Liteapp, alwaystracksthe unread chapter for daily bible reading. Cleanfont, helpstoread letters easily. Our chosen daily bible readingarulvakku-Tamil Bible Online helps you to start your day thinkingaboutandthanking God for this wonderful life with prayers. booksoftamilbible, Free Tamil bible download study bible helpstoenlightenbefore confession and also a as bible study app orevenliturgy.The Bible - Sacred text will be very helpful duringdailyTamilChristian prayer.Bible in Tamil is for kids, Holy Bibleintamil isfor couples and Holy Tamil Bible for all Christiansacrossglobe.Tamil Bible follows the popular bible versions liketheCatholicTamil bible , Tamil Union Version Bible,TamilBible:Easy-to-ReadVersion (ERV-TA),kjv tamil bible. So this dailyTamilBible studydevotion app will be the best bible app free thatyouwill get foryour Android mobile phones. This Tamil bible,understand its rightmeaning and act wisely upon so as tobringhappiness upon onyourself and your fellow beings toenlightenfaith. bible storiesfor youth in tamil - Tamil bibledownload appcan also be usedduring Tamil audio bible reading. Markthe favoriteTamil biblequotes and chapter for future reference, setit asFavorites byclick. Tamil Divine app is also used as the bestTamildevotionalsfor women.The Daily devotional Tamil Bible app canbeused foryouthful praise or as youth ministry resources, becausewegave thebest Tamil bible gateway for Youth.FEATURE OF Tamil BIBLE ( Material design )- Material design UI- Ability to save favorite chapters or verses.- Enable/Disable Notification settings- Daily Tamil Bible Reading :Get on daily basis bible reading- Holy Bible Tamil with old testament and New testament- Compatible with all screen sizes- Get daily bible reading and track the read chapters.- Ease and simple to use.- Download latest design bible compatible with tablet- Always provide unread chapters for notification- Bible offline - Read bible even without network access.- Works well in android phone and tablet- Explore specific words in bible- Easily locate Book/Chapter/Verse- This is a free Lite app Tamil Bible .- Read, Remove, Share with ease.This app is successfully tested in samsung galaxyseries,LGnexus, HTC, Lenova smart phones. Its works well in tabletstooandall mobile phone which support android.
Pixelmon MOD MCPE 0.15.0 2.0 APK
Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PE ofmanythingsfrom the show, including Pokemon, gym badges, andbattling.This Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PE can only beappliedwithBlockLauncher application and you need install the fullversionofMCPE and BlockLauncher in your smartphone or tablet.This is an unofficial application for Minecraft PocketEdition.Thisapplication is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith Mod for Minecraft PE is pack of mod it have manymodinthis appEvery mod has title, description , screenshot anddownloadbutton.Search any mods for mcpe you want just browsefavourite modandpress DOWNLOAD ... Done!A fun feature of Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PE is thatyoucancatch Pokemon in a 3D poke ball, and even see yourPokemon'suniqueattributes which consist of habits,damage, armor and aggression. This isnt just a cosmeticmodthatgives facelifts to models already existing in thegamePixelmonactually includes an attack system ripped rightfromPixelmon Modfor Minecraft PE, with over 500 individual attackmovesand evenstatus ailments, to make it play and feel much likethehandheldPokemon games. This Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PEevenafunctioning pokedex for keeping track of what monsterstheplayerhas caught!
Yasin Dan Tahlil "LENGKAP" 5.0 APK
Surat Yasin Dan Bacaan TahlilBesertaTerjemahanTeks Arab Dan Teks Latinnya Lengkap DenganBahasaIndonesianyaUpdate Versi 5.0 :- Penambahan Audio Di Setiap Surat- Memperbaiki Semua Bacaan Yasin Baik ArabTulisanMaupunTerjemahannya- Penambahan Doa Tahlil- Penambahan Doa Selamat- Penambahan Doa Ayat Kursi- Penambahan Doa Ziarah Kubur- Penambahan Doa Khusus Mayit- Penambahan Surat Al-Fatihah- Penambahan Surat Al-Ikhlas- Penambahan Surat Al-Falaq- Penambahan Surat An-Nas- Penambahan Surat Al-Baqarah : Ayat 1 - 5- Penambahan Doa Selamat- Bug Fix Error DLL------------------------------------------------------------- Tulisan Font Arab Besar Dan Juga Dapat DiZoomSesuaiKeinginan- 100% Aplikasi SUPER RINGAN- Aplikasi 100% Bisa Dibaca TanpaMenggunakanKoneksiInternet.- 100% Insya Allah Bermanfaat :)Surah YasinandTahlilReading Text Translation Along with Arab and LatinTextCompleteWith Indonesian languageUpdate Version 5.0:- Addition Audio On Any Letter- Improve Reading Yasin Good All Posts Nor Arabic translation- Addition of Prayer Tahlil- Addition of Prayer Welcome- Addition of Prayer Ayat Kursi- Addition of Prayer Pilgrimage Kubur- Addition of Special Prayer Mayit- Addition of Surat Al-Fatihah- Addition of Surat Al-Ikhlas- Addition of Surat Al-Falaq- Addition of Surat An-Nas- Addition of Surat Al-Baqarah: Verse 1-5- Addition of Prayer Welcome- Bug Fix DLL Error------------------------------------------------------------- Writing Arabic Font Large And Can Also Be In ZoomInaccordanceDesire- 100% Applications SUPER LIGHTWEIGHT- 100% Applications Can Read WithoutUsingInternetConnection.- 100% Inshallah Helpful :)