برنامه های کتابخانهای و نمایشی - صفحه 1
DSLR Camera - Photo Guide Free
Get the Most Out of Your DSLR on aShot-By-Shot Basis*********** FREE Version ***************You don't need long, long-worded, highly technical books, manualsand DVD's anymore. With Photo Guide from Self-Study Apps you simplychoose from the list of Photo Subjects…click and quick and easyinstructions appear with expert advice on:* Choosing the correct F-Stop* Working with different lighting situations* The best angles for the shot* The best framing for the shot* Best composition for landscapes, action shots and portraitsWorks Offline Too!PhotoGuide has you covered no matter where that next great photoop may pop-up. You don't need to be able to connect to theInternet… all the information is embedded right into the appitself.The App That Takes the OOPS Out of Photo OpsMost great photo opportunities won't wait for you to 'figure itout' – it's click it or miss it. With Photo Guide from FatboyStudios you're only seconds away from the tips you need to get theright shot, every time, out of your Digital SLR Camera.
Signature Capture
Sign by touching the screen.Electronic signature capture app and library (possible to beincluded in 3rd party Android app).Start as a normal app for demo. Requires internet connection. Whenused from external app saves/exports up to 5 signatures per week.Check website for integration instructions.For PDF signing check out our other application 'Fill and Sign PDFForms'.For other commercial purposes contact support e-mail.If you are an Android developer and you would like to request a newfeature, you can do it here:http://bit.ly/hFSu6J
Metaio Toolbox
The Metaio Toolbox allows to map, i.e.capture, reality in order to run Augmented Reality (AR) experiencesrelated with your direct surrounding or objects close to you. Theproduced "3D maps" can be exported to your computer and usedtogether with Metaio SDK in any of your AR scenario apps, orimported into Metaio Creator.In addition, you can display and edit your existing AugmentedReality scenarios by transferring an AREL package to your phone.Transforms of rendered content, such as translation, rotation andscale, can be adjusted directly inside Toolbox.The application also allow you to calibrate the devicecamera.
RoboSpice FractalExplorer
Fractal Explorer is a sample application to illustrate how to useRobospice for a non-network related background task. Here, we useda fractal as an example of a long running background task.Pinch, zoom and move inside a Mandelbrot fractal computed in anAndroid service...https://github.com/octo-online/robospiceRoboSpice has been designed to perform network requestsasynchronously. This app demonstrates it can also be used in"offline" mode for tasks not related to the network.
eDis NL2
De eDis NL2 app voegt nieuwe dimensies toe aanhet lezen van Wolters Kluwer uitgaven! U kunt e-books ene-magazines gemakkelijk downloaden en binnen de applicatie zelflezen.Altijd op de hoogte• Uw persoonlijke boekenplank biedt een relevant startpunt.• Via notificaties weet u direct als er nieuwe uitgaven beschikbaarzijn.• Ook als u niet online bent kunt u gedownloade uitgaveninzien.Puur leescomfort• Het intuïtieve scherm leest bijzonder comfortabel.• Tekstgrootte en verlichting kunt u aanpassen aan uwvoorkeuren.Actief aan de slag met uw e-book / e-magazine• De zoekfunctie screent snel en efficiënt alle voor u relevantepassages.• U kunt bookmarks, notities en markeringen toevoegen aan detekst.Wat hebt u nodig?•Als u vanuit uw abonnement recht hebt op de uitgaven, dan hebt ualleen uw Wolters Kluwer login en wachtwoord (hetzelfde als voorbijvoorbeeld Navigator) nodig om eDis te gebruiken.Systeemeisen• eDis NL2 ondersteunt alle open standaarden: alle content in ePuben de meeste pfd-formaten.• Android 4.2.2 is de minimum software versie die eDisondersteunt.EDIS NL2 app adds newdimensions to the reading of Wolters Kluwer publications! You caneasily download and read within the application itself, e-books ande-magazines.Always know• Your personal bookshelf offers a relevant starting point.• Using notifications, you know immediately when new publicationsare available.• Even if you're not online you can view downloadedpublications.Pure reading comfort• The intuitive screen reads very comfortable.• Text size and lighting can be adjusted to your preferences.Actively work with your e-book / e-magazine• The search screens quickly and efficiently all the passagesrelevant to you.• You can add bookmarks, notes and highlights to the text.What do you need?• If you right from your subscription to the publications, you haveonly your Wolters Kluwer login and password (the same as forexample Navigator) required to use EDIS.system Requirements• Edis NL2 supports all open standards: all content in ePub andmost pdf formats.• Android 4.2.2 is the minimum software version that supportsEdis.
Анимированные смайлы для Jimm
Установщик анимированных смайлов для Jimm MultiДля установки требуется доступ на запись в папку /sdcard (обычноsd-карта)Инструкция:1) Установить программу2) Выбрать и установить набор смайлов3) Перезапустить JimmInstalleranimated smileys for Jimm MultiInstallation requires write access to the folder / sdcard(usually sd-card)Instructions:1) Install the program2) Select and install a set of smileys3) Restart Jimm
Christmas Ringtones collection
Cheer Up: Christmas is coming! It's time for us to tune ourringtone to celebrate Christmas. Here a great collection of mostpopular Christmas Carols, Hymns by choir and different kinds ofChristmas sound effects for your ringtone.You can set your desired sound to default ringtone, ringtone fora particular person, notification and alarm.An outstanding feature is that this app will search all themusic content in your phone and put them into a library folder, youare free to select any of these songs as ringtone as well.How to operate :- Press and hold down your desired ringtone until a pop up menuappears, select provided options at your desired.- By pressing the "STAR" icon, the corresponding ringtone will bestored in favorite folder fro easy retrieval later.- You can listen to the ringtones by pressing the Play/Pauseicons.- Press the "SD" icon on the top to switch to music library.This app has very simple UI, please have fun !
Material Library Demo
Material Library is an Open Source Android library that back-portMaterial Design components to pre-Lolipop Android.*Permission:READ_CONTACTS - the app showcase a contact input view so It needthis permission.You can find the project on Github ( http://rey5137.github.io/material ).Feel free to use it all you want in your Android apps provided thatyou cite this project and include the license in your app.Material Library is inspired by Google's Material Design(http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html)
قنادر جزائرية و دشاديش عراقية
قنادر جزائرية و دشاديش عراقية هو تطبيق يهتمبجديد فساتين البيت و المنزل و كذلك الفساتين العربية و الجزائرية والعراقية التقليدية و كذا يوفر لك مجلات الخياطة مثل مجلة لميس و مجلةشاهيناز الجزائرية و غيرها و زيادة ينقل لك المجلات العراقية مثل زفاتاللؤلؤة و قنادر زفة الأميرةمجلة شاهينازمجلة سلسبيلمجلة انفالموديلات قطيفة شتويةو قنادر الصيف الجديدةقندورة تاع الدارقنادر قبايلي و وهرانيفساتين البيت الجزائريةقنادر كتانمجلة كوكب الشرق و قنادر عراسيمجلة ايناسمتمنياتنا أن يعجبكم التطبيقلا تنسوا التقييم و كذلك زيارة صفحتنا على الفيس بوكhttps://www.facebook.com/qnadarGuenader Algerian andD_ak_ih Iraqi application is interested in anything new dresseshouse and home, as well as dresses Arab and Algerian and Iraqiconventional and as well as provides you with magazines sewing suchas the Journal of the facilitator and magazine Shahinaz Algerianand other and increase transports you magazines Iraqi such SvatPearl and Guenader hype PrincessMagazine ShahinazMagazine SalsabeelMagazine AnfalModels Plush WinterAnd Guenader new summerGuendorh Taa houseGuenader Kebaili and cattyDresses House AlgerianGuenader LinenJournal of the planet and the Middle Guenader ArasaMagazine EnasMtmanaatna that íÚĚČßă applicationDo not forget the evaluation, as well as visit our page onFacebookhttps://www.facebook.com/qnadar
Random Number Generator Picker
This application only generates a numberbetween 1 and 100 every time you touch the screen.Use it to:-Make decisions with friends-Get a girlfriend-Find a cat-Think about decisions-Make issues a priority-Heal your anti-calves (aka shins)-Get upboats on reddit?-Make a lonely old man a wise turtle hermit-Problem?
Citrine API
* About Citrine- It’s a component based structure and mobile app developmentplatform with Web technologies (XML, Java Script)* Feature of Citrine- Object Oriented ApproachThis approach solves inefficiency for mobile app developmentthrough object oriented approaches using MOML (Mobile Object MarkupLanguage)- Simple functional definitionThis defines complicated functions by abstracting them matched withactual usage.- Independent developmentThis independently separates library developers from applicationdevelopments and implements a base to integrate them easily.- Component based structureIt provides a base by which services developed by service providersare integrated with other applications.* Demo API List- Application & Device information- Camera- Chart (Bar, Bar Group, Line, Pie)- Coverflow & Gallery- Transition Effects(Blind, Flip, InnerCube, Mosaic, Slide,Tornado, Twirl, Zoom)- SMS- Theme- WebView- Video- Animations- Custom UI Components (Paint, QR code, ...)- Uncategorized (PhoneGap)search tags:hybrid, phonegap, webview, citrine, mospi, mobileweb, webapp,transition effect, coverflow, gallery, theme,
Кыргыз)сахабалар (kyrgyz)
Сахабалар жөнүндө жалпы түшүнүкПайгамбарыбызды ((салляллаху ‘алейхи уа саллям)) тирүү кезинедекөрүп, ага ыйман келтирип, сукбеттерине катышканмомун-мусулмандарды сахаба деп айтабыз. Бир адам мусулман болоэлекте пайгамбарыбызды көрүп, пайгамбарыбыз (салляллаху ‘алейхи уасаллям)) дүйнөдөн көзү өткөндөн кийин ыйманга келген болсо, жемусулман болуп, кийин динден кайткан болсо, сахаба деп эсептелбейт.Пайгамбарыбыз (салляллаху ‘алейхи уа саллям)) сахабаларынын эчкимисин каапыр болбой тургандыгын, башкача айтканда,мусулманчылыктан чыкпай тургандыгын, баардыгынын бейишке киретургандыгы жөнүндө кабар берген. Ахли-Сүннөт аалымдары сахабалардыүчкө бөлгөн:Калган китептерди веб сайттан алсаныздар болот веб сайт астындатурат...Sahabalarzhөnүndө zhalpy tүshүnүk Paygambarybyzdy ((sallallahu'alayhi wasallam)) tirүү kezinede kөrүp, yeah yyman keltirip,sukbetterine katyshkan Maumoon musulmandardy-Sahabah aytabyz Dep.Bir adam musulman bolo electron paygambarybyzdy kөrүp,paygambarybyz (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam)) dүynөdөn kөzү өtkөndөnkiyin yymanga kelgen Bolsa same musulman bolup, kiyin Dindo kaytkanBolsa Sahabah eseptelbeyt Dep. Paygambarybyz (sallallahu 'alayhiwasallam)) sahabalarynyn ech kimisin kaapyr bolboy turgandygyn,bashkacha aytkanda, musulmanchylyktan chykpay turgandygyn,baardygynyn beyishke Cyrus turgandygy zhөnүndө Kabar Bergen.Ahli-Sүnnөt aalymdary sahabalardy үchkө bөlgөn:Kalgan kitepterdi Web sayttan alsanyzdar marshes website astyndaTurat ...
PDF417 Barcode Scan Demo App
PDF417.mobi is a demo application of 2Dbarcode scanning library (SDK) developed by Microblink team.This demo is intended primarily for developers and those interestedin developing mobile barcode scanning apps, but also it can beeasily used as any other PDF417 and QR scanning app.Features:* Barcode types: PDF417 (2D Barcode), QR code, Coder39,Code128* Flexibility: easy to integrate API* Working conditions: low and poor light conditions* Camera quality: low quality and low resolution mobilecameras* Perspective: can shoot at an angle* Speed: 100-900 ms - depends on device and barcode size* Charset: unicodePDF417.mobi scanning library is ideal for different barcode readerapps like: boarding pass, personal identifications, payment slips,driver licences and other.If you like it, check for downloads, source code on GitHub, help,pricing and more information on our web site:http://pdf417.mobi/
Keep Calm And Bunny ON
**This application sets the picture as wallpaper with/withoutresizing.****Select a picture from the gallery, ==>>>tap on<<<== it and set it as wallpaper.****Select the picture in the gallery and "share" it with Mess viabluetooth/WiFi.****Hight resolutin pictures!*****All your favorite "Keep Calm" wallpaper pictures for yourBunny. ******You can set as wallpaper, share or send to a friend.******Hight resolutin pictures!******Play with your screen via your Chubby, cute, knuffle Bunny,bugs bunny***
Flash Browser
Flash browser is the only browser specialized for Mediatekplatform. since now, you must have found and used so many browsers,which have different features and different hot points. Howevernone of them is optimized for Mediatek parameters except FLASHBrowser. Good car with good racer, in the case we optimize Flashbrowser with Mediatek parameter to improve browsing speed anddecrease CPU/RAM consumption. As result, Flash browser is totallycompatible with Mediatek hardware and software, and it is capableto be as the fastest and lightest browser in Mediatek solutionmobile phone.This is 1.0 version Flash browser, while its content isdifferent from other ones. Please grow up with us together, and wewill keep improving Flash browser as your satisfactionFlash browser is already applied in global brands::- Gtel- Micromax- FLY- NGM- General Mobile- Qmobile- BLU- Itel- GIONEE- Infiniti
مسجات العيد و مناسك الحج
مسجات العيد و مناسك الحج اول برنامج يشمل مناسكالحج مع رسائل عيد الاضحى بالاضافة الى العشر الاوائل من ذي الحجة.مجموعة من أجمل مسجات عيد الأضحى الدينية و التراثية و الفكاهية معامكانية نسخ الرسائل و فتح مرسل الرسائل اليا. بالاضافة الى كل مايتعلق بمناسك الحج من الاحرام الي الطواف مرورا بالسعي بين الصفا والمروة و كل المناسك الاخري.مسجات العيد - مسجات - رسائل العيد - رسائل - الحج - مناسك الحج والعمرة - SMS - Feast SMS - Adha Feast SMS - العشر الاوائل من ذيالحجة - الليال العشر
Reducing data transfer free
Website data transfer reducer minify the website content andcontribute up to 10-15 times less data transfer. It reduce thetraffic of the mobile devices. Data traffic reducing.The reducer downloads the text from the website without its css,javascript, images. The images could be show separately. Thus isused as much as possible less data transfer.The Tool is perfect for slow mobile networks, for mb transferlimits, when heavy websites should be opened, and in abroadnetworks to save data transfer and reduces costs.To save the data transfer the tool has followinglimitations:- Searchforms doesn't work.- Javascript functions doesn't work.- Another dynamic websites may cause functional problems.Disclaimer: Some Websites may cause slow loading times, thismeans not that data is downloaded, it is due only on the websitecompression!For comments, suggestions or contact: mail@ton4ev.com
Retail demo management platform,the application applies only toretail outlets Huawei demonstrator, once installed can not beuninstalled, do not installed on your phone.Retaildemo management platform, the application applies only to retailoutlets Huawei demonstrator, once installed can not be uninstalled,do not installed on your phone.
Retail demo management platform,the application applies only toretail outlets Huawei demonstrator, once installed can not beuninstalled, do not installed on your phone.Retaildemo management platform, the application applies only to retailoutlets Huawei demonstrator, once installed can not be uninstalled,do not installed on your phone.
معاني الاسماء
تطبيق معاني الاسماء,يضم مجموعة من اغلبالاسمـاء العربية ومعانيها ذكـورا وانـاثـًا.فلنبتعد عن الأسماء العبثية والتقليد في الأسماءونحرص على البحث عن معاني الأسماءونحرص على أن تكون اسماء حسنةتعكس صورة حسنة عن الأسرةوتنعكس بالخير على الشخص المسمى " المولود ".The application of themeanings of names, including a group of most of the Arab names andtheir meanings male and female.Flanptad for absurd names and names in traditionAnd we are keen to search for the meanings of namesAnd we are keen to be in good namesReflect the good image of the familyAnd reflected well on the person named "baby."
Car Sounds
"Car Sounds" is an application which enjoysthe engine sound of a car.It is simple anyhow.It will cry, if a button is pushed.Doesn't it relax, if irritated by work?It is cured.It is the best also for a child's education.You can use also as a sound effect.It can use also for surprising a friend.Please download the favorite one.The sound effect application is released besides thisapplication.
The Furniture Mod is a great mod available for the latest patch ofMinecraft that adds in simple furniture. So what are you waitingfor, download it right now. One thing I have been saying forever inMinecraft is that we need more furniture, more decoration blocks!Even if it is just a creative mod item, as so many people buildamazing builds and houses and then has nothing to fill them with..This is where the furniture mod steps in, it adds a bunch offurniture to minecraft! See the video below for a full overview!
Guide For Mine Little Pony Mod
The Mine Little Pony MineCraft PE mod adds newplayer models and textures that make players look like ponies ininspired by the show "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic." Oncethe mod is installed, you and all other players with a special ponyskin will look like ponies in both singleplayer and multiplayer!The mod is adjustable to allow players without a special pony skineither to appear normally or to show up as background charactersfrom the show.What will I look like to people without the MCPE mod?Pony skins are backwards-compatible with the original playermodel, so they look fine to any player who doesn't have the modinstalled (those players just won't see the pony models). You canalso choose to upload your pony skin to the VoxelModPack skinserver, which can host a separate skin from your minecraft.net skinand is compatible with HD skins as well. Press F1 on the Minecraftmain menu to open the HD Skin upload menu.