برنامه های کمیک - صفحه 1

Kolah ghermezi
Kolah ghermezi Iranian popular TV character.
여러 웹툰을 편하게 볼 수 있도록 도와주는 앱입니다.[주요 기능]- 미니 모드 : 다른 앱들과 동시에 실행되서 인터넷, 게임등을 하면서 웹툰을 볼 수 있습니다.- 즐겨 찾기 : 자주 보는 만화를 즐겨찾기로 등록할 수 있습니다.- 전체 모드 : 메뉴키를 누르면 웹툰을 화면 전체로 볼 수 있습니다.[지원하는 웹툰]1. 네이버 웹툰2. 다음 만화속세상3. 카카오 웹툰4. 네이트 만화5. 올레마켓 웹툰6. T store 웹툰7. 머니투데이 만화8. 스포츠조선 만화9. 스포츠동아 웹툰10. 스포츠서울 웹툰11. 스투닷컴12. 포커스 만화13. 카카오 페이지14. 티테일15. 판툰16. 달툰Many cartoons can helpease app.[Feature] - Mini Mode: doeseo other apps running at the same time asthe Internet, play games, and you can see the cartoons. - Favorites: Frequent favorite cartoons can beregistered. - Full Mode: Press the Menu key, you can view the entirescreen cartoons.[Support the Pick Your1 Pick Naver2 The following cartoon in the world3 Pick cocoa4 Nate comicMay Olle Market Pick6. T store Pick7 Money Today cartoon8 Sports Chosun cartoon9 Pick Sports Donga10 Sport Seoul Pick11 seutudatkeom12 Focus cartoon13. Cocoa page14 tee tail15. Pantun16. Daltun
قصص مضحكة قصص جحا والبخلاء
تطبيق قصص جحا والبخلاء - مضحكة .قصص جحاقصص جحا قصص مضحكة قصص متنوعة ورائعة قصص للأطفال، قصصجحاوالحمار،قصصجحا المضحكة قصص جحا المضحكة والقصيرة قصص جحاالمضحكةمكتوبة قصصجحاالمضحكة جدا قصص جحا وحماره مضحكة قصص جحا وحمارهمضحكةنوادرجحا، قصصمكتوبة قصص نادرة لجحا، قصص جحا للاطفال مكتوبة،قصصجحاللاطفالمكتوبة، قصص جحا المضحكة، قصص جحا المضحكةمكتوبة،حكاياتجحامكتوبة.JuhaapplicationstoriesandScrooges - funny.Juha storiesJuha stories funny stories varied andfascinatingstoriesofchildren's stories, Juha stories and ass,stories JuhafunnyJuhastories ridiculous and short Juha storiesfunnywrittenJuhastories very funny Juha stories and donkey funnyJuhastoriesanddonkey funny anecdotes Juha, written stories arerarestoriesofJuha, stories Juha for children written , Juhastorieswrittenforchildren, Juha funny stories, funny storieswrittenJuha,Juhatales written.
মোবাইল ফোনে গল্পশোনারএ্যাপ্লিকেশন“রুপকথা”।রুপকথার জগৎ থেকে উঠে আসা রাজকন্যা চন্দ্রাবতী মজার মজার সবগল্পশুনাবেএই এ্যাপ দিয়ে। গল্প নির্বাচন করে ক্লিক করলেইসয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে কথা বলেউঠবে চন্দ্রাবতী। শুনতে পাবে ভয়ঙ্কর সেইরাক্ষস,খোক্ষস, রাজা, রানী বাডালিম কুমারের গল্প। গল্প শুনার সাথেসাথে দেখাযাবে হাতে আঁকাছবি।শুনতে থাকো “রাজকন্যা চন্দ্রাবতীকে”।
Wallpaper Frozen Elsa & Anna
Now you can add your Cute Frozen Princess Elsa character images onyour wallpaper on your phone as well.Enjoying this Cute Wallpaper app on the your mobile!To Use: Home >> Menu >> WallpapersFeatures:★ Cute Wallpapers★ Easy to Install★ Simple and Understandable Interface★ For Tab and PhonesPlease be nice and rate our app 5 Stars.Note::We don't claim any ownership of the characters, images, video,sound, voice, or anything else related to the copyrighted contentin our application. All images, video, sound, and voice used inthis application are owned and copyrighted to the respectiveowners. Our application and its content may includes intellectualproperty rights to the respective content owners and protected byapplicable copyright or other intellectual property laws andtreaties.We are not affiliated with the company which has the copyright.Thus, this application must be regarded as and made by loyal andenthusiastic fans. This application made by fans to serve fans needand for entertainment purposes only.
Silvio Santos do CS
SDGames Team
App Gratuito e livre de propagandas por que eu já sou Rico!!Compartilhe os sons no WhatsApp!EU NÃO SOU O SILVIO SANTOS APRESENTADOR! SOU O SILVIO SANTOS DO CS(CABELO SEDOSO) PERSONAGEM FICTÍCIO JOGADOR DE GAMES - [W.C.™][SilvioSantos ]"Eu to achando muito perigoso... ""Vai nilba regaçado"O Silvio Santos do CS chegou à GooglePlay passando a lambida nosnilba tudo.Neste app é possível ouvir os principais jargões do patrão, além depoder compartilhar o áudio com seus contatos no Whatsapp, tantopara contato único quanto para Grupos.Baixe agora ae seu NILBA.Este Aplicativo está crescendo como as barras de ouro que valemmais do que dinheiro! Quer contribuir nas próximas atualizações seunilba? Mande sugestões de frases no botão 'CONTATO" dentro do App -Chama que é nóis! RODANDO!Free andfree app advertisements why I'm already Rico! Share on WhatsAppsounds!I AM NOT THE PRESENTER SILVIO SANTOS! AM THE SILVIO SANTOS OF CS(SILKY HAIR) FICTITIOUS CHARACTER GAMES PLAYER - [WC ™][SilvioSantos]"I think it's very dangerous ...""Go regaçado Nilba"Silvio Santos CS came to GooglePlay going to lick us allNilba.In this app you can hear the main boss of the jargon, and to shareaudio with your contacts in Whatsapp, both as single contact forGroups.Download now your e Nilba.This App is booming like the gold bars worth more than money!Want to contribute your Nilba the next updates? Email suggestionsfor phrases on the 'CONTACT' within the App - Flame which is nóisRUNNING!
Komik Ngampus #1
Konten Digital Indonesia
komik tentang kehidupan mahasiswa dengansegala suka duka keluh kesahnya,,,,,comic about student lifewith all the ups and downs of their complaints,,,,,
نكت للكبار فقط - Nokat +18
نكت جد مضحكة للكبار والمتزوجين فقط، بجميعاللهجات العربية، وبتصنيفات متعددة ستجعلك لا تتوقف عن الضحك.تطبيق ترفيهي بامتياز و يتميز بخاصية نشر النكتة للأصدقاء علىالفايسبوك أو الواتس اب و العديد من برامج التواصل الإجتماعيلاتنسى أن تقوم بتصويت و تقيم هذا التطبيق لتساهم في تطويرهVery funny jokes foradults and married couples only, all Arabic dialects, multipleratings will make you not stop laughing.The application of the privilege of entertaining and characteristicdeploy humor to friends on Facebook or Alwats August and many ofthe social networking programsDo not forget to vote and you assess this application to contributeto the development
Madefire Comics & Motion Books
Winner of Pipedream Comics 'Digital Comics Appof 2014'Madefire delivers the most innovative mobile and tablet app withits rich catalogue of new digital comics and Motion Books -- theflagship reading experience with added interactivity, sound andmotion.Featuring day-and-date releases for new comics everyWednesday.“Groundbreaking” – USA Today“You should check this out” - TIME“The next big thing in digital comics” – Wired“Unlike some other reading apps, using Madefire was intuitive” –TechCrunch• Experience your favorite superheroes Batman, Superman and theentire DC Universe, Hellboy, Star Trek, My Little Pony andTransformers like never before. With top publishers like DC Comics,IDW, Dark Horse, Oni Press, Liquid, Valiant and Top Cow adding tothe Print and Motion Book library, your favorite classics as wellas new day-and-date releases are available now and updatedweekly.• Browse hundreds of new print comic titles from top-tierpublishers in our new Print Books storefront where we featurefamous comics released same-day... all available for direct In-AppPurchases.• Choose your own destiny in our exclusive release with DC Comics,Batman Arkham Origins. The first-of-its kind Motion Book is aprequel to the Batman Arkham Origins video game where multiplestory paths unfold multiple outcomes as you choose Batman’s courseof action.• All new characters and stories are available exclusively onMadefire with the download of the free app. What have been coined“myths of the 21st century”, these featured original titles fromMadefire have been forged by comic book legends – including DaveGibbons, Bill Sienkiewicz, Mike Carey and Liam Sharp.• Immerse yourself in new worlds, 360 panoramic views, music, soundeffects and motion transport you deep into stories. You control thepace at which the narrative lays out on-screen.• Web-Partner deviantArt is the world’s largest creative communityand also home of the exclusive Motion Books category featuring thepremium reading experience on the web.• Madefire and its catalogue of Print Comics and Motion Bookscurrently feature a wide selection of FREE comics, popular day anddate releases, horror comics, kids comics and many more with thecatalogue growing by the week. Regardless what you are in to -there is something for you!Download the free app and find out why it’s not just reading – it’sthe future of digital storytelling on Madefire.We welcome your input and suggestions on how we can improveAccessibility and overall support in Madefire. Email us assupport@madefire.com and we’ll be happy to hear from you.
Yo Mamma Jokes
Groggy Software
Tired of joke apps where users just submit random rants completelyunrelated to the joke subject? Want to get some great funny YoMamma jokes? Download this app.Now with 350 jokes that are actually jokes.Mark your favorite jokes to show your friends later.You and your friends will be rolling on the floor.Check out the other jokes apps from Groggy Software with similaricons.Please report errors instead of giving bad rating. Bug fixeswill come. I promise.
Champak Hindi
Delhi Press
Champak is a name children swear by. Publishedin 8 languages, Champak is a bouquet of short stories, comicstrips, puzzles, brain teasers and jokes that sets the child'simagination free. It is the largest read children's magazine in thecountry.To read the magazines, either you need to purchase single issue orsubscribe them as listed below.Subscriptions offered:1. One Year Subscription with 24 Issues - $7.99 or Rs.390 (inIndia)2. Six Months Subscription with 12 Issues - $4.99 or Rs.225 (inIndia)3. Three Months Subscription with 6 Issues - $2.99 or Rs.128 (inIndia)Single Issue - $0.99 or Rs.25 (in India)
Popular Funny Picture
More Share Corp
POPULAR FUNNY PICTURE is a app with tonscollection of memes,funny gifs,relatable and super hilarious post.Only The Funniest are featured in this apps. Hundreds of funnyimages. Get the newest and freshest funny pictures on market forfree. Most hilarious funny pictures of animals, children, funnygirls and boys, very funny faces, human caricatures, humorouscomics, pictures of cats, dogs and birds, cool pictures and crazypictures of funny situations, funny people, jokes photo and otherfun stuff. Contains photo categories Reddit, absolutely awesomecute pictures, Fails, digg, Epic Fail Pics, Cute Pics, Funny Memes,cool pictures, cute dogs and cats, funny pets, rage comics, oranything other type of funny pictures, we think you will LOVE LOLPics! Get it now while it's free, and UPDATED real time!★ FEATURES:* Clear style and simple* View image offline (after sync)* Custom notification* Automatic notification* Custom Share content* Easy bookmark/favorite/stars content for later reading* Fast Data Transfers For low-bandwidth* Auto/Manual sync* Custom interval update sync* Optional light or Dark theme* And Many More features★ Popular RSS Available (credited to owner)* Advice-animal* Epic-Fun* FunnyFix* FunSubstance* ItsDamnFunny* Laugh-Addict* LaughingStation* LOLFactory* OMG-Humor* RageComics4You* WhatShouldWeCallMe* (Contact me please if you want adding RSS to this app)★★★★★★★★★★GOOD RATE, GOOD COMMENTWILL BE IMPROVE THIS PROJECT :)★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ DISCLAIMER!★★★★★★★★★★All the pictures, images, animate and videos contained on our appswere collected from RSS. All media featured in this apps belong totheir respective owners. We don’t claim ownership to any of thesephotos.★★★★★★★★★★
Frases Engraçadas
Este aplicativo contem varias frases engraçadas para você morrer derir com seus amigos.- é possível enviar as frases para o Facebook, Email, sms entreoutros;Próximas alterações que serão feitas:* vai poder publicar suas próprias frases* vai poder dar notas
pixivコミック - みんなの無料マンガアプリ
pixiv Inc.
累計150万DL突破!!2500万人が使う世界最大級のイラスト・マンガ投稿サイト「pixiv(ピクシブ)」の公式マンガアプリです。pixiv発の人気連載をはじめとした、月間400作品以上更新される公式作品や、pixivに投稿されたオリジナルマンガが無料で読める!■月間更新作品は400以上!いま話題のマンガがたくさん!少年ジャンプ+、少年マガジンなどの人気雑誌や、Webで話題のまんがライフWIN、くらげバンチ、コミックゼノン、電撃マオウなど、合計130誌以上の話題作をお楽しみいただけます。■pixivコミックでしか読めない公式連載作品も!累計300万部を突破した『このマンガがすごい!2016 』オンナ編 第1位の 「ヲタクに恋は難しい」やアニメ化された「おじさんとマシュマロ」、『ARIA』掲載中の『あんスタ』こと、『あんさんぶるスターズ!』のコミカライズ、Webで話題沸騰の『一人交換日記』が読めるアプリはpixivコミックだけ!【主な連載作品】・ヲタクに恋は難しい・おじさんとマシュマロ・死にたがり少女と食人鬼さん・三十路とレディ・残念男子。・恋と呼ぶには気持ち悪い・獄都事変・殺伐シェアライフ・そうしそうあい・日刊ヤンデレ夫婦漫画・おとなりコンプレックス・ガイコツ書店員本田さん・アフリカのサラリーマン・結婚しても恋してる・飼い主獣人とペット女子高生・うさぎは正義・羽犬塚くん家の四男・お惣菜屋とOL・わたしの宇宙モンスター・夫の事情 妻の秘密・怪物体質~monster-ism~・本屋の鬼いさん・猫彼氏・彼女は闇を抱えてる・腐女子のつづ井さん・だからオタクはやめられない。・おつかれ背景さん・恋愛すっ飛ばし婚・腐男子社長・魔法使いの嫁・とつくにの少女・あんさんぶるスターズ!・シャープさんとタニタくん@・雷神とリーマン・一人交換日記他にも面白い作品が盛り沢山!アプリ掲載作品はなんと1800本!素敵な作品にきっと出会える!■ログイン不要で気軽に読める!pixivコミックは読むだけならログインなしで気軽に楽しめます。さらに楽しむ機能を使用する場合は、pixivアカウントでログインしてご利用ください。■編集部オススメの作品が毎日更新pixivに投稿される500万以上のオリジナルマンガから面白い作品のみ厳選し、編集部からの一言をそえて毎日お届け!新たなヒット作が、ここから生まれるかも…!?■投稿漫画作品の作者を直接応援できる!各作品に「いいね!」を送ったり、もしくは作者さんを「フォロー」することで、あたらしい更新や投稿を誰よりも早く知ることができます。気に入った作品の作者さんには直接応援コメントを送ることもできます。■pixivコミック公式サイトhttps://comic.pixiv.net/■pixivコミック公式Twitterhttps://twitter.com/pixivcomic■pixivhttp://www.pixiv.net/
Rage Meme Photo Free
Brothers Studio
Modify your pictures and add word balloons, titles and meme.Rage Meme Photo it's completely free photo application.features:- Take a photo from camera or gallery- Features over 270 of the most popular rage/meme/troll faces- Word balloons- Rotate rage face- Flip rage face- Color correct rage face- Rotate you photo- Undo and redo your moves- Type text- Different text styles and sizes- Share by email, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr or Bluetooth- Save comics directly to your Gallery- Upload your photo on online Gallery- Vote the photo of other user- Comment the photo of other userAll in a fun, intuitive, and easy-to-use Application.
نكت مغربية خطيرة - Nokat Maroc
يحتوي تطبيق نكت مغربية خطيرة الكثير من النكتالجد مضحكة باللهجة المغربية وبالحروف العربية وبتصنيفات عديدةومختلفة. والرائع في هذا التطبيق أنه يمكن أن ترسل اي نكتة عبر وسائلالتواصل الاجتماعي بضغطة زر واحدة, كما يمكن حفظها في المفضلة للرجوعاليها بسرعة فيما بعد.لا تنسى إذا أعجبك التطبيق بأن تصوت بخمسة نجوم ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ لتساهم فيتطوير التطبيق.The application ofserious jokes Moroccan lot of funny jokes seriously Moroccandialect and Arabic letters many different features and ratings. Andwonderful in this application that can send any joke across socialmedia push of a button, it can also be saved in the Favorites toreturn them quickly later.Do not forget if you like the application that vote five-star ★ ★ ★★ ★ to contribute to the development of the application.
LINE WEBTOON - Free Comics
LINE WEBTOON - The Best Way to Read Comics,Manga & Manhwa on MobileJoin the largest community of comic fans with millions of readersworldwide.- Read over 170+ Featured Comics such as Tower of God, HeroineChic, Bluechair, and Siren's Lament every week for FREE!- Discover over 7000+ comics in Action, Romance, Comedy, Horror,Superheroes, and more- Mobile optimized scrolling for an uninterrupted readingexperience- Subscribe to your favorite series and never miss an update- Download your favorite series and read offline- Enjoy FX comics that feature sound and animationFor Customer Service: http://hyperurl.co/CustomerServiceWebsite: www.webtoons.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/linewebtoonYoutube : https://www.youtube.com/user/linewebtoonTwitter: https://twitter.com/linewebtoonInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/linewebtoon/We are LINE Webtoon and we believe that comics are for everyone -for the tall and the short, the young and the old, the ninjas andthe robots. We’re the home to thousands of creator-owned comics andcontinue to launch the careers of the next generation of greatcomic creators. We’re available anywhere, anytime, and always forfree - because comics should have no boundaries.
오늘의 웹툰 (네이버&다음&네이트 웹툰모음)
김광호 프로덕션
네이버 웹툰, 다음 웹툰, 네이트 웹툰,파란 카툰을 같이 볼수 있습니다.포털 사이트의 웹툰을 요일별, 완결별 로 링크를 모았습니다.웹툰 검색 기능즐겨 보는 만화는 구독 기능다음의 만화속 세상 요일별, 완결네이버 웹툰 요일별, 완결네이트 연재중 웹툰포털 사이트의 모바일 웹툰 페이지로 이동합니다.Naver RealMadrid, then Real Madrid, Real Madrid Nate, as you can see the bluecartoon.Real Madrid in the portal site each day, each collected a linkto complete.Real Madrid searchCartoon favorite feature is subscriptionThe following day of the week in the world of comics,completeNaver webtoon day of the week, completeNate installment of Real MadridGo to the page of the portal site Mobile Real Madrid.
نكت مغربية مضحكة (بدون انترنت)
تطبيق رائع للنكت المغربية الجديدة لهدا العام2016 بدون انترنت يتميز, هدا التطبيق بتصنفات من النكت الطريفة مثلنكت عن الحب , نكت عن البخلاء, نكت عن الكلاخ .....و المزيد منهافسارعو في تحميلها ومشاركتها عبر جميع وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي للقضاءعلى الملل.للمزيدا من العطاء ما عليكم سوى التصويت لهدا التطبيق بخمسة نجوموشكراالاحداث الاخير 2016A wonderful applicationof Moroccan jokes new for this year 2016 without Internet features,Hedda application Ptsnvat jokes funny like jokes about love, jokesabout stingy, jokes about Alclakh ..... and more of them Fassaraoto upload and share them across all social media to eliminate theboredom .For more tender, you will only vote for the five-star Heddaapplication and thank youRecent events in 2016
نكت جريئة - للكبار فقط +18
مجموعة من النكت المضحكة والجريئة للكبار فقط+18 تنتظركم في هذا التطبيق ويتميز بالعديد من المميزات التي ستجعلهالأفضل بين التكبيقات الأخرى كسهولة نشر أي نكت للأصدقاء عبر وسائلالتواصل الإجتماعيSet of funny jokes andbold for adults only +18 await you in this application and ischaracterized by many features that make it the best among otherAltkpiqat Xholh publish any jokes to friends via social media
Ô Long Viện
Ô Long Viện là bộ sách từng gây cơn sốt cho nhiều bạn đọc thíchtruyện tranh… Câu chyện kể về 4 thầy trò tài giỏi tu tập võ nghệvà hô phong hoán vũ trên gian hồ. Các thầy trò vui nhộn sẽ đem đếnnhững trận cười nghiêng ngả và cũng rất mực thâm thuý.bạn đọc sẽ cười từ đầu đến cuối truyện (như tôi là 1 trong số đó).Nào, cùng đọc Ô Long Viện để cười thật sảng khoái bạn nhé (cẩn thậnsái quai hàm).Từ khóa: O long vien, olongvien, ptit
Cartoons on your WALL...
Andromeda Galaxy
**This application sets the picture aswallpaper with/without resizing.****Select a picture from the gallery, ==>>>tap on<<<== it and set it as wallpaper.****Select the picture in the gallery and "share" it with Mess viabluetooth/WiFi.****Hight resolutin pictures!*****All your faverite "Cartoons on your WALL..." wallpaperpictures for reaching your childhood ******You can set as wallpaper, share or send to a friend.******Hight resolutin pictures!******Play with your screen via enjoy free time ***
Pletoon - Funny Daily Comics
Nothing can let you down because Pletoon ishere to cheer you up everyday. Pletoon gives you funny daily comicsthat you can read directly from your smartphone.Be in the adventure alongside your favorite Pletoon’s comiccharacter and don’t miss their stories.Check out more cool features from Pletoon:☆ Scheduled stories for your daily amusement.☆ Choose comics based on published day.☆ Give comments and love to your favorite funny episode.☆ Add your most favorite stories to FAVORITES under yourprofile.☆ SIMPLE INTERFACE, to maximize your reading experience.☆ Easy share button to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and othersocial networks.
Sensor de Piriguete
Under Games
Já pensou poder saber qual sua porcentagem de piriguete? O Sensorde Piriguete faz isso para você! è só colocar seu dedo no scanner eesperar a mágica acontecer. É possível até medir a porcentagem depiriguete das invejosas, porém cuidado para o seu sensor depiriguete não explodir!A unidade de medida que o aplicativo usa é o micro Piriguete, jáque 1 piriguete é uma medida muito alta e quase inalcançável.Sua opinião é bem-vinda, então fale o que pode ser melhorado quefarei o mais rápido o possível!Essa aplicação é uma clara referência à música (funk) "Beijinhono ombro-Valesca, porém nenhum treixo de áudio da música foiutilizado(Esse aplicativo é uma brincadeira/piada! Não é um simuladorreal. É impossível medir a porcentagem de piriguete em uma pessoa,mas seus amigos não precisam saber disso).Everthought can know what their percentage of piriguete? The sensorPiriguete does it for you! You just put your finger on the scannerand wait for the magic to happen. It is possible to measure thepercentage of piriguete envious, but care for your sensor piriguetenot explode!The unit of measure that the application uses is the microPiriguete since 1 piriguete is a very high and almost unattainablemeasure.Your opinion is welcome, so tell what can be improved, I willmake the fastest possible!This application is a clear reference to music (funk) "Kissyshoulder-Valesca, but no audio treixo music was used(This application is a prank / joke! There is a realsimulator.'s Impossible to measure the percentage of piriguete in aperson, but your friends do not need to know this).
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